Introduction to Class Components in React

Anton Ioffe - August 31st 2023 - 22 minutes read

Decoding Class Components: Definition and Structure

Let's venture into the indispensable world of Class Components in React. Class components, like the name implies, are the core building units of any React application. Presented in an uncomplicated way, they are JavaScript classes that 'extend' from React.Component, essentially implying inheriting properties and methods from React.Component, and most notably contain the render method.

Basic Structure of a Class Component

Now let's glance at a basic class component that exhibits a 'Hello, World!' message:

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        Hello, World!

The HelloWorld class 'extends' React.Component, therefore inheriting its capabilities. The render method, quite similarly to a painter's brush, paints what is exhibited on the browser. It's highly important that the returned JavaScript XML (JSX) is consistently enclosed within parentheses.

Creating Class Components Without a Render Method

An easy pitfall that many developers stumble into is producing class components that are devoid of a render method. This, however, is akin to constructing an edifice lacking in foundation. The render method is the lifeblood of any class component, with its sole purpose being the definition of what shall appear on the user's screen. Therefore, failure to include the render method can plunge your application into chaos or total non-functionality.

Take note of the incorrect code sample below:

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  // No render function here

This class component is devoid of the critical render method, causing it to malfunction and chunk out an error in the React application.

Complicating Class Component Structure

While it's indeed true that class components can manage complex situations, it's valuable to stick to simplicity and clarity as much as possible for better legibility, maintainability, and efficiency. Overcomplicating the structure of a class component by introducing a labyrinth of nested components brings about the hurdles of debugging, maintaining the component and snuffs out performance.

For example, steering clear of pointless state changes is a best practice, given that each state alteration touches off a re-render of the component. Can you fathom the intricacy and performance dip if your component is encumbered with unnecessary re-renders?

JavaScript ES6 syntax brings along syntactic sugar that sweetens your code and makes it more intelligible and immaculate. It ushers in new language constructs like class, extends, and super. These components aid in rendering your code less complex for not just reading but maintainability too. Two spaces indentation comes highly recommended for fostering consistent syntax across the team.

In closing, always aim to achieve simplicity, efficiency, and readability when crafting class components in React. By doing so, a swift, efficient web application is more within reach, plus your code becomes more manageable, debuggable, and scalable.

Unpacking the Pros: Advantages of Class Components

Class Components in JavaScript hold a significant place, particularly within the React library. They offer several advantages which are essential in specific applications and scenarios. Let's unpack the benefits and the appropriate use cases of Class Components.

  1. Stateful Components: Storing data and managing state is a primary function of Class Components. This capability is key in situations where you need to maintain and manipulate state over the lifecycle of the component, for instance, in a form with controlled inputs.
class TextInput extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    // Initial state
    this.state = {
      textValue: ''

  handleInputChange = (event) => {
    this.setState({ textValue: });

  // More code here...
  1. Lifecycle Methods: Class Components offer lifecycle methods that allow you to control and manage your component at various stages of its life. For instance, loading data from the server after the component has been rendered in the componentDidMount method.
class UserPage extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    // Fetch data here

  // More code here...
  1. Inheritance: With Class Components, we can create child components that inherit from parent components. This promotes reusability and modularity, each component encapsulating its functionality and exposing an interface to be inherited and extended by child components.

A common area developers make a wrong turn is misinterpreting the proper applications for Class Components. A clear instance is when developers use Class Components when there's no need for a local state or lifecycle methods functionality. If your component only receives props and renders JSX, a functional component would be a more lightweight, simpler, and suitable alternative.

Key questions to consider: Are we using Class Components only when necessary or are they being utilized in situations where functional components would suffice? Are we organizing and reusing our components efficiently to maintain readability and manage complexity?

Remember, every tool and technique has its ideal use case. Class Components provide robust functionality when controlling internal state and lifecycle methods is required. But, with their added complexity and a heavier memory footprint, we should lean towards simpler constructs like functional components where possible.

