Vue.js 3's Composition API: A Detailed Exploration

Anton Ioffe - December 23rd 2023 - 10 minutes read

Embarking on a journey through the paradigm shift of Vue.js, the Composition API emerges as a game-changer in the ever-evolving landscape of modern web development. This comprehensive exploration will venture beyond the syntax and delve into the sophisticated engineering principles that underpin Vue's latest innovation. Prepare to dissect the intricacies of reactive data handling, master the art of crafting scalable composables, and unravel the lifecycle enigmas with newfound clarity. Through enlightening code vignettes and a dissection of seasoned practices, we invite seasoned developers to elevate their architectural prowess and sidestep the subtleties of common missteps, paving the way for a mastery of composition that stands to redefine the elegance of their codebase.

Deep Dive into Vue.js 3's Composition API

At the heart of Vue.js 3's Composition API lies a fundamental shift in how developers can construct and manage their application's reactivity. Moving beyond the Options API's organizational constraints, the Composition API embraces a more granular approach to coding by treating logic as composable units. This not only streamlines the code by grouping related functionalities but also substantially elevates the scalability of applications. The introduction of this API signifies a transformative leap for developers, empowering them with the freedom to architect their app’s reactivity in a more intuitive, maintainable manner.

As developers grapple with increasingly complex component structures, the Composition API provides a more coherent method to oversee and orchestrate these intricacies. Unlike the Options API, which enforces a more rigid framework for defining data, methods, computed properties, and lifecycle methods, the Composition API allows developers to cohesively aggregate their related reactive state and logic. This cohesion ensures that the component logic no longer remains fragmented across various options, but is bound together in a functional segment—improving readability and making maintenance a far less daunting task.

For example, consider a situation where you are managing a user profile component with the Composition API:

import { reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      userProfile: {
        name: '',
        email: '',
        bio: '',
      isLoading: false,

    // Logic to fetch the user data goes here
    async function fetchUserProfile(userId) {
      state.isLoading = true;
      try {
        // Fake API call to fetch user data
        const data = await fakeApiCall(userId);
        state.userProfile = data;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching user profile:', error);
      } finally {
        state.isLoading = false;

    return {

In this code snippet, reactive() is used to create a reactive state that can be directly manipulated within the setup() function, ensuring all logic related to the user profile is grouped neatly together and isolated from other unrelated states, which exemplifies better modularity.

Performance optimization is an added virtue of the Composition API. By decentralizing the component logic into more targeted reactive scopes, developers can fine-tune reactivity and eliminate unnecessary overheads inherent in the broader-scoped Options API. This more focused approach can lead to faster rendering times and leaner reactivity graphs, particularly beneficial for large-scale applications where performance is paramount. It also plays well with JavaScript’s garbage collection mechanisms, potentially leading to better memory management outcomes.

The synergy between the Composition API and TypeScript amplifies its appeal, especially when it comes to enterprise-level applications. By leveraging TypeScript's static typing, developers gain a more robust development experience with enhanced auto-completion, navigation, and type checking—exceeding what was previously possible with the Options API. This symbiotic relationship allows developers to write more predictable code, catching errors at compile time rather than runtime, a boon for any application's stability and developer peace of mind.

Diving deep into the Composition API also spells out a significant paradigm shift for those coming from object-oriented programming (OOP) backgrounds. While the Options API aligns more closely with the class-based mental models familiar to OOP, the Composition API requires an understanding of a different set of reactive principles. Yet, with this new understanding comes the ability to strategically decompose and recompose application logic, creating a more flexible environment that can better handle the multifaceted nature of modern web applications. The Composition API, therefore, isn’t just an addition to Vue's reactivity system—it’s a complete reimagining of it, tailored for the complexities of contemporary web development.

Reactive and Refractive Foundations: The setup() Function and Reactivity Refractors

At the heart of Vue.js 3's Composition API is the setup() function, an entry point for composing a component's reactive features. Within setup(), developers initialize reactive state variables using ref(), which creates a reactive reference for primitive values, or reactive(), which handles objects. A ref() is often used for simple values that you expect to change over time, such as a counter, while reactive() is particularly useful for objects where you want to maintain reactivity across nested properties. It is important to note that the ref() value must be accessed using .value, distinguishing its reactive capabilities from a standard variable.

import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const userInfo = reactive({ name: 'John', age: 27 });

    // Always access the .value when referring to a ref
    const incrementCount = () => {

