Optimizing Network Requests with Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk

Anton Ioffe - January 12th 2024 - 11 minutes read

As senior-level developers, we have all witnessed the challenge of managing asynchronous operations and the intricate dance of network requests in the modern web development landscape. In this deep-dive exploration, we will dissect the nuanced strategies employed by Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk to transcend mere async handling—transforming it into an orchestra of meticulously optimized networking performances. From the adept composition of efficient async thunks to the elegant choreography of state management patterns, we will navigate the common pitfalls, unravel the complexities of advanced use cases, and sniff out the subtleties that make the difference between a sluggish interaction and a snappy user experience. Join me in uncovering the sophisticated techniques that lie at the heart of crafting responsive, robust, and scalable React applications with createAsyncThunk.

Understanding createAsyncThunk within Redux Ecosystem

createAsyncThunk stands as a hallmark of the Redux Toolkit, streamlining the management of asynchronous operations within the Redux ecosystem. Operating as a higher-order function, it simplifies the complexities that once burdened developers when handling the lifecycle of an async request. By providing a simplified interface, createAsyncThunk mitigates the verbose boilerplate code associated with dispatching multiple actions for distinct phases of a request—namely 'pending', 'fulfilled', and 'rejected'. This encapsulation not only enhances developer efficiency but also fortifies the predictability of state changes across the application, a core principle of Redux's design philosophy.

A key facet of createAsyncThunk's strength is its seamless integration with Redux's unidirectional data flow. Asynchronous behavior is managed using thunks, functions that can delay action dispatch until certain conditions are met. createAsyncThunk extends this pattern by automatically dispatching actions based on the promise's lifecycle, implicitly maintaining consistency with Redux's flow. This congruence is pivotal for developers, as it offers a standard approach to deal with complex state dependencies and transitions without deviating from Redux's architectural best practices.

Moreover, the coupling of createAsyncThunk with Redux Toolkit's included middleware, Redux Thunk, elevates its capability for async task handling. By utilizing thunks, applications can perform logical computations or conditional dispatching before reaching the reducer. This pre-processing step executed by createAsyncThunk allows for more elaborate state management schemes, such as initiating side effects or chaining asynchronous calls, while keeping the reducer logic pure and focused on state transformations.

The added layer of abstraction provided by createAsyncThunk does not come at the expense of customizability. Developers retain the ability to define their own actions if needed by tapping into the life cycle through extraReducers in the createSlice utility. This equilibrium between abstraction for convenience and the provision for specificity bestows upon createAsyncThunk a flexibility that caters comprehensively to the requirements of real-world applications. It thus fosters an ecosystem where both simplicity in common cases and deeper customization options coexist, adapting to the ever-changing demands of application logic.

In practice, createAsyncThunk offers a scalable pattern for state management related to network requests within the Redux Toolkit architecture. By encapsulating actions and async logic traditionally handled by separate action creators and switch-case reducers, createAsyncThunk introduces a unified and manageable entity. This consolidation standardizes error handling, loading state tracking, and state updates, thereby reducing the likelihood of inconsistencies and streamlining debugging efforts. The disciplined framework that createAsyncThunk introduces, coupled with Redux Toolkit's opinionated yet flexible architecture, empowers development teams to focus on business logic rather than machinery, crafting more robust and sustainable applications.

Crafting Efficient Async Thunks: Techniques and Trade-offs

To elevate the performance of createAsyncThunk actions, scrutinizing the payload creator function is essential. Crafting these functions to be lean and performant involves excluding any unnecessary computations and ensuring they are responsible solely for the asynchronous logic. For instance, offloading data formatting or validation to the resolver where the action is dispatched can save processing time and mitigate the thunk's complexity. Here's a coding exemplar that demonstrates an efficient payload creator function:

const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId, { rejectWithValue }) => {
    try {
      const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
      return response.data;
    } catch (error) {
      return rejectWithValue(error.response.data);

In the above snippet, non-essential logic is stripped away, focusing solely on the API request. Any additional processing, like data shaping for the frontend, should be handled externally.

When initiating network requests, it is beneficial to consider the application's state to avoid unnecessary calls. This preemptive check, conducted before dispatching a createAsyncThunk action, can lead to significant performance gains by preempting no-ops. The condition argument of createAsyncThunk provides a guard clause, allowing the action to be dispatched only when certain criteria are met:

const fetchUserByIdStatus = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId, { getState }) => {
    const { users } = getState();
    if (users[userId]) {
      // User data already available; skip the network request.
      return users[userId];
    const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
    return response.data;
    condition: (userId, { getState }) => {
      const { users } = getState();
      if (users[userId]) {
        // User data already available; skip dispatching the thunk.
        return false;

The preceding code implements a conditional check that assesses if the user's data is already present in the state, circumventing an unnecessary network request if the condition is matched.