A common mistake when working with class components is forgetting to bind the context in class methods. This can lead to confusion with the this keyword, as shown in the following example:

class TextInput extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      textValue: ''

    this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);

  handleInputChange(event) {
    this.setState({ textValue: });

  // More code here...

In the above code, without binding, this inside handleInputChange would not refer to the TextInput instance and would therefore lead to errors. Keeping these nuances in mind when crafting class components will lead to more maintainable and efficient code.

Addressing the Cons: Drawbacks of Class Components

Despite their many advantages, Class Components have their drawbacks which include verbosity, performance, and confusion around the this keyword.

Verbosity: Class Components by nature are more verbose due to the need for additional syntax. For example, in order to define a Class Component you need to first define a class, and then within it a render method.

Compare that to a Function Component, which is instantly less verbose:

function myComponent(){
  return <div>Hello World</div>

As opposed to a Class Component:

class myComponent extends React.Component{
    return <div>Hello World</div>

The Function Component is simpler and easier to read, making it a preferred option when developing smaller, less complex components.

Performance: While the performance difference is almost negligible in smaller applications, Class Components can be slightly slower than Function Components. This is due to the extra lifecycle methods and overhead of using this.

Confusion around 'this': Within Class Components, the this keyword behaves differently than expected, especially for developers coming from other programming languages. The context of this may vary depending on where it's called, leading to unanticipated bugs. For example:

class ClickCounter extends React.Component {
  state = { clicks: 0 }

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({ clicks: this.state.clicks + 1 }) // Error: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined

  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Clicked {this.state.clicks} times</button>

The handleClick() method is not automatically bound to the instance of our component, leading to an error. A common fix for this is using an arrow function or binding the method in the constructor which results in more code.

Overuse: Class Components can also lead to unnecessary complexity when they're overused without a justifiable reason. It's always recommended to use Function Components when the component is presentational or stateless. Using Class Components for such scenarios just adds unnecessary complexity and can slow down your application, since Class Components carry around more overhead due to lifecycle methods.

Therefore, as a developer, it's essential to understand these drawbacks to make a well-informed decision on when to use Class Components. While they serve an essential role in React, consider if the use of a Class Component is justified, or if a simpler Function Component could do the job.

Dissecting Lifecycle Methods and State Management

Class components in JavaScript, particularly in the context of libraries such as React.js, are crucial for the modern web development industry. The state management and lifecycle methods of these components dictate their behavior and interaction with the user.

Lifecycle Methods

Lifecycle methods dictate the series of actions that occur from the birth to the death of a React component. Let's dive into the major lifecycle methods.


This method is invoked immediately after a component is inserted into the tree. It's a great place to initiate network requests, set timers, etc.

componentDidMount() {
    .then(data => this.setState({ userData: data }));


Before the re-rendering process starts, the shouldComponentUpdate method is called. We can compare the new and previous state or props and decide if we want to proceed with the rendering or not. The function returns a boolean value and by default it's always true.

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    if (this.props.color !== nextProps.color) {
        return true;
    return false;


componentDidUpdate is invoked immediately after updating occurs. It is not called for the first render. Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has been updated.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if(prevProps.count !== this.props.count) {
       document.querySelector('#counter').textContent = this.props.count;


This method is called just before the component is destroyed or removed from the DOM. It’s the perfect time to handle cleanup and revoke any reserved resources.

componentWillUnmount() {

State Management

State management is an essential concept of React that gives each component its own internal state. Here's an example of state initialization:

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
       count: 0,

To change a state, we use the setState() function provided by React. This triggers a component update and also our lifecycle methods. Never modify state directly. Doing so can lead to unexpected component behavior and difficult-to-find bugs.

incrementCounter() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

A common mistake to avoid is accessing this.state right after setState. The update is not immediate and won’t reflect the latest changes. Use a callback function to ensure the code executes after the state has updated.

incrementCounter() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 },
        () => console.log(this.state.count) // Call back

Understanding the lifecycle methods and state management of class components is crucial for effective React programming. They allow for fine-grained control over component behavior and performance, leading to more efficient, expressive, and maintainable code. Have you ever faced any bugs related to lifecycle methods and state management? What best practices do you follow when using these concepts in your projects?

