Generators & Iterators in Javascript - part 2

Anton Ioffe - September 22nd 2023 - 15 minutes read

First part here

Mastering Async Generators

Distinguishing Synchronous and Asynchronous Generators

Synchronous and asynchronous generators in JavaScript have various use-cases, benefits, and drawbacks. These can be easily distinguished in their behavior which is primarily driven by the extent of their dependence on the JavaScript event loop.

Synchronous Generators are primarily used when the tasks to be performed are blocking, meaning they directly interfere with the execution of subsequent operations. Their main benefit is their ability to pause and resume their execution, providing a great deal of control over when specific segments of code run. However, their biggest drawback is that they can block the main thread of execution while they're on pause, potentially inducing performance issues in your code.

function* synchronousGenerator() {
  let result = yield 1; // Pauses the function here
  console.log(result); // Resumes here upon next() invocation

Asynchronous Generators, on the other hand, offer the ability to not only pause and resume but to also handle asynchronous tasks. They are excellent in situations where associated tasks are non-blocking and can be performed outside the normal flow of the program. One major benefit of asynchronous generators is the ability to process a group of promises sequentially without blocking the main thread. This gracefully mitigates the performance cost which was a major stumbling block in synchronous generators. It's worth noting though that proper error handling can become complicated due to mixing synchronous and asynchronous code.

async function* asynchronousGenerator() {
  yield await fetch(''); // Pauses function here, resumes upon next() invocation

Imagine you are designing a function to pull data from an API in several steps. A synchronous generator would block the main thread at every step, but an asynchronous generator would fetch the data without blocking subsequent operations. Which generator would you choose in this scenario?

In conclusion, the choice between synchronous and asynchronous generators should be informed by the nature of tasks your code performs and the extent to which performance is a priority in your project. Nevertheless, mastering the nuanced behavior of both generators equips you with a powerful tool to execute and manage complex tasks, both synchronous and asynchronous, with precision and control.

Creating and Using Async Generators

To create an async generator, we use the async function* declaration. Just like a regular generator, this will create a stateful function that produces an iterator. However, unlike standard generators, async generators can yield promises.

async function* asyncGenerator() {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    yield 'Hello';
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    yield 'Async';
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    yield 'Generator';

In this example, each yield expression is preceded by an await expression. This effectively means that the generator "waits" for each promise to resolve before yielding the next value. Thus, async generators lend a more linear, simpler syntax to the handling of asynchronous code.

Using an async generator is similar to using a normal generator, with the added layer of promise resolution. Using a for await...of loop is the common way of consuming async generators:

(async function() {
    for await (let value of asyncGenerator()) {

// Expected Output: 
// 'Hello' (wait 1 second)
// 'Async' (wait 1 second)
// 'Generator' (wait 1 second)

One common mistake when using async generators relates to consuming async generators in a non-async context. Every value you yield is wrapped in a promise, even if it’s not an asynchronous operation. Thus, async generator consumption must always occur in an async context or a context that works with promises.

Here is an incorrect approach:

for (let value of asyncGenerator()) {

This will throw an error because the for...of loop makes synchronous iterations and an async generator returns promises. This oversight can lead to unexpected errors and complexities. Remember, always use for await...of when consuming async generators.

Async generators offer an improved linear and clear syntax to handle asynchronous code. But their lack of awareness may lead to syntax errors and poor code readability. The real-world uses and best practices around async generators make it worthwhile to be a part of the modern JS developer's toolbox. Do developers understand how and where to leverage them?

Performance Implications of Using Async Generators

Using async generators can significantly impact your JavaScript application's performance in various ways, namely in memory management and code readability.

One of the key benefits of using async generators is memory efficiency. Use of async generators allows you to efficiently manage memory by only generating values as they are needed - an approach known as "lazy evaluation". This can lead to significantly lower memory usage, especially when dealing with large data sets as opposed to loading all values into memory at once. However, this comes with the trade-off of increased processing time, as each request and value generation can introduce delays. It's a classic case of space-time trade-off and depending on the use case, it could either be a pro or a con.

Async Generators can substantially impact code readability. Asynchronous code in JavaScript using traditional callbacks or even Promises can become hard to reason about, especially when dealing with complex control flow. Async generators, used with for-await-of construct, can make asynchronous code look and behave like synchronous code in a way that is easier to reason about. This is called "synchronous-looking asynchronous code" and it can significantly improve code readability and maintainability.

However, despite all these benefits, remember that async generators may introduce additional complexity and could be an overkill for simple tasks. Being a relatively advanced feature, they could potentially confuse developers who are not familiar with them, and there may also be concerns about browser compatibility, although this is improving. It's therefore crucial to measure and evaluate the associated costs and benefits in the context of your application's specific use scenarios and performance requirements.