To refine responsiveness, consider limiting the concurrency of createAsyncThunk actions. Incorporating concurrency controls can prevent the server from being inundated with an excessive number of parallel requests which might slow down the server response time:

let pendingRequests = 0;

const fetchUserByIdStatus = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId, { rejectWithValue }) => {
    if (pendingRequests >= MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS) {
      return rejectWithValue('Too many requests.');
    try {
      const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
      return response.data;
    } catch (error) {
      return rejectWithValue(error.response.data);
    } finally {

Another approach to consider is the use of batched API requests where possible. This technique combines multiple calls into a single request, reducing the total number of network calls and thus, improving performance by leveraging the HTTP/2 protocol's multiplexing capabilities. When createAsyncThunk is used to dispatch an action that performs batched requests, this reduces the latency incurred from multiple round-trips to the server:

const fetchMultipleUsersById = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userIds, { rejectWithValue }) => {
    try {
      const responses = await Promise.all(userIds.map(id => userAPI.fetchById(id)));
      return responses.map(res => res.data);
    } catch (error) {
      return rejectWithValue(error.response.data);

In this code sample, Promise.all is used to execute multiple API requests concurrently, reducing the time spent waiting for individual network requests to complete.

By focusing on these tailored strategies and optimizing the details of thunk creation and dispatch, we ensure our applications remain responsive and efficient without sacrificing readability or maintainability of our codebase.

State Management Patterns for Async Network Requests

In modern web development, managing the state of network requests for asynchronous operations is a nuanced challenge. Redux Toolkit’s createAsyncThunk offers a structured approach to this problem by enabling developers to define async logic in a reusable way. A pattern that synergizes particularly well with createAsyncThunk is normalized caching. Normalizing the state shapes the data into a more accessible form by storing entities in an indexed manner. This not only helps in reducing the overall memory footprint by avoiding data duplication but also centralizes the data updates, ensuring that every reference to an entity is consistently and simultaneously updated.

Consider the scenario of selectively updating the state: with createAsyncThunk, one can dispatch actions that specifically target slices of the state rather than replacing entire objects. This pattern becomes invaluable as applications scale and the cost of replacing entire objects grows in terms of performance. By surgically updating the state, the Redux store becomes more predictable and debugging becomes less cumbersome. Reusability is another cornerstone of this pattern; developers can create thunks that encapsulate common update logic, allowing the same thunk to be utilized across different components and features.

Scalability is further enhanced through modularity. By decomposing the state management into smaller, more easily digestible chunks, developers can compose features in a more flexible manner. This modularity dovetails with createAsyncThunk, which can operate independently of the larger application context. By enforcing separation of concerns, each component of the state becomes easier to test, maintain, and extend. The reusability of thunks means that developers can abstract common functionalities like error handling and loading state updates, steering clear of repetitive code and fostering a cleaner codebase.

In terms of robustness, createAsyncThunk enhances the capability to handle various edge cases gracefully. Thanks to the lifecycle actions -- pending, fulfilled, and rejected -- that Redux Toolkit provides out-of-the-box, developers can manage loading states and errors in a uniform manner. These lifecycle actions can be leveraged to implement global error handling patterns, such as showing toast messages on errors or redirecting to an error page, avoiding the need to handle errors on an individual basis, and potentially missing edge cases.

To maximize the benefits of these patterns, consider the complexity that comes with increased modularity. Thunks should remain focused and not grow into monolithic operations that handle multiple side effects, as this can compromise readability. Furthermore, when integrating with existing middleware or orchestrating actions that rely on the state updated by other thunks, careful consideration is needed to maintain the predictability of the state flow. Thus, as we engineer resilient and scalable state management systems with createAsyncThunk, we must persistently evaluate the granularity of our operations and the encapsulation of our logic, ensuring that we do not venture into the realm of over-abstraction where the simplicity of maintenance is lost.

Common Pitfalls and Rectifications When Using createAsyncThunk

Mistaking Thunk Arguments for Action Payloads: A common error when using createAsyncThunk is to confuse the arguments passed to the thunk with the payload of the dispatched actions. Consider this incorrect code:

const fetchUserData = createAsyncThunk(
  async ({ userId }) => {
    return fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`);

// Usage that leads to a mistake
dispatch(fetchUserData({ payload: userId }));

In the corrected approach, we must use the arguments directly as intended by the thunk:

const fetchUserData = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId) => {
    const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`);
    return response.json();

// Correct usage

Overlooking Serialization in State: It's easy to forget that Redux requires the state to be serializable. A pitfall arises when developers inadvertently store non-serializable values like Promises or complex objects:

const fetchUserPosts = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId) => {
    const posts = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}/posts`);
    // Non-serializable value returned here
    return posts;

The rectified code ensures that only serializable data is returned:

const fetchUserPosts = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId) => {
    const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}/posts`);
    // Ensuring the returned value is serializable
    return response.json();

Ignoring Rejected States: Often, developers focus on the 'fulfilled' state and neglect error handling for the 'rejected' state. Here's a flawed example:

// Missing error handling for the rejected state
const fetchUserDetails = createAsyncThunk('users/fetchDetails', async (userId) => {
  const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`);
  return response.json();

A robust implementation accounts for potential errors:

const fetchUserDetails = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId, { rejectWithValue }) => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Network response was not ok.');
      return response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      return rejectWithValue(error.message);

