Understanding the Implications of createStore Deprecation in Redux v5.0.0

Anton Ioffe - January 9th 2024 - 10 minutes read

As Redux v5.0.0 ushers in a transformative era for state management, developers are met with the striking sunset of createStore, a cornerstore function of many Redux architectures. Diving into this progressive upgrade, our article explores not just the architectural shift but also the enhanced avenues it paves for developers, courtesy of Redux Toolkit's configureStore. We’ll dissect the subtleties of its impact on your codebase, offering hands-on refactoring strategies for a smooth transition, and rigorously assess the new performance benchmarks setting a precedent for future applications. By delving into strategic adaptations and best practices, this article aims to arm you, an adept trailblazer in the JavaScript landscape, with insights sharpening your toolkit for a future-proofed leap into Redux's ambitious new horizon.

The createStore Sunset: Navigating Redux v5.0's Architectural Shift

The createStore function in Redux has long been the foundation upon which state management strategies have been built. It enabled developers to instantiate a store to hold the application state, apply middleware, and integrate with various enhancers. The decision to deprecate this function in Redux v5.0.0 marks a significant shift in the design philosophy of Redux, signaling a move towards a setup that aims to optimize developer experience and code maintainability. This evolution reflects a move away from manual configuration and towards an opinionated approach that provides sensible defaults and integrations out-of-the-box.

At its core, createStore provided a versatile yet straightforward API for setting up the Redux store. Developers would combine their reducers, apply any middleware, and enhance their store with tools like Redux DevTools manually. While flexible, this process was prone to error and often required boilerplate code that could obfuscate the initial simplicity Redux aimed for. The Redux maintainers recognized these pain points, which led to the advocacy for configureStore from Redux Toolkit as the modern alternative.

The implications of createStore's departure are multifaceted. Firstly, the deprecation encourages developers to reassess their state management patterns, promoting standardized best practices. These practices include an emphasis on immutable state updates and serializable actions, which are inherently enforced by the Redux Toolkit. While createStore continues to function with a visual deprecation mark (but no runtime consequences), the gentle push from the Redux team aims to steer the community towards a unified direction.

Although createStore is deprecated, the Redux maintainers have provided an interim solution to ensure backward compatibility. The legacy_createStore function is the same as the original but without the deprecation warning, giving teams the flexibility to plan their refactoring efforts. This stop-gap measure is essential to ensure teams are not forced into an immediate overhaul, allowing for a gradual migration to the up-to-date practices at a manageably paced time frame.

As the use of createStore wanes, developers must consider the architecture of Redux within the context of their applications—how the alternatives can lead to more reliable codebases and how the shift might influence the architecture of existing and new projects. The alternative offered by configureStore, despite its imposition of a more opinionated setup, imparts an enhanced experience featuring preconfigured middlewares, an out-of-the-box Redux DevTools setup, and other optimizations. The deprecation of createStore is not merely a sunset of old paradigms but a dawn of more robust, more maintainable, and developer-friendly practices in state management.

Embracing configureStore: A Dive into Redux Toolkit’s Offering

Redux Toolkit's configureStore marks a significant evolution for state management in JavaScript applications, offering seasoned developers an improved developer experience. With the inherent benefits that configureStore brings, it's tailored for performance optimization, easily understood code, and modular development patterns.

One pragmatic improvement is the integration of middlewares and the Redux DevTools extension. Developers previously needed to manually instrument these when utilizing createStore, which not only added extra boilerplate but also increased the risk of errors. configureStore alleviates this by automatically setting up the Redux DevTools and including essential middlewares, such as thunk for asynchronous actions, out of the box. This inclusion boosts both development efficiency and application performance by ensuring that middleware integration is both optimal and error-free.

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import rootReducer from './reducers';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: rootReducer,

In addition to simplifying initial setup, configureStore promotes modularity through its design. It supports the division of the state management logic into more manageable and reusable parts. This is achieved via the createSlice function, which encapsulates reducers and associated actions within a single, cohesive module.

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import todosReducer from './features/todos/todosSlice';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    todos: todosReducer,

For developers, the readability of Redux code is paramount, and configureStore addresses this by simplifying the overall structure of Redux-related code. The improved readability stems from a more declarative configuration style, in which developers express what their store needs instead of prescribing how to set it up step by step. This not only helps new developers understand the state-management setup more quickly but also eases the maintenance burden for large-scale applications.

