Understanding Lifecycle Hooks in Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - December 27th 2023 - 10 minutes read

In the evolving landscape of modern web development, Vue.js asserts its dominance not just through its reactive data binding and composable component system, but also through the nuanced control offered by its lifecycle hooks. In this deep dive, we'll peel back the veil on these silent sentinels of Vue.js 3 to unveil how seasoned developers can harness their full potential, crafting applications that not only perform elegantly but also withstand the demands of an ever-changing digital ecosystem. From dissecting the intricate timing of each hook to sidestepping common traps and pioneering avant-garde techniques, you're about to embark on a journey that will transform your approach to Vue.js components and stand as a testament to the sophistication of your craft.

Lifecycle Hooks: The Heartbeat of Vue.js Components

Lifecycle hooks in Vue.js 3 embody a set of method-based triggers crucial to managing a component's lifecycle. They offer developers windows of opportunity to influence the component's birth, growth, and eventual decommission. These hooks underpin a multitude of essential workflows within the Vue application, functioning as the control points where developers can synchronize their code with the framework's reactive ecosystem. The discerning application of these hooks ensures both prompt data availability and efficient resource clean-up, which are pivotal for the responsiveness and effectiveness of web applications.

The use of lifecycle hooks is exemplified by created, where initial data establishment and API requests are ideally situated, ensuring the component's state is primed before rendering. In contrast, the mounted hook, executed post-DOM insertion, is the rightful place for any DOM-related manipulations. Each hook's invocation is aptly timed to afford developers the means to intervene at just the right moment, enhancing user experience through flawless UI updates and interactions.

Recognizing the ultimate importance of lifecycle hooks translates directly into constructing web applications that perform seamlessly. Absent these hooks, developers would find themselves in a quagmire of timing complications leading to visual inconsistencies and resource mismanagement. By employing beforeUnmount and unmounted, one can execute vital cleanup routines, steering clear of potential memory leaks and guaranteeing that applications run smoothly without incurring unnecessary performance costs.

Moreover, aligning code with specific lifecycle stages fosters readable and maintainable applications. Through this structured process, developers can attest to the precision with which their code operates within each component's well-defined lifecycle. For example:

export default {
  methods: {
    handleResize() {
      // Some resize handling logic
  beforeMount() {
    // Pre-render logic here
  mounted() {
    // Access or modify the DOM of the component
    const element = this.$el.querySelector('.some-class');
    console.info('Element:', element);
  beforeUnmount() {
    // Component cleanup, remove event listeners
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);

This snippet illustrates the methodical nature whereby each hook serves its designated purpose.

However, coding pitfalls are not uncommon and typically stem from misconceptions about the execution order or the lifecycle hooks' roles. A common mistake is trying to interfere with the DOM during beforeCreate or created, which is ineffective because the DOM has not yet been mounted at these stages; such operations should be reserved for mounted. To truly master lifecycle hooks, one must continually question their implementations, such as contemplating the implications of late data retrieval or the strategies for thorough event listener deregistration. Insightful reflection on these concerns advances developers' expertise, allowing them to capitalize fully on what lifecycle hooks have to offer.

Detailed Walkthrough of Lifecycle Hook Execution

The 'beforeCreate' lifecycle hook is the earliest entry point in a Vue.js component's lifecycle. At this juncture, Vue's reactivity system has not been initialized, and component-specific properties like data and methods are not accessible. The prime utility for this hook lies in setting up configurations that do not involve reactive data, such as injecting global mixins or configuring plugins, which must be approached with caution considering their potential effects on performance and memory overhead.

As we advance to the 'created' hook, reactive data and methods are now within reach, yielding a prime opportunity for operations that do not require DOM access, such as fetching data. It's pivotal at this stage to focus on efficient API interaction and to handle any potential errors gracefully by updating the component’s state:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      userInfo: null,
      loading: true,
      error: null
  async created() {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/user');
      this.userInfo = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      this.error = 'Failed to fetch user info';
    } finally {
      this.loading = false;

The 'beforeMount' hook offers a brief window for pre-mount adjustments, though direct DOM interactions remain off-limits until the 'mounted' hook, when the component is affixed to the DOM. Here, it is imperative to only perform necessary interactions with third-party DOM libraries to avoid performance issues:

