State Management in Angular with Akita

Anton Ioffe - November 23rd 2023 - 10 minutes read

In the shifting landscape of Angular applications, efficient state management remains pivotal to crafting seamless user experiences. Enter Akita—an intuitive and powerful library designed to streamline your state management practices with an unwavering focus on simplicity and modularity. In this comprehensive guide, we venture through the inner workings of Akita, from sculpting robust stores to mastering dynamic state operations, implementing effective queries, to leveraging an ecosystem brimming with advanced tools. Whether you're looking to refine your existing strategies or build a resilient state architecture from the ground up, this article will equip you with the insights and techniques necessary to navigate the state ecosystem in Angular with Akita, transforming the way you manage application state with finesse and precision.

Demystifying Akita: The Evolution of State Management in Angular

In the vast terrain of state management for Angular applications, the introduction of Akita marked a significant shift from the complexity of its predecessors toward a pattern that aligns closely with Angular’s own design philosophy. Akita appeared on the scene as a direct response to the often-involved and verbose nature of other state management libraries. By embracing the principles of RxJS and leaning into the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, Akita not only simplifies state management but also enhances it through its streamlined approach. Developers no longer need to wade through excessive boilerplate code; instead, they benefit from a library that is not only powerful but one that assumes a steeper, more manageable learning curve.

The essence of Akita's core philosophy is the pursuit of simplicity without sacrificing functionality. Recognizing the intricate dance of complexity and manageability within application development, Akita's creators sought to forge a path that sidesteps the entanglements of over-engineering. This is largely achieved through Akita’s emphasis on modularity—a powerful attribute in a developer’s toolkit. While other libraries may require intertwined layers of entities like reducers, actions, and selectors, Akita consolidates these concerns into cohesive constructs, significantly lowering cognitive overhead.

Central to Akita are its Stores—robust containers that hold the state of various domains within an application. Unlike other patterns which might necessitate different types of entities to facilitate state changes, Akita’s Stores act as the single source of truth for entities, amenable to streamlined Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations. This not only fosters a clear organizational structure but also aids in maintaining a predictable and debuggable state. This system allows developers to cleanly separate stateful logic from UI components, thereby optimizing for both read and write performance and clarity.

Candidates to Stores are Queries, another pivotal feature of Akita. Queries are responsible for listening to Store changes and providing data to components, encapsulating the reactive part of the state. They perfectly illustrate Akita’s commitment to minimizing friction points for developers by embodying Angular’s reactive nature. Where other libraries might require intricate setups for observing state changes, Akita’s Queries make it straightforward. Together, Stores and Queries form a cohesive bond that serves the UI, while empowering developers to craft reactivity in their applications with precision and grace.

Finally, Akita extends its OOP-based philosophy to Services, which allow for interaction with the Stores. These patterns stand in contrast to event-driven dispatching prevalent in other libraries. In Akita, Services are responsible for handling business logic and talking to the server, consequently decoupling the state management from Angular services. This structured separation of concerns increases reusability and testability, two more feathers in the cap of an Angular developer striving for maintainable and scalable application architecture. As a testament to its modularity, the Services in Akita permit a seamless transition from in-component state handling to a more robust store-based management, underlying Akita's adaptability to growing application needs.

Efficiently Structuring Angular State with Akita Stores

When employing Akita in an Angular application, it's paramount to properly structure your state management around two primary store types: Basic and Entity Stores. A Basic Store is a singleton that contains scalar values or simple object literals, typically used for session state or UI state. Conversely, an Entity Store is employed for collections of entities, replete with utility functions that facilitate Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations.

For optimal memory footprint and performance, it's judicious to stratify the state logically across multiple stores, each epitomizing a discrete domain of your application. This approach not only enhances modularity but fervently adheres to the single responsibility principle. For instance, distinct stores for user sessions, product catalogs, and order histories prevent unnecessary data from being loaded into memory, maintaining a lean state tree.

import { StoreConfig, Store } from '@datorama/akita';

export interface SessionState {
   token: string;
   username: string;

export function createInitialState(): SessionState {
   return {
       token: '',
       username: ''

@StoreConfig({ name: 'session' })
export class SessionStore extends Store<SessionState> {
   constructor() {

Granular store creation not only improves load time and memory usage but substantially augments reusability. A well-encapsulated store can be integrated across different components or applications with minimal adjustments. However, cramming all state-related affairs into a single store confounds state management. By sculpting a concise and clear interface for each store, delineating only essential methods, developers can prevent performance pitfalls and achieve transparent state transformations.

import { EntityState, EntityStore, StoreConfig } from '@datorama/akita';
import { Product } from './product.model';

export interface ProductsState extends EntityState<Product, string> {}

@StoreConfig({ name: 'products' })
export class ProductsStore extends EntityStore<ProductsState, Product> {
   constructor() {

Furthermore, it is vital to use Akita’s in-built entity management methods like add(), remove(), and update() for managing entity state. Relying on these built-in methods, as opposed to creating custom ad-hoc mutations on entity arrays, helps prevent unintentional performance issues and leverages Akita’s optimizations. Adhering to Akita's provided functionality ensures an efficient and maintainable state management strategy.