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import usersReducer from './features/users/usersSlice';
import postsReducer from './features/posts/postsSlice';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    users: usersReducer,
    posts: postsReducer,

To guard against common coding mistakes, configureStore ensures that developers cannot inadvertently remove or override the defaults that enforce best practices, such as serializable state and immutable updates. The builder pattern in the new createSlice syntax facilitates a clearer logic flow for reducers. This reflects a commitment to preventing mistakes by design.

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

export const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    incremented(state) {
      return state + 1;

As developers transition from createStore to configureStore, they are compelled to consider the broader implications of their state management choices. The use of configureStore paves the way for more structured and maintainable codebases, with a focus on scaling elegantly with application growth. The question we should all be pondering is: How can we further leverage the features of configureStore to craft state management patterns that remain resilient in the face of ever-evolving application requirements and developer expectations?

Code Refactoring Strategies: createStore to configureStore Transition

When refactoring your Redux setup to transition from createStore to configureStore, it's crucial to approach the process systematically. First, consider how you initialize your Redux store with createStore. The classic approach typically combines your reducers, incorporates middleware, and potentially adds enhancers like the Redux DevTools extension. In contrast, configureStore consolidates these steps with sensible defaults, while still offering customization options.

Here’s a simple example of how the store might be initialized using the old createStore method:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers';
const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(...middlewares));

To shift to configureStore, you integrate the middlewares directly into the configuration object. This method automatically sets up the Redux DevTools, so there’s no need for additional setup:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
const store = configureStore({
  reducer: rootReducer,
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(...middlewares),

During migration, a common mistake is to explicitly include Redux DevTools configuration even when using configureStore, which is redundant. By default, configureStore already includes this setup, and additional explicit configuration can cause conflicts or unintended behavior.

In terms of middleware adjustments, always ensure you're augmenting the default middlewares rather than replacing them. A typical error is overwriting the defaults with custom middlewares without merging them, resulting in loss of valuable default behaviors. Use the spread operator to concatenate custom middleware to the defaults, preserving all baked-in functionality.

// Avoid completely overwriting default middleware
middleware: [...middlewares],

// Correct way: Appending custom middleware to defaults
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(...middlewares),

For handling enhancers and initial state, configureStore accepts an enhancers array and preloadedState argument. If your legacy codebase harnesses custom enhancers or initializes state from a source outside your Redux reducers, make sure these are migrated accurately. The preloadedState is especially useful when hydrating state from local storage or server responses.

const preloadedState = { /* ... */ };
const customEnhancers = [/* ... */];

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: rootReducer,
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(...middlewares),
  enhancers: customEnhancers

Essentially, the process involves a careful realignment of the initialization parameters within the new configureStore paradigm. By preserving the pre-existing logic while ditching manual boilerplates and adopting a more declarative configuration, refactoring unlocks the potential for easier maintenance and a more standardized store setup. Keep in mind, this transition is more than just syntax changes; it is an opportunity to revisit and potentially refactor state management patterns within your application for better long-term maintainability and readability.

Performance Benchmarks and Bundle Impacts: Redux v5.0.0's Enhancements

The introduction of Redux v5.0.0’s modernized bundling approach marks a significant leap in web application performance optimization. With Enhanced Module Formats (EMF) taking center stage, developers can notice a drastic reduction in bundle sizes. This is particularly evident when comparing to Redux's previous versions which incorporated Universal Module Definition (UMD) builds, notorious for their bulkiness. The shift to ECMAScript Modules (ESM) not only allows for more aggressive tree-shaking by build tools but also for more granular inclusion of library parts, thus carrying only what is necessary for the application. Incorporating Redux v5.0.0 into a project typically results in a smaller digital footprint, translating into accelerated load times that benefit end-users, specifically those on mobile devices with slower network connections.

The adoption of ESM modules unlocks not just improved tree-shaking but also better static analysis by the bundlers. Through static analysis, tools such as webpack and Rollup can effectively snip out unreachable code paths, removing functions and imports that are never called in the application’s execution flow. Consequently, runtime performance bolsters as the JavaScript engine parses and executes a more streamlined and optimized bundle. Moreover, by relying on ES2020 features in its output, Redux v5.0.0 enables runtime environments to utilize native implementations of modern JavaScript features, pushing runtime efficiency even further.

