The Future of Angular: Upcoming Features and Updates

Anton Ioffe - November 29th 2023 - 10 minutes read

As Angular's odyssey into the future of web development unfolds, the framework's enthusiast is set to encounter a transformative era, laden with reactive marvels and developmental enhancements. This article voyages through Angular's emerging features, synergies, and optimizations, offering senior developers a glimpse into a landscape bristling with finer-grained reactivity, enriched developer tooling, and cutting-edge server-side rendering techniques. Prepare to traverse the horizons of Angular's reactive evolution, where the lines between signals, observables, and the very fabric of modern web applications merge to forge an unprecedented user and developer experience. Embrace the progressive discourse as Angular charts a new course through the tumultuous seas of web technology, guiding you toward a future where agile responsive design, seamless performance, and robust scalability are but the beginning of its ambitious trajectory.

Embracing Angular's Reactive Evolution

Angular's introduction of a new reactivity model marks a significant shift in how developers will interact with change detection and state management within their applications. The underpinnings of this evolution are rooted in the Ivy engine's capabilities, setting the stage for performance gains and a more intuitive programming model. Unlike the existing pull-based mechanism, the forthcoming changes propose a model that reduces the number of computations needed during change detection, promising a direct uplift in runtime performance. This is especially relevant to the INP (Interaction to Next Paint) metric, a Core Web Vitals indicator that benefits from the minimized workload in detecting changes and updating views.

One of the cornerstones of this reactive overhaul is the implementation of computed properties that efficiently cache their outputs, eliminating the toll of repeated recalculations across every change detection cycle. This optimization not only streamlines the process but also conserves memory resources, as the framework will only revisit computations when genuinely necessitated by changes in dependent states. Such enhancements not only refine the development experience through a reactive lens but also contribute to the responsiveness and fluidity of Angular applications, particularly in complex data-driven scenarios.

The proposed changes are set to address Angular's reliance on Zone.js, a library that has been a key player in triggering change detection seamlessly but not without its costs, especially in terms of debugging and occasional performance bottlenecks. The move towards making Zone.js optional is a testament to Angular's commitment to providing flexibility. By enabling developers to opt in or out of this aspect, it empowers them to make architectural and performance tuning decisions based on the needs of their applications.

Moreover, the intended model ushers in an era of fine-grained reactivity, offering Angular developers the ability to mark only portions of the component tree for checks. This granularity ensures that unaffected components remain untouched by the framework's change detection pass, thereby conserving computational overhead and enhancing the scalability of applications. This pivot towards a more reactive paradigm not only aligns with modern JavaScript best practices but also serves as an acknowledgment of the evolving demands on client-side applications to be both fast and frugal with resources.

As Angular continues to absorb and adapt advancements from the broader web ecosystem, this reactivity transition stands as a bold stride towards not just refining, but redefining the developer experience. It embodies Angular's resolve to harmonize the inceptive philosophies of the framework with the dynamism of contemporary web application development. Stepping into this reactive future requires angular developers to equip themselves with a mindset attuned to the nuances of the new model. With this evolution, the realm of possibilities in performance optimization and application reactivity in Angular is poised for exciting growth.

Angular Signals and RxJS Synergy

The synergy between Angular Signals and RxJS marks a significant development in the state management and reactive programming landscape within Angular applications. Angular's adoption of the signals mechanism provides developers a way to define reactive values and construct dependencies more explicitly. By simplifying reactivity with Angular Signals, there is now an opportunity for tighter integration with RxJS, a library well-known for its reactive programming model based on Observables.

One notable advancement is the ability to convert Angular signals to RxJS observables, leveraging the toObservable function provided by @angular/core/rxjs-interop. This allows developers to continue employing RxJS patterns and operators within their Angular applications seamlessly. The conversion is not just syntactical sugar but a bridge that merges the reactivity principles of both systems, offering a more refined control over how changes propagate through an application.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { signal, toObservable } from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';

export class MyApp {
    mySignal = signal(0);
    mySignal$ = toObservable(this.mySignal);

    ngOnInit() {
        this.mySignal$.subscribe(() => {
            // React to signal changes as you would with a normal Observable

