Reusable Logic with Custom Hooks in ReactJS

Anton Ioffe - September 4th 2023 - 15 minutes read

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Unleashing Power in ReactJS: Custom Hooks and Reusability

Custom hooks are core components of coding in ReactJS that make it possible to uplift your code's integrity. They are an elegant way to extract the reusable logic from your components and make your code more modular.

To demonstrate this, let's begin by exploring a common scenario: fetching data from an API. You may find yourself writing similar pieces of logic for multiple components. Using a custom hook, this repetition can dramatically be reduced.

Here is a simple example of a hook for data fetching:

function useFetch(url){
    const [data, setData] = React.useState(null);

    React.useEffect(() => {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => setData(data));
    }, [url]);

    return data;

You may utilize this hook in any of your components whenever you need to fetch data from an API, which beautifully demonstrates the concept of reusability.

Unfortunately, writing custom hooks is often avoided by developers due to the perception of increased complexity. The learning curve can also be steep for less experienced developers as custom hooks require a comfortable understanding of existing React hooks such as useState() and useEffect(). However, the content of the custom hooks can become as complex as necessary for the particular application, illustrating their adaptability and versatility.

Using custom hooks not only promotes code reusability and modularity, but can also lead to performance optimization. With the right design, you're able to mitigate unnecessary rerenders that could impact your app's performance negatively.

However, there might be cases where custom hooks might not be suitable. Limited project scale, stringent deadlines not allowing for necessary abstraction, or a 'junior' team might render custom hooks more of a pain point than a productivity tool. Therefore, it's advised that the usage of custom hooks should be considered carefully based on the specific circumstances.

While the advantages undeniably shadow the cons, it begs a thought-provoking question: How can the existing custom hooks design be improved? Your answer will not only optimize the use of hooks in your projects but will also hugely impact your journey to mastering ReactJS. It's a reminder that the path to becoming an excellent ReactJS developer heavily depends on a good understanding and intelligent usage of custom hooks.

In conclusion, the use of custom hooks in ReactJS is a great way to promote code reusability and modularity, and it's an essential part of modern JavaScript web development. Their power lies in the abstraction of complex logic and side effects into reusable functions, helping to make your code cleaner and more maintainable. With custom hooks, you are effectively unleashing the true power of ReactJS.

Deciphering Custom Hooks: Their Essence and Role

At the heart of modern web development in ReactJS is the powerful concept of hooks. These built-in features are more than meets the eye, offering us a simple yet potent way of managing everything from state, context, to side effects, and reducers. Upon encountering an intricate logic piece or usability repetition across various components, you'd be correct to wonder if there's a means to further leverage hooks. That's precisely when custom hooks make their grand entrance.

Essentially, custom hooks are our enchanting route to make interesting and reusable logic standard in ReactJS applications. They serve a role much the same as that of utility functions in Javascript, empowering us to snap up sections of component code and spin them into reusable functions. While the built-in hooks that ReactJS provides cater to general use-cases, custom hooks are an ally of ours, adding leverage by fitting to our specific contexts, enabling logic sharing across components, and refining our code base.

Fundamentals of Custom Hooks

Crafting a custom hook is akin to sketching—it's a creative process. It looks a lot like declaring a regular JavaScript function, but it stands out by utilizing the native hooks provided by ReactJS. As is usual with ReactJS, we often initiate these custom hooks with the 'use' prefix, signaling the invocation of native ReactJS hooks within this custom hook.

Consider the case of creating a custom hook that acts as a timer:

function useTimer(defaultTime) { 
  const [time, setTime] = useState(defaultTime); 

  useEffect(() => {
    const timer = setTimeout(() => setTime(time - 1), 1000);
    return () => clearTimeout(timer); 
  }, [time]);  

  return time;

Inside our useTimer custom hook, the useState and useEffect native hooks are employed to control a decrementing timer. With useTimer set in our toolkit, any function component can be infused with timer functionality. Always remember to respect the Rule of Hooks—avoid invoking hooks inside loops, nested functions, or conditions to maintain hook calls' integrity. To prove its importance, let's walk through a bad use case:

// Incorrect use case 
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(i); // Wrong! Hooks can't be called inside a loop

The Practicality of Custom Hooks

Upon initial examination, navigating the world of hooks can seem like trying to solve a complex puzzle. However, once the veil is lifted, you'll come to appreciate the utility of custom hooks in real-world situations. They give a fresh lease of life to your code by holding repetitive code patterns in one place, increasing readability, and reusability. They are crucial for separation of concerns in functional components, contributing to performance enhancement and reducing complexity. Always be cautious though, as there's a risk of potential memory leaks.

