Advanced Usage of Refs in Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - January 2nd 2024 - 9 minutes read

In the evolving landscape of Vue.js 3, the Composition API has introduced a more granular and powerful approach to managing state and interactions within your applications. With refs standing as a core concept in this progression, we delve deeper into their advanced utilities, revealing how seasoned developers can harness them to accomplish tasks that range from the precise manipulation of the DOM to ensuring the performance and reusability of their Vue.js constructs. Journey with us as we untangle the intricate use cases of refs, providing you with the insights and code wisdom necessary to elevate your Vue.js projects to a level of excellence that aligns with modern web development paradigms.

Understanding Vue.js 3 Refs and Reactive Principles

In Vue.js 3, the Composition API introduces ref() and reactive() as the linchpins for reactivity. While they may seem similar at first glance, their use cases and implications for your codebase can differ significantly. The ref() function is ideal for tracking reactivity of a singular value, regardless of it being an object or a primitive. It encapsulates the value within a reactive object, allowing you to interact with the underlying value through the .value property.

reactive(), designed for objects, employs a proxy to ensure the passed object is deeply reactive. With the introduction of deep reactivity in Vue 3.2, reactive() now seamlessly handles nested ref()s, thereby eliminating the complexity that previously surrounded deep reactivity implementation. This advancement simplifies state management, especially for complex structures, removing the barrier for developers to apply reactive() more liberally.

The effectiveness of Vue.js 3's reactivity system is founded upon the automated tracking of dependencies—the invisible but intricate links between application state and the DOM. A keen understanding of this system ensures developers can anticipate component updates and guard against unexpected behaviors. Strategically leveraging ref() implies discerning when individual values, independent of a structured reactive object, require responsive capabilities.

In more elaborate scenarios, ref() shines in state management, allowing for fine-grained control. For instance, consider the following code where ref() is used to manage a component's editable state:

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const isEditable = ref(false);

    function toggleEdit() {
      isEditable.value = !isEditable.value;

    return { isEditable, toggleEdit };

Notice how isEditable's value is toggled using the .value syntax, ensuring consistency across any form of variable encapsulated by ref(). Advanced usage includes utilizing these reactive references to synchronize state across multiple components.

In contrast, reactive() is adept in scenarios requiring grouped reactive state. An example is a user profile editor component where grouped details can be edited:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const userProfile = reactive({
      firstName: 'Jane',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      email: ''

    function updateProfile(updatedProfile) {
      Object.assign(userProfile, updatedProfile);

    return { userProfile, updateProfile };

Both ref() and reactive() are integral to Vue 3's reactivity system; choosing between them boils down to the nuanced needs of your application. When deliberating which to employ, reflect on the balance between simplicity and scalability—whether the state in question calls for the granular approach of ref() or the holistic touch of reactive(). Doing so can fundamentally affect the readability and maintainability of your Vue code.

Manipulating DOM Elements with Refs in Vue 3

Manipulating the DOM directly is occasionally essential in Vue applications, particularly for integrating with non-reactive libraries or for specific animation scenarios. Vue 3 leverages refs for direct DOM node access, enabling necessary imperative tasks while aligning with Vue's reactive framework. It is crucial to perform DOM interactions only once they are guaranteed to be available, typically within the mounted lifecycle hook.

Let's consider a real-world use case where an input field in a component needs to focus as soon as the page loads. This Vue 3 compatible code example clarifies how to achieve this with refs:

export default {
  setup() {
    const inputEl = ref(null);

    onMounted(() => {
      if (inputEl.value) {

    return { inputEl };

In the code above, inputEl is a ref that will capture our input element's reference. We use the onMounted lifecycle hook from the Composition API to ensure the element is present before calling the focus method, negating the need for nextTick.