On the flip side, converting an observable to a signal is equally as important, especially in scenarios where developers want to avoid the async pipe and have more granular control over change detection. With toSignal from the RxJS interoperability package, Angular applications can now maintain reactivity without the overhead traditionally associated with asynchronous data handling and template updates.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { toSignal } from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';

export class MyApp {
    data$ = this.dataService.getData();
    data = toSignal($);

    // Use data in the template as you would with a normal signal

Moreover, this integration enhances the reusability and modularity of components and services in Angular. Signals provide developers with a straightforward means of declaring reactive state, while RxJS brings powerful composition and transformation capabilities. As a result, complex applications can be broken down into smaller, more manageable, and interchangeable pieces that are both memory-efficient and easy to understand.

Common coding mistakes involve neglecting to unsubscribe from observables, leading to potential memory leaks, an issue addressed by patterns such as encapsulating the observables lifecycle management within the component's lifecycle using the takeUntil operator along with a Subject to signal completion.

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class MyApp implements OnDestroy {
    private destroy$ = new Subject();

    ngOnDestroy() {

    // Subscribe to an observable and automatically unsubscribe when the component is destroyed
    someObservable$ = this.someService.getObservable().pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe({
        // React to the observable until OnDestroy is triggered

    // Other component logic

Thought-provoking considerations for developers include exploring how this synergy might alter best practices for state management in Angular. Will the convergence of signals and observables encourage a shift toward more reactive architectures within Angular applications? How might these patterns affect the way data flows across different layers of an application, and what new strategies will emerge to take full advantage of this reactive fusion?

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) & Hydration Improved

Angular's evolution in server-side rendering (SSR) elevates its capacity to deliver performance-optimized and SEO-friendly web applications. The shift towards non-destructive full app hydration marks a significant departure from traditional hydration techniques, which typically involve parsing and discarding the server-side-generated DOM before being recreated in the browser. In contrast, Angular's approach reuses the existing DOM, seamlessly attaching event listeners and preserving the server-rendered markup. This results in faster time-to-interactive and minimizes layout shifts, both critical metrics for SEO and user experience. The performance uplift is tangible; for instance, a complex application witnessing a reduction in interactive times by 20-30% would not be uncommon with this method.

With Angular Universal improvements, these performance gains are further amplified. Developers can now leverage streamlined addition of SSR features into Angular projects. The adoption of Angular Universal has become more straightforward, reflecting a greater commitment to best practices within the framework's ecosystem. Stricter Content Security Policies, particularly for inline styles, enhance security measures, shielding applications from cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, Angular's roadmap includes exploring partial hydration. This forward-thinking approach allows the selective enhancement of static HTML with interactive Angular components. It aligns with modern web practices that favor keeping the initial JS payload small, leading to better performance and user experience. Here's a simplified code example that indicates how one can implement lazy-loading for components:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-lazy',
  template: `<button (click)="loadComponent()">Activate</button>`
export class LazyComponent {
  loadComponent() {
    import('./expensive-component.js').then(({ ExpensiveComponent }) => {
      // Logic to render the ExpensiveComponent goes here.

The Angular team's collaboration with industry partners targets further optimization of the hydration process, paving the way for resumable operations that could enable applications to recover gracefully from suspended states in the future. Although Angular does not currently have an API for this, the framework is structuring itself to allow more dynamic and resilient applications.

These ongoing enhancements to Angular's SSR capabilities—from non-destructive hydration to partial hydration—converge on not only delivering a responsive and engaging user experience but also reinforcing the framework's reputation for generating search engine optimized content. By reducing page load times and enhancing content stability, these innovative server-rendering strategies are bound to positively impact a website's ranking signals, thereby elevating its visibility and reach.

Enhanced Developer Tooling & Esbuild Integration

The esbuild-based build system's debut in Angular represents a significant leap in build optimization. Shown to improve cold production builds by over 72%, it necessitates a distinct compilation model that upholds a dependency graph to facilitate selector matching. When leveraged with Vite for development serving, it accelerates both development and production workflows appreciably.

