The memory lifecycle in JavaScript

Anton Ioffe - October 25th 2023 - 9 minutes read

Dive into the intricate world of JavaScript memory handling with our comprehensive guide, where we'll be unlocking the mysteries of the memory lifecycle, the allocation process on the heap and the stack, garbage collection techniques, and the ever-present challenge of memory leaks. No stone will be left unturned as we delve deep into the heart of JavaScript's engine, armed with real-world code examples, providing not just theoretical knowledge but practical techniques as well. We'll conclude with an exploration of the precarious balancing act between effective memory use and the computational demands of garbage collection, offering crucial insights into optimizing your JavaScript performance. Let's embark on this captivating journey towards mastering memory management in JavaScript.

Understanding the Memory Lifecycle in JavaScript

Understanding the memory lifecycle is pivotal for writing optimized and efficient code in JavaScript. The journey of memory, from being allocated to being released, is an overlooked yet integral part of JavaScript's inner workings. While much of this memory lifecycle is abstracted away and handled automatically by JavaScript's internal mechanisms, getting familiar with it enables you to adopt best coding practices and mitigate potential memory leaks.

Let's start with how JavaScript handles memory allocation automatically. Consider the following code snippet: let greeter = 'Hello, world!';. Here, JavaScript automatically allocates enough memory to store the string Hello, world! then assigns it to the variable greeter. This step, known as the allocation stage, occurs anytime we declare a new variable or create a function or object in our code.

The memory lifecycle then progresses to the 'usage' stage when we start interacting with this already allocated memory. The operation might be reading or rewriting its value or passing the variable to a function. For instance, with our greeter variable, we might print it to the console using console.log(greeter);. Here, we're reading the value from memory to execute the log operation.

The third and final stage— 'release'—takes place when the allocated memory is no longer in use and is therefore freed up. This process is mostly automatic, powered by JavaScript's garbage collector. To illustrate, consider a scenario where our greeter variable is set to null as follows: greeter = null;. The garbage collector will detect that the original Hello, world! string is no longer reachable and automatically deallocates the memory it once occupied, thus completing the cycle.

By comprehending the memory lifecycle in JavaScript, specifically the pivotal stages of allocation, usage, and release, you not only advance your skill set but also enrich your coding practices, facilitating efficient memory management, and high-performing applications.

JavaScript Memory Allocation: The Heap and Stack

JavaScript engines utilize two primary structures for storing data during runtime: the Stack and the Heap. The stack is primarily reserved for primitive data types and values and operates on static memory allocation. This type of memory allocation allots a set amount of memory space for each value as the size is known and won't change. To illustrate, we store a primitive string type, which, in turn, illustrates that the Stack memory is in play:

function stackExample() {
    var x = 'Hello, Stack!'; // primitive string type
    console.log(x); // Utilizes memory from the stack

In contrast, the heap handles the more dynamic side of data storage - objects, functions, and arrays. Heap allocation is not fixed but rather assigned dynamically as required during runtime. This dynamic allocation style is utilized because the concrete size of the memory isn't known at the compile time and is likely to vary during runtime. Hence, the type of data stored in the Heap can potentially be modified post-storage. Let's consider the following example:

function heapExample() {
    var y = { text: 'Hello, Heap!' }; // Non-primitive object type
    console.log(y.text); // Utilizes memory from the heap

By the time heapExample() executes, the object { text: 'Hello, Heap!' } is created and stored in Heap memory. However, an interesting feature about objects in JavaScript is that they can be modified even after being initialized, as demonstrated here:

function heapExample() {
    var y = { text: 'Hello, Heap!' }; // Non-primitive object type
    y.text = 'Hello again, Heap!' // Modifying the object
    console.log(y.text); // Now this utilizes the modified memory from the heap

Throughout the execution, we modify the initially assigned y.text to 'Hello again, Heap!' which is smoothly handled in the heap memory due to its dynamic nature.

In essence, the two memory compartments in play, namely the Stack and Heap, significantly streamline JavaScript's memory allocation. The Stack deals with static data allocation, employing a fixed amount of memory for each data type. Contrastingly, Heap caters to dynamic allocation, adjusting to changes and modifications in the stored data on-the-fly. Both of these parts interact, complement, and provide JavaScript a robust, flexible, and efficient framework for memory allocation.

Garbage Collection in JavaScript

JavaScript's garbage collector serves a vital role in automated memory management, liberating programmers from the chore of manual handling. Part of the JavaScript engine, it diligently works to free up any memory that is no longer in use. In practice, there isn't a universal algorithm that assures the liberation of all unused memory at a particular moment. However, among the existing algorithms, 'mark and sweep' stands out, performing optimally to side-line most memory fragments from the heap that are no longer required.

The two primary algorithms that underpin garbage collection in practice are Reference-counting and Mark-and-sweep. Both operate based on different principles but aim for the same goal. In the reference-counting strategy, the garbage collector considers any object without references as garbage, thereby marking it for removal.

var book = {
    title: 'Effective JavaScript',
    author: 'David Herman'
book = null; // the book object is now available for garbage collection

In the above example, once the book object is nullified, it becomes a candidate for garbage collection due to the lack of references. Apart from cyclic reference issues, this approach works seamlessly for most scenarios.

In contrast to Reference-counting, the Mark-and-sweep algorithm navigates around the cyclic reference pitfall by identifying 'unreachable' objects. Modern browsers call upon this algorithm, which treats global variables as the 'roots'. Beginning from these roots, the algorithm 'marks' all objects that can be directly or indirectly accessed.

function someFunction() { 
    let hugeString = new Array(1000000).join('*');
    let unusedVariable = 'This info will never be used'; 

In the provided code snippet, hugeString is marked since it's reachable via someFunction execution context. However, post function execution, unusedVariable is no longer accessible, making it a target for the sweeping phase.