When structuring Angular's state with Akita stores, a review is usually conducted in response to performance concerns, additional feature requirements, or other changes. This evaluation ensures whether stores maintain necessary modularity and ease of maintenance, and it decides if reorganization could enhance the application's efficiency and adaptability. Changes should be implemented based on concrete improvements to the application’s performance or developer experience, ensuring a state management approach that remains functional and aligned with Angular's dynamic environment.

Dynamic State Operations: Actions, Effects, and Akita's Seamless Reactivity

Within the dynamic landscape of state operations in Angular, Actions stand imperative, literally and architecturally. When a user interacts with an application, they create events that manifest as Actions. These are dispatched to the Store, signaling the need for state updates. For example, a user clicking "Add to Cart" would dispatch an AddToCartAction, which could be as simple as:

const addToCartAction = {
    type: '[Cart] Add Item',
    payload: newItem

The Store then processes this action through a defined reducer function or an Updater, determining how the state should evolve. Reducers are pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and return the new state. Below is an Updater implementation in Akita: => {
    return {
        cart: [...state.cart, action.payload]

This approach allows developers to manage state transitions explicitly, ensuring predictability and control. However, not all modifications are as straightforward as manipulating local state. Side effects, such as API calls after dispatching an action, are traditionally managed by Effects. These asynchronous operations are decoupled from state changes, promoting a clean separation of concerns. An Effect could look like:

addToCart = this.actions$.pipe(
    ofType('[Cart] Add Item'),
    mergeMap(action => this.cartService.addItemToCart(action.payload).pipe(
        map(() => new ItemAddedSuccessAction()),
        catchError(() => of(new ItemAddedFailureAction()))

This segregation boosts code modularity and reusability, making reactive state changes responsive to external inputs. Akita harnesses the power of RxJS to fold these stateful interactions into observable streams. Its built-in query methods like select() and selectEntity() elegantly provide components with the latest state slices in a reactive manner. Still, it's crucial to subscribe and unsubscribe observables responsibly to prevent memory leaks. A common mistake would be neglecting to unsubscribe from a state stream, thus a best practice to avoid this anti-pattern:

).subscribe((product) => {
    // React to product state changes...

Lastly, although Akita's reactivity model is indeed seamless, developers must remain vigilant about potential performance trade-offs. Observable data stores promote real-time state updates, which could be overkill for static segments of a web app. Strategically utilizing Akita's reactivity in concert with the change detection strategy could prevent unnecessary component re-renders, balancing performance with dynamic responsiveness. Utilize onPush change detection and immutable data patterns to ensure components receive state updates only when actually necessary. Consider the following as a thought-provoking question: how might you selectively leverage Akita's reactivity to optimize both user experience and application performance?

Implementing Queries in Akita for Efficient Data Retrieval

Akita queries harness the power of observables to provide a robust and efficient way to access application state. To fetch data reactively, developers can use query classes that Akita generates for each store. These query classes come with built-in methods such as select() and selectEntity(), which return observables of store parts. For instance, you can retrieve a specific entity by its ID using selectEntity(id), or observe changes to the entire collection with selectAll(). This reactive pattern ensures that components automatically receive the latest state slices they are interested in without additional boilerplate code.

import { Query } from '@datorama/akita';
import { TodoStore, TodoState } from './';
import { Todo } from './todo.model';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

export class TodoQuery extends Query<TodoState> {
    constructor(protected store: TodoStore) {

    selectTodos(): Observable<Todo[]> {

    selectTodoById(id: ID): Observable<Todo> {
        return this.selectEntity(id);

Moreover, queries in Akita can be enhanced using RxJS operators to manipulate and combine data streams, enabling developers to create sophisticated data selection logic without sacrificing readability. Consider a scenario where you need to derive state by combining multiple store slices; this can be achieved by piping multiple select operations into a coherent data flow. Utilizing RxJS operators, you can filter, map, or merge these observable streams, keeping the operations declarative and the resulting data stream clean and efficient.

