Comparing Class Components vs. Functional Components in React 18

Anton Ioffe - November 18th 2023 - 9 minutes read

As React 18 ushers in a new era of possibilities, the landscape of component architecture is undergoing a profound metamorphosis. In this deep dive, we'll trace the transformation from the established dominion of class components to the emerging supremacy of functional components equipped with Hooks. Prepare to dissect the intricacies of class-based state management, the versatility introduced by the Hooks API, and the palpable tension in performance debates. Whether you're grappling with architectural decisions or refining your React expertise, we'll navigate the nuanced considerations that inform the pivotal choice between class and functional paradigms—shedding light on how to blend the best of both worlds in your advanced web applications. Engage with us as we unravel this contemporary tapestry, stitching together the theoretical and practical threads that will redefine your mastery of React component patterns.

The Evolution of Component Architecture in React

In the early days of React, the primary way to build components was through class-based architecture. These class components were robust, providing developers with lifecycle methods and the ability to hold internal state. Over time, however, as the React team sought to simplify the APIs and improve performance, there began a shift towards functional components. With the introduction of hooks in React 16.8, this paradigm shift accelerated; functional components could now manage state and side effects, functionalities previously exclusive to class components.

As the React community and ecosystem matured, the advantages of functional components became increasingly apparent. They offered a more straightforward way to define components as simply functions of props and state, embracing the functional programming paradigm. This shift aligns well with modern JavaScript development practices that favor functions and immutable data. The shift has been so substantial that functional components have become the de facto standard in React documentation and best practices, even though class components remain supported for backward compatibility.

React 18 continued to lean into functional components with the introduction of Concurrent Mode, a set of new features that increase the responsiveness of applications by rendering UI updates at the most optimal time. Concurrent Mode is more naturally suited to functional components due to their lightweight nature and the absence of lifecycle methods, which can sometimes lead to complex patterns in class components. This alignment with Concurrent Mode displays React's long-term commitment to functional components, solidifying their role as a foundational building block in the framework.

The evolution from classes to functions in React components mirrors the industry's broader move towards functional programming concepts and declarative patterns. Functional components represent an emphasis on immutability and purity, which promotes cleaner, more predictable code. Developers have embraced these advantages, adopting functional components for their simplicity, reusability, and the advantageous patterns they enable, like higher-order components and render props.

This focus on functional components is instructive for developers aiming to stay current with React's philosophy and growing capabilities. React 18’s enhanced support and optimization for functional components are a clear signal that the future of React development hinges on functional paradigms. Understanding how and why functional components have taken center stage is essential for developing scalable, maintainable, and modern React applications.

Anatomy of a Class Component in React 18

Class components in React 18 maintain their signature feature of encapsulating both state and behavior. Defined with ES6 class syntax, such a component extends React.Component, initializing its state within a constructor function:

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  handleIncrement = () => {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      count: prevState.count + 1

  render() {
    return (
        Count: {this.state.count}
        <button onClick={this.handleIncrement}>Increment</button>

Here, this.state allows the component to hold and manage its own data, and this.setState() captures state transitions effectively, signaling React to re-render and display the updated data. Within such class methods, the use of this requires careful handling—either through binding in callbacks or by employing arrow functions to preserve the execution context.

The lifeblood of class components is their lifecycle methods, which provide hooks into vital moments like component mounting, updating, and unmounting. Methods like componentDidMount are essential for API calls or setting up listeners:

componentDidMount() {
  // Code to run on component mount

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
  // Code to run on component update

componentWillUnmount() {
  // Code to run just before the component is unmounted and destroyed

Through these prescribed methods, React developers have a direct means to manage side effects and interface with external resources and events. Such methods outline a clear path for handling side effects and managing the component's lifecycle.

In terms of performance, class components are more resource-intensive compared to functional components due to the nature of class instantiation. While usually not impactful in smaller applications, in more complex software with deep component trees, the additional overhead can influence the application’s performance, particularly during React's DOM reconciliation process.

To encapsulate, class components are tailored for intricate logic and scenarios with complex state management. They present an orderly framework for constructing stateful components and a clear methodology for addressing side effects through lifecycle methods. While considering the utility of class components in React 18, developers must balance the benefits of a structured approach and explicit lifecycle handling with the weight of added complexity and potential performance nuances. When might the meticulously defined structure of class components be advantageous over the more streamlined and contemporary functional counterparts?

Mastering Functional Components with React Hooks

React hooks have revolutionized the way functional components manage state and side effects, offering a more succinct and manageable approach compared to their class-based predecessors. With hooks like useState and useEffect, developers can imbue functional components with dynamic capabilities without the overhead of classes. The useState hook, for instance, simplifies state initialization and updating, bypassing the need for a constructor and this.setState calls. Here's a snippet showcasing the useState hook in action:

function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

    return (
        <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
            You clicked {count} times

The useEffect hook, on the other hand, coalesces the lifecycle methods componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount into one unified API. This hook manages side effects in functional components, allowing developers to perform actions like data fetching or subscribing to an event listener. Consider how the useEffect hook can replace traditional lifecycle methods:

function UserProfile({ userId }) {
    const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        async function fetchUser() {
            const response = await getUserById(userId);


        return () => {
            // Clean up code (akin to componentWillUnmount)
    }, [userId]); // Effect will re-run if userId changes

    // Render logic...

However, it's crucial for developers to recognize potential pitfalls when using hooks. For instance, placing a hook inside a loop, condition, or nested function can lead to bugs that are difficult to trace. It is essential to use them at the top level of functional components to maintain the correct order of execution. Additionally, it's a common mistake to omit the dependencies array or fill it incorrectly, which could lead to excessive or missing updates.

