Redux Toolkit's RTK Query with REST APIs: A Complete Guide

Anton Ioffe - January 10th 2024 - 10 minutes read

As we plunge into the robust world of modern web development, the Redux Toolkit's RTK Query opens doors to unprecedented efficiency and elegance in managing server state. This comprehensive guide invites seasoned developers to explore the transformative power of RTK Query when paired with REST APIs, ushering you through its innovative approach to state management, streamlined API interactions, and advanced features that elevate both performance and customization. Embrace the knowledge to refactor with finesse, master data synchronization, and navigate state invalidation with confidence. Prepare to rethink your JavaScript applications, as we unravel techniques and practices that promise to refine your codebase, optimize your workflows, and ensure your web applications stand resilient in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

RTK Query: Revolutionizing State Management in Data Fetching

RTK Query reshapes the landscape of state management in the realm of data fetching by wielding a more declarative approach to the associated workflows. At its core, RTK Query is constructed atop Redux Toolkit's established createSlice and createAsyncThunk APIs, which facilitates a seamless and highly optimized data fetching module. This structure allows developers to predefine API endpoints, alongside their respective fetching strategies, parameters, and response transformations—all residing in one deterministic location. By consolidating state update logic into auto-generated slices, RTK Query abstracts away the intricacies normally encountered with manual action creators and reducers.

The caching mechanism ingrained within RTK Query exemplifies its revolution in state management. Unlike conventional Redux patterns, which might require handcrafted logic for data storage and retrieval, RTK Query introduces an intelligent caching system that automatically manages the life cycle of cached data. It knows when to preserve server state to minimize redundant network requests and when to dispose of stale data, thus optimizing memory usage and application performance. This cache-first strategy guarantees that components receive instant access to data whose validity is meticulously maintained behind the scenes.

Furthermore, RTK Query's capability to refetch data is not merely an afterthought but a sophisticated feature that harmonizes with the caching system. It automatically refetches data under certain conditions—like when a component remounts or a set query parameter changes—thus fostering an up-to-date UI without the need for explicit refetch logic. The library also provides out-of-the-box support for background data updates and polling mechanisms, ensuring that application data remains reliable and synchronized without developer micromanagement.

The seamless data fetching process packaged within RTK Query significantly reduces boilerplate associated with API interactions. Through the provision of automatically generated React hooks or traditional dispatchable functions, RTK Query encapsulates the entire data fetching cycle, including the initiation of requests, tracking of loading status, data availability, and error states. This automation provides a strong foundation upon which to build feature-rich applications, with components that only concern themselves with rendering logic and UX, trusting RTK Query to competently manage server state interactively.

Finally, the strategic cohesion of RTK Query with Redux Toolkit not only streamlines state management but also shapes it into a more efficient and adaptable paradigm suitable for intricate web applications. The library's API is designed to accommodate various use cases, from simple get requests to intricate subscription-based pattern requirements, with minimal complexity. As a result, RTK Query stands as a compelling alternative to traditional data fetching practices, offering a revolutionary architecture that augments the efficacy of server state management in modern web development.

Efficient API Interaction with RTK Query: Building and Consuming Endpoints

To build efficient API endpoints with RTK Query, we leverage the createApi function, which is fundamental in structuring our services. When defining endpoints, createApi requires a baseQuery which could be constructed using fetchBaseQuery with your API's base URL. Endpoints are then segmented into queries and mutations, reflecting the read and write operations of RESTful APIs. For instance, to fetch a list of items, you can define a getItemsQuery endpoint with its corresponding HTTP method and path. Conversely, to create an item, a addItemMutation mutation endpoint will handle the POST operation, and so on for the other CRUD functions.

const apiSlice = createApi({
    reducerPath: 'api',
    baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }),
    endpoints: (builder) => ({
        getItemsQuery: builder.query({
            query: () => 'items'
        addItemMutation: builder.mutation({
            query: (newItem) => ({
                url: 'items',
                method: 'POST',
                body: newItem
        // More endpoints here...

Each endpoint offers auto-generated hooks that abstract away the Redux store interactions for React developers. Consumption of these endpoints becomes exceedingly straightforward: components can invoke these hooks directly and receive the necessary state management and caching benefits. For the getItemsQuery query, useGetItemsQuery will be automatically created, delivering status flags like isLoading, isError, and the data itself within your component.

const MyComponent = () => {
    const { data: items, isLoading, error } = useGetItemsQuery();
    // Component code that uses items, isLoading, error...

Optimizing the efficiency of these operations is critical to create a responsive user experience. RTK Query provides caching out-of-the-box, minimizing redundant network requests. For example, subsequent calls to useGetItemsQuery within the cached data's lifetime would not re-fetch the data unless the cache is invalidated or deemed stale. It’s vital to balance cache duration with data freshness to match your application's requirements.