Showdown: React Hooks vs Class Components

In this section, we delve into two crucial aspects of the React JavaScript library, React Hooks and Class Components. Although they provide identical functionality, they exhibit minor differences in terms of coding approach and practical application. Now, let's explore each of these concepts further.

Understanding React Hooks

React Hooks usher a new, more lightweight and agile way of managing state and side effects in React applications. Before Hooks, if you needed state or lifecycle methods in a component, you had to resort to a Class Component. But with React Hooks, such state management and lifecycle methods can be effectively managed within function components.

Below is an example of a typical React Hook:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;

  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me

In the example above, 'useState' is a hook that allows the addition of React state within function components, while 'useEffect' unifies the execution of lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.

The Class Component Approach

Contrastingly, Class Components represent the conventional way of managing state and lifecycle methods in React applications. They facilitate a more structured, object-oriented method for crafting components in our React applications.

Let's take a look at how an identical functionality can be achieved through a Class Component.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  componentDidMount() {
    document.title = `You clicked ${this.state.count} times`;

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    if (prevState.count !== this.state.count) {
      document.title = `You clicked ${this.state.count} times`;

  render() {
    return (
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1})}>
          Click me

In the example just mentioned, state handling and lifecycle methods are managed within a class. Here, 'componentDidMount' and 'componentDidUpdate' oversee the side effects.

Mistakes to Avoid: Overusing Hooks and Not Isolating State Properly

A common misstep when working with React Hooks is to overutilize them where Class Components would provide a more suitable approach. Although Hooks are the newest addition to the React library, their use should not indiscriminately replace every instance of Class Components.

In numerous scenarios, Class Components offer a more legible and discernible structure, especially for managing complex state logic and side effects. A vivid example of this could be where intricate lifecycle methods are involved and would be more understandable and manageable in a Class Component.

Another notable mistake with React Hooks is the lack of proper state isolation. Hooks provide the ability to have multiple 'useState' calls, and a developer must take advantage of this to keep different pieces of state logically separated.

On failing to do so, you might end up with something looking like this:

const [name, setName, age, setAge, email, setEmail] = useState('');

This will lead to a centralized and intertwined state logic that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain.

In terms of performance and memory, Class Components often consume more memory since each component instance comes with its own methods and event handlers. Hooks, on the other hand, can offer performance advantages since they're merely functions and do not carry the overhead of classes. Yet, the decision between Hooks and Class Components should not be driven solely by these factors but by the specific use cases and requirements of your project.

In summary, while React Hooks represent a more scalable and efficient paradigm in React programming, they do not render Class Components obsolete. As a developer, it is indispensable to understand the use cases of both to properly implement them in your projects. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches is key to writing effective, efficient, and maintainable code.

Considering what we've discussed, what factors do you weigh when deciding whether to use Hooks or Class Components in a new React project? At what point during the development cycle do you decide to refactor Class Components into Hooks? Have there been instances where you've preferred one over the other due to performance reasons, memory utilization, or the complexity of your project? Feel free to share your specific use cases and practical experiences.

Familiarizing with Prop Usage in Class Components

Props, short for properties, hold an instrumental role in the world of React. They're an effective method for transferring data between components. In class components, things are no different. Let's explore their nuances within the scope of Class Components.

Before proceeding, we need to understand that React’s guiding philosophy is – "props should be immutable." In other words, don't modify props directly within components.

Prop Passing in Class Components

Passing props in class components is straightforward. When creating a new component instance, pass the props like they're regular HTML attributes.

