Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Applications in Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - December 25th 2023 - 9 minutes read

Embark on a transformative journey through the landscape of modern web development with Vue.js 3, as we chart a course through the groundbreaking Composition API, unlock the secrets of crafting composable function patterns, and master the art of architecting robust components. Venture deeper into the reactive paradigm that underpins state management in Vue, and emerge with best-practice strategies for sculpting applications that not only scale gracefully but perform with exhilarating efficiency. Whether you're refining your expertise or pushing the boundaries of what's possible, this article will be your compass—an indispensable guide that promises to advance your Vue.js craftsmanship to new heights.

Understanding the Vue.js 3 Composition API

Vue.js 3's Composition API facilitates a function-based approach for defining component logic, aiming for improved maintainability over the Options API. At the core of this new API is the setup() function, which serves as the entry point for declaring reactive states, computed properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks. Utilizing the reactive capabilities of Vue 3, developers use the reactive() and ref() functions to track and respond to data changes, enhancing the reactivity system's power and flexibility.

import { reactive, computed, watch } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({ count: 0 });
    const increment = () => { state.count++; };
    const doubleCount = computed(() => state.count * 2);

    watch(state, (newState) => {
      console.log('Count changed to: ', newState.count);

    return { state, increment, doubleCount };

For handling lifecycle events, Vue 3 introduces dedicated functions such as onMounted(), which can be directly used within setup() to execute code at specific points in a component's life:

import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const message = ref('Hello Vue 3');

    onMounted(() => {

    return { message };

A critical aspect of the Composition API is its enhanced capability for logic reuse through composables. These encapsulated pieces of reactive logic are simple to import and employ across multiple components. The example below showcases such a composable dedicated to managing counter functionality:

import { ref } from 'vue';

export function useCounter() {
  const count = ref(0);
  const increment = () => { count.value++; };

  return { count, increment };

Employing composables effectively leads to a more cohesive code structure, enabling developers to piece together complex functionalities with ease while maintaining a high degree of modularity. The Composition API's inherent freedom also places the onus on developers to devise well-structured composables that facilitate a clear and organized codebase. This strategic breakdown of application logic is what propels Vue applications towards a state of enhanced scalability and future-proof maintenance.

Composable Function Patterns in Vue 3

In managing form state within Vue 3 applications, a useForm composable centralizes the necessary logic, stripping away complexity from individual components. The encapsulation of state and validation within useForm offers a seamless and modular approach, significantly enhancing the reusability and maintainability of code:

import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';

export function useForm(initialValues) {
    const formState = reactive({ ...initialValues });
    // Placeholder for validation logic
    // Submission logic would also live here

    return { formState };

Components incorporating useForm benefit directly from its dedicated capabilities, ensuring form-related logic remains concise and non-repetitive. Similarly, the useEventListener composable extracts event handling concerns into a reusable pattern, streamlining event listener management. To illustrate, below is a component utilizing useEventListener within its setup function:

import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
import { useEventListener } from './event-listener'; // Assuming './event-listener' is where useEventListener is defined

export default {
    setup() {
        const myEventHandler = (event) => {
            console.log('Event triggered:', event);

        useEventListener(window, 'resize', myEventHandler);

This approach delineates DOM event handling from business logic, upholding modularity and simplifying maintenance. As applications grow, dividing composables by specific concerns, such as useDataFetch for API interactions and useUiState for interface state handling, promotes a navigable and organized codebase.

In ensuring clarity and focus within the application structure, it becomes essential to tailor composables to discrete functionalities, avoiding the trap of convoluted, multi-purpose abstractions. Contrast the mistake of an unwieldy composable handling both authentication and data-fetching with the precision of two discrete composables, useAuth for authentication logic and useFetchData for API communications:

// Incorrect approach: An overly broad composable
export function useAuthAndFetch() {
    // Mixing authentication logic with data fetching...

// Correct approach: Focused composables
export function useAuth() {
    // Dedicated authentication logic...

export function useFetchData() {
    // Dedicated data-fetching logic...

