Error handling in Promises in Javascript

Anton Ioffe - September 9th 2023 - 13 minutes read

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In the vast and continually evolving world of modern web development, JavaScript continues to fortify its position as a pivotal player, specifically with the innovative use of Promises for managing asynchronous tasks. As developers, we all understand that dealing with errors is an inevitable part of the journey, particularly when working with Promises. This comprehensive article will help you unravel the intricacies of error handling in Promises, providing you with insights and strategies that are sure to augment your JavaScript code's robustness and reliability.

From exploring the structure and role of Promises, to delving deep into error propagation in chained Promises and the significance of async/await in making error handling superior - this article will take you on a meticulous walkthrough, sure to enhance your proficiency in the subject matter. Be prepared to dive headfirst into the complex waters of API errors, "broken" promises, and the usage of 'try-catch' blocks within Promises, gaining insights you can immediately implement in your own code.

Designed explicitly for seasoned developers and rooted in a detailed, real-world context, this step-by-step guide won't shy away from addressing meticulous specifics. Stay tuned as you embark on this rewarding journey of mastering error handling in Promises, and transform your JavaScript expertise from good to exceptional.

Understanding the Role and Structure of Promises in JavaScript

Promises in JavaScript are objects that manage the results of asynchronous operations. They encapsulate the eventual success or failure of an operation and its resulting value. A promise can be pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

Creating Promises

Creating a Promise is straightforward. The basic syntax is:

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Your asynchronous operation here

The Promise constructor requires one argument — a callback with two parameters: resolve and reject. When the operation is successful, resolve is called with the resulting value. If an error happens, reject is invoked instead, passing the error as an argument.

Promise Methods

Promises offer several methods designed to improve the management of the outcomes of asynchronous tasks. This article focuses on three methods: then, catch, and finally.

then Method: The then() method schedules callbacks to run once the Promise is either completed or rejected. It receives two arguments: a callback for success, and a callback for failure.

myPromise.then(value => {
    console.log('Success!', value);
}, reason => {
    console.log('Failure:', reason);

It's fairly common to incorrectly define then callbacks within the Promise constructor. This conflation of responsibilities tends to complicate things. It's best to avoid this by keeping Promise creation and handling separate. Consider the following incorrect and preferred examples:

// NOT recommended - Mixing the Promise creation and handling
const incorrectPromiseExample = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    .then(result => resolve(result))   // This complicates the Promise structure
    .catch(error => reject(error));    // This complicates the Promise structure

// Recommended way - Keeping Promise creation and handling separate
const correctPromiseExample = anAsyncOperation()
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

It's important to understand that while both then() and catch() can handle errors, they serve different purposes. The failure handler in then() only catches errors thrown in the preceding function invocations, whereas catch() can catch any error that occurs within the chain.

catch Method: The catch() method is used to handle Promise rejections. It provides a versatile way to handle and respond to errors.

myPromise.catch(reason => {
    console.error('Error:', reason);

To thoroughly handle errors, always append catch() at the end of your Promise chain. Neglecting to handle errors can lead to unpredictable application behaviour. Here’s an example:

// Risky version - An error in 'doSomethingElseRisky' is unhandled
.then(result => doSomethingElseRisky(result))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

// Safer version - All errors are handled with separate catch() clauses for each risky operation
.then(result => doSomethingElseRisky(result))
.catch(error => console.error('First risk failed:', error))
.then(riskyResult => console.log('Result:', riskyResult))
.catch(error => console.error('Second risk failed:', error));

finally Method: The finally() method is invoked after a Promise is either fulfilled or rejected. It contains code to be executed irrespective of the Promise's outcome and could be viewed as a clean-up operation.

myPromise.finally(() => {
    console.log('Operation completed');

It’s crucial to remember that finally() should not contain logic that depends on the outcome of the Promise, as it doesn't receive any arguments indicating the Promise's resolution. Here’s a common mistake:

// Incorrect use of finally - Attempting to use finally to log Promise results
.then(result => console.log(result))
.finally(result => console.log('Finally:', result));   // The result is undefined

// Correct use of finally - using finally for cleanup tasks
.then(result => console.log(result))
.finally(() => console.log('Cleanup tasks'));

Promises serve as the foundation of async operations in JavaScript. Building a solid understanding of Promises and their error handling mechanisms will greatly assist in debugging, as well as equipping you with the knowledge required to explore advanced asynchronous topics such as async/await and generators. This expertise is an essential tool for mastering complex coding challenges.

Can you think of any other common pitfalls associated with JavaScript Promises and their innate error-handling mechanisms?

Grasping Error Handling within Promises

Understanding the Promise Rejection Mechanism

In JavaScript, the rejection of Promises is usually handled using the .catch() method, which lets you specify what occurs when a Promise fails. Here's an example of handling an error in a Promise.

  .then(response => response.json())
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

In the above code snippet, fetch('/api/data') returns a Promise. The .then() method returns the fulfilled Promise, and the .catch() method catches any errors that might occur during the execution of this Promise.

