Template Refs in Vue.js 3: A Practical Approach

Anton Ioffe - December 27th 2023 - 9 minutes read

As Vue.js 3 continues to refine the landscape of modern web development, template refs stand out as an extraordinarily powerful feature, yet they remain shrouded in a veil of underuse and misconceptions. Far from just a means to tinker with the DOM, template refs open up a new paradigm for component interactions and performance optimization that can elevate your projects to uncharted levels of efficiency and maintainability. In the forthcoming sections, we'll unravel the strategic use of template refs by dissecting practical applications, spotlighting performance tactics, and demystifying common pitfalls. Get ready to transcend traditional patterns and harness the full potential of template refs in your Vue.js 3 applications.

Understanding Template Refs in the Vue.js 3 Ecosystem

Template refs in Vue.js 3 offer a streamlined and powerful way to interact with the DOM in your applications. Their primary utility stems from granting direct access to DOM elements and child components from within your Vue instances. Unlike traditional JavaScript methods such as document.getElementById or document.querySelector, template refs maintain Vue's reactivity principles. When you employ template refs by adding the ref attribute to an HTML element within your template, Vue automatically creates a reference to the element that can be easily accessed within the component's logic.

To understand the mechanics of template refs, it's important to distinguish between the ref attribute used within the template and the $refs object available in the Vue instance. While ref designates a marker on the actual HTML element, $refs is the collection that holds all registered references after the component has been mounted. These references provide immediate read-only access to the corresponding DOM elements. As a developer, you can interact with the DOM or child components, read their properties, call methods on them, or even trigger focus, all without the overhead of the virtual DOM.

Template refs also mesh well with Vue.js 3's reactivity system. Since $refs are outside the scope of Vue's reactivity-tracking system, modifications to the DOM via refs do not trigger re-rendering. This means you can manipulate DOM elements as necessary without worrying about inadvertently causing a performance hit due to unnecessary updates. Moreover, the $refs collection is populated after the component renders, ensuring that all elements marked with ref within the template have been processed and are now accessible via this special object.

However, this also implies that template refs are not reactive and cannot be watched like regular Vue data properties. This characteristic is by design, as template refs are meant for direct manipulation and should not be used within computed properties or watchers. Instead, they should be utilized for tasks like autofocus on page load, interacting with third-party libraries that require direct DOM access, or querying specific measurements (like element width or height) which are outside Vue's reactive data flow.

In practice, accessing a template ref is straightforward: after the component has mounted, you can reference a DOM element simply by using this.$refs.refName within your component methods. For instance, if you need to focus on a text input element after a specific user action, you can use this.$refs.inputName.focus(). This demonstrates how convenient template refs can be for directly manipulating specific elements without needing to traverse the entire DOM or use additional selectors. The simplicity and directness of this.$refs lends itself to a clean and efficient approach to working with the DOM within the Vue.js 3 ecosystem.

Leveraging Refs for Component Interaction

In the Vue ecosystem, managing component interactions often calls for a balance between maintainability and straightforwardness. Using refs to invoke methods or access data in child components is one approach that, while not as widely advised as prop drilling or event emission, brings its own advantages. By assigning a ref to a child component, parent components gain direct access to the child's methods and data without the extra verbosity of passing props down multiple levels or emitting events up the chain. For example, if a parent component needs to trigger a method within a child, it can do so by referencing the child's ref directly.

  <ChildComponent ref="childComponentRef" />

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
  components: {
  mounted() {

However, this convenience comes with a caveat—the internal structure of the child component becomes a dependency of the parent. This tightly couples components and erodes the component abstraction boundary. Unlike event emission, which adheres to the Vue convention of having children communicate via events, using refs can inadvertently lead to brittle code as any change to the child's structure or naming convention could break the parent's functionality.

It’s important to note that using refs to interact with child components sidesteps Vue’s reactive data flow. refs are not reactive and should not be used within templates or computed properties. This lack of reactivity is a double-edged sword: while it can prevent unnecessary updates and improve performance in some cases, it also means that changes in child components may go unnoticed by the parent unless explicitly handled.

To mitigate some of the risks, developers may opt to use refs in combination with events. By having child components emit an interface of methods on mount, a parent can store these methods and call them when needed. This not only reduces direct reliance on the child's internals but also maintains a clean separation of concerns. The following code illustrates this pattern:

  <ChildComponent @interface="registerChildInterface" />

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
  components: {
  methods: {
    registerChildInterface(methods) {
      this.childInterface = methods;
    invokeChildMethod() {
      if (this.childInterface && this.childInterface.childMethod) {

In the child component:

export default {
  mounted() {
    this.$emit('interface', {
      childMethod: this.childMethod
  methods: {
    childMethod() {
      // Child method logic

This approach leans towards a more abstracted and maintainable pattern, aligning closer to the principle of least knowledge. Nonetheless, choosing the right method for component interaction hinges on the specific needs of your application architecture and the trade-offs you are willing to make in terms of coupling, reusability, and clarity. It prompts introspection: are you favoring concise code over scalable structures or vice versa? And how will your chosen pattern fare as your application grows in complexity?

Optimizing Performance with Template Refs

Template refs, while powerful for direct DOM access, should be used judiciously to ensure performance in Vue.js 3 apps. Overuse can lead to memory overhead as each ref represents an object holding a reference to a DOM node. Moreover, the lifecycle of template refs plays a crucial role; they are tied to the component's mounting and updating phases. For instance, interacting with $refs during mount or update hooks can cause execution delays if not managed properly.

A performance-friendly approach to using refs is to minimize interactions to only those necessary for functionality. Instead of manipulating a DOM element on every update, consider doing so conditionally, or in response to specific events. This reduces the amount of work Vue has to perform during the component's update cycle. For example, you could set a ref on an input element and only access it to focus the element when a particular condition is met, rather than on every update.