Adhering to the single responsibility principle, this disciplined tactic ensures each composable serves a distinct purpose, facilitating a clear, modular, and highly maintainable application. Employing concise, self-explanatory names for each composable magnifies these benefits, rendering each unit of functionality transparent and readily reusable.

Architecting Vue 3 Components with the Composition API

When architecting Vue 3 components with the Composition API, developers can enjoy a more granular approach to managing state and lifecycle hooks. This results in components that are easier to both compose and maintain. For instance, reactive states in Vue 3 can be created with the reactive method, which returns a reactive object. This object's properties can be accessed and manipulated within the component, and Vue will automatically track changes and update the DOM accordingly. Here's an example that demonstrates the reactive state:

import { reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const state = reactive({
            count: 0,
            message: 'Hello Vue 3',

        function increment() {

        onMounted(() => {
            console.log('Component is now mounted!');

        return {

The code above showcases the separation of concerns and makes the reactivity system explicit. Using lifecycle hooks such as onMounted is straightforward; they directly signal when certain states of the component are invoked, improving readability. With options API, these hooks and states were scattered, whereas the Composition API keeps related logic bundled, enhancing maintainability.

Contrastingly, the Composition API introduces the concept of the provision-inject pairing, a clean and clear method to deliver dependencies to child components. This strategy avoids prop drilling and makes it easy to maintain a consistent state across a component tree. The below code illustrates its usage:

// ParentComponent.vue
import { provide } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const theme = reactive({
            color: 'blue'

        provide('theme', theme);

        // Rest of the component logic

// ChildComponent.vue
import { inject } from 'vue';

export default {
    setup() {
        const theme = inject('theme');

        // Child component can now use the theme reactive object

With the previous approach, we could end up passing props down a long chain of components. With Vue 3's provide and inject pattern, we establish a direct line to needed data. One must handle this with care, however, as overuse might lead to a less explicit flow of data, which can become problematic for larger applications.

Performance considerations are also paramount. The Composition API empowers developers to finely control re-rendering behavior, as reactivity is now manually managed, and it mitigates unnecessary reactivity that sometimes occurred in the Options API through overuse of mixins or cumbersome component splitting.

Finally, the Composition API reflects a shift in mindset towards function-based component construction, demanding a more disciplined approach from developers. This necessitates a diligent focus on best practices to avoid introducing tightly coupled logic that could hamper performance and upgradability. For instance, designing composables that are highly specific and focused on single responsibilities ensures that components remain agile and adaptable to future changes in business logic or UX requirements.

State Management with Vue 3's Reactivity System

Vue 3's reactivity system is a paradigm shift from traditional state management approaches, offering developers the tools to build highly responsive applications. Underneath the hood, Vue’s reactivity rests on ES6 Proxies which track dependencies and notify changes. By declaring a state with the reactive() function, each property of the object becomes a reactive source. It is crucial for developers to explicitly declare which state is reactive to avoid subtle bugs that can arise from implicit reactivity assumptions. Moreover, when handling complex state structures, encapsulating multiple states into one reactive object can lead to better organization and understanding of the interrelations.

The power of ref() is manifested when dealing with primitives and ensuring their reactivity across the application. A common mistake is to directly mutate the value of a ref without using the .value property which leads to a lack of reactivity and consequently no updates being rendered. On the other hand, managing a highly reactive application can lead to performance bottlenecks if developers do not strategically utilize computed properties. Computed properties should be used for any complex calculations derived from reactive state, as their lazily evaluated nature can save unnecessary re-computations.

Establishing a reactive connection between multiple states presents a challenge when not properly orchestrated resulting in what is known as "stale state". Avoid using out-of-date closures in event handlers; instead, always access reactive state directly to ensure the latest data is being acted upon. The biggest performance trade-off lies in the excessive application of reactivity. Overtracking can lead to memory leaks and excessive rendering. To prevent this, it's wise to limit reactivity to only the necessary components, employing strategies to ensure the passing of reactive state to children is managed efficiently.

