Windowing Techniques in React: How TanStack Virtual Can Improve Your Application's Performance

Anton Ioffe - March 21st 2024 - 10 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, creating highly responsive and performant applications is a relentless pursuit for developers. Enter the realm of windowing with TanStack Virtual, a modern solution tailored for React applications wrestling with the heavyweight of large datasets. This article unfolds the journey from grasping the foundational aspects of windowing techniques to mastering advanced strategies with TanStack Virtual, poised to skyrocket your application's performance. Through a blend of deep-dives into setup, customization, and optimization, seasoned with real-world problem-solving, we invite you on a transformative expedition. Aimed at senior developers, it promises not just insights but actionable knowledge to elevate your projects, making every scroll, load, and interaction seamless and efficient. Get ready to unlock a new horizon of possibilities, enhancing both user satisfaction and your application's scalability.

Understanding Windowing with TanStack Virtual

Windowing, or virtualization, is a critical concept in modern web development, particularly for React applications managing large datasets. TanStack Virtual emerges as a revolutionary tool by implementing virtualization in an innovative way. Unlike traditional rendering methods that load and display every item in a dataset, windowing with TanStack Virtual involves rendering only the items currently in view, plus a small buffer. This approach drastically reduces the number of DOM operations, leading to a significant boost in application performance and smoother user experiences without compromising the quality of interaction with the data.

At its core, TanStack Virtual utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to determine which items should be rendered based on the scroll position within a container. As a user scrolls through a list, TanStack Virtual dynamically unloads items no longer in the viewport and renders the next items before they come into view. This just-in-time rendering methodology ensures that the application uses resources efficiently, thereby minimizing both memory footprint and the impact on the browser's rendering engine. The result is a seamless interaction for the end-user, even when dealing with extensive datasets that would otherwise be cumbersome to manage and render.

One of the key innovations of TanStack Virtual is its ability to handle dynamic content sizes and abrupt changes in the dataset. Traditional virtualization techniques often struggle with items of varying sizes or datasets that update in real-time. However, TanStack Virtual addresses these challenges by recalculating item positions and adjusting the rendered window as needed. This flexibility is a game-changer for applications that feature user-generated content, live data feeds, or any situation where the size and shape of data elements are not consistent.

The practical implementation of TanStack Virtual in a React project can dramatically simplify the development process. By abstracting the complex logic of virtualization behind a straightforward API, it allows developers to focus on building engaging user interfaces rather than getting bogged down by performance optimization strategies. This simplification does not only make the development process more efficient but also encourages the adoption of best practices in handling large datasets, thereby elevating the overall quality of web applications.

Understanding the theoretical underpinnings and mechanics of TanStack Virtual sets a strong foundation for developers looking to harness the power of windowing in their React applications. The library's innovative solutions for rendering large datasets demonstrate a significant step forward in virtualization technology, offering a seamless pathway towards high-performance, data-intensive applications without sacrificing user experience or development efficiency. Armed with this knowledge, developers are well-equipped to leverage TanStack Virtual in building responsive and efficient web applications that can handle extensive amounts of data with ease.

Setting Up TanStack Virtual for Optimal Performance

To kick off the integration of TanStack Virtual within your React project, begin by ensuring that the package is correctly installed. Execute the command npm install @tanstack/react-virtual or yarn add @tanstack/react-virtual in your terminal. This command makes the library available in your project, laying the groundwork for virtualizing your lists or tables. Following the installation, the next step involves leveraging the useVirtual hook from @tanstack/react-virtual. This hook is crucial as it forms the core logic behind the creation of a virtualizer instance, which manages the virtualization process.

With the TanStack Virtual installed and the useVirtual hook imported into your component, the next phase is to set up your container for the virtual list or table. Ensure this container has a predefined, fixed height or a maximum height, with overflow set to auto. This setup is essential because it defines the scrolling context TanStack Virtual requires to determine which items are currently visible to the user, thus which items should be processed and rendered. A typical example of setting up a virtual list container in your JSX might look like this:

<div style={{ height: `500px`, width: `100%`, overflow: 'auto' }}>
    <div style={{ height: `${totalHeight}px`, width: '100%' }} />

Here, totalHeight is a value provided by the useVirtual hook, representing the combined height of all items if they were rendered without virtualization.

