Modernized Build Output in Redux v5.0.0: A Closer Look

Anton Ioffe - January 3rd 2024 - 10 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying ahead of the curve with the latest tooling innovations is pivotal for crafting cutting-edge applications. With the arrival of Redux v5.0.0, developers are witnessing a watershed moment in state management efficacies—a transformation that promises to supercharge your projects from the ground up. This deep dive into the modernized build output of Redux v5.0.0 will navigate through the nuances of the enhanced build tools, shed light on the dynamic duo of tree shaking and code splitting, and unravel the meticulous craft of creating lean, highly reusable code. We'll tackle common configuration traps and emerge with best practices that ensure your Redux-powered app stands as a paragon of performance. Prepare to embark on a journey that will redefine your approach to development efficiency and breathe new life into your applications.

The Evolution of Build Tools in Redux

Redux's journey through various build tool iterations reflects a broader evolution driven by the JavaScript community's hunger for efficient, scalable applications. In the early days, Redux bundled its React bindings within the main package. While this provided an out-of-the-box solution for state management with a React UI layer, it inevitably led to a monolithic bundle that included unnecessary modules for applications that didn't leverage every feature.

As the library matured, the maintainers recognized the need for more modular tooling. In response, React-Redux was separated into its own repository as of July 2015, just prior to the release of Redux v1.0.0-rc. This separation ensured that the Redux core could be lighter and more focused, while allowing developers to opt into the React-specific bindings as needed. The decoupling also opened doors for better maintainability and the ability to introduce changes and optimizations independently to each codebase.

Transitioning to Redux v4.x marked a significant shift in build process strategies. In keeping with the React ecosystem's updates, Redux v4.0.0 established React 0.14 as a minimum version and embraced peer dependencies, ensuring compatibility and a smoother developer experience. This update discarded the React native-specific entry point, recognizing the community trend towards a more universal JavaScript approach, and led to a reduction in unnecessary code for web-focused applications.

The release of v5.x brought about further refinements. Key to these improvements was the fine-tuning of the connect function, which introduced a "factory function" syntax for mapState and mapDispatch. This enabled per-component-instance memoization of selectors—an enhancement that echoed the community's growing demand for performance optimizations at scale. Such changes underpinned Redux's commitment to providing developers with tools that not only were robust but also could handle the rising complexity of state management in increasingly intricate applications.

Throughout these updates, Redux maintainers placed a strong emphasis on performance implications. They established benchmarking practices that compared multiple versions of React-Redux, using these insights to guide development. The learnings from this iterative benchmarking informed trade-offs in API design, ensuring that each new release balanced feature enhancements with the need for speed. By responding to real-world performance metrics, Redux solidified its role as a trusted tool for managing state in high-performance applications.

Impact of Tree Shaking and Code Splitting in Redux Bundles

Redux v5.0.0 has ushered in a new era of bundle optimization in JavaScript applications through advanced tree shaking and code-splitting techniques. Tree shaking efficiently strips out any exports that are not actually used in an application, leading to leaner bundles. Redux’s modular design maximizes this feature, ensuring that only necessary parts of the library make it into the final build. In practice, this means that a Redux store's logic remains in the main bundle due to its key role in state management, but supplementary code is pruned to reduce redundancy.

Code splitting, on the other hand, allows for breaking down the application's main bundle into smaller, manageable pieces. These pieces are loaded dynamically or on-demand as the user navigates the application. This is particularly transformative for single-page applications, where pulling in all the required code at once isn't practical. While the Redux store itself is typically part of the initial payload, the concept is extended to incorporate other elements of Redux like reducers, selectors, and actions, which can be bundled with the respective components that use them, enhancing performance through more strategic loading.

Envision a sophisticated e-commerce application, powered by Redux, managing a wide product catalog. The homepage loads swiftly with the bare essentials, and as users delve into various categories, relevant Redux logic for catalog display such as product-specific reducers and middleware are loaded incrementally. This segmentation significantly cuts down the initial loading time and lowers the Time to Interactive (TTI), offering a superior browsing experience.