Finally, it's crucial for us, as developers, to appreciate how these algorithms work in tandem with JavaScript's garbage collector. It helps us realize the significance of careful object referencing. Although JavaScript has the provision for automatic memory management, it's still incumbent upon us to write efficient and responsible code.

Coping with Memory Leaks in JavaScript

Getting started, let's discuss one of the very common memory leaks in JavaScript - the global variables. Developers, especially those new to the JavaScript world, might declare variables without using let, const, or var, causing those variables to become part of the global window object. Hence, these undeclared variables never get garbage collected because the window object persists throughout the application lifespan. To prevent these leaks, always declare variables using let, const , or var.

// Memory leak due to undeclared global variable
console.log(; //Outputs 'Johnny'

// Correct usage
let surname='Doe';
console.log(window.surname); //Outputs undefined

Next up, consider closures in JavaScript, which have access to their outer function’s variables even after the outer function has returned. These can lead to memory leaks if not handled properly. Say you have a function which creates an object that’s linked to a DOM node. You could create a circular reference where the JavaScript heap and the actual DOM nodes are out of sync, causing a memory leak. It’s worth noting that most modern browsers handle this automatically, but you should still be aware of the potential for leaks.

var theThing = null;
var replaceThing = function () {
  var originalThing = theThing;
  var unused = function () {
    if (originalThing) console.log("hi");
  theThing = {
    longStr : new Array(1000000).join('*'),  //Creates a 1MB object
    someMethod: function() {
setInterval(replaceThing, 1000); // Call `replaceThing` every 1 sec

Timers or intervals in JavaScript are another common source of memory leaks. When you use setInterval but fail to clear it with clearInterval, it can lead to memory leaks as the interval will keep running, eating up memory in the process. To prevent this, always ensure you call clearInterval when the interval is no longer needed.

// Memory leak with setInterval
let intervalId = null;
let count = 0;
intervalId = setInterval(() => {
  count += 1;
  //Forget to clear the interval somewhere
}, 1000);

// Correct usage
let intervalId = null;
let count = 0;
intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    count += 1;
    if(count >= 5){
}, 1000);

Lastly, detached DOM elements can lead to memory leaks. If you hold a reference to a DOM element in your JavaScript code and delete this element from the page, the browser’s garbage collector won’t be able to remove the element’s memory footprint until there are absolutely no references to the DOM element. Correctly managing references to DOM elements can mitigate this issue.

// Memory leak with detached DOM elements 

let elements = {
  button: document.getElementById('button'),
  image: document.getElementById('image'),
  text: document.getElementById('text')

function removeButton() {
  // this actually causes a memory leak because the reference to the #button element still exists in the 'elements' object

To avoid such leaks, remove any references to the DOM element in the JavaScript code first. After that, you can safely remove the element from the DOM without causing a memory leak.

// Correct usage with detached DOM elements 
function removeButton() {
  // remove the reference from the global object
  delete elements.button; 
  // now it's safe to remove the element from the DOM

Understanding how memory leaks occur in JavaScript and recognizing where they might lurk in your code can greatly improve your code quality and performance. Always remember to responsibly manage your variables, closures, timers, and DOM element references.

JavaScript Performance Art: Balancing Memory Use and Garbage Collection

Balancing memory usage and garbage collection in JavaScript is often likened to a form of performance art. As developers, we have to take an active role, setting the stage for optimal performance. This balancing act has a few considerations: memory and program efficiency, computational cost of garbage collection, and in some cases, user experience.

Understanding these trade-offs helps us craft high-performing apps without worrying too much about coding horrors like memory leaks. The convenience of automatic garbage collection allows us to concentrate on building applications rather than technical, low-level memory management. Yet, this convenience comes with its own costs. Due to the inherent unpredictability of when exactly memory will no longer be in use, JavaScript applications sometimes utilize more memory than absolutely necessary. Be mindful that excessive memory use can result in fewer resources for other tasks, potentially affecting the performance of your application.

As indicated earlier, garbage collection is a computationally expensive process. When the garbage collector’s activity becomes vigorous, application performance can take a hit. This can sometimes result in temporary freezes, especially for complex applications, which may degrade the overall user experience. To mitigate this, one of the best practices is to limit the number of simultaneous allocations and reduce the memory footprint of your application when possible.

As we ponder on these trade-offs, a challenging question comes to mind: How much can we really optimize memory use in our JavaScript applications without hitting the boundaries of garbage collection efficiency? This spurs us to explore innovative and creative strategies to manage memory in our JavaScript applications effectively. These strategies may include allocating and deallocating fewer objects, leveraging real-time garbage collection metrics, and using memory-profiling tools to identify leaks and manage memory consumption. Remember, the secret is not to find a perfect balance, for that is subject to many factors, but to orchestrate harmony of important elements for optimal performance.


In this comprehensive guide to JavaScript's memory lifecycle, the article explores the allocation process on the heap and stack, garbage collection techniques, and the challenge of memory leaks. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the memory lifecycle for writing optimized code and provides practical examples. It also touches on coping with memory leaks and the delicate balance between memory use and garbage collection. The key takeaway is the need to adopt best coding practices for efficient memory management and high-performing applications. As a challenging task, readers are encouraged to explore innovative strategies, such as leveraging real-time garbage collection metrics and using memory-profiling tools to optimize memory use in their JavaScript applications.

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