Migrating to Redux v5.0.0 and RTK 2.0: A Comprehensive Guide

Anton Ioffe - January 6th 2024 - 9 minutes read

As the digital fabric of our applications continues to stretch under the weight of growing complexity, Redux v5.0.0 and Redux Toolkit (RTK) 2.0 burst onto the scene as harbinger and haven for the contemporary JavaScript developer. This comprehensive guide is handcrafted to shepherd you through the profound enhancements and pivotal paradigm shifts that define this evolution. Venture with us through the reimagined TypeScript terrains, navigate the intricacies of breaking changes with surgical precision, recalibrate your data fetching with RTK Query adjustments, and harness the potential of cutting-edge features primed to catapult your state management into a realm of unparalleled modularity and efficiency. In these pages lies the distilled essence of migration mastery, equipped with pitfalls to avoid and practiced wisdom, all designed to illuminate your path to a future-proof, robust Redux ecosystem.

Redux v5.0.0 and RTK 2.0 Evolution: Understanding the Shifts

Redux v5.0.0 and RTK 2.0 represent significant advances in the state management ecosystem, characterized by a decisive move towards leveraging TypeScript's robust typing system. The refactoring of Redux core into TypeScript marks the culmination of a community-led initiative that began back in 2019, resulting in a codebase that reinforces type safety and allows for a more seamless integration with TypeScript-centric projects. This evolution affirms the Redux team's commitment to developer experience by providing more type information out-of-the-box, minimizing the risk of runtime errors and improving maintainability over time.

The shift away from the traditional createStore method to the more streamlined configureStore API in RTK 2.0 exemplifies efforts aimed at reducing complexity and boilerplate in setting up a Redux store. While createStore is still accessible via legacy_createStore, the nudging towards configureStore reinforces best practice in crafting state logic that is both robust and scalable. This encourages developers to adopt patterns that align with modern practices, enhancing code modularity and reusability.

With RTK 2.0, the improvements do not stop at TypeScript adoption and API refinement. The update also addresses some lingering edge cases, further tightening the definition and behavior of certain aspects of state management. This includes, for instance, the explicit handling of async logic using redux-thunk. The shift from the default export to named exports for thunks not only helps in tree shaking but also improves clarity when importing and utilizing thunks within applications.

The implications of these shifts for state management practices are profound. The strict typing conventions brought about by the TypeScript rewrite introduce a level of type predictability and enforcement that JavaScript alone could not offer. For large and complex applications, this translates into a more resilient state management architecture. Developers can now rely on compile-time type checks to prevent a class of errors that might only have been caught during runtime with JavaScript, hence aiding in the development of sturdier applications.

Moreover, the TypeScript rewrite augments the Redux ecosystem's compatibility with TypeScript-enabled projects, allowing for more nuanced and type-safe state manipulation. Developers benefit from autocompletion, smarter refactoring capabilities, and enhanced code navigation facilities within their IDEs. Adopting RTK 2.0's TypeScript-first approach simplifies the developers' task of creating, maintaining, and scaling state management solutions, acknowledging TypeScript's increasing prevalence and utility in modern web development workflows.

One of the most noticeable breaking changes in the new release is the enforcement of action types as strings. This shift aims to ensure action serializability and improve readability in the Redux DevTools. If your existing codebase uses other action type values, such as Symbols, it's imperative to refactor them to string literals. Here’s an example of how to update your actions:

// Before: Using Symbol as action type
const MY_ACTION = Symbol('MY_ACTION');

// After: Refactor to use string literal

Refactoring to strings not only complies with the new constraints but also enhances the debugging experience and prevents potential runtime errors.

Another significant change is the deprecation of the AnyAction type in favor of UnknownAction. The UnknownAction type encourages stronger type safety by treating fields other than action.type as unknown. You should update your custom middleware or reducers that rely on AnyAction to implement type guards, ensuring proper type checking while accessing any additional action properties.

For example:

// Before: Loose typing with AnyAction
if (action.type === 'MY_ACTION') {

// After: Implementing type guard with UnknownAction
if (action.type === 'MY_ACTION' && 'payload' in action) {

This refactoring might seem tedious, but it will lead to more robust type safety in your Redux code.

