Sending emails in Node.js

Anton Ioffe - September 23rd 2023 - 18 minutes read

In this engaging and insightful article, we probe into a vital aspect of modern web development with Node.js – facilitating email functionality. As the headline suggests, our exploratory journey will be driven by deep dives into the interesting world of sending and managing emails with this powerful JavaScript runtime environment. Amid this rapidly evolving technical landscape, we offer you an article that cuts through the complexity, elucidating seemingly confounding concepts with ease.

Gear up to immerse in a maze of intriguing tasks that kick-starts with setting up a secure Node.js environment focused on email functionality. We then travel the intriguing pathway of SMTP's role in Node.js and deciphering industry-standard tools like Nodemailer, Mailtrap, and Mailgun. As we steer through, you'll discover the dexterity and robustness of Node.js, appreciating how seamlessly it can power HTML emails and maneuver file attachments in emails.

So whether you're on the hunt for best practices to ensure email security and authenticity with Node.js, or you are keen on a hands-on exercise in crafting your own SMTP server, we've got you covered. Delve in, unlock learning and let the joy of discovery take over!

Establishing Node.js Environment for Email Functionality with a Security Perspective

Before diving into the process of setting up your Node.js environment, ensure that your computer has Node.js 6.x or later installed. In addition, you need to have NPM, an active email account such as Gmail, and a text editor for crafting Node.js code.

Creating the Project Directory

Using the Terminal or Command Prompt, form a new folder for our project utilizing the below command:

mkdir nodejs-mail

Initiating the Node.js Project

Change into the nodejs-mail directory through cd nodejs-mail and initiate a new Node.js project by executing:

npm init -y

Installing Crucial Dependencies

Move forward by installing key dependencies needed for our project. These entail express for managing our server, dotenv for controlling environment variables, nodemon for automated server restarts during development, and nodemailer for straightforward email functionality. Install these dependencies with the ensuing command:

npm i express dotenv nodemon nodemailer

Importance of Dependencies in Email Functionality: The dotenv package boosts our application's security by eliminating sensitive data such as API key and secret key from the main code base. nodemon enriches the development experience via automatically restarting the server after each code modification. Lastly, nodemailer simplifies sending emails by providing a straightforward API to work with.

Configuring the Express Server

Express is a minimalistic, yet robust framework for HTTP servers. It doesn't make heavy assumptions about your application structure, providing you with the flexibility to tailor it to your liking. Here is an example of setting up an Express server and handling a simple GET request at the / endpoint:

// Import necessary modules
const express = require('express');

// Initialize express and define a port
const app = express();
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;

// Define routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send('Hello from our Node.js server!');

// Start express server
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`));

Initializing the .env File

Create a new file in the root of your project and name it .env. All environmental variables such as API keys or secret keys should be stored in this file, which enhances the security of our setup by preventing sensitive data from being exposed. For instance, your .env file might look like this:


Preliminary Security Measures

Developing with security in mind is always a prudent strategy. Here are some precautions to integrate during your server's setup:

  • Protect Sensitive Data: Secure key information like API keys in the .env file with environment variables. Be sure to include .env in the .gitignore file to avoid unintentional exposure in public repositories.
  • Limit Request Size: The Express built-in middleware can limit the request body to a reasonable size to prevent heavy payloads from overburdening the server such as:
    // Limit request size
    app.use(express.json({limit: '50kb'}));
  • Handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Without careful management, CORS can potentially expose our server to threats. To only accept requests from trusted sources, configure CORS using the cors npm package as shown:
    // Import the cors module
    var cors = require('cors');
    // Apply cors with default settings

By implementing these steps, we foster a secure environment for our Node.js application's email functionality. Building a robust foundation upfront certainly contributes towards making your application more secure and resilient in the long haul. In your experience, what practices or packages have you found to be the most beneficial when securely sending emails in Node.js?

Demystifying SMTP's Role in Node.js

The Power of SMTP in Node.js

In the realm of sending emails through Node.js, one protocol ascends to the forefront as a tried and tested approach — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP. As an industry-standard technology for transmitting emails across networks, it's key to understand SMTP's role in a Node.js environment.

