Advanced Redux: Building a Theme Switcher with Redux Toolkit

Anton Ioffe - January 11th 2024 - 9 minutes read

Welcome to the deep dive into constructing a cutting-edge theme switcher, powered by Redux Toolkit—the torchbearer for state management in the modern JavaScript ecosystem. Prepare to embark on a journey through the crisp and efficient landscapes of Redux, as we unearth the methodologies that make a theme switcher not just functional but remarkably swift and developer-friendly. We'll dissect the creation of a Redux store fine-tuned for theming, carve out theme slices with surgical precision, and entwine them seamlessly within the UI's fabric. As we progress, we'll turn our gaze to the often-overlooked crannies of performance optimization before we set in stone our workmanship with meticulous refactoring and testing. By the end of this expedition, you'll have the blueprint for a theme switcher that's as robust as it's elegant—crafted to stand the test of time and scalability.

Foundations of a Redux-Managed Theme Switcher

Redux, at its core, is centered around a single source of truth: the store. This centralized state container allows for consistent application state management which is critical for features like a theme switcher that need timely updates across the UI. With its predictable nature, Redux enforces a one-way data flow where UI components dispatch actions that cause updates through reducers. This pattern is especially potent when managing a global UI state, like themes, that needs to remain synchronous with user interactions or system settings.

Redux Toolkit enriches this paradigm by offering a more efficient abstraction for handling Redux logic. One of its standout features is createSlice, a function that encapsulates the action creators and reducers into a single, cohesive block of code. For a theme switcher, this capability affords us the succinctness of defining the theme's initial state and the logic for its manipulation with minimal overhead, thus streamlining the theme toggling process. Redefining the UI appearance becomes an action away, making the implementation of a theme switcher both lean and maintainable.

Given that theme switching often requires dynamic adjustment of styles across the entire application, the Redux Toolkit ensures that such a global change does not lead to performance bottlenecks. Through its judicious use of memoization and reselect patterns, the state selectors can compute derived data, allowing components to efficiently rerender only when the theme state changes. This optimization is vital to avoid unnecessary rerenders that can lead to sluggish user experiences, keeping the application's performance swift even as the theme switcher updates the interface.

Furthermore, the Redux Toolkit's embrace of modern Redux best practices, such as using the Redux DevTools for debugging and adhering to immutable state updates, ensures that our theme switcher is both robust and easy to debug. The toolkit's utilities help prevent common mutations and asynchronous complexities, leading to a theme switcher functionality that is both predictable in behavior and less error-prone during state transitions.

Ultimately, Redux and Redux Toolkit provide a strong foundation for a theme switcher. They handle the nuances of state management, allowing developers to focus on the creative aspects of theming. The result is a reliable and performant user interface that adapts to user preferences or system settings with ease. One should consider, then, how to balance modularity and readability when incorporating theme switching logic within a Redux-managed application, pondering on the implications of each choice on maintainability and developer experience.

Constructing an Optimized Redux Store for Theming

Redux Toolkit's configureStore function provides a streamlined and opinionated approach to setting up a Redux store, eliminating many of the complexities traditionally involved in Redux configuration. For theme state management, configureStore can greatly simplify the process. Let's walk through an optimized setup using Redux Toolkit to handle theming within a web application.

To begin with, we create a theme slice using Redux Toolkit's createSlice method. This slice is designed to handle the theme-related state and reducers within our application. By following the Redux Toolkit approach, we can define our initial state, reducers, and resulting actions in one cohesive structure. Backup this effortless setup with the immer library that Redux Toolkit uses, and we have a deceptively simple way to handle the immutability requirement of Redux:

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const themeSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'theme',
    initialState: {
        mode: 'light',
    reducers: {
        toggleTheme: state => {
            state.mode = state.mode === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light';