  <!-- Template code here -->

export default {
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    initializeThirdPartyPlugin() {
      // Plugin initialization that requires access to the DOM

The 'beforeUpdate' hook is an opportunity to execute logic before Vue performs the virtual DOM patching, which is useful for preemptive action that doesn't interfere with performance. Following the virtual DOM's update, the 'updated' hook can be used for further post-patching logic. Here, care must be taken to avoid triggering further updates that could lead to an infinite loop. An example of this could be to conditionally focus an input if a count has reached a certain threshold:

    <input ref="input" />
    <!-- other template code -->

export default {
  data() {
    return { count: 0 };
  methods: {
    increment() {
  updated() {
    // Post-patch logic
    if (this.count > 10 && this.$refs.input) {

Finally, resource cleanup to prevent memory leaks is critically orchestrated within the 'beforeUnmount' hook, while 'unmounted' serves as the final callback after the component is removed from the DOM. These hooks should be used to execute cleanup operations, such as clearing timers or disconnecting event listeners previously established in the 'mounted' or 'created' hooks:

  <!-- Template code -->

export default {
  mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
    this.intervalID = setInterval(/* ... */);
  beforeUnmount() {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
  unmounted() {
  methods: {
    handleResize() {
      // Resize handling logic

By meticulously managing each lifecycle hook, developers can ensure structured initialization, updates, and teardowns of Vue.js components, contributing to a consistent and performant user experience.

Strategic Application of Hooks for Improved Performance

Within the Vue.js framework, strategically utilizing lifecycle hooks can significantly enhance the performance of applications. Carefully planning how and when to execute certain operations like data fetching and third-party integrations is crucial for an optimized user experience. For instance, opting to lazy-load components in the mounted hook ensures that heavier operations are only executed when the element is fully inserted into the DOM. This approach prevents unnecessary blocking of the initial render, leading to a perceived faster load time. However, it is critical to weigh this benefit against the potential drawback that users might experience a perceivable delay when the lazy-loaded component finally renders.

Conversely, the created hook presents an opportunity to prefetch data before the component is mounted. By fetching data early in the lifecycle, developers can potentially reduce the time to meaningful interaction, as data may be ready by the time the component requires rendering. The effectiveness of this strategy hinges on the size and complexity of the data being fetched and the network condition of the user. Large datasets or slow networks could negate the intended performance enhancements, leading to increased time to interactive.

Performance optimization extends beyond when actions are initiated. For example, manipulating the DOM, especially in response to data changes, can lead to costly re-renders. Hooks like beforeUpdate and updated allow developers to fine-tune the reactivity system by implementing changes just before or just after Vue re-renders the DOM, which can avoid unnecessary operations. It's crucial to perform only essential DOM mutations and avoid any heavy computation in these hooks to minimize performance penalties.

Resource-intensive operations require careful management to prevent a negative impact on application performance. Utilizing hooks like beforeUnmount wisely can preemptively clean up event listeners, cancel outstanding API requests, and dispose of sizable objects, preventing memory leaks and ensuring smoother transitions within a single-page application. Failing to handle these operations can lead to a sluggish application over time, as abandoned resources continue to unnecessarily consume memory.

A balanced and reflective approach to lifecycle hooks can have a profound influence on performance optimization. It requires a holistic view of the component and the larger application context to decide where to place asynchronous operations, event bindings, and heavy computations. As such, developers must remain vigilant about the impact of their choices on a granular level, as even minor missteps can scale into significant inefficiencies in high-traffic, large-scale applications.

Anatomy of Common Missteps with Lifecycle Hooks

One common misstep developers make with lifecycle hooks is not removing event listeners in the beforeUnmount or unmounted hooks. This oversight can lead to memory leaks, as event listeners attached to a component's elements may persist even after the component is destroyed. To prevent this, developers should ensure to clean up all event listeners and other subscriptions within these hooks.

export default {
  mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
  beforeUnmount() {
    // Proper cleanup to prevent memory leaks
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
  methods: {
    handleResize() {
      // Resize handling logic

Another frequent mistake is using the beforeUpdate hook for operations that should be handled by Vue's reactivity system, particularly within computed properties or watchers. beforeUpdate should be used for logic that needs to run before the DOM updates, such as manual DOM manipulations. Computed properties and watchers, on the other hand, provide a more performance-optimized way to react to data changes.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: /* data source */
  computed: {
    // This is a better approach than using 'beforeUpdate'
    filteredItems() {
      return this.items.filter(item => /* filter logic */);

Using lifecycle hooks for side effects during server-side rendering can also be problematic. Hooks like mounted will only be called on the client, leading to differences between server-rendered and client-rendered content. The mounted hook should only be used for client-specific tasks such as accessing the window or document objects, which are not available during server-side rendering.