Moving on to the creation of the virtual list itself, use the useVirtual hook to generate the configuration needed for your virtualized content. This involves specifying options such as the size (number of items) in your list and an estimate of the item size to initiate the correct rendering window for visible content. The useVirtual hook returns properties like virtualItems, which are the items that should be rendered based on the current scroll position. The implementation could resemble the following:

const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
    size: items.length,
    estimateSize: useCallback(() => 35, []),

return (
    <div {...rowVirtualizer.props}>
    { => (
        <div key={virtualRow.index} style={virtualRow.measureRef}>

This snippet demonstrates how to render a list whereby only the items that are visible within the scrolling viewport are rendered, significantly enhancing performance by reducing the number of DOM operations.

By correctly setting up and configuring TanStack Virtual for your React project, significant performance benefits such as reduced load times and smoother scrolling experiences are achieved. The library’s efficient handling of large datasets through selective rendering based on visibility drastically lowers the computational burden on browsers. Additionally, TanStack Virtual offers customization options that allow developers to refine the behavior of the virtualization according to specific project requirements. Whether adjusting the overscan property to control the number of items rendered outside the viewport or dynamically calculating item sizes for heterogeneous lists, TanStack Virtual provides the flexibility needed to optimize performance and cater to diverse application needs.

Advanced Techniques and Customizations in TanStack Virtual

One advanced feature of TanStack Virtual that addresses the dynamic nature of content sizes within applications is the ability to handle variable item heights. This functionality is crucial for lists where items do not follow a uniform size, such as a comments section where each entry may contain a different amount of text or images. Achieving smooth scrolling in such a scenario requires careful calibration. A recommended approach is to use the measure function provided by TanStack Virtual to dynamically assign sizes to each item based on their content. Here is an example:

const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
  size: items.length,
  estimateSize: useCallback(() => 50, []), // Start with an estimated size
  measure: true,

return (
  <div ref={parentRef}>
    { => (
      <div key={virtualRow.key} ref={virtualRow.measureRef}>

This code illustrates the use of a measureRef to allow TanStack Virtual to dynamically adjust the size of each item for optimal scrolling performance. However, developers should be aware of the increased computational overhead that comes with dynamic size measurement, impacting performance in very large lists.

Implementing horizontal scrolling introduces a different dimension of complexity, catering to use cases such as wide tables or image carousels. To enable horizontal scrolling, the virtualization instance must be configured for horizontal use, a process that diverges from the typical vertical scrolling setup. The following snippet showcases horizontal scrolling activation:

const columnVirtualizer = useVirtual({
  horizontal: true,
  size: items.length,
  estimateSize: useCallback(() => 100, []), // Estimated width

return (
  <div ref={parentRef}>
    <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
      { => (
        <div key={virtualColumn.key} style={{ width: virtualColumn.size }}>

While this approach successfully implements horizontal scrolling, it demands meticulous handling of styles and potentially intricate event handling for user interactions, underscoring the trade-off between user experience and implementation complexity.

Creating a virtual grid with TanStack Virtual elevates the application’s UI by organizing data into a multi-dimensional layout. This setup requires managing both vertical and horizontal scrolling, orchestrating a grid that maintains performance across varying device sizes. Here's a glimpse into setting up a basic virtual grid:

const gridVirtualizer = useVirtual({
  size: itemCount,
  estimateSize: useCallback(() => 200, []), // Estimated cell size
  useObserver: myCustomObserver,

return (
  <div ref={parentRef}>
    <div style={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr))' }}>
      { => (
        <div key={virtualItem.key} style={{ height: virtualItem.size }}>

This basic example showcases the flexibility of TanStack Virtual in grid creation, although developers must navigate complexities related to grid sizing and the synchronicity of scrolling across dimensions for an optimal user experience.

These advanced techniques and customizations in TanStack Virtual illustrate the library’s versatility in addressing complex UI requirements. Developers can significantly improve application performance and user experience by judiciously applying these methods. However, each technique introduces its own set of trade-offs regarding complexity, performance optimization, and developmental overhead. Thoughtful consideration and testing are paramount to finding the right balance for your application.

Identifying and Overcoming Common Pitfalls

One frequent challenge developers face when implementing TanStack Virtual in React projects is the misuse of keys in virtualized lists. A common incorrect approach is using the index of the item as its key, like so:

{, index) => (
    <div key={index} style={}>...</div>

However, this method can lead to performance issues and erratic UI behavior as React relies on these keys to identify items. The correct approach involves using a unique identifier from the data as the key, which ensures React can accurately track and update each component:

{ => (
    <div key={} style={}>...</div>

Employing stable identifiers as keys is a best practice that enhances the performance and reliability of React applications utilizing TanStack Virtual.