However, the gains in performance and memory overhead are contingent upon the compatibility of the whole toolchain. Proper configuration of the project's bundler is paramount to harness the true power of ESM optimization. If the build tools are outdated or misconfigured, the expected efficiencies may be nullified. Developers should ensure that their build process is updated to reconcile with the ESM-centric build outputs of Redux v5.0.0. Surmounting these hurdles not only brings into realization the slimming of bundles but also a notable improvement in memory consumption due to less JavaScript code needing to be held in memory during execution.

On the experiential front, web applications tapping into Redux v5.0.0 can showcase snappier user experiences. Smaller bundle sizes expedite load times while the enhancement in runtime efficiency translates to a more responsive application. Users of web applications, especially those on constrained devices, stand to experience a more fluid interaction, as code execution becomes more succinct and memory utilization is optimized. The user's perceived performance is sharply uplifted, spotlighting the importance of being methodical with the state management library integration into the web development workflow.

Developers are incentivized to evaluate their existing configurations and perform comparative benchmarks before and after introducing Redux v5.0.0 into their web applications. Observing the tangible impacts of the bundling enhancements not only quantifies the advancements but also serves as a calibration checkpoint for further optimizations. By rigorously testing and reflecting on these observations, developers can strategically leverage the performance enhancements Redux v5.0.0 offers, translating directly into heightened end-user satisfaction and streamlined application performance.

Future-Proof Redux: Best Practices and Strategic Adaptations

To fully leverage the long-term maintenance and evolution of web applications, integrating the advancements of Redux v5.0.0 is imperative. Adopting best practices in code structure begins with embracing Redux's commitment to a more type-safe ecosystem. This transition elevates the necessity for defined action types, stringent reducer handling, and a disciplined approach to state updates. Developers should lean into the use of predefined type patterns and utility functions that Redux Toolkit proffers, ensuring that action creators and reducers are in tight correlation. This not only enhances maintenance but also minimizes the surface area for bugs.

Consider the transformation of a simple to-do list reducer, where each case within a switch statement has been replaced with a more structured approach using createSlice:

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = { todos: [] };

const todosSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'todos',
  reducers: {
    addTodo(state, action) {
    removeTodo(state, action) {
      state.todos = state.todos.filter(todo => todo.id !== action.payload);

export const { addTodo, removeTodo } = todosSlice.actions;
export default todosSlice.reducer;

The architectural shifts underscore the value of aligning with Redux's evolving ecosystem. A judicious refactor involves incrementally adopting the prescribed changes, such as leveraging the Redux Toolkit to reimagine how actions and reducers are orchestrated. It should be considered not simply as a necessity but as an opportunity to streamline and future-proof the codebase. To this end, scanning for any obsolete patterns and replacing them with more contemporary, sustainable structures is a strategic adaptation that aligns with Redux's forward momentum.

A holistic approach demands that we maintain vigilance on how our applications' structures withstand the test of time. Navigating new versions like Redux v5.0.0 means assessing not only the technological implications but also how these changes align with business goals and application scalability. Are we, as developers, thinking of the lifecycle of our applications in a way that anticipates further advancement and flexibility? How can we ensure that our state management strategy is both enduring and pertinently reactive to future developments?

Moreover, the underlying philosophy of Redux's updates heralds a pivotal focus on developer experience and application performance. A thoughtful look into our current code practices should lead us to question: Is the present modularity and readability of our application conducive to collaborative and efficient development? Does our current state management system genuinely embody the principles of scalability and maintainability that are foundational to Redux's redesign?

Sailing with Redux into the future is synonymous with a commitment to continuous learning and strategic planning. While we adapt to the enhanced type safety and architectural norms, how are we also preparing for the next wave of development paradigms? Within this refactor lies a broader challenge—staying agile and responsive to shifting patterns in web development, thereby cementing our codebase's resilience and preparedness for further innovation in state management.


The article explores the deprecation of the createStore function in Redux v5.0.0 and introduces the new configureStore function from Redux Toolkit as its modern alternative. It discusses the implications of this architectural shift and highlights the benefits of using configureStore, such as simplified setup, enhanced developer experience, and improved performance. The article also provides code refactoring strategies for transitioning from createStore to configureStore, as well as insights into the performance benchmarks and bundle impacts of Redux v5.0.0. Ultimately, it challenges developers to think about how they can leverage the features of configureStore to create resilient state management patterns that align with future requirements and expectations.

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