Developers must adhere to best coding practices, like reducer composition, to maintain code quality while benefiting from code splitting and tree shaking. Reducer composition allows structuring reducers as smaller, reusable functions that manage a slice of the state, thereby avoiding monolithic structures. This gives flexibility and ensures that only the necessary Redux code is loaded for specific components, further economizing memory usage and expediting the rendering process for the currently active parts of the application.

In Redux v5.0.0, tree shaking and code-splitting are not just features but essential tools empowering developers to calibrate performance meticulously. Harnessing these tools and best practices, programmers can construct applications that are not only faster and more response-responsive but also maintain clarity and manageability—a crucial aspect in the lifecycle and scalability of modern web applications.

Redux Build Output: An Analysis of Modularity and Reusability

Redux v5.0.0's updated build output has significantly bolstered the library's modularity and reusability, key factors for developers striving to construct maintainable and scalable applications. With enhancements particularly geared toward large-scale projects, Redux now allows for a more segmented architecture, where the various parts of state management can be more easily organized and managed. This modularity aids in maintaining a clean separation of concerns, easing the cognitive load on developers when navigating complex codebases.

Through the introduction of improvements like the factory function syntax for mapState and mapDispatch, Redux encourages an application structure that promotes reuse. A function that returns a function, as this pattern details, allows for instance-specific selector memoization, crucial for avoiding unnecessary renders and re-computations in components. This keeps the application lean and focused, connecting components to the state only when necessary, thus fostering a decluttered, modular codebase that is easier to debug and extend.

In terms of reusability, the ability to extract selectors and action creators into standalone, testable functions paves the way for a more composable code. Components connected to Redux using connect can be restructured without the need to reshape the Redux state or refactor the actions and selectors linked to that state. This, in turn, translates to a more predictable development process, whereby modules can be developed, tested, and refined in isolation before being integrated into the larger application system.

Real-world code examples display these concepts in action. Consider an inventory management system where different modules—like inventory listing, order processing, and restocking alerts—are all reliant on the application's state. With Redux v5.0.0's improved build output, each module can maintain its own set of actions and reducers, selectively bound to the component tree, resulting in a coherent, loosely coupled structure that is also more approachable for new developers joining the project.

A common coding mistake in Redux is the creation of overly complex selectors that depend on the entire state tree, instead of utilizing modular, reusable selectors focused on specific parts of the state. The correct approach would be to utilize reselect or similar selector libraries to create composable selectors that can be reutilized across different parts of the application, maintaining state encapsulation and enabling easier unit testing. Redux v5.0.0's build output champions this pattern, reinforcing that well-structured state management is not just about writing less code—it's about writing the right code.

Common Pitfalls in Redux Build Configuration and Solutions

One common pitfall in Redux build configurations is the misalignment of Babel presets, which can result in inefficient transpilation and a bloated bundle size. Developers might erroneously include presets that target environments already supported by modern browsers, thus negating the benefits of newer JavaScript features. The right approach involves configuring Babel to target specific environments using the @babel/preset-env with a browserslist configuration. Correctly targeting the necessary environments ensures that only the required polyfills and syntax transformations are applied. Here's an example of a problematic .babelrc:

  "presets": [
        "targets": {
          "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "IE 11"]

This configuration wrongly targets the last 2 versions of browsers as well as Internet Explorer 11, leading to unnecessary polyfills. Instead, developers should configure presets to include only the polyfills needed for their target audience, as shown below:

  "presets": [
        "useBuiltIns": "usage",
        "corejs": 3,
        "targets": "> 0.25%, not dead"

Another frequent misstep involves improper configuration of Webpack, which can result in suboptimal module bundling. A common mistake is not leveraging Webpack's tree-shaking capabilities by setting the mode to 'development', unintentionally keeping dead code in the final bundle. For optimal tree-shaking, developers should ensure the mode is set to 'production' and the sideEffects flag in the package.json is configured correctly:

// Webpack configuration snippet
module.exports = {
  mode: 'production',
  // Additional configuration...
// package.json snippet
  "sideEffects": false
  // Additional configuration...

This configuration declares that your package's modules do not contain side-effects, allowing Webpack to safely exclude unused code when creating the final bundle.