In other words, passing props to class components is similar to passing arguments to a function. Here's how you pass 'name' as a prop to a 'greeting' component.

<Greeting name='John Doe'/> 

Accessing Props in Class Components

In class components, we access props through this.props. It's an object where each key maps to a received prop value. At its core is the constructor function.

class Greeting extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // Accessing the 'name' prop

But be warned! There's a pitfall you must avoid!

Common Mistakes with Props in Class Components

One common mistake is forgetting to call super(props) in the class component's constructor function. This call activates the parent class's constructor method and enables 'prop' functionality in the inherited class.

class Greeting extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // Forgot to call super(props)
    console.log(; // This will be 'undefined'

Another common error is directly mutating props. Remember the principle we mentioned earlier - React insists that props should be immutable. Trying to modify them directly within the component will cause an error.

class Greeting extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    //This is a wrong practice = 'Jane Doe'; // This will throw an Error

Understanding Prop Usage in class components allows you to skillfully manage data in your application. It maintains the principles of code readability and reusability which form the bedrock of excellent software architecture.

So here's a question for you: how could setting defaultProps and propTypes improve your prop usage within class components? Reflect on this as you engage more with JavaScript's role in modern web development.

Navigating Data Transfer: From Child To Parent

In the realm of React, data flow predominantly follows a unidirectional pattern, moving from parent components down to their children. However, many scenarios necessitate having a means to pass data in the reverse direction, from child components to their parent. This process is known as "Child To Parent Data Transfer."

Understanding Child To Parent Data Transfer

One common misunderstanding is to assume that you can apply the same method of passing data from parents to children by simply passing props to the parent. Regrettably, Props in React are read-only and hence, cannot be used to transfer data from a child to its parent.

Essentially, props deliver state data from parent components to their children. Conversely, to send data from child components to their parent, you primarily employ props to pass callback functions.

Passing Callbacks via Props

This method involves defining a callback function in the parent component and then passing that function to the child component through props. When the event triggering the data transfer in the child component occurs, the callback function is executed, updating the parent's state with the new data from the child. Let's consider a simple example that illuminates this mechanism:

class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { message: '' };
    this.handleData = this.handleData.bind(this);

  handleData(data) {
    this.setState({ message: data });

  render() {
    return (
        <ChildComponent handler={this.handleData} />

class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { message: 'Hello Parent Component!' };
    this.sendMessage = this.sendMessage.bind(this);

  sendMessage() {

  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.sendMessage}>Send Message</button>;

In this example, the handleData function inside the ParentComponent accepts an argument, data, that is used to set the state of message. This method is then passed as a prop handler to the ChildComponent which after an event (in this case, a button click), calls this.props.handler with the message data, effectively passing the data to the parent component.

Misusing Props for Data Transfer

A common pitfall amongst developers is overusing props for data transfer, leading to a phenomenon known as 'prop drilling' or 'threading'. This involves passing data through multiple layers of components, even those that do not need it, to reach a component that does, thereby making the codebase more difficult to maintain and reasoning about.

The situation tends to arise when data is being fed from a top-level component down to a deeply nested child component. This begs a question: How does one handle deeply nested components and avoid prop drilling? Well, one common approach is the use of React's Context API or third-party state management libraries such as Redux.

In conclusion, passing data from child components to their parents is indeed feasible in React and is a crucial concept to grasp. This process enhances component interaction, thereby fostering the creation of more dynamic and interactive user interfaces. As with other tools and techniques, careful and judicious application will keep your codebase lean, efficient, and maintainable.

Deconstructing the Constructor: Its Role and Importance

The constructor is a special method for creating and initializing objects within a class. In JavaScript ES6, the constructor is an in-built function that gets called when an object of the class is created. Within Class Components, the constructor plays an extremely vital role and ensures the seamless creation and initialization of component elements.

