Push notifications with Service Workers

Anton Ioffe - October 2nd 2023 - 19 minutes read

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the central role JavaScript plays in modern web development, especially its interplay with service workers in the functionality of push notifications. In a digital world where real-time alerts and updates play a vital role, understanding these dynamics will equip you to create more responsive and user-friendly applications. With step-by-step implementation guides, backed by dense code examples, misconceptions, pitfalls, and the best possible practices, you will find an all-encompassing view of this compelling facet of web development.

Understanding how service workers function at the core of web applications broadens the scope beyond merely push notifications. This article also offers an insightful illumination of service workers' versatility: their role in offline mode, enhancing application performance, and more. The potential of these intriguing scripts extends far beyond what is commonly utilized in the web development ecosystem.

Finally, the article presents intriguing real-world case studies, shedding light on the process, challenges, and best practices of successful implementation of push notification systems. These examples will bring the theoretical aspects of JavaScript and service workers into tangible, practical exposure. Your journey through this captivating topic does not end with understanding. It continues on into application, bridging the theory-practice divide, armed with knowledge and insight. So, grip the edge of your seat and dive with us into this fascinating world of Javascript, service workers, and push notifications.

Service Workers: Definition, Importance, and Usage

Service Workers are a fundamental component in modern web development landscape. Known as a type of web worker, they operate as a JavaScript file that possesses the power to intercept network requests and control how responses are handled. Service Workers essentially act as a proxy server that sits between web applications, the browser, and the network, when available.

Sr. Devs may find this technology particularly useful for creating reliable and effective push notifications among other sophisticated features and behaviors.

Understanding Service Workers

A Service Worker is an event-driven worker registered against an origin and a path. It takes the form of a JavaScript file and can control the web page/site it is associated with, intercepting and modifying navigation and resource requests, and caching resources in a very granular fashion to complete offline experiences, or even online content caching.

It is important to note that Service Workers are promise-based and run independently of the main browser thread, meaning they are non-blocking and asynchronous. Code within a Service Worker does not block the application from running because it operates on a different thread.

The lifecycle of a Service Worker comprises three important events: installation, activation, and fetch. Installation involves setting up prerequisites for the application, such as caching static files. Activation involves managing old caches. Fetch handles every network request that the application makes.

The Importance of Service Workers for Push Notifications

Service Workers provide the technical foundation for push notifications as they enable background functionality and push capability even when the web application is not active in the browser. They allow data updates to be 'pushed' from the server to the web application, keeping users engaged even when they're not on the website.

With effective Service Workers, you can intercept all outgoing HTTP requests, tamper with the answers, redirect the calls, or even return a completely local response.

Crafting Service Workers: Code Examples, Best Practices, and Common Mistakes

The first step in using Service workers is to register the Service Worker script with navigator.serviceWorker.register(). Remember that it must be served over HTTPS for security reasons, due to the high level of access Service Workers have.

if('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  .then((reg) => console.log('Service Worker registered', reg))
  .catch((err) =>  console.log('Service Worker not registered', err));

The awaited sw.js file ought to respond to the install, activate, and fetch events. Here's a rudimentary example:

self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
  // Perform install steps

self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
  // Perform activate steps

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
    .then(function(response) {
      // Cache hit - return response
      if (response) {
        return response;
      return fetch(event.request);

One common error that developers often make is using the wrong scope during Service Worker registration. This can interfere with the Service Worker's ability to control a page. To avoid this, ensure you are using the correct relative path.

// Incorrect - the scope is '/public/'

// Correct - the scope is '/'

Service Workers can be terminated at the end of events, so avoid using global state to keep track of ongoing events. Instead, leverage the IndexedDB API which is a good choice for storing event data persistently.

Lastly, remember that debugging service workers can be challenging due to their nature. They can stay registered, even when inactive. Clearing the browser cache or navigating in Incognito mode can assist in resolving Service Worker-related issues.

Remember to regularly test, review and confirm whether your Service Workers are behaving as expected, particularly when crafting them to support push notifications.

In conclusion, Service Workers are a cornerstone of web development and a foundation for implementing reliable and immersive push notification experiences. By understanding their usage, importance, and common pitfalls, you can craft better, engaging web experiences.

