Understanding Hoisting in Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - December 29th 2023 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving world of web development, mastering nuanced concepts can greatly enhance one's craft, especially when working with Vue.js 3—one of the leading progressive frameworks of today. While seasoned developers may be well-acquainted with the intricacies of JavaScript, the interplay of hoisting within Vue's sophisticated Composition API offers a unique frontier to explore. This article delves into the often overlooked yet pivotal influence of hoisting, from its subtle interferences in the setup() method to its relationship with Vue's reactive data properties and lifecycle hooks. Whether you're looking to fortify your understanding or establish hoisting-safe coding patterns within your Vue 3 projects, the insights and best practices uncovered here promise to refine your approach to modern web development. Prepare to navigate through the layers of hoisting with precision, ensuring your components are impeccably structured for both performance and maintainability.

Demystifying Hoisting in Vue's Composition API

In JavaScript, hoisting is the interpreter's action of moving function and variable declarations to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase. This peculiarity can lead to unexpected behaviors, especially for developers new to the intricacies of the language. In Vue.js 3's Composition API, this concept is vital to comprehend as it underpins how the setup() method processes declarations.

Within the setup() function, which is a key feature of the Composition API, variable and function declarations are subject to JavaScript's standard hoisting rules. However, there's a nuanced difference in Vue 3: variables declared with ref, reactive, or computed are reactive data sources and are not hoisted in the conventional sense. This means that while JavaScript hoists the declarations, the reactivity system kicks in only after the actual assignment, leaving them in a non-reactive state until properly initialized.

Variables declared with let or const follow the standard ES6+ behavior in JavaScript: they are hoisted to the top of their block scope but are not initialized. Attempting to access these block-scoped variables before their declaration will trigger a ReferenceError due to the Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ). As such, Vue developers must remain diligent, declaring all reactive properties before any return statement inside the setup() to avoid these reference issues.

Functions within the setup() method, if expressed as function expressions using const, let, or var, are also hoisted according to their respective hoisting rules. This contrasts with function declarations, which are entirely hoisted to the top, allowing their use before the actual point of declaration within the same scope. Therefore, it is prudent to consistently employ function declarations when defining reusable methods intended for use throughout the setup() method to avoid hoisting pitfalls.

Lastly, hoisting in the context of Vue's Composition API entails awareness of the execution context in which component setup occurs. It’s important for Vue developers to remember that the JavaScript surrounding Vue code follows the same execution phases, hence creating and hoisting during the creation phase before moving onto execution. Understanding this behavior allows for structuring setup() code in a manner that is both predictable and maintainable, leveraging hoisting where beneficial and exercising caution where necessary to avoid unexpected behavior.

Function Hoisting vs. Composition Functions in Vue 3

In the Vue 3 Composition API, understanding JavaScript's function hoisting nuances is essential as developers structure their components within the setup() function. Hoisting behavior for function declarations ensures that these named functions are available throughout the entire scope of setup(), as they are processed during the compilation phase before any code is executed.

Consider a scenario where function declarations inside setup() play a crucial role in organizing logic:

import { ref, watch } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup(props) {
    const myRef = ref(0);

    function complexComputation() {
      // Perform calculations based on props
      return props.value * 2;

    function updateMyRefWithComputation() {
      myRef.value = complexComputation();

    // Synchronize changes when props update
    watch(() => props.value, updateMyRefWithComputation);

    // Initial computation on setup

    return { myRef, updateMyRefWithComputation };

Such function declarations improve code organization and readability, making the structure of larger components more navigable.

On the other side, function expressions assigned to variables with const or let reflect the actual order of code execution since they are not subject to hoisting like function declarations. Attempting to invoke these before their declaration line will lead to a ReferenceError due to temporally dead zones:

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const myRef = ref(0);

    // This function expression is temporally dead until this line
    const dynamicallyDefinedIncrement = condition => {
      if (condition) {

    dynamicallyDefinedIncrement(true); // Executed only after the declaration

    return { myRef, dynamicallyDefinedIncrement };

In complex components, the choice between function declarations and expressions can dictate the maintainability and readability of the code. Function declarations offer the benefit of being invoked before their explicit definition within the code flow. In contrast, expressions align with the sequential logic of the script, promoting clarity in the control flow.