Akita's caching mechanism also contributes to performance optimization by reducing the need for repeated data fetching. When implementing queries, it's critical to understand this caching to avoid redundant network requests. Queries can serve data directly from Akita's cache, ensuring that only fresh data is fetched when necessary. As a best practice, developers should leverage combine queries with Akita's built-in caching strategies to strike a balance between data freshness and application performance.

A common coding mistake is neglecting to handle observable subscriptions properly. In Angular, forgetting to unsubscribe from observables can lead to memory leaks and performance degradation. To address this, developers should either manually manage subscriptions and unsubscribe in the appropriate lifecycle hooks, or use Angular's AsyncPipe to automatically subscribe and unsubscribe. Moreover, employing Akita's select() method, which only emits when the data actually changes, helps prevent unnecessary computation and DOM updates, streamlining performance even further.

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { TodoQuery } from './todo.query';

export class TodosComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  todos$: Observable<Todo[]>;

  constructor(private todoQuery: TodoQuery) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.todos$ = this.todoQuery.selectTodos();

Considering these strategies, one might ask: How does the developer find the right balance between reactive querying and performance in Akita? A judicious use of Akita's queries, combined with RxJS's formidable toolset, can lead to a highly performant Angular application. The developer's familiarity with these tools and practices is essential in crafting an efficient state management solution that caters to both the complexity of the application and the need for a seamless user experience.

Advanced State Management: Plugins, DevTools Integration, and Testing Practices

Akita's ecosystem is enhanced by a variety of plugins that provide additional capabilities, streamlining the development process and adding layers of functionality. Identifying the right plugin for your specific use case is essential to glean productivity benefits without introducing instability. The @datorama/akita-filters-plugin is one such example, it eases the filtering of entity stores without convoluting the primary store logic. However, developers must remain cautious, as over-reliance on plugins might lead to bloated application code. Thoughtful incorporation means assessing performance impacts and ensuring plugins are actively maintained, mitigating the risk of compatibility issues with future Akita or Angular versions.

Integration with Redux DevTools offers a powerful avenue for debugging of state changes in Angular applications using Akita. This integration provides real-time insight into the state, history of actions, and the ability to travel back in time to previous states, thereby making it an indispensable tool for developers. Here's a snippet showcasing how to set up Akita with Redux DevTools:

import { AkitaNgDevtools } from '@datorama/akita-ngdevtools';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

    imports: [
        environment.production ? [] : AkitaNgDevtools.forRoot()
export class MyModule {}

When deploying to production, it's advised that you disable this tool to ensure optimal performance and security of the application.

The testability of state management code is paramount for the reliability and maintainability of any application. Akita's architecture, which promotes decoupling between stores, queries, and services, naturally lends itself to creating testable code. Always design with testing in mind; this means isolating state operations and handling side-effects in a predictable manner. For example, when testing services that interact with an Akita store, it's recommended to mock the store using Akita's mockStoreFactory method. This approach allows tests to be more focused and less brittle:

import { MyService } from './my.service';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { mockStoreFactory } from '@datorama/akita/testing';

describe('MyService', () => {
    let myService: MyService;
    const myStore = mockStoreFactory();

    beforeEach(() => {
            providers: [MyService, { provide: MyStore, useValue: myStore }]

        myService = TestBed.inject(MyService);

    // Add your tests here...

To maintain the quality of your application, adopt continuous integration practices with automated testing to catch regressions early. With a robust test suite, refactoring and upgrading dependencies become less daunting, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In conclusion, while Akita brings structure and consistency to state management in Angular, it is the developer's responsibility to wield the framework's power judiciously. When embracing plugins, aim for the optimal balance between added functionality and minimal overhead. Proper use of Redux DevTools can be the difference in swift debugging or hours of pouring over state changes. Above all, embrace testing as an integral part of the development lifecycle – this ensures not only the success of your code today but its sustainability for the future.


This comprehensive article explores the use of Akita for state management in Angular applications. It covers the core philosophy of Akita, the efficient structuring of Angular state with Akita Stores, the implementation of Actions and Effects for dynamic state operations, the use of Queries for data retrieval, and advanced topics such as plugins, DevTools integration, and testing practices. The article emphasizes the importance of simplicity, modularity, and performance in state management and provides valuable insights and techniques for readers. One challenging task for readers could be to optimize the use of Akita's reactivity to achieve a balance between user experience and application performance by selectively leveraging reactive querying in their Angular applications.

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