// Cache configuration example
const apiSlice = createApi({
    //...other configurations,
    endpoints: (builder) => ({
        getItemsQuery: builder.query({
            query: () => 'items',
            keepUnusedDataFor: 5 * 60 // Cache lifetime of 5 minutes
        // More endpoints here...

A common coding mistake is mishandling mutations, leading to discrepancies between the client and server states. To counter this, RTK Query permits the specification of cache tags and invalidation triggers for mutations that update the related cached query data. After adding an item with addItemMutation, you can invalidate getItemsQuery to prompt a refresh, thus displaying the newly created item on the client immediately.

const apiSlice = createApi({
    //...other configurations,
    tagTypes: ['Items'],
    endpoints: (builder) => ({
        getItemsQuery: builder.query({
            query: () => 'items',
            providesTags: ['Items'] // Indicates queries that provide "Items" tags
        addItemMutation: builder.mutation({
            query: (newItem) => ({
                url: 'items',
                method: 'POST',
                body: newItem
            invalidatesTags: ['Items'] // Invalidate queries that provide "Items" tags
        // More endpoints here...

Consuming these endpoints effectively demands careful component design, state management practices, and responsiveness to changes in the app's needs and user interactions. RTK Query’s flexibility supports developers in scenarios such as conditional data rendering or transforming server responses. Evaluate whether your caching strategy aligns with your data needs and if fine-tuning query parameters and responses can sufficiently reduce re-rendering to enhance user experience.

Advanced RTK Query Features: Performance and Customization

Understanding and customizing the advanced features of RTK Query can significantly enhance your application's performance and provide a tailored experience suited to your needs. The serializeQueryArgs function offers developers control over how the arguments to a query are serialized. This is particularly useful when complex arguments are involved, allowing you to maintain consistency across different client instances and prevent unnecessary network requests due to serialization differences. Here's an improved example:

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';

const apiSlice = createApi({
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }),
  endpoints: build => ({
    getProjects: build.query({
      query: args => ({ url: 'projects', params: args }),
      serializeQueryArgs: ({ endpointName, queryArgs }) => {
        // Sort the query arguments
        const sortedParams = Object.fromEntries(
        // Serialize with consistent ordering
        return `${endpointName}(${JSON.stringify(sortedParams)})`;
      // ...other settings
    // ...other endpoints
  // ...other settings

The tagTypes feature introduces a cache tagging system that allows for more granular cache control. By applying tags to your query endpoints, you can easily configure and manage cache invalidation strategies. Here's an illustration of using tagTypes within an API slice:

const projectsApiSlice = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'projectsApi',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }),
  tagTypes: ['Projects'],
  endpoints: build => ({
    getProjects: build.query({
      query: id => `projects/${id}`,
      providesTags: (result, error, id) => [{ type: 'Projects', id }],
      // ...additional configurations
    addProject: build.mutation({
      query: project => ({
        url: 'projects',
        method: 'POST',
        body: project,
      invalidatesTags: [{ type: 'Projects' }],
      // ...additional configurations
    // ...other endpoints

For maintaining optimal responsiveness, refetchOnMountOrArgChange is a configurable option that can trigger a refetch of the data when a component mounts or when the arguments to a query change. Leveraging this option leads to timely updates without introducing excessive load. Consider this usage with a specified refetch interval to prevent excessive network activity:

const useGetUserQuery = apiSlice.endpoints.getUser.useQuery;

const UserComponent = ({ userId }) => {
  const { data: user, refetch } = useGetUserQuery(userId, {
    // refetch on every mount or argument change at most every 60 seconds
    refetchOnMountOrArgChange: 60
    // ...other options

  // ... UI that displays 'user' info

By combining these features, you can create a highly optimized data-fetching layer. The power lies in strategically leveraging these configurations to balance between data freshness, network performance, and memory usage. Each application may require a different approach, and RTK Query provides the tools necessary to meet those needs.

Are your current data fetching solutions tailored to match the unique demands of your application, and what potential performance gains could be achieved by implementing these advanced RTK Query features?

Refactoring and Best Practices: Maximizing RTK Query's Potential

When refactoring to integrate RTK Query into your application, prioritize modular API definitions by encapsulating each service within its own 'apiSlice'. This promotes less tightly coupled code and improves maintainability. Use concise endpoint definitions, assigning distinct responsibilities—fetching, updating, or deleting data—to specific endpoints to manage complexity and simplify future modifications and testing.

To address over-fetching, use RTK Query's conditional fetching to trigger queries only when specific conditions are met. To avoid over-caching, which may lead to memory bloat and stale data, use RTK Query's cache invalidation mechanisms. Properly configure tags using the providesTags and invalidatesTags to manage the cache effectively. Set tags to refresh the cache only when necessary, avoiding the premature discarding of useful data.

const apiSlice = createApi({
    baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/fakeApi' }),
    tagTypes: ['Posts'],
    endpoints: (builder) => ({
        getPosts: builder.query({
            query: () => '/posts',
            providesTags: ['Posts']
        addPost: builder.mutation({
            query: (newPost) => ({
                url: '/posts',
                method: 'POST',
                body: newPost,
            invalidatesTags: ['Posts'],
        // ...further endpoints...

