React JS vs Preact JS

Anton Ioffe - November 1st 2023 - 8 minutes read

In a rapidly evolving technology landscape, the battle for supremacy among JavaScript's countless libraries and frameworks never ceases. Among them, React JS and Preact JS have emerged as dominant forces due to their powerful collection of features and widespread applicability. In this article, you're about to unearth the inner workings of these two technology giants. We offer an in-depth analysis and comparison of both, touching base on the nitty-gritty of their performance, memory usage, complexity and more. Crucially, we'll guide you through the labyrinth of integrating Preact and React, and help you evade common coding pitfalls. Finally, we culminate with a comprehensive guide on determining the more suitable solution for your specific requirements. As an experienced developer or technical architect, your JavaScript journey with React and Preact commences here.

Introduction to React JS and Preact JS Fundamentals

React JS is an ultra-popular JavaScript library commonly used by developers to build user interfaces, particularly single-page applications. A primary feature of React is its component-based architecture, which promotes code reusability and makes it easier to handle complex UIs. React employs a virtual DOM that optimizes the rendering of components, providing a performance boost especially noticeable in large-scale applications. Yet, despite these, React’s broad and flexible API might be overkill for simpler projects.

That’s where Preact JS shines. Released as an almost drop-in substitute for React, Preact also sports a component-based strategy but has trimmed down its bundle size to a mere 3KB—making it lighter, faster, and an excellent choice for applications striving for speedy load times. Like React, Preact uses a virtual DOM, but its implementation focuses on resource optimization, resulting in a fast, efficient virtual DOM diffing algorithm.

In terms of compatibility, Preact provides a 'preact/compat' alias that allows developers to leverage parts of the vast React ecosystem as required, thus melding flexibility with efficiency in a unique way. Also, the Preact community has embraced the popular JavaScript standard of the hyperscript project, streamlining the creation of tree structures via nested function calls, which harmoniously complements JSX – the syntactic extension of JavaScript.

While different projects have unique requirements and challenges, both React and Preact hold their grounds as robust solutions in the vibrant landscape of modern web development. From large, intricate applications to minimalist, performance-critical projects, the choice between them hinges on the specific needs of your project. As we delve deeper into the world of these two libraries, it's important to maintain this context and iterate on their fundamental differences.

In-depth Comparative Examination of React JS and Preact JS

In our quest to dissect performance intricacies associated with React JS and Preact JS, it's important to note that React's flexibility and comprehensive ecosystem are ideally suited for complex and scalable applications, especially in the realm of Single Page Applications (SPAs). Featuring a functional programming core, React merges declarative and component-based styles to establish a foundation that's capable of handling advanced features and compatibility with numerous developer tools. However, these capabilities may inadvertently contribute to a heavier bundle size impacting load times, a concern when performance optimization is a project's priority.

Let's cast our eyes on the efficient dynamo that is Preact JS. Flaunting a bundle size that is just 3KB, Preact underscores its commitment to speed and optimization. Built to integrate the complexities of a browser's Document Object Model (DOM) and the intelligent virtual DOM diffing algorithm, it matches the cutting-edge API capability offered by weightier competitors. Preact’s smaller size and faster virtual DOM are instrumental in delivering superior speed, scaling it to top the list among JavaScript frameworks in terms of performance. For instance, consider the following routine JavaScript snippet:

import { h, render, Component } from 'preact';

class MyComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return <h1>Hello, Preact!</h1>;

// Renders <MyComponent /> at the DOM element with id="app"
render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('app'));

This succinct code block demonstrates Preact's capability to bring to life a simple functional component, underlining the similarity with vanilla JavaScript and drawing attention to its simple architecture.

However, when taking a look at build times, Preact steps up its game up by eliminating any requirement for transpilation, catalyzing the development process manifold. In a comparative setting where React necessitates transpilation into JavaScript, Preact not only expedites build times but also empowers developers in bringing their ideas to reality at an accelerated pace. Moreover, Preact presents a simplified design, fostering a more conducive learning environment, and allowing a chance for seasoned developers and beginners alike to master the library at their own pace. Here’s an equivalent React code block:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <h1>Hello, React!</h1>;

// Renders <MyComponent /> at the DOM element with id="app"
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('app'));

As evident from the snippet, React's architecture is also similar to traditional JavaScript, but its dependency on a separate DOM manipulation library may add complexity.

In understanding the modularity and reusability of these two libraries, it's interesting to evaluate how Preact leverages its compatibility with React. It facilitates the inclusion of only necessarily required components, resulting in leaner, cleaner code. Preact’s ‘preact/compat’ affords the liberty to pull in additional components where they are needed, providing React-level capabilities without sacrificing Preact's lightweight attribute. However, despite its fitful strides, Preact may fall short in providing a few advanced React features, aligning the preference towards latter when such functionalities are project requisites.

In conclusion, while one might be tempted to grant a crown to either React or Preact, it's essential to underscore that the choice of framework primarily depends on project-specific requirements and priorities. React and Preact, both present compelling competencies in their own arenas that range across exhaustive features, developer support, load performance, build times, and API flexibility. Therefore, adopting one over another is less a question of general superiority and more about project-suitability. The dichotomy between React's wide-ranging features and Preact's performance attributes embodies the adage "Different strokes for different folks", fueling the debate in contemporary web development circles. However, it's not about choosing a superior option but rather about opting for the right tool that perfectly complements the project requirements.