Redux developers may also encounter issues when trying to use Redux Toolkit with older Redux middleware. The configureStore function from Redux Toolkit simplifies the setup, but legacy middleware may need adjustments to be compatible. The appropriate course of action is to refactor the middleware to adhere to Redux Toolkit's standards or install the redux-compatibility middleware adapter:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import legacyMiddlewareAdapter from 'redux-compatibility';

const store = configureStore({
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(legacyMiddlewareAdapter(oldMiddleware)),

The above snippet shows how to introduce a middleware adapter to bridge the gap between the new and old middleware structures.

A subtle yet impactful pitfall is the disregard for Redux's immutability requirement. While Redux Toolkit's createReducer and createSlice help maintain immutable state update logic, developers can still inadvertently mutate the state directly. The solution is to consistently use the provided functions from @reduxjs/toolkit such as createReducer, or immer's produce when handling reducers:

import { produce } from 'immer';
import { createAction, createReducer } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const increment = createAction('counter/increment');

const counterReducer = createReducer(0, {
  [increment]: (state, action) => produce(state, draft => {
    draft += action.payload;

Finally, it's crucial to keep node_modules out of the Webpack bundle. This oversight can balloon the size of the application significantly. To avoid this, explicitly exclude node_modules using Webpack's externals feature:

module.exports = {
  // Other Webpack configurations...
  externals: {
    react: 'React',
    'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'

This ensures that dependencies like React and ReactDOM are not bundled with your application code and are instead expected to be present in the consumer's environment.

By proactively addressing these common pitfalls, developers stand to greatly enhance the build output's performance and maintainability while reaping the full benefits of Redux in modern web development.

Performance Testing and Optimization: Real-World Scenarios with Redux

Benchmarking Redux applications allows developers to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize their applications effectively. Strategic performance testing should simulate realistic usage patterns to obtain meaningful insights. Utilizing artificial stress-test benchmarks is a common approach to push the system to its limits. These tests involve deliberately increasing the number of components and dispatched actions, which helps reveal how different builds behave under extreme conditions. While such tests may not represent typical user behavior, they provide a helpful upper boundary for performance.

When undertaking performance testing, it’s crucial to vary the scenarios to approximate real-world application behavior. For Redux-based applications, this means testing with a representative state shape, a realistic number of components subscribed to the store, and a plausible action dispatch rate. To facilitate community involvement and reproducibility of results, a benchmarks repository can be created. This repository would allow developers to compare multiple build versions of React-Redux and contribute to more realistic test scenarios.

Beyond the raw performance numbers, understanding the nuances of performance implications is vital. The transition from Redux v5 to v6, though aimed at harnessing the benefits of createContext, did not yield the anticipated performance boost due to the complexity of React's context system. When considering upgrades or refactoring, developmental and maintenance costs must be considered alongside the raw performance metrics. This involves evaluating the trade-offs between maintainability and the degree of performance improvement.

In optimizing Redux applications, developers should adopt a holistic view. This includes not only reducing the render cycles via smart component update optimizations but also carefully managing the subscription logic. Redux and React-Redux have evolved with the aim of offloading such complexity from the developer. Performance enhancements like memoization of selectors with reselect or employing Redux Toolkit's performance optimizations can lead to significant improvements in real-world scenarios.

Lastly, it’s important to stay vigilant for common coding mistakes that could undermine Redux performance. One such mistake is mutating the state directly within reducers, leading to subtle bugs and performance degradation. The correct approach uses immutable update patterns, like spreading the existing state while applying changes or utilizing libraries like Immer for more complex state updates. By avoiding these missteps and proactively applying performance best practices, developers can ensure that their Redux applications are both efficient and robust.


The article "Modernized Build Output in Redux v5.0.0: A Closer Look" explores the advancements in build tools in Redux v5.0.0, specifically focusing on tree shaking and code splitting. These features optimize bundle sizes and allow for more modular and reusable code. The article emphasizes the importance of adhering to best practices, such as reducer composition, to maximize the benefits of these features. The challenge for readers is to review their Redux codebase and identify opportunities for implementing tree shaking and code splitting to improve performance and maintainability.

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