Understanding ESM/CJS Package Compatibility in Redux v5.0.0

Anton Ioffe - January 3rd 2024 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Redux v5.0.0 emerges as a beacon of innovation, deftly navigating the confluence of ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS (CJS) systems. This article plunges into the depths of Redux's latest release, revealing the harmonious yet complex dance of interoperability that facilitates both cutting-edge performance and unwavering backward compatibility. Peer beyond the surface of module integration as we dissect the architectural transformations, scrutinize the balancing act between optimization and adaptability, confront the elusive pitfalls that ensnare even seasoned developers, and surmise the reverberations of this dual-module paradigm on Redux's tomorrow. Prepare to chart these waters with an anticipatory eye, as we uncover the intricacies and strategize for the advanced patterns shaping the future of JavaScript in modern web development.

The Winds of Change: ESM and CJS in Redux v5.0.0

Redux v5.0.0 heralds a significant shift in the JavaScript ecosystem, embracing the ECMAScript Modules (ESM) format wholeheartedly while not abandoning the traditional CommonJS (CJS) module system. The main artifact of the Redux package has transitioned to an ESM file, denoted as redux.mjs. This move aims to harness the advantages of ESM, such as static analysis for treeshaking, which enables more efficient bundle sizes, and better alignment with modern JavaScript practices. The use of ES2020 features, like optional chaining and object spread, exhibits Redux's commitment to leveraging the latest language enhancements, which are increasingly supported across major JavaScript environments.

Adapting a popular library like Redux to support both module systems does not come without challenges. The delicate balance to offer backward compatibility for existing CJS consumers while forwarding the ESM agenda is managed through providing a legacy CJS build alongside the primary ESM artifact. This ensures that current Redux applications continue to function without modification. Furthermore, tooling upgradation to tsup and the inclusion of sourcemaps for both module types addresses developer concerns around debugging and the transition to TypeScript, a step taken by the Redux team to accommodate strong typing preferences in the community.

One of the most tangible changes in Redux v5.0.0, beyond the artifact restructuring, is the deprecation of the createStore method. This marks a push towards the modern Redux Toolkit APIs, providing a more streamlined and opinionated way of setting up stores that are configured with essential middlewares and enhancements out-of-the-box. It's a guiding hand for developers to adopt best practices and is reflective of the Redux team’s intention to simplify state management in React applications.

In the context of React and Redux's interplay, the packaging changes have been further extended to React-Redux's build outputs. Precisely named artifacts have been introduced to serve different renderers and use cases. Among these changes, Redux has also provided a browser-optimized ESM build, redux.browser.mjs, which caters to developers who are importing Redux directly in the browser via script tags, especially useful for CDN-hosted applications or platforms like CodePen. This is in lieu of the previously supplied UMD build artifacts, which have been discontinued due to their decreasing relevance in the modern development workflow.

To facilitate a smoother transition to this dual-module system, Redux v5.0.0 introduces an exports field in its package.json. This critical piece establishes clear entry points for various module resolutions, ensuring that when a developer imports Redux, the appropriate module format (ESM or CJS) is served based on their environment or build tool configuration. The Redux team has conducted extensive local testing, but the true test of this setup lies in community feedback, as developers integrate these changes into diverse real-world projects. This participatory approach mirrors the cooperative spirit that has long been a hallmark of open-source development.

Balancing Act: Performance and Compatibility Considerations

Supporting both ESM and CJS in Redux v5.0.0 introduces a balancing act between optimizing for performance and ensuring compatibility. The shift towards primary ESM artifacts, such as dist/react-redux.mjs, leans into the benefits of static analysis and tree-shaking, potentially leading to smaller bundle sizes and faster loading times. However, this pivot does not come without its challenges. There is an inherent trade-off in delivering a codebase that serves both module systems without inflating the bundle size unnecessarily. Leveraging ES2020 syntax aids in creating a leaner, more efficient codebase, but the need to support older bundlers requires additional legacy wrappers that could counteract some benefits.

