Best Practices for Accessibility with React Hooks

Anton Ioffe - November 18th 2023 - 11 minutes read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, accessibility has emerged as a cornerstone of inclusive design—and for good reason. As seasoned React developers, our quest to build websites and applications that resonate with everyone calls for a nuanced understanding of both the technical and human aspects of accessibility. In this deep-dive article, we'll unravel the symbiotic relationship between React hooks and the principles of accessible design. From embracing the subtleties of semantic HTML to mastering the orchestration of keyboard navigation and enriching interfaces with ARIA, we will explore the best practices that are not just recommendations but necessities for crafting experiences that truly welcome all users. Prepare to elevate your React projects to new heights of accessibility, ensuring your web creations are as considerate as they are cutting-edge.

Embracing Semantic HTML in React for Enhanced Accessibility

Semantic HTML is bedrock to web accessibility. When we integrate these elements appropriately within React applications, they signal the structure and meaning of the content, naturally imparting context and navigational landmarks to assistive technologies such as screen readers. The quintessential benefit of semantic tags is that they offer clarity not just to user agents, but also to developers who must parse through code. In React, despite JSX syntactical idiosyncrasies, it remains paramount to map components as closely as possible to their native HTML counterparts to uphold the semantics.

React's declarative nature eases maintaining the semantics of a webpage. For example, consider a React component encapsulating a navigation list. It would be tempting to use a div for each list item for styling purposes, but doing so erodes the semantic value that ul and li tags provide. Instead, we must rely on these tags to preserve meaning:

function NavigationList() {
    return (
            <ul className='navigation-list'>
                <li className='navigation-item'>Home</li>
                <li className='navigation-item'>About</li>
                <li className='navigation-item'>Services</li>

In the above example, screen readers and other assistive technologies can easily discern the structure and purpose of the navigation due to the use of semantic elements. Additionally, this also streamlines the navigation for non-sighted users, who would otherwise struggle with a non-semantic, div-heavy layout.

Moreover, form accessibility is greatly enhanced by sticking to semantic HTML. Always pair input elements with corresponding label tags, with the id and for attributes creating a programmatically-determinable relationship. The fieldset and legend tags can group related controls and describe the group respectively:

function SubscriptionForm() {
    return (
                <legend>Newsletter Subscription</legend>
                <label htmlFor='email'>Email:</label>
                <input type='email' id='email' name='email' />
                <button type='submit'>Subscribe</button>

When custom interactive components are needed, we still have to make sure that their rendered HTML is semantically correct. If you're implementing a button, use the button element instead of repurposing a div or span. This not only affords the built-in behavior (like keyboard interactivity) that comes with the button tag but also the rich semantics that define its role in the interface:

function CustomButton({ onClick, children }) {
    return (
        <button onClick={onClick}>

This emphasis on semantic HTML warrants a developer's vigilance in code reviews and refactoring cycles. It's easy to let semantics slip in the pursuit of expediency or under the pressure of complex layouts and designs. But remember, each semantic compromise reduces the accessibility and navigability of the content for users with disabilities. Our goal must be an inclusive web, and that begins with honoring the semiotics encoded in HTML, even as we build atop the modern landscape of React applications.

Leveraging React Hooks for Accessible Form Management

Creating associations between form elements and labels in React is essential for accessibility, providing context to screen readers and aiding users who rely on assistive technologies. Using React Hooks, such as useState, allows for a modular approach to handling form state. When initializing state, it's important to maintain clear naming conventions. For example, consider the useState hooks for a login form:

function LoginForm() {
    const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
    const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
    // Other logic here

Here, clear naming conventions ([value, setValue]) aid in understanding which piece of state is being modified. It also helps other developers navigate through the form logic with ease.

Validating user input is crucial for creating reliable forms. React makes this straightforward with hooks like useState and useEffect. These hooks can work together to check the validity of inputs on the fly. By creating a validation hook, such as useValidation, we can encapsulate this logic and reuse it across various form components. Let's see an example:

function useValidation(value, rules) {
    const [errors, setErrors] = useState([]);

    useEffect(() => {
        const newErrors = => rule(value)).filter(error => error);
    }, [value]);

    return errors;

This custom hook can be used to validate form fields, ensuring inputs conform to specified rules, improving the user experience for everyone, including those with disabilities.

Accessible error handling plays a significant role in informing users about what's wrong with their input. The aria-live property is vital in this context, as it allows screen readers to announce dynamic changes in content. With the useState hook, we can manage the errors state and render them in a way that is communicated effectively to the reader:

function ErrorMessage({ errors }) {
    return (
        <div aria-live="polite">
            {, index) => (
                <p key={index} className='error-message'>{error}</p>

The use of aria-live="polite" tells the screen reader to announce the error messages when the user is not actively doing something else, avoiding interference in the reading flow.