The SMTP protocol's key role is to serve as a relay service, transporting the email from a server to another, till it reaches its final destination, the recipient's inbox. This powerful yet straightforward system is what makes SMTP a frequent choice for email transmission in Node.js.

The Practicality of SMTP

One of the main reasons developers turn to SMTP for their email needs is its simplicity and reliability. Consider this real-world example of sending an email in Node.js using SMTP:

var mailOptions = {
  from: '',
  to: '',
  subject: 'Sending Email via Node.js',
  text: 'That was easy!'

transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);

In this snippet, you can see how effortlessly a server can send an email. SMTP makes the process streamlined, without requiring a deep dive into the technical nuances of email configuration.

What's more, SMTP allows to address multiple recipients simultaneously, yielding an efficient solution for bulk email sending. Next time you need to dispatch newsletter or notifications to several users, SMTP's simplicity will come in handy.

SMTP Limitations and Situational Usage

Though SMTP boasts many benefits, like every technology, it has its limitations and isn't always the perfect fit. For instance, if you're working on a larger application and need to deliver a substantial volume of emails, you may hit the SMTP server's email sending limits.

In contrast, if you're only sending a handful of emails or your application is small, SMTP proves to be an economical and efficient option. However, projects involving massive email operations may need to look beyond SMTP.

Consider the trade-off between the simplicity of SMTP and the more advanced features that email API services offer, such as analytics, template management, and scalability. Therefore, the choice between SMTP and these other services hinges on the project's scope and requirements.

To Wrap Up

Understanding SMTP's role and potential in a Node.js setting is crucial when deciding the best means to manage email functionality in your applications. Depending on your needs and how significant email distribution is to your project, SMTP might just be the ideal solution.

If you decide to use SMTP, remember to monitor its performance and revise your choice as your project evolves. After all, reflecting on the technology choices leads to more efficient projects which adjust as per the changing needs.

Integrating Email Handling Tools in Node.js: Nodemailer, Mailtrap, and Mailgun

Integrating Email Handling Tools in Node.js: Nodemailer, Mailtrap, and Mailgun

While managing emails in Node.js applications, leveraging an email API enhances scalability, customization, and optimization. We will focus on three significant tools — Nodemailer, MailTrap, and Mailgun — to optimize email functionality.

Setting Up Nodemailer

Nodemailer is a widely-used Node.js module to handle mailing operations, ensuring they run seamlessly within other asynchronous processes in JavaScript's event loop.

To install the Nodemailer package in your Node.js application, use the npm install command as shown:

// Installing Nodemailer package using npm
npm install nodemailer

Next, set up a transporter object with necessary SMTP details:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

// Setting up transporter with SMTP details
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
   'service': 'gmail',
   'auth': {
     'user': '',
     'pass': 'your-password'

You can then leverage this transporter object to streamline email operations in your application.

Integrating the Mailgun API in Node.js

Mailgun offers APIs to enhance various email operations in Node.js, including sending, tracking, and parsing emails.

Begin by installing the necessary dependencies:

// Installing Mailgun dependencies
npm i mailgun.js form-data

After successfully installing the dependencies, proceed to integrate the Mailgun API:

const formData = require('form-data');
const Mailgun = require('mailgun.js');

// Initializing Mailgun
const mailgun = new Mailgun(formData);

// Creating Mailgun client
const mg = mailgun.client({
   'username': 'api',
   'key': process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY

Ensure you add your MAILGUN_API_KEY to your environment variables before running the application.

Testing Emails with MailTrap

Testing email flows during development is crucial to ensure your emails reach users as intended. Services like MailTrap, which operates as a pseudo SMTP server, are indispensable to test and review emails without spamming actual users.

It's common to overlook important exception handling during the email sending process. Here's an example:


// Incorrect handling of exceptions
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
   if (error) {
     throw error; // Crashes application when issue arises


// Correct handling of exceptions
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
   if (error) {
     console.error(error); // Logs the error and does not crash the application

The correct implementation ensures your application remains robust even when the email service encounters issues.


