
Interacting with Child Component Methods

Show how to call methods of a child component from a parent component using template refs in Vue.js 3.
// ParentComponent.vue
  <ChildComponent ref="childComponentRef" />
  <button @click="callChildMethod">Call Child Method</button>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

const childComponentRef = ref(null);

function callChildMethod() {
  if (childComponentRef.value) {
In the parent component, we define a template ref `childComponentRef` on the ChildComponent instance. Upon clicking the button, the `callChildMethod` function is triggered, which then calls `someMethod` on the child component using the template ref.
// ChildComponent.vue
  <!-- Child component's template -->

<script setup>
import { defineExpose } from 'vue';

function someMethod() {
  // Logic for the method that can be called by the parent
  console.log('Child method called!');

// Expose the method so it can be called by parent
In the child component, we define a method `someMethod` that will be callable by the parent. We use `defineExpose` to make it accessible to the parent through the template ref.