Improper Side Effects in Payload Creator: Executing side effects within the payload creator is another mistake. Side effects should instead be handled within the lifecycle actions generated by the thunk:

// Incorrect implementation with side effects inside the payload creator
const deleteUser = createAsyncThunk('users/delete', async (userId) => {
  await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`, { method: 'DELETE' });
  window.alert(`User ${userId} deleted`); // Unwanted side effect

Instead, utilize the extraReducers in createSlice or builder.addCase in a configureStore setup to respond to the action types dispatched by createAsyncThunk:

const deleteUser = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId) => {
    await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`, { method: 'DELETE' });

// In your slice or store configuration
builder.addCase(deleteUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
  alert(`User ${action.meta.arg} deleted`); // Handle side effects here

Disregarding Selective Rendering: Implementing a createAsyncThunk without considering the UI's rendering needs can lead to wasted renders. This becomes pronounced in React applications where thunks may trigger state changes unrelated to the consuming components, as seen below:

const selectAllState = (state) => state;

// Incorrect use within a React component with broad reactivity
const MyComponent = () => {
  const state = useSelector(selectAllState);
  // ...renders whenever any piece of state changes

Limit the selector's scope for efficiency and maintainability:

// Specific selectors prevent unnecessary rerendering
const selectUserData = (state) => state.userData;

const MyComponent = () => {
  const userData = useSelector(selectUserData);
  // ...reacts only to changes in `userData`

By acknowledging and correcting these common pitfalls, you harness the full potential of Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk, ensuring clean, maintainable, and performant code.

Advanced Use Cases and Performance Considerations for createAsyncThunk

In modern web applications, managing complex state transitions often hinges on sophisticated asynchronous workflows. Senior developers must assess various scenarios that fall outside the purview of straightforward async requests, such as batch requests, where the application needs to handle multiple operations at once. Using createAsyncThunk, we can encapsulate batched API calls elegantly, leveraging Promise.all to resolve multiple promises concurrently. This approach reduces the overhead of managing individual calls while taking advantage of modern browser capabilities like HTTP/2 multiplexing for improved network throughput. However, developers must exercise caution with batched requests; a failed promise in the batch can result in the entire operation being rejected, so error handling must be robust and account for partial successes.

Request deduplication is another performance optimization to consider. Frequent and unnecessary API calls not only strain server resources but also degrade user experience through redundant updates and load times. Implementing a deduplication strategy involves checking if a pending request for the same resource is already in flight and, if so, postponing or merging the actions accordingly. This strategy is particularly effective in scenarios like auto-saving or real-time search suggestions where user actions can trigger a barrage of similar requests. createAsyncThunk provides the condition argument, enabling developers to introduce guard clauses that can cancel unnecessary dispatches, thus preventing race conditions and enhancing system efficiency.

Concurrency management is also critical when executing multiple asynchronous operations. By controlling how many createAsyncThunk actions can be run in parallel, applications avoid overwhelming the server with simultaneous requests and reduce the risk of rate-limiting or crashing. For instance, setting a limit to the number of concurrent file uploads ensures a consistent user experience while preserving server stability. Developers can implement this using a counting semaphore or a queue mechanism that governs the number of active thunks.

Beyond these backend-focused considerations, frontend optimizations like optimistic updates and prefetching directly impact user experience by making applications feel faster and more responsive. Optimistic updates assume a successful outcome and update the UI immediately, enhancing perceived performance but requiring contingency plans for when actions fail. Prefetching, on the other hand, loads data anticipatorily based on user behavior, streamlining future interactions. These patterns, while clearly beneficial, introduce complex state management challenges. Senior developers must ensure that the state remains consistent and side-effect-free amidst these optimistic behaviors, a non-trivial task that demands strategic use of Redux side-effects patterns and error rollback mechanisms.

Looming over all these strategies is the need for considered design patterns within createAsyncThunk usage. The balance between nuanced features and their real-world implications must be struck with care. Adaptability and foresight are key, asking senior developers to forecast: How might these advanced techniques scale as the application grows? What impact will this have on maintainability and code complexity? Reflecting on such questions ensures that the promise of createAsyncThunk is fully realized, contributing to a codebase that's not just efficient, but forward-compatible and ready to tackle the demanding requirements of sophisticated web applications.


In this article, the author explores the optimization techniques offered by Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk for network requests in modern web development. They discuss the benefits of using createAsyncThunk for managing asynchronous operations within the Redux ecosystem, including simplified async handling, seamless integration with Redux's data flow, and the ability to customize actions. The author also provides strategies for crafting efficient async thunks, such as excluding unnecessary computations in payload creator functions and considering application state before initiating network requests. They highlight state management patterns for async network requests, including normalized caching and modular decomposition, and discuss common pitfalls and rectifications when using createAsyncThunk. The article concludes with advanced use cases and performance considerations, such as batched requests, request deduplication, concurrency management, and frontend optimizations like optimistic updates and prefetching. The challenging technical task for the reader is to implement a batched API call using createAsyncThunk and handle potential errors in a robust manner.

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