For optimal performance, especially in larger applications, it is best practice to define utility functions that are independent of the component’s reactive state outside of the setup() function. Positioning functions outside prevents them from being redefined on each component instantiation, thus saving on memory and computational overhead:

function computeHeavyLogic(data) {
  // Computationally intensive logic

export default {
  setup() {
    // Reactive state and component-specific logic here
    return {};

The strategic use of function hoisting within Vue 3's setup() function can lead to improved code clarity and performance. It's a balancing act that senior developers must navigate: do function declarations' hoisting attributes outweigh the chronological transparency provided by function expressions, and how does this choice resonate with the patterns in your Vue 3 projects?

Hoisting and Reactive Data Properties

Hoisting in JavaScript influences how Vue.js 3 handles reactive data properties within its Composition API. One common pitfall occurs when developers declare reactive state using ES6 const or let. Developers might expect these declarations to hoist like var statements or function declarations. However, let and const declarations are hoisted differently; they do not initialize until the code execution reaches their point in the source. This can result in components exhibiting non-reactive or undefined states if a reactive reference is accessed before its declaration.

For instance, consider a scenario where a developer attempts to access a ref before declaring it within the setup function. The code may look syntactically correct, but due to the temporal dead zone induced by let or const, the state will not be reactive, and accessing it too early can cause a ReferenceError. This is a critical aspect to grasp, especially when working with asynchronous operations that may attempt to access reactive state before it's been established.

const myComponent = {
    setup() {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log(myReactiveRef.value); // ReferenceError
        }, 1000);

        const myReactiveRef = ref(0);

        return { myReactiveRef };

To circumvent these issues, it is paramount to declare reactive properties at the top of the setup function before any other logic that may access them. This way, the developer can ensure that by the time any piece of logic tries to interact with the state, it has been properly initialized as reactive. Neglecting this order can lead to significant debugging challenges, as the component's behavior would not reflect the reactivity that Vue.js aims to provide.

const myComponent = {
    setup() {
        const myReactiveRef = ref(0);

        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log(myReactiveRef.value); // Works as expected
        }, 1000);

        return { myReactiveRef };

Moreover, it is beneficial to remember the distinction between declaring a reactive reference and initializing its value. Lazy initialization of reactive references is valid but requires a careful approach to prevent premature access. The Vue 3 Composition API's reactivity system kicks in upon assignment. Thus, prior to assignment, there is no reactivity, which can be a common source of confusion.

const myComponent = {
    setup() {
        let myReactiveRef;

        // Other logic ...

        myReactiveRef = ref(0); // Reactive from this point forward

        return { myReactiveRef };

Through careful analysis and proper structuring of component logic, developers can effectively sidestep the caveats posed by hoisting behavior. Embracing these approaches ensures a maintainable and predictable state management within Vue.js 3 applications.

The Impact of Hoisting on Lifecycle Hooks and Best Practices

Hoisting in JavaScript can exert influence on how lifecycle hooks are implemented in Vue.js 3, particularly within single-file components. When developers define methods or variables outside of the lifecycle hooks like onMounted and onUpdated, the hoisting behavior tends to elevate the declarations to the top scope of the module. This can induce complications if a developer inadvertently relies on a lexical ordering that is visually misrepresentative of the actual execution sequence.

For component options such as methods and computed properties, a common best practice is to explicitly declare functions before they are utilized in any lifecycle hook. This convention counteracts the misleading nature of hoisting by ensuring that all functionalities are declared and, therefore, accessible by the time lifecycle methods execute. It is about maintaining the hygiene of predictable function availability through explicit structuring, facilitating the readability and maintainability of code.

Moreover, strategies to mitigate the side effects of hoisting typically involve the use of JavaScript's block-scoped declarations like let and const. Although these declarations do hoist, they are not initialized until their lexical binding is evaluated, preventing access until after their declarative expressions. In the context of a Vue.js 3 component, this demands careful planning to guarantee that referenced values within lifecycle methods are initialized prior to invocation, thereby sidestepping potential temporal dead zones.