Integration of Jest and Web Test Runner into the Angular ecosystem ushers in a new era for unit testing. Jest’s widespread acclaim for performance is a boon for Angular projects. Furthermore, a seamless transition from Karma to Web Test Runner accentuates a movement towards more agile and aligned tools within the JavaScript landscape.

The introduction of template import autocomplete sharpens Angular's development process. This tool simplifies import management, reducing the likelihood of errors and conserving development time. Such incremental enhancements underscore Angular's focus on streamlining the developer's experience to prioritize code quality over toolchain intricacies.

// Configuring Jest for Angular unit testing in angular.json
  "projects": {
    "your-app": {
      "architect": {
        "test": {
          "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:jest",
          "options": {
            "configPath": "jest.config.js"

This example delineates the configuration for employing Jest in Angular unit tests, signifying a move towards more efficient testing practices. Developers must consider the benefits and trade-offs of new build systems like esbuild and testing frameworks such as Jest, notably how they integrate into and enhance their current workflows.

Adoption of esbuild and Jest may pose a learning curve for teams habituated to traditional tools like Webpack and Karma. It's essential for Angular developers to appraise these new approaches in light of the gains in speed and efficiency they promise. While embracing new tooling might challenge existing habits, the long-term advantages of performance and developer satisfaction are compelling reasons to adapt.

The targeted enhancements to Angular's build and testing tools such as esbuild and Jest represent a continual refinement of the developer's toolkit. This dedication to tool improvement indicates Angular's resolve to nurture productivity and keep pace with the evolving landscape of web development.

Standalone Components & Future Direction

Angular's transition towards Standalone Components marks a pivotal shift in how developers construct applications with the framework. By enabling the standalone: true flag in component metadata, Angular ushers in a new era where the heavy reliance on NgModule diminishes, laying the groundwork for more Modular and Reconfigurable design patterns. The solitary nature of these components promotes an architectural style that focuses on self-sufficiency: each component encapsulates its dependencies, effectively reducing complexity and fostering reusability.

The ng new collection initiative aims to further streamline Angular development by introducing a set of schematics that transform existing applications' architecture towards Standalone Components. With commands like ng generate component <name> --standalone, developers can incrementally adapt their projects, ensuring a smoother transition. This procedural evolution is constructive, as it allows developers to refactor codebases iteratively, thus minimizing the risk of disruption and maintaining a clear focus on the incremental adoption of new patterns.

Modularity and reusability are tenets of clean, maintainable software, and Standalone Components are Angular's response to the perennial quest for refining these aspects within its ecosystem. By decomposing applications into more finely-grained, autonomous entities, the application's ruggedness improves, enabling developers to think locally about state and behavior, while still benefiting globally from leaner and more coherent applications overall. This granular approach is not without its trade-offs—developers must be judicious in identifying appropriate boundaries and dependencies to maintain balance between isolation and the necessary communication among components.

The enriched routing capabilities anticipated in Angular's long-term roadmap suggest that data could be passed as inputs to standalone routed components, streamlining the communication flow between routing and component logic. This convention opens the door for more explicit and type-safe data transfer mechanisms, potentially leading to a reduction in boilerplate and an increase in predictability when managing data across routes, thereby enhancing both the development experience and the robustness of the applications.

Forecasting Angular's architectural patterns, we envision a framework that continues to move away from monolithic structures and towards a landscape where components are intricately linked yet functionally discrete. The introduction of Standalone Components is a step on the continuum towards an ecosystem that aligns with modern web development practices—favoring smaller, more focused constructs which can be rapidly developed, tested, and maintained. As the Angular community leans into this future, it further bolsters Angular's relevance amidst evolving web paradigms.


In this article, we explore the future of Angular, focusing on upcoming features and updates that will transform the framework. We discuss Angular's reactive evolution, including the implementation of computed properties and the move toward finer-grained reactivity. We also examine the synergy between Angular Signals and RxJS, highlighting the benefits of converting signals to observables and vice versa. Additionally, we delve into the improvements in server-side rendering and hydration, enhanced developer tooling with esbuild integration, and the shift towards standalone components. The article concludes with a challenge for developers to explore how the convergence of signals and observables might alter best practices for state management in Angular, encouraging a shift towards more reactive architectures and considering how this will impact data flow and application strategies.

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