To put all these theoretical explanations to practice, let's see how we could implement our useTimer custom hook:

function TimerComponent() {
  const remainingTime = useTimer(60);

  return (
    <div className='timer'>
        {remainingTime > 0 ? `Time Left: ${remainingTime} s` : 'Time Up'} 

Our TimerComponent cleverly leverages useTimer hook to transform into a countdown timer. The useTimer encapsulates the timing logic, which is abstracted from the TimerComponent, thus enhancing reading comfort and maintaining code modularity.

In conclusion, custom hooks offer the potential to revolutionize your coding practices in ReactJS. Have you considered how they could optimize intricate tasks, such as fetch API calls with a useFetch custom hook? In terms of managing side effects, they outperform lifecycle methods of class components. It's time you embraced the challenge and explored the endless potential that custom hooks have to offer your coding practices in ReactJS.

Building Robust Custom Hooks: Framework and Reusability Elements

Transitioning from the basic understanding of custom hooks, it's time to delve deeper and discover how to construct robust, reusable ones while following the best practices. In this section, we will primarily use the useEffect hook to illustrate these principles. Designed to deal with side effects in functional components, useEffect can give your custom hooks a powerful edge.

Firstly, let's briefly revisit useEffect. useEffect is like a combination of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount in class components. It allows you to perform side-effects in functional components, and takes two parameters - a callback function and an optional dependency array.

useEffect(() => {
    // Executed after every render
}, []);

For custom hooks, it's important to note that components using the hook do not need to know how the hook manages state; it only desires the return value. Following this, mutating state directly within the hook and not returning anything is a common practice.

Constructing a structured, reusable custom hook involves the following steps:

  1. Name your hook: Begin by creating a new function with a name starting with 'use'. This name is a convention and helps you and other developers to easily identify custom hooks in your code.
function useCustomHook(){
    // Hook code here
  1. Internal State: Use internal state if necessary. Internal state may not always be required in custom hooks, but when it is, use the useState hook to introduce internal variables that maintain the state within the function.
function useCustomHook(){
    const [state, setState] = useState(initialState); 
    // Further code here
  1. Side effects: Use the useEffect hook for managing side effects like data fetching, subscriptions or manually changing the DOM in your components.
function useCustomHook(){
    const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

    useEffect(() => {
        // Side effects here
  1. Return Value: Finally, decide what needs to be returned from the hook. This could be the state value, a function to alter the state, or a combination of both based on the needs of the components utilizing the hook.
function useCustomHook(){
    const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

    useEffect(() => {
        // Side effects here

    return state;

Remember, designing custom hooks is all about building encapsulated, reusable logic that can be shared amongst components.

Now think about this. How can you apply these principles to create a custom hook that handles form inputs?

In the next section, we will explore the performance aspects of custom hooks and learn how to optimize them.

Harnessing UseEffect within Custom Hooks: Function Calls and Implications

When you think about custom hooks in ReactJS, another aspect that comes to mind is the useEffect() hook. This crucial hook allows for side effects in functional components, highly important when managing the state in custom hooks.

Leveraging useEffect within Custom Hooks

To pull this off, you can think of useEffect() as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount combined into a singular API. Let's illustrate this with a simple custom hook that fetches data from a server.

function useFetchData(url){
    const [data, setData] = useState(null);

    useEffect(() => {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => setData(data));
    }, [url]);

    return data;

In the example above, the useEffect hook handles the async operation of fetching the data from the server. The dependency array has url, ensuring the function call whenever url changes.

