Vue.js 3 Component Basics: Building Blocks of Your App

Anton Ioffe - December 27th 2023 - 9 minutes read

Dive into the heart of Vue.js 3 with an exploration tailored for seasoned developers: we deconstruct the fundamental components that form the backbone of sophisticated Vue applications. In this comprehensive guide, we'll venture beyond basic definitions to uncover the subtleties of Vue's reactive data system, pushing the boundaries of its advanced templating capabilities, dissecting nuanced patterns of component communication, and mastering compositional architecture with slots and dynamic components. Prepare to elevate your Vue prowess as we navigate through real-world scenarios and expert-level strategies, equipping you with the insights necessary to craft robust, maintainable, and high-performing web applications.

Establishing the Foundation: Vue.js 3 Component Anatomy

Vue.js 3 endows developers with a structured approach to crafting user interfaces by utilizing components, each encompassing distinct aspects of the UI's structure, logic, and style. The template tag is where the declarative magic happens. Filled with an enhanced syntax that is predominantly HTML-like, it governs the markup that will be rendered in the browser. Here, directives such as v-for and v-if empower the UI, allowing developers to iterate over data arrays or conditionally display content with ease. The template is the visual reflection of your component, showcasing the state and responding to user interactions seamlessly.

Deeper within the framework, the script tag anchors the component's interactive features. This is where developers define the state, methods, lifecycle hooks, and more, thus shaping the core of the component. Props, the recognized term for properties, are established here as configurable inputs, allowing customization of its behavior and content. Additionally, this section hosts local data and functions that modify the component's state, enforce logic, and handle events, equipping developers with the tools to bring the component's dynamic aspects to life.

The synergy between the template and the script is vital. The template responds visually to the state variables declared within the script, while user gestures in the template are translated into events that activate corresponding methods in the script. This seamless connection fuses the visual elements with the programming logic, fostering interactive, data-centric interfaces that captivate the user.

For the visual aesthetics, the style tag is designated for the component's styling. It can include scoped CSS to keep styles local to this component, enhancing modularity, or global styles that apply more broadly. The inclusion of CSS within components promotes a design where each part maintains its look and feel, preventing style leakage and facilitating easier maintenance.

Let's consider an example to clarify the interrelated roles of template, script, and style:

  <button @click="toggle">Toggle</button>
  <p v-if="isVisible">Now you see me!</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        isVisible: false,
    methods: {
      toggle() {
        this.isVisible = !this.isVisible;

<style scoped>
  button {
    background-color: #3498db;
    color: white;
    padding: 0.5em 1em;
    border: none;
    border-radius: 3px;
    cursor: pointer;
  p {
    color: #333;
    font-size: 1rem;

In this simple Vue.js 3 component, the template clearly lays out the structure, providing a button that uses v-if to determine the visibility of a paragraph. The script defines the reactive data property isVisible and a toggle method to change its value. The style tag ensures the button and paragraph maintain their unique design attributes. Together, these elements craft a user interface component that is functional, responsive, and stylized. When assembling the building blocks of your app, remember these three tags are the fundamental tools to create compelling and interactive components that engage users within the flow of your application's story.

Reactive Data and Computed Properties in Action

Within Vue.js 3, ref is the simplest way to make data reactive. When you define a piece of state with ref, it becomes reactive, and Vue will track changes and update the DOM accordingly. Consider a typical counter component:

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const counter = ref(0);
        const increment = () => {

        return { counter, increment };

Here, counter is a reactive reference, and to interact with its value, you use counter.value. One common mistake is to forget .value when handling ref outside the template, which leads to bugs as you would be interacting with the reference object itself, not the value it holds.

Contrasted with ref, reactive provides a more comprehensive reactivity system for objects. Using reactive, you can create a reactive state object where each property is automatically tracked:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const state = reactive({
            counter: 0
        const increment = () => {

        return { state, increment };

In this scenario, there's no need to append .value to access the state properties, but a deeper understanding of reactivity nuances is required, particularly when dealing with the destructure of reactive objects.

