Accessibility Features and Best Practices in Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - December 29th 2023 - 10 minutes read

In the landscape of modern web development, ensuring that applications are accessible to all users is not just ethical but a professional standard. Our journey through Vue.js 3 will unveil the intricate weaving of accessibility features into the very fabric of your single-page applications (SPAs). From crafting semantically rich components that speak to assistive technologies to mastering the graceful choreography of focus management and keyboard navigation, we'll guide you through the creation of SPAs that are as inclusive as they are innovative. Explore with us the techniques to make Vue Router an ally for accessible navigation, delve into the art of building forms that communicate clearly with every user, and tap into the power of automated tools to keep your code compliant. This article isn't just a roadmap to accessible Vue.js SPAs—it's a beacon for developers who are committed to building a web that empowers everyone.

Semantic Markup & Vue.js Components

Semantic markup articulates the structure and context of content for assistive technologies. In Vue.js, incorporating HTML5 elements such as <header>, <footer>, <nav>, and <main> within components is advantageous not only for users but also for search engines and other machines interpreting the content. These semantically rich tags are integral for conveying meaning and purpose, crucial for assistive technologies when providing context to users with disabilities. Vue’s reactive data system ensures that the document structure remains consistent and accessible, even following dynamic content updates.

Dynamic assignment of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and properties in Vue.js enhances the semantics of custom components. Consider a scenario in which a Vue component's role attribute is bound to a data or computed property like so:

  <section :role='computedAriaRole'>
    <!-- Content goes here -->

export default {
  computed: {
    computedAriaRole() {
      // Logic to determine ARIA role based on specific conditions
      return this.condition ? 'banner' : 'complementary';

This dynamic binding allows for the contextual enhancement of the user experience for screen reader users. For example, correctly marking a dynamic navigation menu with an ARIA role delineates a set of links as a navigational unit, significantly aiding users who utilize assistive technologies.

It is critical for developers to handle ARIA attributes wisely to prevent an experience that is overwhelming for screen reader users. ARIA's verbosity can lead to user confusion when used without restraint. Careful consideration should be given so that ARIA roles amplify rather than complicate the user interface. Here's an illustrative example of how a Vue component may use the v-if directive to control ARIA attributes based on the component's state:

      :aria-live='showAlert ? "assertive" : "off"'
      This is a time-sensitive alert!

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      showAlert: false

While dynamic ARIA roles and properties can significantly improve the accessibility of a Vue.js application, it's vital to remember ARIA as a supplementary aid to native HTML semantics, enhancing support across various technologies in adherence to universal design principles. Thoughtful implementation of ARIA, with consideration for the Vue.js reactivity model and dynamic content, is essential for maintaining accessibility standards.

Managing Focus and Keyboard Navigation

Within the realm of Vue.js 3, focus management and keyboard navigation are vital features to ensure that applications are accessible to all users, particularly those relying on assistive technologies to interact with web content. For single-page applications (SPAs), which don't reload the entire page with each interaction, maintaining a logical focus order and clear navigation paths is essential. Vue's $refs provide a powerful way to manage focus by creating references directly to DOM elements. It is crucial for developers to utilize $refs to guide the user's focus in an order that makes sense with regard to the application's flow and structure.

The complexity of managing focus arises notably within components such as modals or custom dropdowns. Consider a scenario where a modal opens upon the click of a button. Best practices dictate that once the modal is triggered, the focus should be moved to the first interactive element inside the modal. Here’s an example implementation:

  <button @click="openModal" ref="openModalButton">Open Modal</button>
  <div v-if="isModalOpen" class="modal">
    <input type="text" ref="firstInput" />
    <!-- More interactive elements follow -->

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isModalOpen: false,
  methods: {
    openModal() {
      this.isModalOpen = true;
      this.$nextTick(() => {
    // Additional methods for managing focus and state

In the code above, $nextTick ensures that the focus command is executed after Vue has updated the DOM, which is necessary for the focus to be set to an element that is newly inserted into the page.