Real-life Coding Errors with Async Generators

A common error observed when dealing with async generators is the improper handling of returned promises in the code. Many developers assume they can use a typical for-of loop to iterate through the items yielded by an async generator. However, this won't return a resolved value. Consider the following flawed example:

async function* myAsyncGenerator(){
    yield Promise.resolve('Hello');
    yield Promise.resolve('World');

for (let value of myAsyncGenerator()) {

This is a mistake because value will be a pending promise, not the resolved value that you might expect. The correct approach is utilizing a for-await-of loop, which allows each yielded promise to resolve before it's logged:

async function* myAsyncGenerator(){
    yield Promise.resolve('Hello');
    yield Promise.resolve('World');

(async function(){
    for await (let value of myAsyncGenerator()) {

Another common issue is the misunderstanding or forgetfulness of how async generators handle exceptions. Consider this erroneous code snippet:

async function* myAsyncGenerator() {
    try {
        yield Promise.reject(new Error('Oops'));
    } catch (err) {
        console.log('Caught inside generator', err);

let generator  = myAsyncGenerator(); => console.log('Caught outside generator', err));

Here, the catch block inside the generator function will not trigger as the rejected promise is thrown outside to the caller directly. The correct approach is to rely on the caller to handle the exception:

async function* myAsyncGenerator() {
    yield Promise.reject(new Error('Oops'));

let generator  = myAsyncGenerator(); => console.log('Caught outside generator', err));

This code will work, printing 'Caught outside generator Oops' to the console.

Have you ever considered how differently async generators behave in comparison to your traditional asynchronous functions? If not, how will this improve the readability and maintainability of your code in the long run?

Real-World Applications of Async Generators

Async generators offer an elegant solution for handling heavy I/O operations such as file system reads and writes, network requests, and database calls. In such scenarios, it can easily become unwieldy to manage large data sets all at once. The async generator shines here, allowing you to process chunks of data as they become available, using the for-await-of loop. This is significantly more readable and maintainable than deeply nested callbacks or promise chaining.

A common use case for async iterators is in real-time data feeds. Websockets can be wrapped in an async generator that yields new messages as they arrive over the network. The async generator essentially turns the WebSocket from an event emitter into an async iterable object, thereby simplifying interaction by eliminating the need for explicit event handling.

Similarly, async generators can make working with APIs more intuitive. Often, APIs enforce rate limits, complicating the process of making multiple requests. An async generator can fetch the data in chunks, pausing between fetches to respect rate limits. Rather than managing timeouts and retries manually, you simply iterate over the generator and allow it to control the flow.

To illustrate these concepts, consider this simplified function to fetch a large number of records from a RESTful API:

async function* fetchRecordsFromAPI(url, batchSize) {
    let page = 0;
    while (true) {
        let response = await fetch(url + '?page=' + page++ + '&limit=' + batchSize);
        if (!response.ok) break;
        yield await response.json();

The consumer of this API doesn't need to worry about pagination logic; they can loop over the records as easily as they would iterate over an in-memory array.

Many are not aware of how powerful async generators can be when used correctly. How can you adjust your current workflows and systems to fully take advantage of them? How can you use async generators to simplify or replace your existing solutions?

Advanced Concepts: Meshing Promises, Async/Await, and Generators

The Interplay among Promises, Async/Await, and Generators

Promises, Async/Await, and Generators in JavaScript are three separate tools that can interweave in handling asynchronous behavior. Their interplay can be wonderfully synergistic when utilized correctly.

Promises handle asynchronous execution through a clear interface, allowing you to run code sequentially without getting into a callback hell. Yet, while Promises are extremely powerful, they don't always facilitate readable or maintainable code. Enter async/await, which enables us to write asynchronous Promise-based code that looks and behaves like synchronous code.

async function exampleFunction() {
  try {
    const result = await someAsyncFunction();  
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

Here, the async/await syntax simplifies the chaining of Promises and makes the error handling more straightforward. However, it doesn't allow mid-execution pauses and resumptions in a function. This is where Generators step in. A Generator function enables you to pause its execution at any point using yield keyword, and then later continue from where it left off.

function* generatorExample() {
  yield 'pause 1';
  yield 'pause 2';
  console.log('Execution continued');

Combining promises, async/await, and generators can help us achieve impressive feats of asynchronous control flow. You can use Promises to manage asynchronous jobs, mix them with Async/Await for cleaner syntax, implement Generators for mid-function pausing/resuming, and then use Promises again to handle the subsequent stages of the resumed Generator function.

Here are some thought-provoking questions to consider when using these concepts together:

  • How can we effectively mix these constructs to achieve maximum readability and maintainability of the code?
  • When does using Generators enhance the workflow, and when does it induce unnecessary complexity?
  • How can we handle exceptions and errors effectively when using all three constructs together?