The Concept of Broken Promises

A Promise is considered "broken" when it's never settled - it neither resolves nor rejects. Here's a scenario:

new Promise(() => {
  // No resolve or reject here

In the above code, a new Promise is created, but it is never settled because neither resolve nor reject is called.

Applying Try-Catch within Promises

The use of 'try-catch' blocks within Promises ensures that all errors are caught, as shown in the example below:

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Some code here

The try block contains the code to be executed, and if an error occurs during execution, the catch block is run.

Common Mistakes in Promise Error Handling

Some common mistakes developers make while dealing with Promise-based error handling include:

  1. Throwing errors without using reject.


new Promise(() => {
  throw new Error('Oops!');


new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  reject(new Error('Oops!'));
  1. Forgetting to add a .catch() block at the end of a Promise chain.


  .then(response => response.json());


  .then(response => response.json())
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
  1. Not returning anything from the .then block.


  .then(response => { response.json(); })
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));


  .then(response => response.json())
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can take full advantage of the powerful error-handling capabilities that Promises offer in JavaScript.

To solidify your understanding, you might want to ask yourself these questions:

  • How do 'broken' Promises affect your application's overall performance?
  • How can error logging be used in tandem with error handling in Promises?
  • What benefit does returning a value from the .then() block bring to your Promise-based code?
  • How might the error propagation behavior in Promise chains affect your error-handling strategies?

Delving into Chaining Promises and Robust Error Handling

Chaining Promises and Propagation of Errors

JavaScript Promises are a powerful tool to handle asynchronous tasks, offering features such as chainability for sequential execution of tasks. However, mastering error handling within Promise chains can be challenging.

An error occurring within a Promise chain gets automatically forwarded to the nearest downstream catch block, cleverly skipping all intervening then blocks. To utilize this behavior for effective error handling, it's crucial to position a catch block strategically to handle potential errors arising from multiple Promises.

Enhance understanding with an example using getUserProfileData(), processData(), and updateUserProfile(), each returning a Promise:

// This function fetches data from a given URL and converts the response to a JSON format.
function getUserProfileData(url) {
    // Make HTTP requests with 'fetch()'. Each 'fetch()' call returns a Promise that resolves to the request's Response
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => {
            // This command converts received data into a JSON format
            return response.json()
        .catch(error => { 
            // Error handling here
            throw new Error(error)

// Process incoming data 
function processData(data) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const processedData = => item * 2) // Processing the data
        if (processedData) {
            resolve(processedData)  // Returns success situation
        } else {
            reject('Data processing failed')  // Returns failure situation

// Update user profile with processed data 
function updateUserProfile(processedData) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Here the processed data gets added to the database
        db.collection('processedData').update(processedData, (err, result) => {
            if (err) {
                reject('Failed to update user profile')  // Returns failure situation
            } else {
                resolve(result)  // Returns success situation

// Executes the chain of Promises
    .then(data => processData(data))
    .then(processedData => updateUserProfile(processedData))
    .catch(error => console.error('An error occurred:', error))

In this example, an error in getUserProfileData() or processData() results in skipping updateUserProfile(), and the error logs to the console. A common mistake is forgetting to append a catch() block at the end of a Promise chain:

// Common mistake: Omission of a catch() block at the end of a Promise chain
    .then(data => processData(data))
    .then(processedData => updateUserProfile(processedData))

This oversight leads to unhandled Promise rejections and could impact the end-user experience. Always remember to append a catch() block at the end of your Promise chains.

Working with Promise.all and Error Handling

The Promise.all method is a powerful feature that consolidates an array of Promises into one promise. It resolves when all Promises get fulfilled, or rejects if any Promise fails. But, have you ever needed to get the results of all Promises, regardless of their status?

Consider encapsulating each Promise in another Promise that always resolves. This way, Promise.all will not prematurely stop due to a failed Promise.

Let's explore this strategy, using fetchUserDetails(url), getCommentDetails(url), and getPostDetails(url), each returning a Promise:

// Fetches user details from a given url and convert response to JSON
function fetchUserDetails(url) {
    // A fetch request with 'Promise' returning the Response of the request
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => {
            // Converts received data into JSON
            return response.json()
        .catch(error => { 
            // Error handling here
            throw new Error(error)

// Fetch comment details from given url and convert response to JSON
function getCommentDetails(url) {
    // A fetch request with 'Promise' returning the Response of the request
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => {
            // Converts received data into JSON
            return response.json()
        .catch(error => { 
            // Error handling here
            throw new Error(error)

// Fetch post details from given url and convert response to JSON
function getPostDetails(url) {
    // A fetch request with 'Promise' returning the Response of the request
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => {
            // Converts received data into JSON
            return response.json()
        .catch(error => { 
            // Error handling here
            throw new Error(error)

// Implement Promise.all with resolve-encapsulated Promises
    fetchUserDetails('').catch(error => ({error})),
    getCommentDetails('').catch(error => ({error})),
    getPostDetails('').catch(error => ({error}))
    .then(responses => console.log(responses)) // All responses, regardless of their fulfillment status

Even if one promise fails, using this method Promise.all won't reject prematurely.