Implications of Incorrect Dependencies Handling

However, you must exercise caution when handling dependencies in useEffect. One common mistake is not handling dependencies correctly which can lead to unexpected behavior. A missing dependency can sometimes lead to running stale effects that observe obsolete state or props. This situation can happen, for instance, when you omit the url in the dependencies array:

useEffect(() => {
    // async operation here
}, []); // Common mistake: Omitted dependency

The code block above will only run once (like componentDidMount), not taking into account any updates in the dependency list.

useEffect Cleanup Function

A key aspect often misunderstood in useEffect is the cleanup function. A cleanup function can return from an effect which will only run when the component unmounts, and before the effect runs again.

useEffect(() => {
    // async operation here

    return () => {
        // cleanup operation here
}, [dependency]);

In the case of our fetch example, there might not be an obvious cleanup operation, but imagine if you had a WebSocket or set an interval. When the component unmounted, you would want to close the socket or clear the interval.

Returning Multiple Values from Custom Hooks

Just as the built-in useState hook returns an array of two elements, custom hooks can return multiple values, packaged in an array or object.

function useFetchData(url){
    const [data, setData] = useState(null);
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

    useEffect(() => {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => setData(data))
            .finally(() => setLoading(false));
    }, [url]);

    return {data, loading};

In this case, the custom hook not only fetches the data but also keeps track of the loading state, ultimately returning both values.

To wrap up, the useEffect hook within custom hooks is undeniably one of the ReactJS features that has significantly simplified state and lifecycle management. Nevertheless, it requires a correct understanding of dependencies handling and the cleanup function to fully harness its benefits. Can you think of how you could manage error state and retry attempts with this custom hook?

Mastering State Management with Custom Hooks

Mastering state management in ReactJS necessitates ensuring that reusability and modularity principles are adhered to consistently. One way to achieve this is by leveraging custom hooks. Custom hooks abstract component logic into reusable functions. As such, they allow for reusing stateful logic without changing your component hierarchy. In this section, we'll tackle the topic of state management with custom hooks, how sharing state and rerenders affect our ReactJS applications.

Fundamentals of State Management with Custom Hooks

Custom hooks enable sharing state logic, which allows for better separation of concerns in your application. However, be mindful of how sharing state across components can affect rerenders. The rerendering of a component due to state changes can have implications on the performance of your app.

Let’s see an example of a basic custom hook:

function useCustomHook() {
    const [state, setState] = React.useState();

    // A change in state triggers rerenders
    React.useEffect(() => {
        // logic here
    }, [state]);

    return [state, setState];

In this snippet, useCustomHook effectively encapsulates the logic and state that can be reused across components. It's important to note that any changes to the 'state' in the dependencies array of the useEffect hook will trigger a rerender of the component using this hook.

Advanced Uses & Optimization of Custom Hooks

As we advance, it's paramount to keep reminding ourselves of the pitfalls like promoting unwanted rerenders and using stale state values. Unnecessary rerenders can impact application performance, and stale state values can lead to unexpected behaviour in your application.

With custom hooks, any shared state must be carefully managed. It's not uncommon that a component holding shared state triggers unnecessary rerenders across your app. Moreover, with asynchronous operations, not managing your state correctly can lead to stale state values. This classic mistake can be avoided by using the functional form of the setState provided by React.useState.

Let’s use a counter example to illustrate this:

function useCounter() {
    const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

    const increment = () => {
        setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);

    return {count, increment};

Here, the increment function uses the setCount function in a way that guarantees we always have the latest count value instead of relying on the count at the render time which could be stale.

Returning JSX from Custom Hooks

Returning JSX from hooks is one effective way to include UI logic in your reusable state logic. This approach can make your components much cleaner by abstracting both state and UI logic. Despite this, be wary of overdoing it to not affect readability of your custom hooks.

Example of returning JSX from a hook:

function useGreeting(name) {
    const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`;

    return <h1>{greeting}</h1>; 

To conclude, mastering state management with custom hooks involves understanding not only how to encapsulate and share your stateful logic but also the implications that come with it. As you have seen, considerations around re-rendering and stale state values are paramount for maintaining good performance and expected behaviour in your ReactJS applications. With a careful understanding of these aspects, use of custom hooks is an excellent strategy for writing clean, modular, and reusable code.

As you continue exploring the potentials of custom hooks, consider these questions:

  • Could returning JSX from custom hooks reduce the complexity of your components?
  • How might your app benefit from reducing unnecessary rerenders induced by shared state?
  • And to what extent might managing stale state values improve the predictable behavior of your application?