Push Notifications: Mechanism and Application

Push notifications, a standard feature in modern web applications, help keep users engaged and connected with timely updates. This feature is made possible through the interaction of service workers, server-side scripts, and notification APIs. Let us delve into the mechanism and application of push notifications in JavaScript-based web applications.

How Push Notifications Work

At the core of the push notifications feature are service workers. A service worker is a special kind of worker script that can be installed in your user's browser. It runs separately from the main thread and can handle events such as push messages from a server, even when the user is not actively browsing your website or even when the browser is minimized.

When a push message arrives, the service worker wakes up, then fires a 'push' event. This event is usually handled inside a 'push' event listener:

self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
    // Code to handle the push event

In this event's handler, you can invoke the showNotification method of the service worker's registration to display a notification to the user.

Benefits of Push Notifications

Push notifications offer a few unique advantages to your web application. They help you maintain user engagement by delivering timely and relevant content. They also provide the ability to re-engage with users after they have left your website, potentially increasing the lifetime value of each user.

The efficiency of service workers ensures that push notifications are delivered instantly. Even if your website is not currently open in a tab, the service worker can wake up and handle incoming push messages. This gives your web app a near-native experience, enabling it to partake in user interactions typically reserved for native apps.

Drawbacks of Push Notifications

While push notifications provide substantial benefits, their use comes with a few caveats. Most importantly, there is an issue of user consent. A user must explicitly grant permissions to a website to send them push notifications. If your web app is too aggressive in its permission requests or sends too many notifications, the users are likely to ignore or block the notifications.

Another challenge is that push notifications require a stable network connection to be delivered. This limitation can affect the user experience, especially when dealing with flaky or slow network conditions.

Common Mistakes and Correct Patterns

While implementing push notifications with service workers, popular misconceptions often lead to mistakes.

One common issue is expecting push notifications to work without an appropriate service worker. All push events are delivered via a service worker. Therefore, the absence of a service worker or having one that does not correctly handle push events leads to issues.

The correct pattern is to define a specific event listener in your service worker that handles the push event:

self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
    var options = {
        body: 'This is a push notification'
        self.registration.showNotification('New Notification', options)

In this code snippet, the push event listener waits until the promise from showNotification method is resolved. The showNotification method provides the title and other options for the notification.

Another common mistake is to use notifications without considering the user experience. Flooding the user's device with notifications can lead to notification fatigue.

Thus, you should consider the frequency and relevance of push notifications carefully. Relevance can be improved by personalizing notifications based on user behavior and preferences.

Lastly, remember to gracefully handle the case where the user denies or revokes the permission to display notifications. Your app should continue to function correctly even without the capability to create notifications.

With a good understanding of push notifications, developers can create web applications that deliver timely, relevant content to users proactively. However, it is crucial to strike the right balance and respect the user's choices and experience when using this feature.

Implementing Push Notifications using JavaScript and Service Workers

Before implementing push notifications using JavaScript and Service Workers, it's critical to confirm if the user's browser supports these features:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && 'PushManager' in window) {
    // Your code for push notifications goes here

Once these capabilities are confirmed, we can start integrating push notification capabilities into our application.

Requesting Permission for Notifications

Primarily, your application must get the user's consent to display notifications. This step ensures respect for the user's privacy and prevents unwanted distractions. It's accomplished using Notification.requestPermission():

Notification.requestPermission().then(function(result) {
    if (result === 'granted') {
    } else {
        console.error('Unable to get permission to notify.');

In the above snippet, if permission is granted, the initiatePushSubscription() function is called to start the subscription process for push notifications. This function is a placeholder for the actual function you want to execute when the permission is allowed.

Ensuring Service Worker Functionality

Service Workers are crucial for this procedure. They are scripts running in the background separate from a web page enabling features that don't need user interaction. Here's how to register a Service Worker:

    .register('/app/js/service-worker.js') // The file path for your Service Worker file
    .then(function(registration) {
        console.log('Service Worker Registered.');

Once registered, the Service Worker is capable of listening to push events.

Creating and Displaying Notifications

The Service Worker then listens to the 'push' event and displays the notifications sent from your server. Here's a sample implementation:

self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
    const options = {
        body: 'New Comment on Your Post', 
        // Optional Data: icon, image, vibrate
    event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification('New Comment Notification', options));

The 'push' event listener in your Service Worker is crucial as it manages displaying the notification. The event.waitUntil() method ensures the Service Worker doesn't terminate before the notification is displayed.