A common pitfall developers might encounter is creating 'focus traps', where users are stuck within a component's focusable elements and unable to navigate out. It is paramount to provide escape mechanisms from such situations. For instance, in the context of modals, it's advisable to implement functionality that listens for the Escape key to close the modal, thereby returning focus to the element that initially triggered the modal:

mounted() {
  window.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeydown);
methods: {
  handleKeydown(event) {
    if (this.isModalOpen && event.key === 'Escape') {
  closeModal() {
    this.isModalOpen = false;
  // More methods

When establishing keyboard navigation, it's also essential to keep in mind keyboard-only users who navigate sequentially through interactive elements using the Tab key. This necessitates developers to meticulously curate the tab order to reflect the logical progression of the interface. Maintaining a sequence that is intuitive and consistent with user expectations is not merely a convenience but an absolute requirement for those who cannot use a mouse. A failure to do so can disorient users, leading to a frustrating and inaccessible experience.

Considering the points highlighted, how does your current Vue.js 3 project fare in managing focus and keyboard navigation? Could the incorporation of $refs to direct focus, combined with keydown event listeners for intuitive navigation, elevate the accessibility of your application? By reflecting on these methods, you can enhance your application to ensure it is inclusive, catering to users relying on various forms of navigation.

Accessible Routing in Vue.js SPAs

When navigating between views in Vue.js Single Page Applications (SPAs), it's essential to handle focus management and announce route changes to assistive technologies. Vue Router itself offers built-in solutions for accessible navigation, and these can be supplemented with third-party plugins for enhanced experiences. One such addon, Vue Announcer, can articulate route changes using ARIA live regions. Here's how to configure it with the Composition API:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import routes from './routes'; // Your route definitions
import VueAnnouncer from '@vue-a11y/announcer'; // Third-party plugin

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),

const app = createApp(App);
app.use(VueAnnouncer, {
  // Optional configuration for VueAnnouncer

router.afterEach((to) => {
  app.config.globalProperties.$announcer.announce(`Navigating to ${}`);

Regarding skip links, which provide direct access to the main content, Vue Router can leverage $refs to focus the content after user navigation:

  <a ref="skipLink" href="#maincontent" class="skip-link">Skip to main content</a>
  <!-- rest of the template -->

import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';

export default {
  setup() {
    const skipLink = ref(null);
    const route = useRoute();

    watch(() => route.path, () => {
      if (skipLink.value) {

    return { skipLink };

For contextually aware transitions, manage document titles using Vue Router's navigation guards within the setup function:

const router = createRouter({...});

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  document.title = to.meta.title || 'Default Title';

Ensure focus is directed to new content as users transition between routes with the onUpdated lifecycle hook:

import { onUpdated, nextTick } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    onUpdated(() => {
      nextTick(() => {
        const contentContainer = document.getElementById('maincontent');
        if (contentContainer) {
          contentContainer.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');

Finally, interactive components such as modals, should not create focus traps. Third-party plugins like Vue Focus Trap enable focus containment with the capability to exit the trap. Here is how to implement a focus trap responsibly:

  <div v-if="modalOpen">
    <FocusTrap> <!-- Third-party component -->
      <!-- Modal contents -->
      <button @click="closeModal">Close</button>

import { ref } from 'vue';
import FocusTrap from 'focus-trap-vue'; // Third-party plugin

export default {
  components: { FocusTrap },
  setup() {
    const modalOpen = ref(false);

    function closeModal() {
      modalOpen.value = false;

    return { modalOpen, closeModal };

Accessible Forms with Vue.js 3

In the realm of Vue.js 3, creating accessible forms goes beyond screen reader-friendly elements; it involves a seamless integration of labels, input fields, and real-time validation. One critical aspect is the association of each input element with a descriptive label, which can be automated using Vue’s template syntax. For example, when looping over an array of form fields with v-for, care must be taken to bind the for attribute of the label to the unique id of the corresponding input field:

  <div v-for="field in formFields" :key="">
    <label :for="">{{ field.label }}</label>
    <input :id="" :value="field.value" @input="updateField(, $">

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      formFields: [
        // Form fields defined with id, label, and value
  methods: {
    updateField(id, value) {
      // Logic to update the value of the field based on the id

Error handling and validation are key to maintaining an accessible form. A user should be informed of mistakes as they occur, and ideally, the messaging should be clear and concise. Vue's reactivity system can be used to display error messages immediately upon validation failure. For instance, a computed property may return an error message specific to each field, and this message can be dynamically displayed to the user:

  <div v-for="field in formFields" :key="">
    <label :for="">{{ field.label }}</label>
    <input :id="" :value="field.value" @input="updateField(, $">
    <span class="error-message" v-if="fieldError(">{{ fieldError( }}</span>

export default {
  // ...previous data and methods...

  computed: {
    fieldError() {
      return (fieldId) => {
        const field = this.formFields.find(f => === fieldId);
        if (!field.isValid) {
          return field.errorMessage;
        return '';

Crafting a feedback system that indicates the state of inputs can significantly enhance user experience. Vue's class binding functionality can toggle CSS classes on input elements to reflect their validity. This visual cue, paired with appropriate error messaging, can guide users through corrections without frustration:

  <div v-for="field in formFields" :key="">
    <label :for="">{{ field.label }}</label>
      :class="{'is-valid': field.isValid, 'is-invalid': !field.isValid}"
      @input="updateField(, $">
    <!-- Error message rendered when the field is invalid -->

For a more nuanced accessibility approach, one might employ Vue's custom directives to abstract and reuse accessibility logic across multiple inputs. This encapsulation sets the stage for standardized handling of various form elements, promoting modularity and reusability:

  <input type="text" v-model="inputValue" v-validate-input>

export default {
  directives: {
    'validate-input': {
      // Directive definition to encapsulate validation logic
  // ...

Effective form accessibility ensures that all users, regardless of ability, can interact with web applications unhindered. As developers, are we meticulously applying these accessibility principles to every form component we build? Consider the architecture of your current Vue.js projects—could the form handling be refactored to introduce or improve upon these inclusive practices?

Automated Testing and Accessibility Tooling in Vue.js

Integrating automated accessibility testing into the Vue.js development workflow is essential in identifying and remedying potential barriers for users with disabilities. Automated tools such as vueAxe can be incorporated into the development environment, scanning Vue.js templates and components for accessibility issues as developers write code. This proactive approach ensures that compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is considered throughout development, rather than as an afterthought. Including vueAxe in a project is straightforward, typically involving its installation as an npm package and configuring it to run alongside other development tools.

In addition to static analysis tools, end-to-end testing frameworks like Cypress can be equipped with plugins to perform accessibility checks during runtime. These tools can simulate user interactions with the application, providing a more dynamic analysis of accessibility compliance and catching issues that may not be apparent in static code alone. Configuring Cypress with plugins such as cypressAxe allows for automated, comprehensive testing across different user flows and states of the application. This synergy enables developers to identify intricate accessibility issues that could otherwise be missed.

Setting up continuous integration (CI) pipelines to include accessibility checks ensures that accessibility standards are upheld consistently. By integrating tools like vueAxe or cypressAxe into CI platforms, automated tests can be run against every commit or pull request. This constant vigilance means that any new code changes that introduce accessibility regressions are flagged immediately, reinforcing the importance of accessibility within the team's development culture and preventing inaccessible code from reaching production.

Despite the power of automation, manual testing remains a crucial part of the accessibility strategy. Tools can detect many accessibility issues, but they cannot identify all nuances of user experience. Therefore, incorporating manual testing by using screen readers, keyboard-only navigation, and consulting with real users who rely on assistive technologies is indispensable. Engaging in manual testing promotes empathy and a deeper understanding of the diverse needs among users, complementing the automated tests and covering gaps that automated tools might not catch.

Finally, developers should be mindful that no tool is a complete solution for building accessible applications. It's the combination of automated tests, manual expertise, and the developer's commitment to accessibility that cultivates truly inclusive Vue.js applications. While tools can guide and educate developers about potential issues, they don't replace the need for a fundamental understanding of accessible design principles. So, while integrating these tools into workflows is important, it's equally crucial to continue learning and practicing accessibility to refine and enhance one's craft in creating web applications that are accessible to all users.


This article explores the accessibility features and best practices in Vue.js 3 for creating inclusive web applications. Key takeaways include using semantic markup and ARIA roles, managing focus and keyboard navigation, implementing accessible routing, creating accessible forms, and integrating automated testing for accessibility. A challenging task for the reader is to review their current Vue.js project and implement focus management using $refs and keyboard navigation using keydown event listeners to improve accessibility.

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