Best practices suggest enclosing DOM manipulations within well-named methods that clearly reveal their purpose, thus cleanly separating Vue's reactive handling from direct DOM interactions. Consider the following method for encapsulating the focusing behavior:

function focusElement(elementRef) {
  if (elementRef.value) {

While dealing with the DOM, it is essential to distinguish between Vue's reactive data properties and direct DOM manipulations, as conflating the two can lead to unpredictable results and difficult-to-trace bugs. For instance, dynamically setting an input's value should follow Vue's reactivity system, not through direct DOM mutation via refs:

// Incorrect: 
inputEl.value.value = 'New Value';

// Correct:
const formInput = ref('');
formInput.value = 'New Value';

By mindfully manipulating DOM elements within the correct lifecycle hooks and using Vue's reactive system, we prevent anti-patterns and improve the robustness of our applications. Have your previous methods of DOM interaction conformed to these best practices, or have you encountered challenges reconciling them with Vue's reactivity nuances?

Dynamic Component References with v-for and Refs

Utilizing refs with v-for presents distinct challenges within Vue.js 3. When rendering lists of components, ensuring reference integrity during list updates is paramount. Vue 3 proposes a refined approach—function-based refs—providing flexibility for accessing these dynamically generated instances.

A proven strategy entails assigning refs within a loop by invoking a method that tracks each element or component. This method is bound to the :ref directive. It's crucial to clear and reset the ref array within the onBeforeUpdate and onUpdated lifecycle hooks, respectively, to mitigate issues with outdated references. This methodology guarantees a smooth experience when interacting with the DOM or invoking child component methods.

Here are two examples implementing the Options API and Composition API approaches:

Options API Example:

  <div v-for="item in items" :key="" :ref="setComponentRef"></div>

export default {
  data() {
    return { componentRefs: [] };
  methods: {
    setComponentRef(el) {
      if (el) { this.componentRefs.push(el); }
  onBeforeUpdate() {
    this.componentRefs = [];
  onUpdated() {
    console.log('Updated refs:', this.componentRefs);

Composition API Example:

  <child-component v-for="item in items" :key="" :ref="collectRefs"></child-component>

import { ref, onBeforeUpdate } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const componentRefs = ref([]);

    const collectRefs = el => {
      if (el) { componentRefs.value.push(el); }

    onBeforeUpdate(() => {
      componentRefs.value = [];

    return { collectRefs, componentRefs }

In these code examples, setComponentRef and collectRefs populate their respective arrays with references. The Composition API uses the ref from Vue 3 to maintain reactivity in a more granular manner.

A common error is direct manipulation of this.$refs—Vue’s internal management of this object is bypassed, leading to unpredictable behaviors. Always allow Vue to handle this.$refs, and perform updates through Vue's reactive system.

Let's broaden our perspective and assess scenarios where dynamic refs may not be essential. Consider using static refs or scoped slots, potentially simplifying the solution. Static refs are apt for singular instances that don't change, while scoped slots are suitable when component logic rather than the actual DOM element needs to be exposed or manipulated. Select the least complex, yet fully functional, approach that meets project requirements. This consideration fosters improved readability, performance, and maintenance of code.

Lastly, reflecting on the function-based refs in Vue 3 as compared to the more static approach in Vue 2, we observe a versatile system that caters to intricacies of dynamic list rendering. Gone are the days of array-based refs; the new paradigm embraces function callbacks providing direct and controlled access to each instance, signifying Vue's continuous evolution in accommodating complex web development challenges.

Performance Implications of Ref Usage

In the Vue.js landscape, refs are powerful tools for interacting with DOM elements, but improper use can have undesired effects on application performance. One such scenario is the inadvertent retention of large DOM elements in memory due to persistent references. Developers should be cognizant of the lifecycle of their refs, especially in Single Page Applications (SPAs) where components are repeatedly mounted and unmounted, as lingering refs can prevent garbage collection, leading to memory leaks. It is therefore essential to responsibly destroy refs to heavyweight components or nested child components when they are no longer necessary.

Additionally, the overuse of refs to manipulate the DOM can circumvent Vue's built-in reactivity and lead to performance bottlenecks during updates. Vue is designed to efficiently manage the DOM by tracking dependencies and updating only what is necessary. Direct, frequent manipulation through refs can result in more extensive and frequent DOM updates than the reactive system would otherwise necessitate. This can be particularly problematic in components that render large lists or complex structures, where every unnecessary update can significantly affect rendering performance.