Let's wrap it all together now:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && 'PushManager' in window) {
    // Registering Service Worker
        .then(function(registration) {
             // Requesting for permission here
            Notification.requestPermission().then(function(result) {
                if (result === 'granted') {
                } else {
                    console.error('Unable to get permission to notify.');
        .catch(function(error) {
            console.error('Service Worker Error', error);
} else {
    console.error('Push and Service Worker are not supported');

However, several considerations should be kept in mind:

  • Avoid exposing sensitive data in your notifications, as they can be displayed even when the device is locked. Promote non-sensitive data in your personalized notifications.
  • Consider infrastructure constraints and costs - for instance, server resources, enabling HTTPS, web push service charges, and browser compatibility.
  • Debugging can be complex due to Service Workers' asynchronous nature. Extensive logging and testing can help mitigate issues such as delivering duplicate notifications.

With these considerations, you are well-equipped to integrate push notifications into your web applications. How much of an impact do you think these notifications will have on enhancing your application's real-time features?

Understanding VAPID and its Role in Push Notifications

In-depth understanding of Voluntary Application Server Identification, commonly known as VAPID, is vital in our endeavor to work with push notifications. VAPID plays a crucial role in web push protocol, acting as a bridge for digital communication between your application server and the push service.

Let's dig a little deeper into this.

Role of VAPID

VAPID helps your application server explicitly identify itself to a push service. The key benefits are twofold:

1. It Simplifies Communications: The unique identification facilitates the push service to reach out to your server in case of any issues. Say, for example, if your notifications are creating trouble, or if the push service wants to report any bugs.

2. It Provides Privacy: By using VAPID, you can restrict who can send push notifications. This implies that only your server can send a push message to your users, which safeguards them from receiving any unsolicited push messages.

These benefits help manage push notifications effectively and ensure a smoother user experience.

Dissecting Mistakes and Correct Practices with VAPID

Now, while dealing with VAPID, it's common to commit a few mistakes. We'll look into some of them and provide you with the correct fix.

Mistake: Using Wrong Credentials

One common mistake developers make is using incorrect VAPID keys. This would lead to failure in authentication.

const vapidKeys = {
    publicKey: 'badPrivateKey==',
    privateKey: 'badPrivateKey=='

Instead, make sure to use the correct, unique VAPID keys. You can generate them using a library like web-push.

const webPush = require('web-push');

const vapidKeys = webPush.generateVAPIDKeys();

Mistake: Forgetting to URL Safe Base64 Encode

Another problematic practice is forgetting to URL safe base64 encode the VAPID public key when passing it to the applicationServerKey in the subscribe() function.

    userVisibleOnly: true,
    applicationServerKey: vapidKeys.publicKey

VAPID public keys should be a UInt8Array. In JavaScript, you can use urlBase64ToUint8Array() function to get the correct format:

function urlBase64ToUint8Array(base64String) {
    const padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4);
    const base64 = (base64String + padding)
        .replace(/\-/g, '+')
        .replace(/_/g, '/');
    const rawData = window.atob(base64);
    const outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
    for (let i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) {
        outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i);
    return outputArray;

    userVisibleOnly: true,
    applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(vapidKeys.publicKey)

Remember, high-quality code ensures a seamless, efficient, and secure web push protocol.


Working with VAPID can potentially enhance your handling of push notifications and make your applications more robust. It is the classic case of small hinges swinging big doors - small adjustments enhancing end user experience manifold.

As you continue to work with JavaScript and Service Workers, always ask yourself, are you making the most of every service at your disposal, including VAPID? Do you ensure that your code remains high quality, error-free, and efficient?

Security Considerations and Best Practices

User Data Privacy

While implementing push notifications via service workers, the privacy and security of user data must be a priority. The encrypted push data might still hold sensitive information that needs to be handled securely.

Here's a real-world example demonstrating how to securely handle sensitive user data:

self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
    const data = event.data.json(); //Decoding the payload
    //Here we process the data
    //After handling, we make sure to discard the sensitive data
    delete data.sensitive;

Remember to discard the data as soon as it has been processed or displayed to the user. Keeping or logging sensitive data unnecessarily can lead to security threats.