Incorporating Nodemailer, Mailgun, and MailTrap into your Node.js application can significantly optimize your email operations. With these integrations, your application can manage various aspects of email operations more efficiently, effectively reducing complexity and enhancing user experience.

Three questions to consider:

  • Considering the current features of Mailgun, MailTrap, and Nodemailer, what improvements would you implement to advance these modules in Node.js?
  • If you were to choose between Mailgun, MailTrap, and Nodemailer, which would you use and why?
  • What other reliable tools would you recommend for handling emails in Node.js and why?

Delving into HTML Emails with Node.js

In today's digital age, a significant portion of our communication has migrated online, much of it through emails. In the context of web development, incorporating email functionality in applications can enhance the overall user experience and streamline interactions. In this context, Node.js offers certain capabilities that facilitate sending emails directly from your application, and this feature becomes more engaging when you can send HTML content. Let's delve deeper into how we can realize this.

How to Send HTML Emails in Node.js

To send HTML emails in Node.js, we'll be utilizing an email API. Email APIs simplify the process of sending emails by providing a framework that you can use to customize, integrate, set up, and scale your email functionality. For this demonstration, we'll be using the nodemailer package, a popular choice amongst Node.js developers for imparting email capabilities.

To use nodemailer, you'll need to install it through npm:

npm i nodemailer

Then you can import it in your file:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

To send an email, nodemailer requires a transporter object. This object defines the method and service to be used to send emails.

// Create a reusable transporter object using the default SMTP transport
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '',
        pass: 'yourpassword' 

Now, let's say we want to send an HTML email. For that, you'd call the sendMail() method on the transporter object:

let mailOptions = {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'Test HTML Email',
    html: '<h1>Welcome to My App</h1><p>Your account has been successfully created!</p>'

transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
    if (error) {
    } else {
        console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);

In the html field of the mailOptions object, you can include HTML for the body of the email.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Avoid writing the password directly in the transporter object. In a real-world scenario, you want to hide sensitive data. It's a common best practice to store sensitive information in environment variables.

let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: process.env.EMAIL,
        pass: process.env.PASSWORD 

Furthermore, ensure you handle any errors appropriately. If the sendMail function fails, the error argument in the callback function will be populated. Always log or handle this error to prevent silent failures.

Best Practices for Sending HTML Emails in Node.js

In the above example code snippet, our HTML content was pretty simple. But in a real-world scenario, you'll likely have a complex HTML file to send. In that case, you might want to move your HTML into templating files (like EJS or Pug) and render them.

Another best practice is to include a plain-text version of your email. This is useful in older email clients that don't support HTML emails.

let mailOptions = {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'Test HTML Email',
    text: 'Your account has been successfully created!',
    html: '<h1>Welcome to My App</h1><p>Your account has been successfully created!</p>'

In addition, always test your email sending functionality thoroughly before deployment and ensure you are adhering to all email-sending guidelines and laws of the specific regions/countries.

In summary, sending HTML emails in Node.js is a straightforward process, and once mastered, it opens up a plethora of possibilities to enhance your application's communication capabilities. Make sure you follow best practices and avoid common pitfalls for a smooth, trouble-free email experience.

Attaching Files in Emails with Node.js: A Mechanical Approach

Mastering the art of attaching files to emails using Node.js isn't as daunting as it seems. The usage of the nodemailer module and the fs (file system) module makes this process smooth and efficient.

Basic Email Setup using Nodemailer

Before we dive into attaching files, let's set up the simplest Node.js code for sending an email using nodemailer:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '',
        pass: 'password'

let mailOptions = {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'My first email using Node.js'

transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Error occurred while sending email: ',error); 
    } else {
        console.log('Email sent successfully: ',info.response);

This code sets up transportation using Gmail, then defines the email options and sends the email. If any error occurs, it logs the error. Otherwise, it logs the success message.

The Solution: Attaching Files to an Email

Now that we have our basic email setup ready, let's attach some files to our emails. To achieve that, we use the attachments property of mailOptions. It's an array that contains objects representing each file we're attaching. These objects include the filename and the file path or content.