Let's consider how it operates in a Class Component:

class MyClassComponent {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      value: 'Hello World'
  render() {
    return (

In the example above, we see how a constructor is incorporated into a Class Component. It takes props as an argument. The constructor calls super(props) to access the parent class's (React.Component) properties. Afterward, the local state is set to an initial value.

However, it's not always necessary to include a constructor in a Class Component. With the ES6 arrow functions, the need for manual binding of this has been eliminated and thus reducing the necessity for a constructor. Here's how our example Class Component would look without a constructor:

class MyClassComponent extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: 'Hello World'
  render() {
    return (

The above example does pretty much the same thing as the earlier one. The only difference lies in the removal of the constructor and declaring the state directly.

Though the constructor often comes in handy, there have been instances of its misuse. A common mistake is the unnecessary use of bind in the constructor. For instance:

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    value: 'Hello World'
  this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

In the example above, binding this to the handleClick method isn't required because of the ES6 arrow functions, which automatically binds this for us.

Here's a thought-provoking question: Consider a Class Component with numerous functions; would declaring a constructor for the sole intent of binding this to each of the methods be a good practice, knowing that ES6 arrow functions do this for us automatically?

In conclusion, the constructor is an essential aspect of JavaScript's Classes. However, with the advent of ES6 and arrow functions, automatic binding negates the need for a constructor—while still offering the same functionalities. It's crucial to leverage our understanding of these functionalities and use them to write more efficient, readable, and reusable code. The decision to use a constructor or not depends on the needs of your Class Component.

Component Showdown: Class vs Pure vs Functional

In JavaScript, especially within the framework of React, three primary types of components are commonly used: Class Components, Pure Components, and Functional Components. Each type has its unique properties and use-cases, and understanding the difference between them can elevate your JavaScript programming skills.

Class Components

Class Components are the traditional and most common type of component. As the name suggests, they are declared as a class extending the React.Component class. The critical feature of Class Components is that they have a State and Lifecycle Methods.

An example of a Class Component looks like this:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      count: 0

  render() {
    return (
      <button onClick={() => this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })}>
        Click me


  • Full access to React lifecycle methods.

  • Can have a local state.


  • More code and complexity.

  • Higher memory footprint.

Pure Components

Pure Components, like Class Components, are also declared as classes. However, they extend the React.PureComponent class instead. Pure components have a shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method implemented with a shallow prop and state comparison.

Here is a basic example of a Pure Component:

class MyPureComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
      <button onClick={this.props.updateCount}>
        Click me


  • Performance optimizations from shallow comparisons in shouldComponentUpdate().


  • Similar cons as Class Components (i.e. more code and complexity).

  • Shallow prop and state comparison might not always give expected results.

Functional Components

Functional Components are the simplest types of components. They are merely JavaScript functions that accept properties (props) as an argument and return React Elements.

An example of a Functional Component is as follows:

function MyFunctionalComponent(props) {
  return (
    <button onClick={props.updateCount}>
      Click me


  • Less code and complexity, making them more readable and maintainable.

  • Better performance memory wise because of the lack of state or lifecycle methods.


  • No access to lifecycle methods.

  • Cannot have local state (unless using Hooks).

Misappropriate Uses

Understanding the categories of components, it becomes essential to be aware of the dangers of misusing them:

  • Overusing Class Components: Using Class Components everywhere can lead to unnecessary complexity and memory usage. Consider whether state or lifecycle methods are necessary.

  • Incorrect use of Pure Components: Using Pure Components for components with complex state or props can lead to unwanted results due to shallow comparison.

  • Overlooking Functional Components: Ignoring Functional Components can miss the benefits of simplicity and performance. These components are sufficient for most simple, display-only tasks.

With these mindsets, we can better determine the best component type for the given task and optimize our web app performance and readability. Which of these components do you often find yourself using, or which ones do you need to explore more?

The Horizon: Class Components' Future in React

The future horizon of JavaScript Class Components certainly seems challenged with the emergence of Hooks in React's ecosystem. As an experienced developer, you would be aware that any technology or concept could potentially go obsolete. However, let's delve into this complex issue, evaluate the pros and cons, and see where it might lead us.