One strategy to guard against performance issues with refs is to leverage Vue's built-in lifecycle hooks for ref creation and cleanup. Using onMounted and onBeforeUnmount to establish and nullify refs ensures that you maintain optimal control over the lifecycle of each DOM interaction. This aligns with Vue's reactivity principles and helps to preempt memory and performance concerns. Profiling tools like Vue Devtools can be instrumental in identifying potential DOM leaks or excessive updates tied to refs usage, allowing for targeted optimization.

As a rule of thumb, developers are encouraged to limit the scope and number of refs within their Vue applications. By localizing refs to specific components where direct DOM access is absolutely necessary and avoiding them in data-driven reactivity scenarios, the risks of performance hits are considerably reduced. In cases where refs are essential, they should be comprehensively documented and considered potential hotspots for memory and performance during code reviews.

Finally, a common misconception that may lead to over-reliance on refs is the belief that they are mandatory for all form input manipulations. However, Vue's v-model directive should be the primary approach for most form binding cases, as it maintains the reactivity system's integrity and optimizes performance by leveraging Vue's internal mechanisms. Refs should be reserved for cases that require direct and immediate DOM manipulation, such as setting focus or integrating with third-party libraries outside of Vue's reactive framework. Remembering this distinction helps prevent the casual proliferation of refs which may ultimately degrade performance.

Best Practices for Reusability and Modularity with Refs

When constructing composables that make use of refs, it’s essential to design them with reusability and modularity in mind. This involves meticulously encapsulating the logic of refs within the composable, thus allowing the reactive reference to be both self-contained and easily transportable across different components or scenarios. This pattern is best exemplified through creating functions that return reactive state and associated methods. One might create a useInput composable that encapsulates all related logic concerning a specific input field, including its current value as a ref and validation functions.

A best practice in promoting modularity is to parameterize your composable functions, accepting arguments that provide the configuration needed for the ref. Parameters may include validation rules or initial values, which allow the same composable to suit various contexts without modification. Structure your composable to return objects with a predictable structure, where properties denote the state variables and methods denote the actions that can be taken. For instance, useInput might return an object containing the input value, as well as validate and reset methods, standardizing how one interacts with it.

In dealing with component interfaces, using refs to expose certain aspects of a component’s internal state or behaviors externally can heighten reusability. For example, consider a modal component that offers methods to open and close. By emitting these through refs, you enable parent components to interact with the modal’s state, while keeping the modal’s internal state private and controlled. This pattern of designating control makes state management clearer and components more versatile.

A common mistake to avoid is overexposing internal state via refs, which can lead to tightly coupled components and hinder testing. Instead, only expose the necessary parts of the state through the composable's return value. Here’s a comparison for clarity:


export default function useIncorrectExpose() {
    const internalState = ref(0);

    return {
        internalState // Exposes the raw reactive ref


export default function useCorrectExpose() {
    const internalState = ref(0);

    return {
        getState: computed(() => internalState.value) // Exposes only the value through a computed property

Lastly, when extending the functionality of existing refs within composables, consider leveraging Vue's computed properties or watchers. This allows you to abstract complex reactive logic, creating derived state that updates automatically when the original ref changes. By doing this, you ensure that derived states are consistently up-to-date and that complex dependencies are intuitively managed, aiding in the maintainability of your application.

Consider, have you carefully exposed only the necessary reactive states through your composable? Are you efficiently encapsulating and abstracting reactive logic so that it promotes easy integration and testing across various use cases?


The article "Advanced Usage of Refs in Vue.js 3" explores the advanced utilities of refs in Vue.js 3, providing insights to help seasoned developers elevate their Vue.js projects. It discusses the differences between ref() and reactive() functions, their use cases, and the importance of understanding Vue.js 3's reactivity system. The article also covers manipulating DOM elements with refs, dynamic component references with v-for and refs, the performance implications of ref usage, and best practices for reusability and modularity. A challenging task for readers would be to implement a reusable composable that encapsulates the logic of a specific input field, including its current value as a ref and validation functions.

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