Another pitfall is the management of variable item sizes within virtualized lists, which can result in choppy scrolling and inaccurate item positioning. Some developers might not account for the dynamic nature of content, leading to a suboptimal user experience. Utilizing the measure function provided by TanStack Virtual ensures smooth scrolling and accurate rendering, as demonstrated in the following setup:

const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
    size: items.length,
    estimateSize: useCallback(() => 50, []), // Default estimated size
    measure: measureRef,

Implementing measure dynamically adjusts item sizing, promoting a responsive and fluid interface.

Optimizing overscan counts is another area where developers often stumble. Too high of an overscan count, such as 20, results in unnecessary rendering, negatively impacting performance:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
    size: items.length,
    overscan: 20,

Conversely, a carefully calibrated overscan count, like 5, maintains a smooth user experience without excessive rendering:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
    size: items.length,
    overscan: 5,

Understanding the balance in overscan values is crucial for optimizing the performance of virtualized lists in React applications.

Leveraging memoization is another essential strategy to avert performance penalties. Without it, functional components within virtualized lists may rerender more frequently than necessary. Wrapping components in React.memo or useCallback, depending on the situation, minimizes rerenders and enhances the application's responsiveness:

const ListItem = React.memo(({ id, style }) => (
    <div style={style}>Item {id}</div>

Adopting memoization prevents unnecessary rerenders and secures a high-performance virtual list.

Addressing these common pitfalls with the illustrated solutions and best practices ensures developers can fully harness the advantages of TanStack Virtual in React applications. Proper key assignment, dynamic item sizing, optimized overscan values, and strategic memoization collectively fortify the application's performance, scalability, and user experience.

Maximizing User Experience and Application Performance

Beyond the foundational knowledge of integrating TanStack Virtual into React applications for better performance and efficient list management, there lies a spectrum of advanced techniques aimed at further enhancing user experience and application efficiency. Memoization stands out as a critical optimization strategy to prevent unnecessary re-renders. In complex applications, components often re-render more frequently than needed, leading to degraded performance. Employing memoization through React.memo for components and useCallback for functions can significantly reduce these re-renders, ensuring that components only update when their props have changed.

Managing complex state changes in applications leveraging TanStack Virtual can become a challenge, especially as applications scale. Here, the useReducer hook becomes invaluable, providing a more structured and scalable approach to state management than useState. This approach is particularly beneficial in scenarios where the next state depends on the previous one or when managing deeply nested structures, which are common in the sophisticated UIs that virtualized lists enable. The useReducer hook simplifies state logic, improves maintainability, and ensures performance does not degrade as application complexity grows.

Dynamic loading indicators represent another powerful technique to enhance perceived performance and user experience in virtualized lists. When implementing TanStack Virtual, integrating dynamic loading indicators for list items being fetched or rendered can make the application feel faster. Users perceive these loading states as part of the content's natural loading cycle, thus improving their overall experience, especially in data-intensive applications where fetching large datasets can introduce noticeable delays.

Developers must adopt a mindset of continuous evaluation and iteration to maintain and improve both performance and user experience. This involves rigorous testing and profiling to identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization, including evaluating the effectiveness of memoization, the efficiency of state management approaches, and the impact of UI feedback mechanisms like loading indicators. Regularly soliciting and incorporating user feedback into these iterations ensures that the application evolves in ways that genuinely enhance user satisfaction.

Lastly, embracing advanced techniques and optimization strategies requires balancing between achieving high performance and maintaining code simplicity and readability. While strategies like memoization and efficient state management with useReducer can significantly improve performance, they also introduce additional complexity. Developers must carefully consider these trade-offs, striving to optimize application performance and user experience without compromising the maintainability and understandability of the codebase. Continuous learning and adaptation, guided by a thoughtful assessment of user needs and application performance metrics, ensure that applications remain both high-performing and user-friendly.


In this article, the author explores windowing techniques in React using TanStack Virtual, a powerful solution for improving application performance with large datasets. The article covers the foundational aspects of windowing and highlights the innovative features of TanStack Virtual, such as its ability to handle dynamic content sizes. The author provides step-by-step instructions for setting up TanStack Virtual and offers advanced techniques and customizations for optimizing performance. The article also addresses common pitfalls and suggests strategies for maximizing user experience and application performance. As a challenging task, readers are encouraged to implement dynamic loading indicators in virtualized lists to enhance perceived performance and user experience.

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