With the slice defined, integrating it into our store is straightforward with configureStore. We pass our themeSlice.reducer to the configureStore method, allowing us to omit the usual boilerplate of combining reducers manually. Furthermore, configureStore not only creates the store but also enhances it with default middleware, immutable state invariant checks, and out-of-the-box Redux DevTools support. This single function call provides performance benefits and developer conveniences that are essential in modern web development:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const store = configureStore({
    reducer: {
        theme: themeSlice.reducer,

Middleware integration is another area where configureStore shines. The default setting includes Redux Thunk, which supports asynchronous operations and side effects. However, should you need additional middleware, it can be added painlessly without creating a separate enhancer function. This streamlined middleware setup both minimizes potential performance issues related to middleware chaining and retains consistency across development practices:

import logger from 'redux-logger';

const middlewareEnhancer = (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(logger);

const store = configureStore({
    reducer: {
        theme: themeSlice.reducer,
    middleware: middlewareEnhancer,

For developers looking to optimize their theme-switcher implementation, Redux Toolkit's configureStore stands as a testament to efficient state management. It enables a degree of simplicity and clarity that allows developers to focus on the intricate work of theming rather than the intricacies of state management setup. This focus on the developer's ease of use without sacrificing power or flexibility is what positions Redux Toolkit as a significant boon in the landscape of modern web development.

Crafting Theme Slices and UI Integration

Utilizing Redux Toolkit's createSlice provides a streamlined process for managing application state, particularly for a theme switcher functionality. createSlice replaces the traditional switch-case reducers with a more readable and maintainable object notation, which also automatically generates action creators corresponding to the reducer functions, tightening the code base and reducing potential for boilerplate errors. Let's illustrate this by crafting a slice for theme management:

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = {
    theme: 'light', // default theme

const themeSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'theme',
    reducers: {
        toggleTheme(state) {
            state.theme = state.theme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light';

export const { toggleTheme } = themeSlice.actions;
export default themeSlice.reducer;

In the code snippet, we define an initial state, where the theme is set to 'light'. The reducer toggleTheme then toggles the state between 'light' and 'dark'. Redux Toolkit uses the Immer library underneath, allowing us to write seemingly mutating logic that is in fact producing immutable state updates, preventing common mutation-related errors.

To connect our theme slice to the UI, React components interface with this state slice using the useSelector hook. This pattern is not only familiar to React developers, but it also leverages React's efficient state management to ensure that components only re-render when the slice of state they depend on has changed. Here's an example of how one might integrate the theme slice into a component:

import React from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { toggleTheme } from './themeSlice';

const ThemeSwitcher = () => {
    const theme = useSelector((state) => state.theme.theme);
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    return (
        <button onClick={() => dispatch(toggleTheme())}>
            Switch to {theme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light'} mode

The ThemeSwitcher component grabs the current theme using useSelector and dispatches the toggleTheme action onClick, which updates the state within the store.

Developers should note the importance of defining selectors efficiently to extract data from the Redux store. Poorly constructed selectors may result in unnecessary renders. When defining these selectors, consider whether they can be memoized to improve performance, particularly if they involve complex calculations or derive data from the state.

As a mental exercise, think about other parts of the application that might benefit from state management through Redux Toolkit slices and how the useSelector pattern can be extended to those slices. How might the modular nature of slices improve the organization of state logic in your codebase? How does Redux Toolkit's approach compare to other state management libraries you've used in terms of modular code and reusability?

Advanced UI Integration and Performance Optimization

When crafting a theme switcher in a Redux-managed application, performance optimization directly influences user experience. This is particularly true when dealing with UI responsiveness, as slow or jittery theme changes can significantly detract from the perceived quality of the application. State normalization forms the backbone of this performance-oriented approach, ensuring that the store houses minimal, flat, and consistent data structures that allow for swift reads and writes. By keeping theme-related state normalized, updates are quicker and less prone to error, while also making it easier to maintain the state changes across the entire app without unnecessary complexities.

Memoization is another crucial cog in the performance optimization machinery. As components retrieve theme-related state via useSelector, the use of memoized selectors becomes vital in preventing redundant calculations and rerenders. The memoization ensures that components using theme data only update when the theme state itself changes, rather than every time the store updates. This can lead to substantial performance gains, especially in large applications with complex state trees.