Furthermore, the removal of UMD build artifacts is in tune with modern development practices, focusing on ESM modules for both browser and Node.js environments. While this simplification might not affect projects using module bundlers, those relying on direct UMD imports via script tags need to adjust. If you are currently importing Redux as a UMD module, switch to using the provided ESM build artifact. A snippet to load Redux in a browser environment would look like this:

<script type="module">
  import { createStore } from 'https://unpkg.com/redux@5.0.0/dist/redux.browser.mjs';
  // Redux store creation and usage

This change recognizes the contemporary module ecosystem and enhances loading efficiency. Additionally, Redux has transitioned to targeting modern JS syntax (ES2020), which may lead to incompatibilities with older environments. It's important to align your project to modern syntax standards or implement transpilation steps to maintain compatibility.

Tackling these breaking changes head-on with a meticulous refactoring strategy will minimize disruption to your application while aligning it with the latest best practices for scalable, maintainable state management. The move towards stronger type safety with string action types and UnknownAction, simplification of module imports, and modern syntax targeting all contribute to improving the robustness and future-proofing of your Redux codebase.

RTK Query Adjustments: Optimizing Data Fetching

With the release of RTK Query's performance tweaks, a critical refinement is the overhauled approach to cache entries. In contrast with previous iterations where tracking for certain cache entries was deliberately omitted—contributing to errant behavior in query resolution—the updated logic guarantees consistent monitoring of cache entries. This shift eradicates subtle bugs by ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of query-related operations.

A performance uplift is achieved by refining how subscription status updates are dispatched to the Redux store. With these optimizations, less frequent yet more precise state synchronization is attained, mitigating redundant re-renders that previously caused lags in data-intensive applications. This advancement underscores a significant paradigm shift from the more aggressive update strategy of earlier versions to a streamlined, performance-conscious approach.

Moreover, RTK Query now implements a configurable invalidation strategy, introduced through the invalidationBehavior: 'immediate' | 'delayed' option in createApi. This enhancement allows developers to coalesce multiple tag invalidations, using the 'delayed' setting to accumulate and process them in a batch, conservatively updating the UI. Such a mechanism underlines the intelligent management of state invalidations, capitalizing on performance gains without sacrificing accuracy.

Developers keen on harnessing these improvements might employ a pattern like the following to benefit from strategic invalidation handling:

const api = createApi({
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/api' }),
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    // ...endpoints here...
  // Employing delayed invalidationBehavior
  invalidationBehavior: 'delayed'

Here, the invalidationBehavior is configured to 'delayed' to aggregate invalidations, which is invaluable in scenarios invoking numerous, rapid state updates.

When we compare the legacy patterns with the revamped ones, the commitment to optimizing state management and data retrieval efficiency stands out. These improvements present a compelling argument for re-evaluating RTK Query's role in application architecture, especially for complex systems where nuanced state handling is crucial to the user experience. By adopting the updated patterns, developers can significantly bolster their app’s performance, making state management more scalable and sustainable.

Cutting-edge Features: Leaping Towards Future-Proof Design

The introduction of the combineSlices API marks a significant stride in Redux Toolkit’s evolution, offering an elegant solution for code-splitting scenarios. This novel feature proactively addresses the historical absence of official support for lazy-loading reducers, a limitation developers previously circumvented with various custom injection patterns. combineSlices functions as an advanced alternative to the traditional combineReducers, allowing individual slices or an object full of slices to be dynamically combined. The ability to load reducers at runtime enables a more flexible modular code structure that can grow with an application's needs, reducing the startup time and potentially cutting down the initial bundle size.

Redux Toolkit's enhanced createSlice now incorporates selector support, streamlining state access within the application. By generating selectors related to the slice's state, developers can improve code reusability and maintainability, avoiding the boilerplate commonly associated with crafting separate selectors. This synergistic addition serves to refine the redux patterns, merging reducer logic with the co-located selectors, thus ensuring better encapsulation and a clearer mapping between state shape and the logic that accesses it.

Furthermore, the forward-thinking design is reinforced by introducing "dynamic middleware" capability in RTK 2.0. This feature, while niche, unlocks new possibilities for managing middleware beyond store creation time. Particularly useful for code splitting purposes, dynamic middleware allows developers to add or remove middleware on the fly without revamping the established store configuration. The implications for complex applications, particularly those that evolve significantly over time or require on-demand feature loading, are profound, promoting a scalable and adaptable middleware management strategy.

