Redux Toolkit's createReducer: Techniques for Time-Travel Debugging

Anton Ioffe - January 12th 2024 - 10 minutes read

Welcome to the intersection of fidelity and fluidity in modern web development, where the Redux Toolkit reshapes our approach to managing application state with finesse and precision. As we delve into the craft of constructing robust interfaces, we cordially invite you to explore the transformative realm of createReducer and its pivotal role in effective state management. Through the lens of time-travel debugging, we'll unravel the intricacies of immutability, employ the ingenuity of Immer, and finesse reducer patterns that are both practical and performant. Prepare to immerse yourself in advanced debugging techniques and circumnavigate common state management pitfalls, enhancing your toolkit with strategies honed for the complexities of today’s dynamic web applications.

Embracing Immutability in Redux Toolkit for Time-Travel Debugging

In Redux, the principle of state immutability plays a critical role in maintaining a predictable and traceable application state. Through the Redux Toolkit's createReducer, we see this concept employed effectively to enhance developer experience and features such as time-travel debugging. Reducers, the pure functions tasked with evolving the application's state, must abide by the strict rule of immutability, guaranteeing that every state transformation results in a fresh object rather than mutations of the existing state.

Immutable updates in reducers can be quite an undertaking, especially when dealing with complex, nested objects. Redux Toolkit's createReducer simplifies this pattern by leveraging the concept of a draft state. This enables developers to write what appears to be direct state mutation while actually generating an updated immutable state under the hood. With this approach, developers can engage in what feels like typical object manipulation without running afoul of Redux's stringent immutable update rules.

To illustrate, consider the following real-world code example using createReducer:

const todoReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
    ADD_TODO: (state, action) => {
        state.todos.push(action.payload); // Looks mutable, but it's safe!
    TOGGLE_TODO: (state, action) => {
        const todo = state.todos.find(todo => === action.payload);
        if (todo) {
            todo.completed = !todo.completed; // Again, appears mutable, but it's not
    // Further actions

In the example above, though we seem to be mutating the state directly, createReducer and Immer ensure that these are legitimate immutable operations. The 'push' method updates the 'todos' array without mutating the original array, and the assignment of todo.completed is safely translated into an immutable update. It is crucial, however, to avoid common errors such as manipulating indices directly or shallow copying objects, both of which could inadvertently mutate the state.

Immutability within Redux not only brings clarity and predictability to state management but also primes the application for advanced features like time-travel debugging. This powerful capability allows developers to inspect the state at any point in time and understand the sequence of actions that led to a particular state. Having an immutable state trail ensures that stepping backward and forward through the application's history is both possible and meaningful – a critical tool for diagnosing and fixing state-related issues in complex applications.

In effect, Redux Toolkit's createReducer encourages a straightforward approach to writing reducers, steering developers clear of unintended mutations while championing best practices in state management. Armed with this knowledge, senior developers should reflect on their current use of Redux and consider whether their reducers are as clean, predictable, and debug-friendly as they could be. How do your reducer functions measure up to Redux Toolkit's standards for immutability?

The Mechanics of Immer in Redux Toolkit's createReducer

Immer forms the backbone of the Redux Toolkit's createReducer utility by simplifying the process of creating immutable state updates. The traditional approach in Redux requires cloning every level of an object or array that is being changed, preventing direct mutation—a verbose and error-prone process. createReducer, however, takes advantage of Immer to allow developers to write state update logic that appears to be mutable. In essence, developers can interact with a provided "draft state" as if it were mutable, but Immer ensures that the actual underlying state remains unchanged; instead, it produces a new, updated immutable state.

To illustrate the seamless integration of Immer into createReducer, consider the case of updating a deeply nested value within a state object. Without Immer, the developer must cautiously copy each level of nesting to avoid mutations, resulting in a cumbersome and harder-to-read reducer. With Immer, the same update can be succinctly performed in a way that feels like a direct mutation. A nested value update within a reducer can simply be expressed as draftState.someDeeplyNestedField = newValue, which is both straightforward and readable.

Immer operates under the hood by using JavaScript proxies to capture attempted changes to the draft state. These proxies serve as a shield, allowing developers to write code as if they were directly mutating the state. Take an example where an item needs to be added to an array within the state. While a direct array.push(item) would normally mutate the array, when used within createReducer, the same line of code is simply a directive to Immer, which records the intended change and applies it to produce a new state with the item appended, all while keeping the original state untouched.