Incorrectly relying on the mounted hook to fetch data is a misstep that can affect the user experience. While it might seem intuitive to fetch data when a component has been mounted, retrieving data in the created hook instead can lead to faster rendering as it allows for data to be available before the component is rendered.

export default {
  created() {
    // Fetching data here for better performance
  mounted() {
    // DOM specific tasks
  methods: {
    async fetchData() {
      this.data = await fetchDataFromAPI();

Lastly, a trivial but tricky-to-spot mistake is assuming this.$el references the current component's root element in the beforeMount hook. Since the hook is called before the component is mounted to the DOM, this.$el is not yet available. Access to the element should be done in the mounted hook instead, where it is guaranteed that the component has been inserted into the DOM.

export default {
  mounted() {
    // Now 'this.$el' is available and references the mounted DOM element

Through careful usage and adherence to best practices, lifecycle hooks can greatly enhance the functionality and performance of Vue.js applications. Each hook provides a unique opportunity to interact with the component's lifecycle, and developer mindfulness in leveraging these hooks correctly plays a crucial role in crafting efficient, bug-free applications.

Pioneering Advanced Patterns and Techniques

Utilizing the Composition API in Vue.js introduces new realms of possibilities, particularly when it comes to lifecycle hooks. By abstracting away and encapsulating the logic associated with specific lifecycle events into composable functions, developers can create more modular and reusable components. Pioneering such patterns means considering how compositions could interact. For instance, one might use onMounted or onUnmounted within a composable function that provides a specific piece of functionality, such as connecting to and disconnecting from a WebSocket server.

The traditional Options API often leads to lifecycle logic that's tightly coupled to components, but as applications scale, this pattern can become burdensome. Advanced patterns, therefore, shift towards a more compartmentalized code structure. Imagine a scenario where data-fetching logic is reused across multiple components. Instead of duplicating code in multiple created hooks, a single composable function can encapsulate this behavior, using the Composition API's onCreated under the hood, to be used anywhere within the application, thus streamlining the codebase and improving maintainability.

The key to optimizing such patterns lies in understanding the interplay between reactivity and lifecycle events. How might changes to reactive properties interact with lifecycle hooks defined inside composable functions, and how does this influence component performance? Careful orchestration of these hooks ensures that components update efficiently without unnecessary rendering, and memory usage is minimized by avoiding common pitfalls such as neglected cleanup in onUnmounted.

While refactoring to leverage composable lifecycle hooks, there's a balance to be found between granularity and simplicity. Developers need to tease apart complex components, extracting distinct lifecycle behaviors into separate, testable units without over-abstracting and creating an indecipherable web of dependencies. What indicators might you use to decide when a piece of lifecycle logic has become complex enough to warrant breaking it out into its own composable function?

In advanced Vue applications, deliberate structuring of lifecycle logic is critical. Thought-provoking questions arise: How can these patterns impact the team's ability to reason about code? Are there specific lifecycle activities that lend themselves to modularization more than others? When does the pursuit of advanced patterns and reusability begin to affect the overall simplicity and readability of the code? As a developer, you're tasked with balancing these concerns, making strategic decisions that will shape the architecture and future maintainability of the Vue application you're working on.


The article "Understanding Lifecycle Hooks in Vue.js 3" explores the importance and practical uses of lifecycle hooks in Vue.js 3, emphasizing their role in managing component lifecycles and enhancing user experience. The article provides a detailed walkthrough of the execution order and strategic application of these hooks for improved performance. It also highlights common missteps and introduces advanced patterns and techniques using the Composition API. One challenging task for readers is to refactor components using the Composition API and composable functions to encapsulate specific lifecycle logic, improving modularity and code reusability.

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