Here's the code with an attached image as an example:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const fs = require('fs');

let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '',
        pass: 'password'

let mailOptions = {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'My first email with an attachment',
    attachments: [
            filename: 'test-pic.jpg',
            content: fs.createReadStream('path-to-your-file/test-pic.jpg')

transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Error occurred while sending email: ',error);
    } else {
        console.log('Email sent successfully with attachment: ',info.response);

A thing to remember: the file path should be absolute or relative to the script that executed the nodemailer transporter.

A Common Challenge: File Not Found

Developers often encounter an error when the fs module fails to find the file at the specified path. Remember, always double-check your file path if you stumble upon a "File not found" error.

Keep in mind that while Node.js makes handling emails smoother, incorporating more complex forms of emails and validating email contents can add layers of complexity to your application. That's a stimulating challenge indeed. How will you rise to meet it? What strategies can you devise to ensure exceptional email management in your applications while maintaining a high standard of code quality and performance?

Ensuring Email Security and Authenticity in Node.js

If you're using Node.js to enable email sending functionality in a production setting, employing several critical best practices ensures the security and authenticity of your sent emails. These practices serve as a defense against unauthorized access, phishing attacks, and improper sensitivity data storage.

Implementing TLS/SSL Encryption

Implementing Transport Layer Security (TLS)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, can significantly enhance the security of your email sending functionality. TLS/SSL act as a cloak, obscuring your emails from potential malicious individuals when being transmitted between your server and the recipient's email client.

By configuring the secure option to true in your email client setup for sending, you can enable TLS/SSL encryption. Here's how you can do it:

// Setting up a TLS/SSL encrypted SMTP connection
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    secure: true,
    //... other config details

Setting secure to true assigns the transporter object to use port 465 for SMTP. If secure is false (or undefined), port 587 is used (non-secure).

Sanitize User Input

A common pitfall is directly incorporating user input, such as the subject or body of the email. Always treat user input as potentially malicious data that may contain unsafe code or overflow inputs.

To mitigate such risks, sanitize user data included in your emails. Sanitizing will help strip undesirable HTML, JavaScript, or SQL code that could launch Cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection attacks.

Consider the following example that uses the DOMPurify library to sanitize a username:

let username = '<img src="x" onerror="alert(\'Attacked!\')">'; //User Input
username = DOMPurify.sanitize(username); 

To use DOMPurify, make sure to install it via npm npm i dompurify jsdom.

Leverage Email Verification

To ensure the genuineness of your emails and safeguard against phishing, implement email address verification for users on your application. Often, verification requires sending an email containing a unique, non-guessable token that links back to your application.

Below is an example illustrating the creation of a unique email verification token with Node's crypto library:

const crypto = require('crypto');
const token = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); 

You can append this token to the verification email and store it in your database. By clicking the link in the email, you confirm the user's email address if the database token matches.

Exercise Proper Error Handling

Resilient security also entails recognizing when things don't go as planned. When errors occur during email sending, appropriate error handling is crucial to prevent sensitive information leakage.

Inform the user of a problem, but avoid detailed error notifications, such as stack traces or debugging info, as they may provide an insight for potential attackers. Use custom error messages informative yet not overly revealing.

    .then(info => console.log(`Email sent: ${info.response}`))
    .catch(err => {
       // Log the error for debugging and send a custom error message to users
       errorLogger(err, 'Something went wrong with the email delivery.');

Above, errorLogger is a custom function responsible for logging the error in a proper, controlled manner, and optionally notifying users about the issue.

Promoting secure, genuine email functionality in a Node.js app necessitates careful planning. Incorporating a TLS/SSL encryption, user input sanitization, email verification, and suitable error handling forms a stable base. Continuing vigilance against potential security threats and accommodating new information and best practices ensure a proactive, robust defense against potential attackers.

Crafting an SMTP Server With Node.js: An Advanced Exercise

The challenge of creating an SMTP server with Node.js is an excellent way to fortify your understanding of the email sending process in Node.js development. Indeed, this advanced exercise gives you a comprehensive experience of handling the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in the realm of JavaScript.