Best practices for hooks entail breaking them down into small, purposeful custom hooks to promote reusability across components. For complex logic that might be intertwined with side effects, creating a custom hook can lead to more modular and maintainable code. To illustrate, a hook useFetch could abstract the fetching logic:

function useFetch(url) {
    const [data, setData] = useState(null);
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
    // ...

    useEffect(() => {
        let isSubscribed = true;
        async function fetchData() {
            const response = await fetch(url);
            if (isSubscribed) {

        return () => {
            isSubscribed = false;
    }, [url]);

    return { data, loading };

Transitioning to functional components with hooks is not merely about rewriting existing code but also about understanding the conceptual paradigm shifts they encompass. Do we fully grasp the implications of using hooks on state management and side effects? Are our custom hooks encapsulating and managing concerns effectively? Reflecting on these thought-provoking questions marks the mastery of functional components with hooks and readies us for crafting advanced React applications in a modernized landscape.

Performance Faceoff: Class vs. Functional Components

Performance considerations in React often revolve around the efficiency of rendering and re-rendering components, as well as their memory usage. These factors are crucial in ensuring a smooth user experience, especially in large-scale and dynamic applications.

Class components, in their essence, carry a heavier footprint due to the nature of class instances in JavaScript. Each class component instance holds its internal state and lifecycle methods, leading to an increase in memory usage compared to functional components. The re-rendering process can be more costly for class components as well, because it may involve creating new instances or binding event handlers in lifecycle methods. While React's reconciliation process helps mitigate unnecessary DOM updates, class components can still experience performance bottlenecks, particularly if their state management and lifecycle method implementations are suboptimal.

Here's an example where a class component might introduce unnecessary re-renders:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  componentDidMount() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + this.props.increment });

  render() {
    return <div>Count: {this.state.count}</div>;

The use of componentDidMount in this snippet incurs an extra re-render that could have been avoided with functional components.

On the other side of the spectrum, functional components can lead to better performance due to their lightweight nature. However, without careful attention to the use of hooks such as useState and useEffect, similar performance issues can arise. It's imperative to use hooks efficiently, avoiding unnecessary state updates which result in re-renders.

Consider the following functional component code:

function MyComponent({increment}) {
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    // Only update the state if increment is not 0 to prevent unnecessary re-renders
    if (increment !== 0) {
      setCount(c => c + increment);
  }, [increment]); // Dependent on increment value

  return <div>Count: {count}</div>;

This example mitigates unnecessary re-renders by having a conditional check inside useEffect and carefully listing increment as a dependency.

A common mistake in functional components is to include non-primitive values in the dependency array of effects or callbacks, which triggers re-renders every time the component receives new props, even if they conceptually didn't change. This can be alleviated by leveraging useMemo or useCallback to memoize functions and values.

function MyComponent({ complexObject }) {
  const memoizedValue = React.useMemo(() => complexObject.calculateValue(), [complexObject]);

  // ...

The use of useMemo ensures that expensive calculations are only re-evaluated when complexObject changes, not on every render.

When considering modular and reusable components, it's also recommended to abstract common logic into custom hooks. This not only improves readability but also encapsulates hook-related logic, allowing for more granular control over component re-renders.

As you fuse these strategies into your React development, ponder on this: How might your current components be restructured to optimize re-rendering, and what specific changes can lead to perceptible performance gains in your applications?

Architectural Decision Making: Choosing Between Class and Functional Components

When deciding on the architectural makeup of React 18 components within an application, senior developers should carefully analyze functionality and project-specific needs. Class components have an edge for handling advanced features, intricate state management, and lifecycle methods precision. Their hierarchical structure expertly organizes complex logic, which is particularly beneficial in larger applications where nuanced control over lifecycle events is critical.

In contrast, functional components are lauded for their succinctness and clarity, which enhance development velocity and simplify maintenance. Leveraged by React hooks, they reduce overhead when implementing state and lifecycle features, advancing reusability and encouraging a modular architecture. Notably, useState and useEffect streamline state management and side effects handling, which were once the purview of specific lifecycle methods in class components, contributing to component reusability, a cornerstone of scalable and maintainable systems.

When transitioning from class to functional components, practical performance gains should outweigh the allure of following industry trends. Benchmarks should accurately reflect application-specific scenarios to validate the efficiency of using hooks or introducing other architectural transformations. The decision to refactor ought to be based on tangible improvements in performance metrics, code readability, and the developer experience.

During the architectural shift, the translation of this.state and several lifecycle methods from class components to functional ones entails a nuanced understanding of hooks. While useState mirrors typical state management techniques, combining useEffect with other hooks like useContext or useReducer may be necessary to handle a wider range of component logic. Specifically, useEffect is best employed for encapsulating side effects and offers a space for clean-up operations, emulating the integration of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount into a singular API. Careful articulation of dependencies within useEffect is paramount to avoid unintended behaviors and optimize component efficacy.

Finally, scrutinize whether an existing class component ecosystem justifies a transition to functional paradigms. Does the potential elevation in developer experience and code modernization warrant disrupting a dependable codebase? It might be that an incremental strategy, refactoring class components to functional ones where the benefits are most apparent, is the most judicious path forward. The choice between preserving class components or adopting functional ones with hooks must weigh technical debt against architectural progress, demanding a deliberate and strategic approach.


React 18 brings about a shift in component architecture with the rise of functional components equipped with hooks. This article explores the evolution from class components to functional components, highlighting the advantages of functional components in terms of simplicity, reusability, and alignment with modern JavaScript practices. It also compares the performance of class and functional components and offers insights into the decision-making process when choosing between the two. The task for the reader is to refactor a class component into a functional component with hooks, paying attention to optimizing performance and ensuring correct usage of hooks and dependencies.

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