Here’s a real-world code example showcasing the use of createReducer with Immer:

import { createAction, createReducer } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

// Action creators
const increment = createAction('counter/increment');
const addTodo = createAction('todos/add');

// Initial state
const initialState = {
  counter: 0,
  todos: []

// Reducer function
const myReducer = createReducer(initialState, (builder) => {
    .addCase(increment, (state) => {
    .addCase(addTodo, (state, action) => {
      state.todos.push({ text: action.payload, completed: false });

In this snippet, increment mutates the counter property directly, and addTodo pushes a new item into the todos array. If this code were outside of createReducer, it would violate Redux's immutability requirement, but inside createReducer, it’s simply declarative.

A potential stumbling block for developers might stem from overlooking the fact that this mutation-like syntax is purely facilitated by createReducer and Immer's magic. It can be tempting to assume that such patterns can be replicated outside of this context, which could lead to actual mutable state changes and the introduction of bugs. As such, it's imperative to understand the scope of Immer's capabilities and remember that its syntactic sugar is confined to the boundaries set by createReducer.

Patterns for Structuring Reducers with Redux Toolkit

When managing state updates with Redux Toolkit’s createReducer, it is crucial to appropriately address scenarios such as resetting, replacing, and updating deeply nested structures. Reset actions can elegantly return the state to its initial value. Replace actions can likewise swap out a state slice with a new entity. For updating nested state, careful use of the Immer library that createReducer integrates is essential.

Regarding the structure and organization of reducers, it is beneficial to divide them into smaller, focused functions that handle discrete parts of the state. This approach enhances readability, maintainability, and compartmentalizes domain logic. Here is an example that illustrates a proper update to a user's details within an array, abiding by the principles of immutability:

const usersReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
  [updateUser.type]: (state, action) => {
    const user = state.find(user => ===;
    // Directly assigning updated values to the draft state, which Immer will make immutable
    if (user) { =; =;

The following example demonstrates how to perform immutable updates to a nested state without mutating the original state. We carefully update the nested 'address' field of a user entity:

const complexStateReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
  [updateUserAddress.type]: (state, action) => {
    // Assumes initialState has a structure such as { entities: [] }
    const user = state.entities.find(u => === action.payload.userId);
    if (user) {
      user.address = {...user.address, ...action.payload.newAddress};

It is advantageous to use Reselect selectors outside of reducers to compute derived data and pass it to components, which reduces the number of renders and ensures that each component receives the most minimal and relevant state. This is the correct application of Reselect:

import { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const selectUserById = createSelector(
  state => state.users,
  (_, userId) => userId,
  (users, userId) => users.find(user => === userId)
// Selectors are used in mapStateToProps or hooks, not in reducers

Creating well-described actions tailored to update specific portions of the state can result in more purposeful and reusable reducer logic. Instead of generic actions, each action should convey a clear intent about the changes it will make to the state. Here we craft an action to handle a specific user profile update:

const profileReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
  [updateUserProfile.type]: (state, action) => {
    // This handler is dedicated to updating user profile details
    const user = state.find(u => ===;
    if (user) {
      user.profile = {...user.profile, ...action.payload.updates};

By applying these methodologies, developers can architect reducers that are built not just for the current requirements but also for future adaptability and coherence within complex applications, ensuring the longevity and scalability of their code.

Advanced Debugging Techniques Using Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit advances the capabilities of Redux debugging by simplifying the set up of time-travel debugging—a method that allows you to navigate through the state of your application at various points in time. This technique is pivotal in diagnosing state-related bugs, as it lets developers step through their application's state changes as though they're traversing a timeline.

To harness the power of time-travel debugging with Redux Toolkit, ensure that the Redux DevTools extension is correctly integrated with your store setup. The Redux Toolkit's configureStore function automatically hooks up the Redux DevTools extension, enabling features like pausing, jumping, and canceling actions out of the box. Here's a basic setup that incorporates middleware for a robust development environment:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: rootReducer,
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(yourMiddleware),

With the store in place, developers can inspect dispatched actions, monitor transitions between states, and even apply changes without reloading the app. One can debug more methodically by manually dispatching actions within the DevTools to test reducers and state slices in isolation. This deliberate approach allows for testing the impact of each action on the app's state, providing an invaluable advantage for complex state management scenarios.

A common mistake while setting up the store is neglecting to pass custom middleware through the provided function, which preserves DevTools and other enhancers. Failing to do this can lead to losing out on valuable debugging features, or worse, introducing subtle bugs in the middleware chain. Use the getDefaultMiddleware function to include any necessary custom middleware alongside the defaults and keep everything playing nicely with the toolkit's built-in features.