    // Reactive objects can be handled like normal JavaScript objects
    const updateUser = (newName, newAge) => { = newName;
      userInfo.age = newAge;

    return { count, userInfo, incrementCount, updateUser };

Moreover, computed() properties are an integral part of the Composition API 's reactivity system, allowing developers to create derived state that recalculates only when its dependencies change. This enhances performance by preventing unnecessary recalculations and ensures the computed properties remain synchronized with the reactive state. Maintaining a distinction between the setup's reactive state and computed properties is vital for ensuring reactivity pipelines remain clean and efficient.

import { ref, reactive, computed } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const user = reactive({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });
    const fullName = computed(() => `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`);

    return { count, user, fullName };

While working with reactive data, one should avoid destructuring the props parameter directly in the setup() function, as this can lead to the loss of reactivity. Instead, use toRefs() when you need to work with individual props in a reactive manner. This preserves the reactivity of each property while allowing the use of their raw values elsewhere in the function.

import { toRefs } from 'vue';

export default {
  props: ['message'],
  setup(props) {
    const { message } = toRefs(props);

A common mistake developers make when handling reactive data is forgetting to use .value for refs, which can lead to unexpected behavior as the changes they make will not be reactive. Conversely, treating a reactive object like a ref by attempting to access its properties using .value will result in errors, as reactive objects maintain their structures without the .value property.

import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const user = reactive({ name: 'John', age: 27 });

    // Common mistake: treating reactive as ref
    // Correct usage commented out
    // console.log(user.value); // => undefined
    console.log(; // => 'John'

    // Common mistake: forgetting .value for refs
    // Correct usage commented out
    // console.log(count); // => RefImpl
    console.log(count.value); // => 0

Understanding the delicate nuances of the Composition API's reactivity principles is crucial for writing sustainable Vue components. It ensures the state remains reactive and responsive to changes, while computed properties dependably reflect the current state. As Vue.js continues to evolve, mastery of these fundamentals is paramount for senior developers looking to harness the full potential of their applications.

Architecting Composables: Reusable Composition Functions

In the realm of Vue.js 3, composables are akin to well-architected building blocks, designed to encapsulate reactive logic and state that can effortlessly mesh into the fabric of a larger application structure. Think of a composable as a dedicated function that returns a reactive state, along with operations that directly influence that state, categorized and isolated based on its domain logic. For instance, take a pagination composable that provides both paginated data and methods to navigate the dataset:

import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

export function usePagination(data) {
    const currentPage = ref(1);
    const pageSize = ref(10);
    const paginatedData = computed(() => {
        const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * pageSize.value;
        return data.value.slice(start, start + pageSize.value);

    function nextPage() {

    function prevPage() {
    if (currentPage.value > 1) {

    return { currentPage, paginatedData, nextPage, prevPage };

This not only enhances modularity by cleanly separating concerns but also encourages readability as the functions are self-descriptive, revealing intent at a glance. Additionally, reusability skyrockets since this logic can be imported into any component that requires pagination capabilities without rewriting the same code.

Composables thrive when employed alongside the Vue.js provide and inject feature, a pattern familiar to those versed in dependency injection mechanisms. This duo allows you to define provided data or functions at a parent level and then inject them into descendant components, maintaining a firm contract of dependencies without tightly coupling the components. Consider a scenario where a parent component defines a user composable and child components consume the user's information:

// UserProvider.vue
import { provide } from 'vue';
import { useUser } from './composables/useUser';

export default {
    setup() {
        const user = useUser();
        provide('user', user);

        return { ...user };

In a child component, you'd simply inject the 'user' dependency:

// UserProfile.vue
import { inject } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const user = inject('user');
        return { ...user };

However, crafting effective composables is not devoid of intricacies. One common pitfall to avoid is tightly coupling the composable to specific implementation details or components. This undermines the composable’s portability and violates its very essence of being a reusable unit. Instead, focus on designing composables with clear, independent interfaces that interact with the rest of your application in a predictable manner.

It is probing questions like—How might we distill this feature into its most abstract form? Which parameters could make this function applicable across different scenarios?—that drive the successful architecture of a composable. As developers continue to experiment and iterate over their composables, it's paramount to remember that the art of composition lies not only in crafting individual pieces of logic but also in how seamlessly they integrate to form a coherent and maintainable system.