Remember, a good understanding and the right use of these tools can significantly improve your asynchronous JavaScript code's readability, maintainability, and error handling. Still, overuse or misuse can lead to code that's harder to understand and maintain. Therefore, always consider the needs of your specific use case before choosing whether, and how, to combine Promises, Async/Await, and Generators.

Programming Pitfalls in the Promise-Async-Generator Trio

A common trap developers often fall into when dealing with Promises, async/await, and Generators is the improper handling of asynchronous calls within Generator Functions. This false step leads to an unresolved Promise, which can lead to misleading results or runtime errors. For example:

function* myGenerator () {
    let promiseResult = Promise.resolve('Error Prone!');
    yield promiseResult;

let iterator = myGenerator();
console.log(; // outputs: [object Promise]

The above code will yield the Promise object itself, not the value it resolves to, 'Error Prone!'. The correct implementation should use the Promise inside an async function with the power of yield:

async function* myGenerator () {
    let promiseResult = await Promise.resolve('Error Prone!');
    yield promiseResult;

let iterator = myGenerator();
console.log((await; // outputs: 'Error Prone!'

Another programming faux pas is neglecting error handling within asynchronous generator functions. Without error handling, a rejection will cause your code to crash ungracefully. Here’s how not to do it:

async function* myGenerator () {
    let promiseResult = Promise.reject('An error occurred!');
    let result = await promiseResult;
    yield result;

let iterator = myGenerator();
console.log(; //UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: An error occurred!

The right way to tackle this is by wrapping your Promise call within a try-catch block, like so:

async function* myGenerator () {
    try {
        let promiseResult = await Promise.reject('An error occurred!');
        yield promiseResult;
    } catch (error) {

let iterator = myGenerator();
console.log(; //logs: An error occurred!

So, have you ever found yourself stuck in a never-ending loop when trying to iterate over asynchronous functions? Or perhaps you've been puzzled by mysterious rejections emerging from your promise chains when using Promises, async/await, and Generators all at once? Understanding these common misconceptions and misapplications can help you to write more effective and reliable JavaScript.

Performance Impact of Using Promise-Async-Generator Cohort

The Promise-Async-Generator trio plays a significant role in managing asynchronous processes with Javascript and each of these components has a direct implication on application performance. When used appropriately, they can contribute to efficient memory usage and enhance execution speed. However, improper handling can leads to negative impacts, such as memory leaks and slower program execution.

One major advantage of employing this cohort is the optimized memory usage. Using Generators can help streamline the memory used by your program as they produce values one at a time on demand, not all at once. By wrapping async tasks within Promises and managing their flow with async/await, the memory consumed to hold intermediate results during asynchronous operations is reduced. However, overuse of Promises and async/await may lead to increased memory overhead by keeping more scopes alive, as each Promise and async function creates a new scope.

In terms of execution speed, the Promise-Async-Generator cohort can help minimize idle time and improve responsiveness. Working with Promises and async/await simplifies task scheduling as each async task can run independently without blocking the other, thus decreasing total execution time. However, code that alternates heavily between standard synchronous code and Generator code, can exhibit slower execution speed, especially in a single-threaded environment like Javascript. That's due to the cost of the context-switching between these two execution models.

In conclusion, the Promise-Async-Generator cohort can be a powerful tool for managing complex asynchronous processes in Javascript. Understanding how these techniques affect memory usage, and execution speed is vital to create high performing applications. Consider not only the benefits but also the potential pitfalls, it's essential to use this cohort judiciously, balancing their benefits with their potential to increase memory consumption and affect execution speed. Such understanding will also help in selecting the right tools for a given task, not because they're new or trendy, but because they offer tangible benefits for a given use case.

The Art of Code Delegation with Generators and Promises

Delegation of execution control between generators becomes readily achievable through the use of yield*. This expression ably delegates to another generator or, crucially, to promises or iterators, engendering code with enhanced readability and modularity. This is known as the art of code delegation.

Consider a scenario where we have multiple Promises that need to be resolved. We can use yield* to delegate each Promise, automatically waiting for it to resolve before proceeding to the next. This can drastically simplify asynchronous flow control, making your code more transparent and easier to manage.

function* generatorFunction() {
   const data = yield* [Promise1, Promise2, Promise3];
   // further code

However, it's worth noting that there's a trade-off in performance since generators are slower compared to native Promise chaining due to the additional overhead of generator functions. But, the gain in code readability, maintainability, and organization that generators provide can often make up for this minor performance hit. Secondly, the use of Generator and Promise together can also lead to complex and hard to debug code, if not used judiciously. Remember to only delegate to Promises where it enhances clarity and isolation of concerns.