Time-travel debugging not only renders the process of catching and diagnosing bugs more efficient, but it serves as a learning tool for developers to understand the application's state flow. By replaying actions, we can observe the cause and effect in the state's evolution. For instance, consider a reducer that manages a to-do list. The ability to add, complete, and remove to-dos via dispatched actions can be critically evaluated by stepping back and forth between state snapshots:

const todosReducer = createReducer(initialState, (builder) => {
    .addCase(addTodo, (state, action) => {
      state.push({ id:, text: action.payload.text, completed: false });
    .addCase(toggleTodo, (state, action) => {
      const todo = state.find(todo => === action.payload);
      if (todo) {
        todo.completed = !todo.completed;
    .addCase(removeTodo, (state, action) => {
      return state.filter(todo => !== action.payload);

While time-travel debugging is revolutionary for state management, developers should be wary of over-reliance on these tools during the development process. Trusting too much in the ability to rewind and replay actions can mask foundational issues in state logic. It's important to commit to writing robust, predictable code first and using time-travel debugging as a complementary tool.

To provoke further reflection, consider this: How can time-travel debugging facilitate shared understanding within your development team, and what best practices can ensure it is used effectively and judiciously?

Common Pitfalls in State Management and How to Avoid Them

Managing state in Redux Toolkit with createReducer can lead to pitfalls if developers are not cautious about how they handle side effects or maintain the serializability of their state. Understanding and mitigating these common issues are crucial to crafting robust applications.

One of the frequent missteps is handling side effects within reducers. Reducers are meant to be pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and return the new state without producing side effects. Incorporating API calls or asynchronous code directly in reducers breaks this principle and can lead to unpredictable application behavior. Instead, side effects should be managed using Redux middleware like Redux Saga or Redux Thunk. Here's a correction for this mistake:

// Incorrect
function todosReducer(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'todos/todoAdded':
            return fetch('/addTodo', { /* ... */ });
        // ...

// Correct
function todosReducer(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'todos/todoAdded':
            return [...state, action.payload];
        // ...

Another pitfall is storing non-serializable values like functions, promises, or other complex objects in the Redux state. Redux state should be easily serializable to ensure that developers can save the application state, enabling features like time-travel debugging. To avoid this, ensure that all state values are primitives, arrays, or plain objects:

// Incorrect
const initialState = {
    todos: [],
    fetchTodos: new Promise(/* ... */)

// Correct
const initialState = {
    todos: [],
    status: 'idle' // or 'loading', 'succeeded', 'failed'

It's also vital to ensure that state is not mutated within createReducer. Although Redux Toolkit uses Immer to allow "mutative" operations, these mutations only apply to a draft state and do not affect the actual current state. Here's a corrected code example that demonstrates how to leverage createReducer to toggle a todo's completion status without mutating the state:

// createReducer with correct usage of Immer
const todosReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
    'todos/toggleTodo': (state, action) => {
        const todo = state.find(todo => === action.payload);
        if (todo) {
            todo.completed = !todo.completed; // This is safe within createReducer

Developers must also be vigilant about shallow copying, which does not create a deep clone of the state. This can result in mutating the nested structure of the original state object:

// Incorrect
function updateTodo(state, action) {
    const newState = {...state};
    newState.todos[action.payload.index].completed = action.payload.completed;
    return newState;

// Correct
function updateTodo(state, action) {
    return {
        todos:, index) =>
            index === action.payload.index ? { ...todo, completed: action.payload.completed } : todo

With these corrections in mind, consider this: Are you always mindful of the purity of your reducers and the serializability of your state? How often do you review your state management patterns to ensure side effects are correctly placed, and state mutation is avoided in complex applications? Proper reflection on these questions will not only avoid common pitfalls but also strengthen the robustness and maintainability of your Redux-powered applications.


The article explores the use of Redux Toolkit's createReducer function for time-travel debugging in JavaScript. It explains how createReducer simplifies immutable updates in reducers by leveraging the concept of a draft state. The article also highlights the importance of using Immer to ensure the immutability of the state while allowing developers to write state update logic that appears to be mutable. The key takeaways include embracing immutability for predictable state management, structuring reducers effectively, and utilizing advanced debugging techniques. The challenging task for readers is to reflect on their current use of Redux and assess whether their reducers adhere to Redux Toolkit's standards for immutability.

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