Before we dive into the process, let's quickly do a rundown of what SMTP is: SMTP is a protocol that's used to send outgoing emails over networks. It functions as a relay service, effectively transferring emails from one server to another. When you use Node.js to build an SMTP server of your own, you have full control over the mailing process, and you can customize features for your specific requirements.

Let's delve into creating an SMTP server with Node.js.

Installing SMTP Server Dependencies

First, ensure you have Node.js and the Node Package Manager (npm) installed on your system. We will be using smtp-server and smtp-connection modules provided by Nodemailer, which will serve as the backbone for our custom SMTP server.

To install these dependencies, use the following npm commands:

npm i smtp-server smtp-connection

Next, require the necessary modules for creating an SMTP server in your main server file (say, server.js):

const SMTPServer = require('smtp-server').SMTPServer;
const SMTPConnection = require('smtp-connection');

Configuring the SMTP Server

Now, we must set up and configure the SMTP server. Our SMTP server should include certain basic functionality like validating email addresses and forwarding outgoing emails.

First, we will instantiate the SMTPServer class and, within its options object, we will include a validateSender function to ensure the sender's email is valid. We will also need an onRcptTo function to validate the recipient's email address, and an onData function for handling email data and forwarding it.

The general skeleton is as follows:

// Instantiate the SMTP server
const server = new SMTPServer({
    // Validate the sender's email
    validateSender: function(address, session, callback){
        // Code to validate the sender's email goes here

        return callback();

    // Validate the recipient's email
    onRcptTo: function(address, session, callback){
        // Code to validate the recipient's email goes here

        return callback();

    // Handle email data and forward it
    onData: function(stream, session, callback){
        // Code to forward the email data goes here

        return callback();

Implementing Email Forwarding

Within the onData function, we will implement an SMTP connection with our outgoing email service using smtp-connection. This will let us relay the email received by our SMTP server to the final recipient.

The email data received in our onData function is a stream, which we must pipe into our SMTP connection. We will also validate the connection before finally sending the email.

Our onData function then changes to the following:

onData: function(stream, session, callback){
    // Implement a Mail connection to forward the email
    const connection = new SMTPConnection({
        // SMTP configuration goes here

        // Validate the connection and send the email
            from: session.envelope.mailFrom.address,
            to: => x.address)
        }, stream, function(err){
            } else{
                console.log('Email forwarded successfully');
            // End the connection

Finally, you initiate the server on a specific port using:

server.listen(465); // or any other port

There you have it: a fundamental SMTP server built in Node.js. This SMTP server is only basic, and for actual deployment, more complex considerations such as security and real-world requirements will need to be considered.

This exercise is an excellent way to understand the intricate workings of SMTP servers in the context of Node.js. It encourages to think about the pros and cons of managing your own SMTP server as opposed to using a service. Can you think of any additional components of the server that you would like to enhance? How will you handle error scenarios in this server? How can you validate incoming emails effectively before forwarding them?

Remember, hands-on experience is the best way of learning, and crafting an SMTP server stands as a strong testament to your understanding of handling emails in Node.js.


The article explores the process of sending emails in Node.js, providing insights and guidance on various aspects of email functionality. The article covers topics such as setting up a Node.js environment for email functionality, understanding the role of SMTP in Node.js, integrating email handling tools like Nodemailer, Mailtrap, and Mailgun, sending HTML emails, attaching files in emails, and ensuring email security and authenticity.

Key takeaways from the article include the importance of establishing a secure Node.js environment, the simplicity and reliability of SMTP for email transmission, the benefits of using tools like Nodemailer, Mailtrap, and Mailgun, the process of sending HTML emails and attaching files, and the need to implement TLS/SSL encryption and sanitize user input for email security.

A challenging technical task the article presents is the exercise of crafting an SMTP server with Node.js. This task allows developers to deepen their understanding of SMTP and the email sending process by building their own server. It encourages them to consider the pros and cons of managing their own SMTP server and to think about error handling and validation processes in email forwarding. The task provides an opportunity for developers to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical way.

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