Computed properties provide a powerful way to create reactive values that automatically update when their dependencies change. They are akin to cached functions that only recompute when necessary, offering performance benefits. Using computed, you can define derived state that reacts to changes in other reactive states:

import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const counter = ref(0);
        const doubleCounter = computed(() => counter.value * 2);

        const increment = () => {

        return { counter, increment, doubleCounter };

Here, doubleCounter is a computed property that will only recompute when counter changes, making it efficient for performance-sensitive applications or complex calculations.

While computed properties are generally preferred for their caching abilities, developers sometimes overuse them for side effects or asynchronous operations, where a watch or watchEffect might be more appropriate. This can lead to subtle bugs and performance issues, as computed properties are intended for synchronous and pure transformations of reactive state.

When defining reactivity in components, think about the intended usage and the cost-benefit tradeoff of each option. ref and reactive are perfect for maintaining simple, distinct, reactive values and objects, while computed shines when creating reactive values that derive from other reactive states. The simplicity of the mental model that encompasses these three primitives allows you to focus on building features instead of wrestling with the framework's reactivity nuances, yet it's crucial to apply them thoughtfully to avoid memory overhead and unnecessary complexity in your application's reactivity graph.

Advanced Templating Techniques and Best Practices

In modern web development with Vue.js 3, mastering advanced templating techniques is key to creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. The use of Vue’s directives offers a concise expression of complex UI behavior; however, correct application is crucial to ensure optimal performance and maintain the essence of readability.

When dealing with dynamic interfaces, especially toggleable elements, it's vital to assess performance implications in the context of Vue's reactivity system. Although keeping elements in the DOM and toggling their visibility with v-show can be efficient to prevent frequent layout recalculations, this technique may not be suitable for all scenarios. Overuse can cause performance bottlenecks if a large number of hidden elements exist. Conversely, v-if actually removes elements from the DOM and can be beneficial when managing complex conditional layouts. Striking a proper balance between these directives ensures a responsive user experience without unnecessary memory and CPU overhead.

Event handling within templates necessitates a declarative approach that utilizes Vue's event binding (v-on) correctly. Embedding direct DOM manipulations or relying on inline methods can obscure the link between the event and its handling, leading to maintenance difficulties and violating Vue's reactive model. The best practice is to invoke component methods in response to events, and to manipulate data state solely, letting Vue handle the necessary DOM updates.

To retain a high level of maintainability and readability, templates should be kept simple and modular. Excessive in-template logic can be offloaded to smaller, reusable components or encapsulated within composable functions. This refactoring enriches clarity, testability, and encourages code reuse, significantly streamlining application scalability and maintenance.

Finally, ensuring accessibility in templates is imperative. Semantic HTML and ARIA attributes should be integrated to build applications that serve a diverse user base. Thoughtful template design accounts for keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility, underpinning an inclusive digital environment. In navigating the complexities of Vue's templating, developers must uphold standards of performance, maintainability, and accessibility, fostering a quality ecosystem for Vue.js applications.

Propagation of Events and Component Communication

In Vue.js 3, component communication is commonly managed through the event emission pattern, allowing child components to signal to their parent components that something has occurred. This pattern is elegantly handled by Vue’s instance methods $emit for dispatching events and $on for listening to those events. When a button within a child component is clicked, for instance, the child can emit an event which the parent listens to, triggering a specific callback.

// ChildComponent.vue
    <button @click="handleClick">Click me</button>
export default {
    methods: {
        handleClick() {
// ParentComponent.vue
    <child-component @childClicked="parentHandler"></child-component>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
    components: {
    methods: {
        parentHandler() {
            // Handle the event

Using this approach, the child component remains agnostic of what the parent does with the emitted event, which is excellent for reusability and modularity. However, it may introduce challenges when dealing with deeply nested components or siblings, leading to the dreaded "prop drilling", where events and data are passed through multiple layers of components to reach their intended target.