Delving Deeper: Advanced Applications of Custom Hooks

As we continue to dive deeper into the world of custom hooks in ReactJS, it's important to understand their advanced applications. While we have covered the rudimentary aspects of managing state with custom hooks, real-world applications stretch far beyond elementary implementations. Notably, calling custom hooks within other hooks and returning JSX directly from custom hooks are two scenarios that can be of immense benefit if used appropriately.

Achieving reusability and modularity with custom hooks doesn't just stop at housing shared logic. Let's explore the more complex uses of custom hooks to further maximize code efficiency and clarity.

Nested Custom Hooks Implementation

Often there could be use-cases where you need to call a custom hook from within another custom hook. It's perfectly legitimate in ReactJS as long as you adhere to the 'Rules of Hooks'. These rules construe that hooks can't be called inside loops, conditions, or nested functions - rather, they should always be used at the top level of React functions.

However, it's imperative to cautiously approach such scenarios and not overuse nested hooks in a way that might introduce unnecessary complexity. Too much nesting creates code harder to maintain and debug, potentially outweighing the benefits of modularization and reusability.

Here's an example of a nested custom hook that respects the rules:

function useComplexHook() {
    const { data, loading } = useFetchData(); // useFetchData is another custom hook

    // some other logic...

    return { processedData, loading };

Returning JSX Directly from Custom Hooks

Reaching out a level further, custom hooks can return JSX, establishing a higher level of reusable components. It's crucial to remember that while the functionality provides significant flexibility, it brings along some considerations.

First, to retain the fact that hooks are implementation details, they should not implicitly dictate the component rendering. Components using the hook should have control over the final rendering. Thus, the practice of directly returning JSX from hooks should be used sparingly and only when it provides profound benefits.

Second, while returning JSX from custom hooks, you must take note that JSX structure must adhere to the best-practice guidelines of modern Javascript for efficient rendering and better readability.

Here's a taste of how this would look:

function useGreeting(name) {
    // custom hook logic here...

   return <h1>Welcome back, {name}!</h1>

Workflows featuring nested hooks and JSX return from hooks have their respective dos and don'ts. It's significant to understand the advantages and grasp the possible drawbacks these techniques might introduce into your application. When wielded with care and precision, these advanced practices can accelerate efficiency and elevate your code to meteoric heights.

Reflect on your personal projects or applications. Could they potentially benefit from these practices? How would you weigh the potential gains versus the added complexity? Each tool has its purpose – the art lies in knowing when to use which.

Recapping Custom Hooks: Here's What We Learned

Custom Hooks in ReactJS provide a powerful way for managing and reusing stateful logic between different components across an application. They allow you to create more maintainable, decoupled and performant code by enabling separation of concerns at a function level. Here are the key takeaways:

Overall Benefits

  1. Independent logic, reused across multiple components.
  2. Code is easier to maintain, test and debug.
  3. Encourages the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, resulting in smaller, easier-to-read codebases.

Managing Form State with Custom Hooks Creating a Custom Hook for form management simplifies input field value tracking across forms. Here's a sample use of a custom hook, useForm, that manages multiple input fields:

function useForm(initialValues) {
    const [values, setValues] = React.useState(initialValues);

    const handleChange = (event) => {

    return [values, handleChange];

Utilizing Decoupled Logic for Field Validations We can enhance the useForm hook to handle field validations. This not only keeps our components tidy but also promotes reusable and modular code:

function useFormV2(initialValues, validate) {
    const [values, setValues] = React.useState(initialValues);
    const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

    const handleChange = (event) => {

        const errorMessages = validate(values);

    return [values, errors, handleChange];

This makes use of a validate function which can be written based on specific form requirements. These functions can be reused in multiple forms, further enhancing code management.

Considerations The beauty of custom hooks lies in their ability to encapsulate and abstract complex logic away from the component, yet their simplicity means they can be readily tested and iterated upon. However, they introduce another level of abstraction, which can make code harder for some developers to comprehend initially.

Ask yourself these questions while working with custom hooks:

  • Have I separated concerns to enhance reusability?
  • Have I adhered to the DRY principle to enhance maintainability?
  • Have I tested the custom hooks I've created?

To summarize, Custom Hooks equip developers with a powerful yet streamlined tool for sharing stateful logic in a more maintainable and reusable way. They stand testament to the benefits of embracing the DRY principle and decoupled architecture in large-scale web applications.

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