Lastly, it is a common mistake to intermingle form logic with UI components, leading to bloated components that are hard to maintain. Extracting the form logic into custom hooks separates concerns and makes the code easier to read and test. Here's a thought-provoking question: Can we refactor common form patterns into custom hooks to further simplify form management in large-scale applications? This approach not only clarifies the codebase but ensures that accessibility considerations remain front and center through encapsulated functionality.

Managing Keyboard Focus and Navigation with useRef and useEffect

Managing complex navigation patterns and ensuring keyboard accessibility in React components often entails a deep-dive into focus state control. React's useRef hook is an essential tool for referencing DOM nodes directly, and when combined with useEffect, it allows developers to engineer focus behavior that can accommodate custom navigation requirements. This partnership is particularly effective in scenarios where focus must be managed programmatically, such as trapping focus within a modal dialog or when managing focus transitions in dynamic, interactive components.

Let's consider a common use case: a modal dialog that should trap focus within it while open. By utilizing useRef, we can create a reference to the first input element within the modal:

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function Modal({ isOpen }) {
    const firstInputRef = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (isOpen) {
            // Focus the first input when the modal opens
    }, [isOpen]);

    return (
        <div hidden={!isOpen}>
            <input ref={firstInputRef} type='text' />
            {/* ... other modal contents ... */}

This setup ensures that whenever the modal becomes visible, focus is directed appropriately, enhancing keyboard navigability for users with accessibility needs.

For more complex widgets where focus might need to transition between multiple elements based on keyboard events, useRef and useEffect again become invaluable. For example, imagine a list navigation widget that requires custom arrow key handling:

import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';

function ListNavigation() {
    const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
    const itemRefs = useRef([]);

    useEffect(() => {
        // Ensure the current active item is in focus
    }, [activeIndex]);

    const handleKeyDown = (event) => {
        // Custom navigation logic for arrow keys
        if (event.key === 'ArrowDown') {
            setActiveIndex((prevIndex) => (prevIndex + 1) % itemRefs.current.length);
        } else if (event.key === 'ArrowUp') {
            setActiveIndex((prevIndex) => (prevIndex - 1 + itemRefs.current.length) % itemRefs.current.length);

    return (
        <ul onKeyDown={handleKeyDown}>
            {['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'].map((item, index) => (
                <li key={item} ref={(el) => itemRefs.current[index] = el} tabIndex={0}>

In situations where components are not mounted at the time focus needs to be set, clever use of useEffect can synchronize focus management with the component lifecycle. This ensures that even dynamically loaded components are immediately integrated into the navigation flow:

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function AsyncComponent() {
    const dynamicElementRef = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        // Assume that this async action fetches and mounts the component
        async function loadComponent() {
            await import('./DynamicComponent');
            // Set focus only after the component has been fetched and mounted
    }, []);

    return <div ref={dynamicElementRef} tabIndex={-1} />;

Lastly, while managing keyboard focus, common mistakes such as failing to assign a tabIndex or neglecting proper cleanup on unmount can lead to unexpected behavior. Ensuring that all focusable elements are reachable and maintain their position in the focus order is critical. An element that accidentally remains focused after being hidden or removed from the DOM can be disorienting for keyboard and screen reader users alike. This requires a thoughtful design approach and a detailed implementation to keep navigation intuitive and predictable. Consider the following:

  • Always ensure elements meant to be interactive have a positive tabIndex or are natively focusable.
  • Remember to handle focus when components unmount, especially in cases where a focused element might get removed from the DOM.
  • Test the tab order to make sure it flows logically through the interface, providing a seamless experience for all users.

Through these methods, we can craft interfaces that not only welcome but empower users of all abilities. How might your current project's components benefit from a focus management review?

Crafting Accessible Rich Interfaces Using ARIA with React Hooks

Integrating WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties into React applications is essential for crafting interfaces that are both rich in functionality and accessible to users with disabilities. When dealing with complex UI components such as dropdowns, developers often encounter the challenge of conveying the correct state and purpose to assistive technologies. Here, React Hooks prove invaluable, as they allow for dynamic assignment and update of ARIA attributes in response to user interactions. For a dropdown component, the use of useState and useEffect in conjunction with ARIA attributes is key. The aria-expanded state should reflect the visibility of the dropdown, and aria-activedescendant can manage focus within the open list.

const Dropdown = () => {
    const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
    const [activeDescendant, setActiveDescendant] = useState(null);
    // ... Additional state and effect logic

    return (
                // Additional event handlers
            {isOpen && (
                    // Optional: aria-labelledby or aria-label attributes
                    // Event handlers for keyboard and other interactions
                    {/* List items */}