An alternative to prop drilling for state management is Vuex, which provides a centralized store for all the components in the application. This may seem like a strong alternative, but it can also introduce unnecessary complexity for simple scenarios. It's crucial to weigh the ease of global accessibility against the potential overhead of incorporating a state management pattern, and whether the application's scale truly necessitates such an approach.

Another potential downside of excessive reliance on the event emission pattern is that it can make the flow of data within the application less transparent and harder to trace, especially on larger scales. As a result, debugging can become more complicated as applications grow. To combat this, developers might consider employing services or provider/inject patterning for dependency injection, which can offer a more scalable and maintainable approach to inter-component communication.

Therefore, while event emission remains a fundamental part of the Vue.js component interaction model, it is vital to recognize its limitations and alternatives. Thoughtful architecture decisions must be made to ensure an application’s modularity and maintainability without sacrificing performance. Consider, for instance, when should a component use Vuex as opposed to emitting an event? How does the chosen method affect the unit tests for a component? These are the types of questions senior developers must contemplate deeply to create robust and reusable Vue.js applications.

Compositional Architecture with Slots and Dynamic Components

Vue's compositional architecture with slots provides flexibility in content distribution. There's, however, a common mistake of over-reliance on scoped slots, which can create a tight coupling between parent and child components. To illustrate, consider the misuse of a scoped slot that improperly exposes child component internals:

// Incorrect: Child component exposing too many details
    <slot :internalDetails="complexLogicResults">{{ defaultSlotContent }}</slot>

Instead, we should expose only the minimal necessary props through the scoped slot to ensure a clear and maintainable interface between components. Observe the refined approach where userData originates from a computed property, conserving the encapsulation principle:

// Correct: Child component with a clean scoped slot interface
    <slot :user="userData">{{ defaultSlotContent }}</slot>

export default {
  computed: {
    userData() {
      // Logic to compile user data for the slot
      return this.processedUserData;
  // ...

As for dynamic components, overuse can spiral into convoluted component systems. A common error is injecting unnecessary reactivity that complicates the template unnecessarily:

// Incorrect: Overuse of dynamic component reactivity
  <component :is="currentViewComponent" v-for="view in views" :key=""></component>

Instead of iterating dynamic components with a v-for, thus burdening the system with managing multiple states and views simultaneously, the focus should be streamlined to toggling a single component based on the current state:

// Correct: Controlled use of dynamic components
  <component :is="currentViewComponent" :key="currentViewKey"></component>

export default {
  computed: {
    currentViewComponent() {
      // Logic to determine the current component
      return this.views[this.currentView].component;
    currentViewKey() {
      // Logic to determine a unique key for the component
      return this.currentView;
  data() {
    return {
      // Array of view components
      views: [...],
      // Current view index
      currentView: 0

In this corrected example, the currentViewKey is crucial—it signals Vue to re-render the component only when the key changes, significantly improving performance and predictability.

Embracing slots and dynamic components requires careful thought on their application to the project at hand. When deciding to implement slots and dynamic components, developers should question their impact on clarity and scalability. How will this slot or dynamic component simplify or complexify the system? What effects will it have on long-term maintainability? We must aim for a balance where the use of these tools integrates seamlessly into the architecture, preserving modularity without introducing unnecessary complexity. This deliberation helps ensure a robust, maintainable structure, allowing our application to evolve gracefully over time.


In this article, we delve into the essential components of Vue.js 3 and explore their role in building sophisticated web applications. We discuss the anatomy of Vue components and how the template, script, and style tags work together to create interactive user interfaces. We also cover reactive data and computed properties, advanced templating techniques and best practices, component communication through event propagation, and compositional architecture with slots and dynamic components. The article challenges senior developers to consider when to use Vuex for state management, how to optimize the performance of toggling elements, and how to properly encapsulate components when using scoped slots.

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