The introduction of wrapper modules to maintain compatibility adds complexity while preventing a seamless transition to a single module system. For instance, the inclusion of a legacy ESM file intended for Webpack 4 shows the measures taken to accommodate varied development environments. This duality mandates the existence of parallel code paths, which can mean a duplication of efforts or even code, potentially leading to bloat and reduced execution efficiency. The Redux team’s decision to streamline artifacts under the ./dist/ folder is a strategic move to contain this sprawl, but the balance between new efficiencies and backward compatibility remains delicate.

On the flip side, to prevent a fragmented ecosystem, the Redux team has opted to phase out UMD builds, recognizing the dwindling use cases in a landscape moving towards ESM. This helps to uphold the modernization effort, as the provided redux.browser.mjs allows direct import via script tags for CDN usage, catering to those who might otherwise rely on UMD builds. Yet, this decision also hinges on the understanding that the community will gradually adopt the recommended ESM-centric practices.

As innovations in JavaScript module systems push the language forward, practical considerations of real-world usage impose constraints. By migrating package definitions to utilize the exports field, the Redux team aims to define clear resolutions between ESM and CJS modules. This forward-thinking approach underscores the expectation that developers will progressively shift towards ESM, even as the compatibility with CJS is retained out of necessity. The absence of UMD builds, though a step to a leaner package, relies on the premise that most developers are prepared to embrace this modern tooling.

Ultimately, the Redux team's approach is a compromise, accommodating the current diverse range of JavaScript environments while aligning with the progressive module system that ESM represents. While they reduce legacy support to streamline the development process, they introduce mechanisms to enforce compatibility, carefully threading the needle between the new horizon of module systems and the anchoring reality of legacy code dependencies. The Redux community's feedback plays a crucial role in this evolutionary process, as it introduces changes that will be measured against real-world applications, grounding these advances in practical experience.

Architectural Overhaul: Code Examples and Best Practices

In the newly released Redux v5.0.0, an important architectural change is the conversion of the codebase to TypeScript, which introduces strong typing and enhances code quality without affecting the existing API surface. For instance, declaring a slice of state now leverages TypeScript's generics to ensure type safety.

import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

interface TodoState {
  todos: Array<{ id: string; text: string }>;

// Initial state with strong types
const initialState: TodoState = {
  todos: []

// A typed slice with actions and reducers
const todosSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'todos',
  reducers: {
    // Use PayloadAction to ensure correct type of payload
    todoAdded(state, action: PayloadAction<{ id: string; text: string }>) {

export const { todoAdded } = todosSlice.actions;
export default todosSlice.reducer;

Best practices for Redux v5.0.0 emphasize utility over boilerplate. Instead of wiring actions and reducers manually, using createSlice from Redux Toolkit (RTK) encapsulates this logic succinctly with improved type inference and reduces room for error.

The move to TypeScript encourages developers to be specific about the actions their reducers can handle, which greatly improves maintainability and transitions from the deprecated AnyAction type to using Action type from Redux, better expressing the potential action types.

// Correct usage with Action type
import { Action } from 'redux';

function myReducer(state = initialState, action: Action<string>): MyState {
  switch (action.type) {
    // Handle specific actions with type guards if necessary
  return state;

Avoiding memory and performance hiccups requires careful structuring of selectors and state updates. A common mistake is mutating state directly or generating new object references unnecessarily, both of which are efficiently addressed in RTK by using Immer under the hood.

// Using createSelector for memoization
import { createSelector } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

// Assuming state shape { feature: FeatureState }
const selectFeature = (state) => state.feature;
export const selectFeatureItems = createSelector(
  (feature) => feature.items

By adhering to these idiomatic patterns, developers can ensure that their Redux code is both robust and adheres to modern JavaScript standards. It's crucial to adapt to changes such as the module format to leverage the tooling improvements in terms of treeshaking and clearer project structure.

Importing from the prescribed entry points in package.json ensures that the application utilizes the intended module format, whether it's ESM or CJS, as specified by the library authors. This ensures compatibility with bundle tools and optimizes the application's build process.

// Importing configureStore from the ESM entry point specified in package.json
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; // ESM

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    // Your reducers here

// Package.json excerpt showing exports field
"exports": {
  ".": {
    "import": "./dist/my-lib.esm.js",
    "require": "./dist/my-lib.cjs.js"

As we embrace Redux v5.0.0 and its architectural overhaul, let's keep at the forefront of our efforts the use of modern JavaScript techniques and tooling to build scalable and maintainable web applications.