// Common mistake: Omission of a catch() block for each 'Promise' in the 'Promise.all' array
let urls = ['', '', '']

Promise.all( => fetch(url)))
    .then(values => console.log(values))

The missing catch blocks make Promise.all prematurely fail on the first error, causing an unhandled Promise. Remember to include a catch block for each Promise to ensure Promise.all continues even if an individual Promise fails.

JavaScript's continued evolution introduced Promise.any() and Promise.allSettled() in ES2021. Promise.any() settles as soon as any Promise is fulfilled, while Promise.allSettled() waits for all Promises to settle, regardless of fulfillment or rejection.

Remember, unhandled Promise rejections can undermine the reliability of your application. Always consider how to incorporate robust error handling in Promise chains to enhance the stability of your projects. Effective error handling in promises contributes to building trustworthy applications and enriching user experience in the landscapes of modern JavaScript development.

Applying async/await for Superior Error Handling

Promises are a leap forward for asynchronous JavaScript and solve a multitude of problems that face developers, but they introduce their own complexity, especially when it comes to error handling. JavaScript has since introduced async/await, a new syntax that enables a simpler, more intuitive way to work with Promises, significantly enhancing error management.

Simplifying code with async/await

JavaScript’s async/await syntax is based on Promises, but it provides a more readable, linear-looking way to write and catch asynchronous operations and their errors. Here’s what a Promise might look like in a plain asynchronous function:

function myFunction() {
    .then(result => handleSuccess(result))
    .catch(error => handleError(error));

Here’s the same code using async/await:

async function myFunction() {
    try {
        const result = await doSomethingAsync();
    catch (error) {

The async/await syntax is both more simplistic and readable. It’s immediately clear what happens when: after doSomethingAsync() is complete, handleSuccess() is called with the result. If an error is thrown at any point, execution is halted and handleError() is called. By structuring code in this way, developers can maintain a strict order of execution whilst dealing with asynchronous operations.

Superior error handling with async/await

The primary advantage of async/await is the improved error handling. The try...catch structure is a key part of any language for dealing with runtime errors and is far more familiar to developers used to synchronous programming languages than chaining .then().catch() on Promises.

Here is a common mistake of not correctly handling Async/Await error:

async function myFunction() {
    const result = await doSomethingAsync();        
    // If doSomethingAsync throws an error,
    // handleError never gets called and the error crashes the app

Instead, with async/await, we always put our asynchronous code inside try...catch blocks:

async function myFunction() {
    try {
        const result = await doSomethingAsync(); // This might throw an error!
        handleSuccess(result); // If the above line throws an error, this line is never executed!
    catch (error) {
        handleError(error); // In case of error, we handle it here

The try...catch error handling mechanism is a complete solution. It can catch any error that occurs in the try block, irrespective of whether it is synchronous or asynchronous, providing a more holistic solution to error handling than Promises on their own.

Increased control of Promise execution

Async/Await also opens the possibility to use conventional control flow statements like loops and conditionals. For instance, it simplifies processing Promises in a sequence:

async function processArray(array) {
    for (const item of array) {
        const result = await doSomethingAsync(item);

In the above snippet, doSomethingAsync will be awaited for each item before the loop moves to the next iteration. This level of control suits many real-world scenarios like API calls where one request often relies on the response of a previous one.

The power of async/await lies in its simplicity. It takes the Promises, which were already a powerful way to manage asynchronicity, and makes them easier to write and read, more reliable, and more flexible. For developers, this means fewer bugs, and more time focusing on the problem at hand rather than wrestling with asynchronous control flow. That being said, what key takeaways will you consider in your next programming project involving async/await in JavaScript? Are there specific challenges you tend to face in this realm that the utility of async/await could help overcome?


In this in-depth article, we explored the intricate details of error handling in Promises in JavaScript, starting from basic concepts to advanced techniques. We distilled the roles and structure of Promises and delved into the error propagation in chained Promises. Then, we focused on grasping error handling within Promises, discussing common mistakes and the strategy of using 'try-catch' within Promises. We also dived into how to handle errors when chaining Promises and the power of Promise.all(). Finally, we analyzed the superior error handling capabilities of JavaScript's async/await and how it improves code readability while providing better control over Promise execution.

A fascinating area to challenge yourself further is to create a complex Promise chain involving multiple asynchronous operations with nested error handling scenarios. Make sure to use 'try-catch' within Promises and apply async/await for superior error management. To ramp up the complexity, introduce 'race conditions' in your Promise chain where the resolution of certain Promises depends on the timely fulfillment of others, and design error handling for such scenarios. Experiment with Promise.all() and Promise.any(), and observe how they differ in handling errors. This exercise will deepen your understanding of error management in Promises and help you write more resilient JavaScript code.

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