Use auto-generated hooks directly within components to fetch and cache data according to component lifecycle, avoiding manual orchestration of requests. RTK Query's hooks minimize the risk of redundant renders and manage dependencies intrinsically, which mitigates the common mistake of manually handling async logic that could lead to inefficiencies.

function PostsList() {
    const { data: posts, isLoading, isError } = useGetPostsQuery();

    if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
    if (isError) return <div>Error occurred</div>;
    return (
            { => (
                <li key={}>{post.title}</li>

Strive for a balance between memory usage, network efficiency, and timely state updates when optimizing performance with RTK Query. Regularly review configurations like keepUnusedDataFor and refetching tactics (refetchOnReconnect, refetchOnMountOrArgChange) to tailor them to your app's needs. Challenge how configuration adjustments may affect the user experience, with considerations for loading states, state update predictability, and data layer responsiveness.

Adopting these best practices within RTK Query can significantly contribute to a scalable, maintainable, and efficient application architecture.

Data Synchronization and State Invalidation: Keeping Up with Changes

In web applications, maintaining parity between the client-side store and the server state is of paramount importance. RTK Query provides potent mechanisms to tackle this challenge, particularly through the implementation of onQueryStarted and onCacheEntryAdded callbacks. These callbacks facilitate real-time synchronization by affording developers hands-on control over the cache updating process following state mutations.

The onQueryStarted callback is invoked immediately when a query or mutation is triggered. This ability to intercept the start of a request allows developers to undertake optimistic updates, asserting an immediate reflection of the anticipated changes within the UI. For instance, when a user modifies a record, this callback could be utilized to update the cache optimistically, enhancing perceived performance by avoiding waiting for the round-trip to the server:

updatePost: builder.mutation({
  query: ({ id, }) => ({
    url: `/posts/${id}`,
    method: 'PUT',
    body: rest,
  onQueryStarted: async (arg, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) => {
    // Optimistically update the post in the cache
    const patchResult = dispatch(
      api.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', undefined, draftPosts => {
        const post = draftPosts.find(post => ===;
        if (post) {
          Object.assign(post, arg);
    try {
      await queryFulfilled;
    } catch {

Conversely, onCacheEntryAdded is structurally proactive. Engaged upon the addition of a new cache entry, it bestows developers with the foresight to decide the subsequent steps post-fetching, such as setting up automatic cache refetching or data syncing when certain conditions are met. Particularly valuable in scenarios where real-time data consistency is crucial, it adjusts the application's behavior based on the dynamic data lifecycle:

getPosts: builder.query({
  query: () => '/posts',
  onCacheEntryAdded: async (arg, { cacheDataLoaded, cacheEntryRemoved, dispatch }) => {
    try {
      await cacheDataLoaded;
      // Perform actions after the data is in the cache
    } catch {
      // Handle errors, possibly by caching some fallback data
    await cacheEntryRemoved;
    // Perform cleanup actions after the cache entry is removed

To tackle cache invalidation, RTK Query leverages tags to signify and govern cache entries. Tags act as identifiers for cached data and can be invalidated when mutations that likely alter the relevant server state occur. Utilizing these tags, developers can pinpoint which parts of the cache need to be re-queried, updated, or purged, thereby ensuring data freshness and consistency.

getPosts: builder.query({
  query: () => '/posts',
  providesTags: (result, error, arg) => 
      ? [{ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts', id })), 'Posts']
      : ['Posts'],
updatePost: builder.mutation({
  query: ({ id, }) => ({
    url: `/posts/${id}`,
    method: 'PUT',
    body: rest,
  invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Posts', id: }],

Nevertheless, developers must judiciously implement such strategies to prevent inadvertent performance bottlenecks. Inadequate or excessive invalidations could lead to superfluous network traffic or stale data, disrupting user experience. Therefore, a measured approach, often involving conditional mutations based on cache tagging, must be cultivated to maintain a delicate equilibrium between data integrity and application efficiency.

This intricate interplay between cache operations and reactive updates positions RTK Query at the forefront of state management solutions, offering flexibility and control for maintaining a synchronized state in modern web applications. How might you leverage onQueryStarted and onCacheEntryAdded in your web application to reduce network load while keeping user experience snappy? What strategies would you employ to ensure a balanced and seamless synchrony between the client and server states?


In this article, the author explores the transformative power of Redux Toolkit's RTK Query when used with REST APIs in modern web development. The article discusses how RTK Query revolutionizes state management by providing a declarative approach to data fetching, a powerful caching system, and seamless API interaction. The author also highlights advanced features such as customizing query serialization and cache invalidation. The article concludes with best practices for maximizing RTK Query's potential and maintaining data synchronization. The challenging task for readers is to leverage the onQueryStarted and onCacheEntryAdded callbacks in their web applications to reduce network load and achieve a balanced synchronization between client and server states.

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