The benefits of these cutting-edge features converge towards promoting Redux Toolkit as a comprehensive solution for future-proof state management design. Developers are empowered to devise more modular, reusable, and performant architectures that can be tailored to meet the varying demands of modern web applications. When leveraged appropriately, the combination of combineSlices, selector integration in createSlice, and dynamic middleware can markedly elevate the quality, scalability, and maintainability of Redux-based projects.

As developers begin to integrate and adapt their codebases to these new capabilities, it is crucial to evaluate the current structure and design patterns of applications. What opportunities arise for enhancing modularity through dynamic reducer loading? How can selector integration in createSlice improve team efficiency and code clarity? Reflecting on these questions can help ensure that developers fully harness the power of these innovative features to craft state management strategies that are truly tailored for the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

Common Missteps and Best Practice Recommendations

One common misstep in the migration to RTK 2.0 is mishandling selectors, especially when upgrading from createSelector. Previously, selectors might have been written in a fashion that didn't exploit the memoization capabilities to their fullest. For example, an improperly memoized selector could inadvertently cause component re-renders despite no relevant state changes. A best practice is to ensure selectors are specific and appropriately memoized, which can be achieved using RTK's createEntityAdapter:

import { createEntityAdapter } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const todosAdapter = createEntityAdapter();
const {
  selectById: selectTodoById,
  selectIds: selectTodoIds,
  // Add other selectors you need
} = todosAdapter.getSelectors(state => state.todos);

In this example, each selector generated is efficiently memoized and will only recompute when its corresponding slice of state changes.

Not accounting for non-serializable data in your state or actions is another typical mistake that can lead to unpredictable behavior in your application and issues with tools like Redux DevTools. RTK 2.0 enforces serializability checks in development mode by default. The correct practice is to keep your state serializable and manage side-effects in thunks or middleware. If non-serializable values are essential, ensure you configure the serializability middleware accordingly:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { myReducer } from './myReducer';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: myReducer,
  middleware: getDefaultMiddleware =>
      serializableCheck: {
        ignoredActions: ['MY_NON_SERIALIZABLE_ACTION'],
        ignoredPaths: ['myFeature.nonSerializableProperty'],

It's also frequent to see developers accidentally mutate state within reducers, a practice that is incompatible with Redux's design. RTK's createSlice and createReducer leverage Immer internally to handle this pitfall, allowing you to write seemingly mutable logic with the assurance of immutability under the hood. This sidesteps the issue while keeping the code concise and readable:

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = { value: 0 };

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  reducers: {
    increment(state) {
      // This "mutation" is safe due to Immer

Moreover, with RTK 2.0, developers may overlook the advantage of handling async logic with createAsyncThunk or misconfigure their async thunks. Correctly using createAsyncThunk not only simplifies handling promise lifecycles but also automatically provides action creators and types for dispatched actions:

import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

export const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk(
  async (userId, thunkAPI) => {
    const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
    return response.data;

const usersSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'users',
  initialState: { entities: [], loading: 'idle' },
  extraReducers: (builder) => {
      .addCase(fetchUserById.pending, (state, action) => {
        state.loading = 'pending';
      .addCase(fetchUserById.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
        state.loading = 'idle';

To conclude, consider this thought-provoking question: As you refactor your codebase to align with RTK 2.0, how can you leverage its features to enforce better state management practices, minimize boilerplate code, and create a more maintainable architecture? Reflect on the way RTK implicitly guides developers to adopt certain patterns and scrutinize if these patterns align with the long-term technical goals of your project.


The article "Migrating to Redux v5.0.0 and RTK 2.0: A Comprehensive Guide" explores the major advancements and shifts in Redux v5.0.0 and Redux Toolkit (RTK) 2.0. It highlights the benefits of leveraging TypeScript, the breaking changes that developers need to be aware of, the optimizations made to data fetching with RTK Query, and the cutting-edge features introduced. The key takeaways include the importance of understanding the shifts in Redux and RTK, the need to navigate the breaking changes with precision, optimizing data fetching with RTK Query adjustments, and embracing the cutting-edge features for future-proof design. The article also challenges developers to consider how they can leverage these advancements to enhance their state management practices and architecture in their own projects.

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