The Advent of Hooks With the introduction of Hooks in React 16.8, there have been major changes in how we build React components. Hooks offer a way to use state, effect, and more in functional components, which many developers found more readable and concise than Class Components.

Here's a commented code example contrasting a Class Component with a Hook-based functional component:

// Class Component
class Example extends React.Component {
  // Setting the initial state in the constructor
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      count: 0

  // render method returns the component UI
  render() {
    return (
        {/* Displaying the current count */}
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times</p>
        {/* Button that increments the count */}
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })}>
          Click me
// Functional Component with Hooks
function Example() {
  // Equivalent of initializing state in a class component
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

  return (
      {/* Displaying the current count */}
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      {/* Button that increments the count */}
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me

This change led some to ponder: "Are Class Components becoming obsolete?"

Class Components Deprecation The future of Class Components may seem uncertain given the popularity of Hooks. However, it's a mistake to categorize Class Components as outdated or facing deprecation. The React developers have openly stated that they have no plans to phase out Class Components from React, given the sheer number of codebases currently using them.

Existing projects extensively use Class Components. It's unrealistic to expect them all to refactor their entire code base in favor of Hooks. That's one of the reasons for keeping Class Components fresh in your memory. They won't disappear overnight despite new trends.

So, should you persist with Class Components? Without a doubt, the answer is yes! Coding with Class Components doesn't make your development work obsolete or somehow 'inferior'. It's merely a distinct way of approaching the same problem.

Performance considerations may come under scrutiny while weighing Class Components against functional ones. Generally, Class components tend to be marginally faster and less memory-intensive than functional components. However, the disparity is negligible for most scenarios.

Common pitfalls while transitioning from Classes to Hooks could include trying to mirror lifecycle methods exactly in Hooks. Unlike lifecycle methods, Hooks encapsulate behavior, not lifecycle, and must be thought of differently.

In conclusion, it appears that Javascript Class Components are here to stay for the foreseeable future. With no official deprecation in sight and a massive amount of existing codebase to maintain, it remains a vital skill in every Javascript Developer's toolkit. The industry's realities warrant sticking with what is tested, proven, and works — in this case, Class Components.

In the transition to new trends and technologies, let's not lose sight of established and effective tools and practices. Emphasizing the importance of learning, understanding and mastering Class Components is crucial despite any newly introduced trends or components. After all, it is the timeless nature of technology – to keep evolving while appreciating what came before.

Classy Components: Summing Up React's Class Components

In summing up, by employing Class Components, you empower your React applications with highly testable, structured, and reusable code. The key features of a React Class Component are its state, lifecycle methods, and render method. Each of these play a decisive role in component construction, functionality and interactivity.

The state is the data source for our component. It is mutable but always kept private. It's the main driving force for re-rendering a component each time there's an update. For example:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            data: 'Initial data...'
    // ...

Then we have the acclaimed React component lifecycle methods. They allow us to run a particular action at a particular lifecycle phase. The lifecycle methods include componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount, among others.

componentDidMount() {
    // Perfect place to call APIs and update state
    this.setState({ data: 'Updated data...' });

Finally, we can't omit render(). It's where our JSX lies, and it's where React updates the component's UI according to the state/props change.

render() {
    return (

It's recommended now that you get hands-on with what you've learned. Creating a simple application with interconnected class components will solidify the understanding. Ensure your app has at least three components communicating via props and managing state.

Remember, Class Components have more complexity compared to their simpler cousin, Function Components, but their advantages in readability, modularity, and reusability are distinct. As you learn to leverage lifecycle methods, design complex state structures, and break down your app into strategically likely connected components, you will unlock the full potential of React's Class Components.

After all, class is permanent.

So, are you ready to bring your 'Class Component' knowledge into practice?

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