To further cement best practices and avoid hoisting's pitfalls within the lifecycle methods, developers should refrain from depending on the ordering of onMounted, onUpdated, or other hooks for the initialization or declaration of functions and state. Instead, it’s advisable to place such dependencies within the setup() function or outside the component's export default block altogether, particularly if they do not need to be reactive. This results in a cleaner separation of a component's reactive state management and its dependent methods or utilities.

Conclusively, when embracing lifecycle hooks and managing component state logic, it is pertinent to favor explicit function and state declaration. This encourages a modular, clear, and reliable codebase that aligns with the lifecycle's predictability. Developers ought to vigilantly acknowledge JavaScript's hoisting mechanism, even if the framework abstracts away much of the reactivity and lifecycle management, to construct robust Vue.js applications capable of scaling without succumbing to the quirks of the underlying language features.

Hoisting-Safe Coding Patterns in Vue 3

In the Vue 3 ecosystem, adopting hoisting-safe coding patterns is essential to foster robust and maintainable applications. One effective strategy for ensuring predictable behavior is the utilization of immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE). By wrapping a segment of code within an IIFE, developers can create private scopes, thus preventing variables or functions from being hoisted out of their intended scope. This pattern is particularly useful when you want to execute code immediately without affecting the surrounding module's scope.

const myComposable = (() => {
    let value = 'value'; // Setup initial state
    // Logic that should run immediately and in isolation

    function privateHelper() {
        // Helper function that doesn't get hoisted
    // Exposed public method, still respecting hoisting
    function publicApi() {
        // Access to value through closure

    return {
        value, // Exposing state
        publicApi // Exposing function

Using factory functions is another potent hoisting-safe pattern. By designing components or composables that generate instances through factories, you can encapsulate logic and state without risking unexpected hoisting. Each invocation of a factory function creates a new scope, offering a clean slate for the functional logic contained within it.

function createComponentInstance() {
    // Factory function creating a new scope
    let count = 0;

    function increment() {

    return {
        state: { count }, // Returning state as an object

For structuring composables in Vue 3, a careful approach is necessary to avoid the pitfalls of hoisting. Ensure that all reusable composition functions or logical units are isolated and declared in a manner that respects JavaScript's scoping rules. This segregation not only aids in avoiding hoisting surprises but also enhances the modularity and reusability of code.

function useMyFeature() {
    // Composable function respecting hoisting
    let isActive = false;

    function toggleFeature() {
        isActive = !isActive;

    return {
        featureState: { active: isActive },

Improper management of hoisting can lead to difficult-to-trace bugs, particularly when not accounting for the temporal dead zone of let and const. A common mistake is referencing these declarations before they have been evaluated, leading to a ReferenceError. To avoid such errors, always declare and initialize let or const at the top of their scope before any other logic.

// Correct: Define function expressions at the top of their scope
let myFunction;
try {
    myFunction(); // This would throw a ReferenceError
} catch (e) {
    console.error(e); // ReferenceError: myFunction is not defined

myFunction = () => {
    // Function expression is now safe to use
const validInvocation = myFunction();

Lastly, when defining functions within the composable's context, consider structure and readability: Are there clear boundaries between the private and public interfaces? Are the reactive states initialized and properly scoped? It is important to declare function expressions at the top of their scope, not just to enhance readability, but also to uphold hoisting safety and avoid errors associated with the temporal dead zone. For function declarations, which are hoisted and therefore available throughout their containing scope, declare them in a place that maximizes clarity and maintainability of the codebase.


In this article, we explore the concept of hoisting in Vue.js 3 and its impact on various aspects of modern web development. We discuss how hoisting works within the setup() method, the differences between function hoisting and composition functions, the interaction between hoisting and reactive data properties, and the influence of hoisting on lifecycle hooks. The article provides best practices for coding with hoisting in mind and suggests hoisting-safe patterns, such as using immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE) and factory functions. A challenging task for readers to try is to refactor their Vue 3 components to utilize hoisting-safe coding patterns and observe any improvements in maintainability and performance.

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