Securing VAPID Keys

Private keys used for push notifications, such as VAPID keys, need to be secure. It is okay for the public key to be exposed, but the private key has to be stored securely on your server and should not be exposed at any point. Any misuse of the private key can lead to malicious actors impersonating your application.

Incorrect Approach: Exposing the private key in the client-side JavaScript. Correct Approach: Store and use the private key on the server-side, as shown below:

const vapidKeys = {
  private: '<Your private VAPID Key kept securely>',

// The VAPID keys should only be used server-side, like so:
webpush.setVapidDetails('mailto:example@example.com', vapidKeys.public, vapidKeys.private);

Enforcing a Strict Content Security Policy (CSP)

A robust Content Security Policy (CSP) assists in thwarting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by limiting the locations from where resources like scripts can be loaded. This ensures the safety of your service workers.

Consider setting your CSP to restrict scripts to be loaded only from your application’s domain as shown:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self';

Encrypting Communications

All communications between your server and the client's browser should be encrypted using HTTPS to limit the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks. As service workers can act as network proxies, having an encrypted channel becomes even more important.

Always prefer HTTPS over HTTP. This example illustrates the right and wrong approaches:

Incorrect: http://yourwebsite.com Correct: https://yourwebsite.com

Service Workers in Secure Contexts Only

Service workers are only permitted to run in secure contexts. In general terms, this implies that your site needs to be served over HTTPS. This security measure provides additional protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.

For instance, ensure your service workers are registered in an HTTPS environment, like so:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    .then(function(registration) {
      console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful: ', registration);
      }, function(err) {
      console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);

Best Practices

  1. User Consent for Notifications: Obtaining user consent for push notifications must be a purposeful process and not just provided after the page loads. By sidestepping 'pop-up fatigue', the likelihood of your users granting the requisite permissions rises.

  2. Graceful Degradation: Ensure your code caters to users who do not provide consent or whose browsers are incapable of supporting service workers or push notifications. This may manifest as a conditional rendering of components depending upon feature support, as demonstrated below:

    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && 'PushManager' in window) {
    // Register your service worker and push notifications
    } else {
    // Render a fallback UI
  3. Periodic Updating: Service worker scripts should be updated regularly to incorporate recent changes and remove any obsolete cache.

  4. Error Handling: Create robust error handling measures. As push deliveries can fail, the application logic should accordingly cater to such scenarios. For example:

    self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
    // Handle the push event
    }).catch(error => {
    // Log or handle the error

Security must be considered from the inception of feature development. Following these practices will enhance the integrity of your push notification feature while fostering user trust and comfort through careful design.

Beyond Push: The Versatility of Service Workers

The versatility of service workers extends far beyond just facilitating push notifications. These worker scripts, running in the background, can empower web applications with additional capabilities such as working in offline mode, enhancing application performance through caching tactics, and more. Let's delve deeper into these functionalities.

Working Offline with Service Workers

One of the most notable advantages of service workers is enabling offline functionality. Service workers can intercept network requests, cache necessary assets, and serve them in an offline scenario. To achieve this, developers usually leverage the install and fetch event listeners; however, there are some common mistakes that are often made during this process.

// A common mistake
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
    caches.open('v1').then(function(cache) {
      return cache.addAll([

In the above example, the developer is trying to cache all necessary files during the service worker installation process. However, any failure in caching a single file results in the entire install event failing. A better approach is to cache the files individually, handling failures case by case.

// Correct approach
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
    caches.open('v1').then(function(cache) {
      ['css/styles.css','js/script.js','index.html'].map(function(url) {
        return fetch(url).then(function(response) {
          if (response.ok) cache.put(url, response);

This method ensures individual files are cached independently. Even if one fetch fails, the remaining files get cached successfully, allowing your application to have some level of offline functionality rather than none at all.

Enhancing Application Performance

Service workers are excellent tools for making web applications faster by implementing strategic caching. This can be a game-changer, especially for applications that have heavy static assets, repeated API calls, or frequently visited pages.