Common Pitfalls: Where Developers Trip Up

One common pitfall when using ESM and CJS modules in Redux is misconfiguring module resolution within bundlers such as webpack. It's a misconception that only .mjs must be used for ESM with webpack. Here's an incorrect webpack configuration:

module.exports = {
    // Problematic configuration, may not resolve ESM properly
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.js', '.json']

Webpack could misinterpret .js files either as ESM or CJS depending on package.json. The corrected webpack configuration must include .mjs:

module.exports = {
    // Correct configuration, explicitly includes .mjs extension
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json']

Another frequently encountered error is misunderstanding ESM's named exports, particularly when the default exports are expected. An incorrect import would be:

import createStore from 'redux'; // Incorrect: createStore is a named export

Instead, the correct import statement for named exports is:

import { createStore } from 'redux';

Developers might also improperly combine ESM and CJS syntax, leading to compatibility issues. For example, mixing import with require() can cause confusion and runtime errors. Instead, ensure that you use require() for CJS modules:

const { createStore } = require('redux');

Lastly, neglecting to specify a proper build target in transpiler settings could introduce compatibility problems. Here is an incomplete Babel configuration:

// Incomplete Babel configuration without specified environment targets
const presets = [ ['@babel/preset-env'] ];

A more appropriate configuration specifies the targets:

// Updated Babel configuration with specific environment targets
const presets = [
    ['@babel/preset-env', {
        targets: '> 0.25%, not dead',

By understanding and avoiding these common mistakes related to ESM and CJS configurations, developers can ensure more reliable integration of Redux modules into their projects.

Reflections on the Future: ESM/CJS in Emerging Redux Patterns

As the Redux ecosystem gravitates towards a future flavored by ESM while courting CJS for current compatibility, there could be a tectonic shift in the way we approach Redux middleware. Middleware, facilitating side effects and asynchronous actions, might evolve to become more modular, with enhanced ability to dynamically load or unload capabilities driven by ESM's static structure. Could this lead to middleware that is more finely-tuned to application context, loading only what's necessary, when necessary, for given portions of state?

Redux hooks have similarly transformative potential. They offer encapsulated state logic and could become even more potent with ESM. Could the static analysis capabilities of ESM lead to hooks that are automatically optimized during the build process, selectively bundled based on their actual use in application code? This raises the possibility of Redux hooks that are not only keenly aligned with a component's lifecycle but also with the overall resource footprint.

Redux's API surface is likely to be influenced by these module systems as well. The current suite of Redux APIs is expansive and flexible, blending well with diverse application architectures. What new patterns could emerge from the increased use of ESM modules? Perhaps Redux will offer a more comprehensive suite of modular APIs that developers could import on a case-by-case basis, potentially reducing the cognitive load and improving maintainability.

Considering the potential impact on API surfaces, development challenges may arise. Could the embrace of ESM lead to confusion over correct import paths or create barriers for newer developers accustomed to the simplicity of 'everything included' libraries? How will documentation and tool support need to evolve to accommodate these changes without introducing friction in the development experience?

Reflecting on these aspects, it's invigorating to ponder over the refined or entirely novel opportunities that ESM and CJS compatibility in Redux might reveal. Could this mark a point where Redux not only adapts to the modern JavaScript landscape but also actively shapes it? With modularity, performance, and the developer experience in mind, the possibilities for inventive patterns and practices appear nearly limitless. How will this era of Redux development redefine the best practices for state management that have stood as the pillars of the library for so many years?


The article "Understanding ESM/CJS Package Compatibility in Redux v5.0.0" explores the integration of ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS (CJS) systems in Redux v5.0.0. It discusses the benefits and challenges of this dual-module paradigm, as well as the architectural transformations and best practices. The article highlights the importance of adapting to modern JavaScript techniques and tooling, and presents a challenging task for developers to ensure proper module resolution and configuration with bundlers like webpack. By mastering these skills, developers can effectively leverage the advantages of ESM and CJS in Redux and build scalable and maintainable web applications.

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