  <input type="text" ref="inputField">
  <button @click="focusInput">Focus Input</button>

export default {
  methods: {
    focusInput() {
      if (this.someCondition) {

In large-scale applications, monitoring the performance impact of refs is vital. Leveraging browser performance tools such as the Performance API or the DevTools performance tab provides a more accurate measurement of the component's efficiency. These tools offer detailed insights and are more appropriate for production environments than use of console methods, like console.time and console.timeEnd, which are best suited for debugging during development.

methods: {
  intensiveDOMOperation() {
    // Use browser performance tools to measure this operation
    // Manipulate DOM with refs here

Lastly, consider the architectural implications of template refs on your application. In scenarios where components are frequently created and destroyed, Vue.js intelligently manages the cleanup of refs when components are destroyed. There is no need for manual cleanup of refs, which allows for smoother garbage collection processes and performance even as your application scales. Reflect on whether interaction through refs is warranted for each use case or if a more declarative approach using Vue's reactive system would be beneficial both in terms of readability and performance.

Best Practices for Scalability and Maintenance

When leveraging template refs in Vue.js 3, it's vital to implement them in a way that promotes scalability and ensures ease of maintenance. A modular approach often involves creating composable functions that encapsulate the ref logic, keeping component templates clean and focused. This modular strategy leads to components that are easier to test and refactor.

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default function useInputFocus() {
    const inputElement = ref(null);

    function focusInput() {
        if (inputElement.value) {

    return {

The use of $refs to directly access child components and their methods can be appealing for its simplicity, but it risks creating a tightly-coupled system. Over-reliance on $refs may lead to a codebase where a single change in a child component could necessitate updates across many parent components. A loosely-coupled architecture is more maintainable, utilizing props for parent-to-child communication and emitting events for child-to-parent communication.

// ParentComponent.vue
  <ChildComponent @child-event="parentMethod" />

Refactoring existing $refs usage is an essential part of improving long-term codebase health. Begin by assessing whether each $ref is necessary, or if the same outcome could be achieved through the standard data-reactivity system. Transitioning to reactive data and methods, where possible, reduces direct DOM manipulation and maintains a unidirectional data flow.

// Avoiding direct refs for reactive properties
  <child-component :child-prop="parentData" />

In scenarios where template refs are truly essential—for instance, when focusing an input or integrating with third-party libraries—it's important to encapsulate the ref-related logic to prevent scattered DOM manipulations.

// Encapsulating template ref logic within a method
methods: {
    focusInput() {
        // Access template ref within a method,
        // not directly in the template or computed properties.

Finally, regular code reviews and refactor sessions are vital to ensure that template ref usage remains judicious and does not hinder the ability to scale the application. Encouraging team discussions on architectural decisions can unveil alternative strategies that might reduce the future technical debt associated with refs. Common questions to consider are: Does this $ref enhance or impede future scalability? Could this logic be abstracted to a composable for better reusability? Are there any new Vue.js features that provide a more elegant solution to the problem this $ref addresses?

Common Mistakes and Corrective Strategies

Misusing template refs within lifecycle hooks is a common pitfall that can lead to unpredictable behavior. For instance, trying to manipulate a ref before the component has been mounted will result in errors or undefined values. Consider the incorrect code below:

// Incorrect use of a template ref before component mount
created() {
    this.$refs.myRef.doSomething(); // $refs.myRef is undefined

The corrected approach respects Vue’s lifecycle, ensuring that the ref is accessed when it is guaranteed to be defined:

// Correct use of a template ref after the component has been mounted
mounted() {

Another frequent mistake is the over-dependence on template refs within composition functions. This often results in less reactive and more imperatively-driven code, which goes against the grain of Vue's design philosophy.

// Incorrect: Over-reliance on template refs in composition functions
const useMyFeature = () => {
    const myRef = ref(null);
    const doSomethingWithRef = () => {
        if(myRef.value) {
    // ... more logic dependent on myRef
    return { myRef, doSomethingWithRef };

Instead, leverage Vue's reactivity system to create more maintainable and predictable pieces of logic:

// Correct: Minimize direct ref usage in composition functions
const useMyFeature = () => {
    const state = reactive({ /* ... */});
    const doReactiveStuff = () => {
        // Use Vue's reactivity to handle state changes
    // other composable logic
    return { state, doReactiveStuff };

A further complication can arise when developers forget that ref values are unwrapped when accessed within the template context but need the .value property to be accessed within JavaScript. This misunderstanding can lead to inconsistencies in the code:

// Incorrect: Attempting to access the .value in a template
    {{ myRef.value }} // Unnecessary usage of '.value' in templates

Contrast this with the correct template usage which embraces the automatic unwrapping:

// Correct: Accessing template refs in templates without .value
    {{ myRef }} // Vue unwraps ref for us in the template

To provoke further critical thought about your usage of template refs: Are there cases in your components where refs are used not out of necessity, but as a matter of convenience, potentially leading to more brittle, less declarative code? How might your current usage of template refs be refactored to play to Vue’s strengths—its reactivity system and composability features—while still achieving the required functionality?


The article discusses the power of template refs in Vue.js 3 and how they can enhance component interactions and improve performance in modern web development. Key takeaways include understanding the mechanics and benefits of template refs, leveraging them for component interaction, optimizing performance, and following best practices for scalability and maintenance. The article challenges readers to reflect on their use of template refs and think about whether they are being utilized judiciously and in line with Vue's design philosophy. The task for the reader is to review their codebase and identify any instances where template refs could be refactored to utilize Vue's reactivity system and composability features, while still achieving the desired functionality.

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