Understanding the reactivity system's rendering behavior implicates how we approach UI updates. Vue batches updates to minimize DOM manipulations, and understanding this can eliminate redundancy in your code. When managing an array or object that undergoes frequent updates, developers sometimes fall into the trap of triggering multiple re-renders, mistakenly thinking each operation results in an immediate DOM update. One should rather perform batch operations to mutate the state, leveraging Vue's reactivity system to efficiently update the DOM once the changes are concluded.

When assessing the performance implications of Vue's reactivity system, it’s essential to recognize the balance between memory consumption and responsiveness. Leveraging tools like the Performance timeline in DevTools can give insights into render times and component updates. Observing the flush timing can help optimize the time at which effects run. As you architect your Vue 3 application, wrap your head around the core reactivity principles, exploit reactive, ref, and computed wisely, and remember that a well-managed reactive state is the linchpin of high-performance Vue applications.

Best Practices for Scalability and Performance in Vue 3

When considering scalability and performance in Vue 3 applications, efficient template rendering is crucial. To achieve this, leverage Vue's virtual DOM diffing algorithms by minimizing the number of dynamic components. Utilize v-if and v-for directives judiciously, as overuse can lead to significant performance degradation. A best practice is to avoid using v-if within v-for, as it forces Vue to re-render the entire list when the condition changes. Instead, filter the list in your JavaScript logic before it gets to the template, or consider computed properties for list manipulations.

Component design guidelines play a vital role in application performance. Keep your components small and focused on a single responsibility. This not only enhances readability but also ensures that each component only updates when necessary. Heavy components with multiple reactive properties can lead to excessive re-rendering. For optimal performance, break down components into smaller, reusable pieces and use slots to inject content where it's needed, while keeping a careful eye on the slot content's reactivity as well.

Strategies to minimize and optimize reactivity are integral for high-performing Vue 3 applications. Be deliberate in defining reactive data using ref() and reactive()—track only what is necessary. Use computed properties for values derived from reactive state, as they cache their results and only recompute when dependencies change. For side effects, rather than immediately reacting to changes, consider the watch function with strategies like throttling or debouncing to moderate their execution frequency.

Let's look at real-world scenarios in handling user input and dealing with side effects. In managing form input effectively, native JavaScript provides sufficient functionality to create debounced behaviors without relying on external libraries:

  <input :value="inputValue" @input="updateInputValue" />

import { ref, nextTick } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const inputValue = ref('');

    let debounceTimeout;
    function debounce(func, delay) {
      return (...args) => {
        debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        }, delay);

    function updateInputValue(event) {
      debounce(newValue => {
        inputValue.value = newValue;
      }, 200)(;

    return { inputValue, updateInputValue };

Moreover, when a piece of reactive data changes, you might want to trigger an API call but not for every keystroke or change. This is where debouncing the watch effect can be extremely useful:

import { ref, watch } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const searchText = ref('');

    watch(searchText, debounce(newValue => {
      // API call or heavy computation
    }, 200));

    function debounce(fn, delay) {
      let timeoutId;
      return function (...args) {
        if (timeoutId) {
        timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
          fn.apply(this, args);
        }, delay);

    // Expose searchText to the template
    return { searchText };

Lastly, consider the impact of component lifecycle on performance. Vue 3 allows for fine-grained control over lifecycle hooks without the overhead of managing them in mixins or directives. Implement lifecycle hooks directly within the setup() function to control when and how components interact with their lifecycle, leading to leaner and more maintainable components. Remember, proper use of lifecycle hooks can prevent memory leaks and ensure that side effects are cleaned up, which is a common pitfall in component destruction processes.


In this article, we explored the power of Vue.js 3's Composition API, which allows for a more functional and modular approach to building applications. We learned about the setup() function, reactive states, lifecycle hooks, and the benefits of using composables for code reuse. Additionally, we discussed best practices for architecting components, managing state with Vue's reactivity system, and optimizing performance. The key takeaway is that by leveraging the Composition API and following best practices, developers can create scalable and efficient Vue.js 3 applications. For a challenging task, try refactoring an existing Vue 2 application to use the Composition API and observe the improvements in modularity and performance.

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