Preact & React Integration: A Practical Guide

Integrating Preact into a pre-existing React application, and vice versa, is a relatively common scenario encountered by web developers. To facilitate the switch, you can leverage 'preact/compat', an alias provided by Preact for compatibility with the wider React ecosystem.

To illustrate this, consider a typical React component:

import React from 'react';
export class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div>Hello, React!</div>

To migrate this to Preact, replace the React import with 'preact/compat', and alter the class-based component structure to utilize Preact's preferred function-based component structure:

import { h } from 'preact';
export function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <div>Hello, Preact!</div>

This migration not only decreases the overall package size due to Preact's significantly smaller footprint, but depending on the application, you may see a noticeable improvement in load times.

Nevertheless, there can be potential difficulties in switching between the two, mainly through subtle nuances in their implementation of the virtual DOM and lifecycle methods, amongst other differences, which may affect your application's behavior and, in turn, user experience. Thus, a meticulous review and thorough testing are imperative to ensure smooth integration.

For example, sometimes you may experience issues with certain React-specific packages if they make use of functionality that Preact does not offer. In such a case, you might need to eke out a balance between the Preact and React versions of your application by taking a hybrid approach—using React for parts of your application where its full feature-set is required, and Preact elsewhere to capitalize on its lightweight nature and faster load times.

To conclude, while the integration process will require a keen eye for detail and extensive testing, the performance benefits gained by integrating Preact into your existing React applications are frequently a worthy trade-off for the invested effort.

Mastering Coding: Common Missteps and Best Practices in React and Preact

A commonly observed misstep in React JS involves incorrect handling of application state. Given React’s component-driven architecture, state management is crucial. As a result, a mistake developers often make is issuing asynchronous state updates without taking into account the previous state, leading to potential inconsistencies.

For instance, envision a simple counter component where pressing a button increments a counter by 1. Here’s an incorrect implementation:

class Counter extends React.Component {
    state = {
       count: 0

    incrementCounter = () => {
        this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

    render() {
       return <button onClick={this.incrementCounter}>{this.state.count}</button>

In this scenario, this.state is mistakenly assumed to be synchronous, while it is actually asynchronous. A rectified solution entails using a function that uses the previous state as a parameter:

incrementCounter = () => {
    this.setState(prevState => ({ count: prevState.count + 1 }));

Turning to Preact JS, remember that despite its striking similarities with React JS, it isn’t a comprehensive substitution. It's common for developers to utilize a React-specific function or feature that's unsupported in Preact, without double-checking.

An instance would be the use of the Component.prototype.isReactComponent check. While this feature is present in React, it’s unsurprisingly missing in Preact and therefore, leads to application failure. Keep in mind to consult the Preact documentation to identify Preact-compatible alternatives.

For instance, here’s how you might fail by wrongly assuming Preact’s similarities with React:

class MyClass extends Preact.Component{
    // Do something

A correct approach in Preact would be to use lifecycle hooks or other alternatives.

Within both React and Preact, as we traverse the complexities of asynchronous state handling and the subtle differences between their APIs, we should always keep a thought-provoking question in our minds: While coding, are we focusing enough on the potential subtleties and implications that even minor aspects might cause on the behavior of our application?

The Decision Point: Opting for React JS or Preact JS

When it comes to selecting the appropriate JavaScript library for your web development project, it's essential to weigh the specifics of your project's requirements. Both React and Preact serve a similar purpose but differ in some crucial aspects that could influence your project's functionality and performance.

The key differential aspect is React's extensive feature set and compatibility with a plethora of developer tools and resources. It's a mature framework capable of handling advanced features and catering to complex projects. On the other side of the balance is Preact's focus on speed optimization - its smaller bundle size and faster virtual DOM make it suitable for projects looking to achieve better load times and performance.

Consideration of the project's complexity and size is vital when opting between React or Preact. If you're looking to build intricate applications with advanced features and don't mind a larger bundle, React could be the go-to. However, if your project prioritizes speed optimization and a smaller bundle size, Preact might be more applicable.

Another deciding factor should be the developer's knowledge and expertise with either of the frameworks. Both offer distinct features and work well under the right use-case circumstances. Remember, your goal isn't necessarily to find the 'best' framework but the one that is most suitable for your project's criteria and your own skill level. Both libraries have their advantages and potential shortcomings, but they remain leading choices in modern web development; the final verdict should align with your project's goals, performance requirements, and the developers' preferences.


In this article, the author compared React JS and Preact JS, two dominant JavaScript libraries used in modern web development. The article discussed their features, performance, memory usage, and complexity, providing a comprehensive analysis of their similarities and differences. The author also provided a practical guide on integrating Preact and React and highlighted common missteps and best practices in both libraries. The key takeaway is that the choice between React and Preact depends on specific project requirements, with React being more suitable for complex applications and Preact excelling in performance optimization. The challenge for the reader is to evaluate their own project needs and determine which library is the best fit, considering factors such as functionality, performance, and personal expertise.

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