Moreover, Redux encourages colocation of reducers and selectors, which is a pattern highly conducive to the creation of performant theme switchers. By bundling reducers with their respective selectors, developers create modular and reusable pieces of state logic that are both easier to maintain and more efficient to execute. This bundling pattern inherently reduces the need for cross-references and imports from disparate parts of the application, therefore decreasing the overhead on dependency resolution and module evaluation.

Performance optimization in Redux doesn't stop at data structuring and selector memoization. Middleware can be intelligently applied to achieve more refined control over state changes. In the case of a theme switcher, middleware can defer or combine rapid theme changes resulting from user actions to avoid overloading the system with unnecessary state updates. Additionally, middleware can facilitate side effects tied to theme changes, such as persisting user preferences without directly impacting the performance of the core theme switching logic.

Lastly, developers must strike a balance between performance optimization and developer experience. While optimizing for the best UI performance is critical, the chosen patterns and technologies must not be so abstruse as to hinder development. Redux Toolkit, by abstracting the complexity of Redux, aids in this by providing sensible performance defaults and reducing boilerplate. Developers can focus on crafting a seamless theme switcher without getting bogged down by the intricacies of Redux, while still reaping the benefits of its predictable state management and performant operation.

Refactoring, Testing, and Wrapping Up

Refactoring our theme switching logic using Redux Toolkit requires a keen eye for patterns that can be simplified or modularized. For instance, storing complex theme objects in the state can be problematic. As previously mentioned by one of our peers in the field, simple or plain objects are more manageable within the Redux store. A common refactoring approach would be to keep the theme objects themselves outside of Redux, referencing them internally via string keys. Consequently, our state only changes via these string identifiers, reducing complexity and enhancing performance. Here's a refined reducer example:

// Assuming themes are defined elsewhere
import { themes } from './themes';

const initialState = {
    currentTheme: 'light'

const themeSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'theme',
    reducers: {
            state.currentTheme = (state.currentTheme === 'light') ? 'dark' : 'light';

export const { toggleTheme } = themeSlice.actions;
export default themeSlice.reducer;

Testing plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability of refactored code. Writing unit tests for our theme switcher should revolve around verifying both the user interactions and state changes. For instance, a test case might confirm that invoking toggleTheme actually changes the theme from light to dark. Using Redux Toolkit, we leverage the preconfigured RTK Query and other middleware for a more seamless testing experience. The test below demonstrates this, showcasing a typical pattern for testing Redux actions:

import reducer, { toggleTheme } from '../themeSlice';

describe('themeSlice reducer', () => {
    it('should handle initial state', () => {
        expect(reducer(undefined, { type: 'unknown' })).toEqual({ currentTheme: 'light' });

    it('should handle toggleTheme', () => {
        const initialState = { currentTheme: 'light' };
        const actual = reducer(initialState, toggleTheme());

Wrapping up our theme switcher implementation with Redux Toolkit, we've discovered the importance of focusing on essential state pieces. This encourages simplicity and enhances readability, ultimately contributing to more maintainable code. It's important to remember, the goal of refactoring is not just cleaning up code, but also ensuring it's more efficient, easier to work with, and less error-prone.

Reflecting on the journey through constructing a theme switcher, what have been the most vital insights gained? Could the refactoring process expose more underlying efficiency gains? Considering these questions as you refactor and test your own Redux Toolkit implementations will drive continuous improvement and mastery in your craft.


This article explores the advanced concepts of Redux in modern web development by building a theme switcher with Redux Toolkit. It highlights the benefits of using Redux and Redux Toolkit for state management, including predictable data flow, efficient abstraction with createSlice, performance optimization with memoization, and adherence to best practices. The article also provides guidance on constructing an optimized Redux store for theming, crafting theme slices, integrating with the UI, and optimizing performance. The readers are challenged to refactor their theme switching logic using Redux Toolkit and test the implementation to ensure reliability and efficiency.

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