However, ARIA alone does not replace good semantic structure. While HTML5 provides semantic elements that aid accessibility, there are instances where ARIA attributes must enhance these semantics. For example, tabs and dialog boxes, which do not have dedicated HTML elements, benefit greatly from ARIA role annotations like tablist, tab, tabpanel, and dialog. React Hooks can synchronize the display attributes with user interactions, ensuring that the state of these components is communicated accurately to assistive technologies.

const TabPanel = ({ tabs, children }) => {
    const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
    // ... Additional state and effect logic

    return (
            <div role="tablist">
                {, index) => (
                        aria-selected={selectedIndex === index}
                        // Event handlers for tab selection
                // Additional attributes and accessibility features

Custom React hooks that manage dynamic content also come into play. A common mistake is to forget updating ARIA states when the component's state changes. Custom hooks can encapsulate these updates, ensuring that the ARIA attributes reflect the current state of the UI. For instance, a useARIALiveRegion hook can broadcast content changes to screen readers by toggling aria-live regions programmatically.

function useARIALiveRegion(message) {
    useEffect(() => {
        if (message !== '') {
            // Logic to update the aria-live region
    }, [message]);

In certain scenarios, developers might overly rely on ARIA attributes at the expense of native semantics, leading to overly complex interfaces that hamper accessibility. It's important to bear in mind that native elements often carry inherent accessibility features that should not be sidestepped. Use ARIA to enhance these native features, not to replace them. For example, layering ARIA roles on top of native link (<a>) and button (<button>) elements preserves their native interactivity and accessibility benefits.

Lastly, consider the balance between visual design and accessibility. While ARIA can bridge certain gaps, it cannot compensate for insufficient color contrast or poor design choices that may affect readability. React developers need to weigh aesthetics with the practicality of an interface that is usable by all, collaborating closely with designers to ensure a harmonious and inclusive user experience. Thought-provoking questions to consider include: How might our component design choices inadvertently introduce barriers for users with disabilities? What assumptions have we made about user interactions that might need revisiting in order to be fully inclusive?

Accessible Event Handling in React: Beyond onClick

Harnessing the potential of React to create universally usable web applications demands an in-depth understanding of accessible event handling, stepping beyond the conventional reliance on onClick. This bears particular significance when ensuring that interactive elements are not exclusively tied to mouse-based events, which can inadvertently exclude users reliant on keyboard navigation or assistive technologies.

A common oversight occurs when developers tether functionality strictly to pointer events, such as closing a modal by detecting a click outside the active element. Although this may serve mouse users adequately, it renders the feature inaccessible via the keyboard. The corrective approach lies in utilizing React hooks to mirror mouse-based actions with keyboard events. For instance, incorporating onKeyUp to listen for the Escape key affords the same outcome for keyboard users, equating to a more inclusive user experience. Here's how we might address this:

import { useEffect } from 'react';

function useModalClose(modalRef, closeModal) {
    useEffect(() => {
        function handleKeyUp(event) {
            if (event.key === 'Escape') {

        document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp);

        // Clean up the event handler on component unmount
        return () => {
            document.removeEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp);
    }, [closeModal]);

Focus management plays a pivotal role in accessibility, with the onFocus and onBlur event handlers ensuring interactive elements are easily navigable and the application's focus state is managed effectively. Implementation of visual cues, to delineate focused elements, should use state toggling to add or remove CSS classes, availing a clear indication of focus to the user. Here's a practical example, potentially using a custom hook like useFocusRing from React Aria to manage focus state without undue complexity:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useFocusRing } from 'react-aria';

function CustomButton(props) {
    const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = useState(false);
    const { focusProps, isFocusVisible } = useFocusRing();

    const onFocus = () => setIsFocused(true);
    const onBlur = () => setIsFocused(false);

    const buttonClass = isFocused ? 'button-focused' : '';
    return (
            className={`custom-button ${buttonClass}`}

It's also crucial to synchronize interactive component states with their focus states within the application's lifecycle. Developers should be conscientious of how re-renders may impact the accessibility of an application, particularly concerning the focusing of appropriate elements at the right times. For instance, programmatic focus management should ensure that, when a modal or dialog is closed, focus is returned to the element that originally triggered it, facilitating seamless navigation for users who use keyboards or assistive technologies.

Lastly, developers must step beyond the code and into the shoes of all users. Testing components without a mouse, using only the keyboard or screen readers, can unveil hindrances that might otherwise go unnoticed. This practice guarantees an empathetic and comprehensive development process, resulting in applications that are truly accessible to a more extensive array of users.


This article explores the best practices for creating accessible web experiences using React Hooks. The key takeaways include embracing semantic HTML, leveraging React Hooks for form management, managing keyboard focus and navigation, and using ARIA attributes to craft accessible interfaces. The article challenges readers to review their own projects' focus management and consider refactoring common form patterns into custom hooks for simplified form management.

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