However, improper cache management can lead to out-of-date files being served or even storage quota excess. A common mistake with cache management is forgetting to delete old caches.

self.addEventListener('activate', function(event){

  var cacheAllowlist = ['v2'];

    caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
      return Promise.all(
        cacheNames.map(function(cacheName) {
          if (cacheAllowlist.indexOf(cacheName) === -1) {
            return caches.delete(cacheName);

In this example, an activate event is used to clean up old caches. The important point here is to maintain a cacheAllowlist that contains only the names of the caches you want to keep, and remove all others.

We have only touched upon some lesser-known but highly impactful facets of service workers. As developers, we must strive to avoid the common mistakes and correctly harness the power of service workers to provide better user experiences. After all, are we not craftsmen of the digital era, constantly brandishing our skills to pave the path for future innovations?

Case Study: Real-World Examples of Push Notifications with Service Workers

Case Study: Real-World examples of Push Notifications with Service Workers

Usage in eCommerce: Amazon

Through service workers, Amazon brilliantly manages to send timeliness and non-intrusive notifications to users about price drops or restock alerts. As evidenced by the following working code block, an event listener is added to the 'push' event which is responsible for these user notifications.

//Define the event
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
    //Structure the message content  
    const messageContent = { 
       title: 'Price Drop Alert',
       options: {
            body: 'Your wished product is within your budget now. Hurry up!',
            icon: 'push-icon.png'
    //Trigger the notification
    event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(messageContent.title, messageContent.options));

What would be the optimal frequency for such timely alerts? How could you test their efficiency?

News Platform: CNN and BBC News

Top-tier news outlets such as CNN and BBC News employ service workers for real-time news alerts. Notifications are guided by the users' preferences, allowing for targeted, personalized updates. See the sample code below demonstrating how a service worker listens for, structures, and sends the alerts.

// Define the event
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
    //Extract news category from the event data
    let newsCategory = event.data.text();
    //Structure the Message content  
    const messageContent = { 
       title: 'News Alert',
       options: {
            body: `New article published on ${newsCategory}. Tap to read now!`,
            icon: 'push-icon.png'
    //Trigger the notification
    event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(messageContent.title, messageContent.options));

Think about this, __how would these alerts maintain a balance between urgency and becoming overwhelming?>

Travel Websites: Skyscanner

Travel websites such as Skyscanner make use of service workers to notify users about travel deals. These notifications are specifically tailored based on users' actions and saved preferences. Here's a simple implementation of how these notifications are formulated and handled:

// Define the event
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
    //Extract journey details from the event data
    const journeyDetails = event.data.json();
    //Structure the Message content  
    const messageContent = { 
       title: 'Airfare Drop Alert',
       options: {
            body: `Flight from ${journeyDetails.fromCity} to ${journeyDetails.toCity} is now cheaper. Check it out!`,
            icon: 'push-icon.png'
    //Trigger the notification
    event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(messageContent.title, messageContent.options));

This showcases how service workers are behind these real-time push notifications, all the while ensuring that the user interface is not disrupted and only minimal system resources are utilized. A question to ponder upon: Could these alerts benefit users who are not frequent travelers too?


In this comprehensive guide, the article explores the central role JavaScript plays in modern web development, specifically in the context of push notifications with service workers. It emphasizes the importance of understanding service workers in web applications, not just for push notifications but also for offline functionality and enhanced performance. The article provides code examples, best practices, and common mistakes to avoid when implementing push notifications with service workers. It also highlights real-world case studies from popular platforms like Amazon, CNN, and Skyscanner to showcase the practical application of these concepts.

Key takeaways from the article include the definition and usage of service workers, the significance of service workers in enabling push notifications, how to implement push notifications with JavaScript and service workers, the role of VAPID in push notifications, security considerations and best practices, and the versatility of service workers beyond push notifications. The article emphasizes the need for user consent, secure storage of private keys, enforcing a strict content security policy, encrypting communications, and running service workers in secure contexts. It also encourages developers to explore additional functionalities of service workers such as offline functionality and enhanced performance.

A challenging technical task for the reader would be to implement a service worker that handles both push notifications and offline functionality. The task could involve registering a service worker, handling push events, caching static assets for offline use, and displaying notifications to the user. This task would require the reader to have a good understanding of service workers, JavaScript, and HTTP requests, as well as the ability to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise during implementation.

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