In conclusion, it's recognizable that the yield* operator has given us a powerful tool to delegate control between generators, promises, and iterators in a readable and modular way, thus simplifying complex asynchronous workflows. However, is it the responsibility of each developer to decide whether this method suits their unique requirements in the context of their application's performance needs and their team's familiarity with the technology? How comfortably can you, as a developer, use these concepts when handling asynchronous code? Do you see the benefits outweighing the possible minor performance hit? These are important questions to ponder upon.

Tuning Javascript Programming Acumen with Promise-Async-Generators best practices

Combining Promises, async functions, and Generators effectively requires a good understanding of how they interact. Each tool has its unique advantages, and it's important to consider where and when to use each one. Promises are great for one-off asynchronous operations, while async/await is ideal for handling sequences of Promises and creating cleaner code. Generators, on the other hand, are useful for generating values on-demand or consuming them as needed in pull-driven data flows.

When working with async generators, it's important to remember that yield does not automatically resolve Promises. You need to use await in your generator function to ensure the Promise is properly resolved. For example:

async function* asyncGenerator() {
    yield await asyncFunction(); // Correct
    yield asyncFunction(); // Incorrect, does not wait for Promise resolution

Be cautious of creating "Promise hell" within generator functions. Instead, use await directly or yield inside a Promise chain to maintain code readability and handle errors effectively.

Error handling is another important aspect to consider. If multiple Promises are executing concurrently using Promise.all(), and one Promise rejects, it can result in uncaught exceptions, skipping the remaining code in the async function. To handle errors effectively, make sure to use try/catch blocks proficiently, especially when working with Promises in an async/await context.

Lastly, use async generators sparingly and judiciously. While they offer great benefits, they can also lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. As a best practice, stick to async/await and Promises whenever they suffice, only introducing Generators when their unique benefits are necessary.

To ensure you're using the appropriate tool for the task at hand, ask yourself these questions: Are you using async generator functions that yield while awaiting Promises? Are you handling errors in Promises appropriately to avoid uncaught exceptions? And are you making judicious use of Generators? By considering these questions, you'll be able to generate solid and maintainable JavaScript code.

Improved recommended sub-section text: End the article with a discussion on best coding practices when deploying Promises, async functions, and Generators together, to promote solid, robust, and maintainable JavaScript applications.

While Promises, async functions, and Generators each have their unique advantages, combining them effectively requires a good understanding of how they interact. It is crucial to consider where and when to use each tool. Promises are suitable for one-off asynchronous operations, while async/await is ideal for handling sequences of Promises and creating cleaner code. Generators, on the other hand, are useful for generating values on-demand or consuming them as needed, such as for pull-driven data flows.

When working with async generators, it is important to remember that yield does not automatically resolve Promises. You need to use await in your generator function. For example:

async function* asyncGenerator() {
    yield await asyncFunction(); // Correct
    yield asyncFunction(); // Incorrect, does not wait for Promise resolution

Avoid accidentally creating "Promise hell" inside generator functions. Instead, use await directly or yield inside a Promise chain to maintain code readability and handle errors effectively.

Ensure that you handle errors carefully. Multiple Promises executing concurrently with Promise.all() can lead to uncaught exceptions if just one Promise rejects. A rejected Promise skips the rest of the async function's code and heads straight to the closest error handler. Therefore, ensure you use try/catch blocks proficiently, especially when working with Promises in an async/await context.

Finally, use async generators sparingly and judiciously. While they offer fantastic benefits, they can also lead to complex code that's hard to understand and maintain. As a best practice, stick to async/await and Promises where they suffice, only incorporating Generators when their unique benefits are necessary.

Are you using the appropriate tool for the task at hand? Does your async generator function yield while awaiting Promises? Are you handling errors in Promises appropriately to avoid uncaught exceptions? Do you make judicious use of Generators? By asking yourself these questions, you'll be on your way to generating solid, maintainable JavaScript code.


JavaScript developers can enhance their code by utilizing generators and iterators. These concepts help simplify code and streamline complex tasks in a more efficient manner. Generators allow for the pausing and resumption of function execution, while iterators provide a systematic way to navigate through sets of elements. By combining these features, developers can create more elegant and efficient code in JavaScript.

One key takeaway from the article is the importance of understanding the interplay among generators, promises, and async/await. These tools can work together to handle asynchronous behavior, but it's crucial to use them correctly to avoid common pitfalls. Proper error handling and understanding the performance implications are also important considerations when working with these features.

To further explore these concepts, readers can try implementing a custom iterable object using Symbol.iterator, or experiment with scheduling tasks using generators. By challenging themselves to think about how generators, iterators, and promises can be used together to solve a specific problem, developers can gain a deeper understanding of these powerful features in JavaScript.

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