Lifecycle Hooks and Side Effects in Composition API

Vue 3 introduces new lifecycle hooks that are accessed within the setup() function of the Composition API. These lifecycle hooks offer more explicit control over when to run certain code based on the stages of a component's life. For example, onMounted() is analogous to the mounted hook in the Options API, executing code once the component is mounted onto the DOM. The Composition API also provides onBeforeMount(), onBeforeUpdate(), onUpdated(), onBeforeUnmount(), and onUnmounted(), mirroring the lifecycle events found in the Options API but used as functions instead of options:

import { onMounted } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        onMounted(() => {
            console.log('Component is now mounted!');

Side effects in components—such as data fetching, manipulating DOM, or subscribing to a store or observable—may be handled with watch and watchEffect. The watch function allows for specifying dependencies with finer granularity, while providing the opportunity to compare the old and new values, offering a more controlled reaction to changes:

import { watch, ref } from 'vue';

const myData = ref('');

watch(() => myData.value, (newValue, oldValue) => {
    console.log(`myData changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);

In contrast, watchEffect acts immediately and tracks any reactive dependencies used within the callback function, making it ideal for cases where you need to react to multiple changing sources:

import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';

const myData = ref('');

watchEffect(() => {
    console.log(`The new myData value is: ${myData.value}`);

However, a common mistake when using watch involves not providing a function that returns the reactive source, leading to ineffective reactivity tracking. Conversely, with watchEffect, including reactive properties that are not utilized within the callback can lead to unnecessary re-evaluations and performance hits.

When using these tools, developers should be mindful of potential memory leaks. Always ensure that listeners or subscriptions made in onMounted are properly cleaned up in onUnmounted to prevent retaining unused objects and to optimize memory usage. The explicit and easily trackable setup of the Composition API assists in managing such side effects effectively:

import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        let myInterval;

        onMounted(() => {
            myInterval = setInterval(() => console.log('Tick'), 1000);

        onUnmounted(() => {

Ultimately, the Lifecycle Hooks and the effect management system in Vue's Composition API provide a more deliberate and maintainable approach to handle side effects, enabling developers to write cleaner, more performant, and less error-prone code.

Best Practices and Common Mistakes in Vue 3 Composition API

Embracing the Composition API is crucial for achieving peak-performing Vue applications. Consolidate logically related state and functions using composables. This allows you to encapsulate and manage related functionalities effectively, fostering modularity and reusability. A pro tip is to break down complex components into a series of simpler, single-purpose composables. This can significantly aid in testing and maintainability, as well as simplifying the process of debugging individual pieces of logic. However, while aiming for abstraction, it's essential that each composable is focused and provides discernible functionality, without being overly generalized or losing specificity.

Optimizing reactivity is at the heart of the Composition API. Use computed properties judiciously, placing them adjacent to their pertinent reactive state to maintain cogency, and to enhance performance by limiting extraneous re-renders. When delineating reactive states, ref() is suitable for primitive values and reactive() for objects. It's crucial to note their differing access patterns; otherwise, reactivity issues may arise, such as unreactive states due to improper usage.

When leveraging Vue 3's Fragments, exercise discernment. Fragments can offer a more streamlined component hierarchy by eliminating needless HTML elements, yet they should not mask complexity within a component's logic. Strive for components that are not only structurally straightforward but also conceptually lucid. This commitment not only adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle but also promotes smoother future enhancements and refactorings.

Avoid common errors such as incorrectly utilizing lifecycle hooks. It's a frequent mistake to prematurely place dependent logic in setup(), which could result in actions taking place before the component is primed for them. Instead, strategically move logic into lifecycle hooks such as onMounted() to guarantee that the component is primed for interaction. Additionally, ensure to clear side effects with lifecycle events like onUnmounted() to prevent memory leaks and unpredictable behavior.

Finally, be discerning with code reusability. Code can be overly abstract, detracting from its understandability and utility. Finding the right balance is essential, which involves identifying repeating patterns in your components and extracting them when they offer clear benefits in reducing redundancy and enhancing clarity. Reflect on this pertinent question: Are my composables designed for optimal reusability without compromising on the clarity and purposefulness of the code?


The article explores Vue.js 3's Composition API and its potential to revolutionize web development. It discusses the benefits of the Composition API, such as improved code organization, enhanced scalability, and performance optimization. The article also explains how the Composition API works, including the setup() function, reactivity, and lifecycle hooks. It highlights the importance of understanding these principles for writing sustainable Vue components. The reader is challenged to experiment with creating composables and integrating them into their applications, focusing on modularity, reusability, and maintaining a clear and understandable codebase.

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