Mastering Variable Lists in React with TanStack Virtual: Tips and Tricks

Anton Ioffe - March 20th 2024 - 9 minutes read

In today's fast-paced digital world, mastering the art of efficiently displaying vast lists and comprehensive tables in React applications is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Enter the realm of TanStack Virtual, a groundbreaking tool designed to revolutionize how we manage, render, and interact with seemingly endless data without compromising performance. As we delve into the depths of creating your first virtual list, exploring advanced customization techniques, sidestepping common pitfalls, and pushing the boundaries of optimization for both performance and user experience, this article promises to guide seasoned developers through the intricate dance of efficiently handling variable lists with unparalleled finesse. Prepare yourself for a journey that will not only enhance your technical repertoire but also inspire innovations in your future projects.

Introduction to TanStack Virtual in React

TanStack Virtual, a modern solution within the React ecosystem, addresses the challenge of rendering large datasets like lists and tables. It stands out by providing an efficient way to manage extensive collections of data without sacrificing application performance. At its core, TanStack Virtual implements virtualization techniques that render only the items currently in view, alongside a small buffer, significantly reducing the amount of DOM manipulation required during scrolling or data updates.

The imperative nature of managing large datasets in web applications has always posed a problem for developers, especially concerning performance and memory usage. Without virtualization, rendering thousands of table rows or list items can lead to sluggish interfaces and, in extreme cases, crash the browser. TanStack Virtual mitigates these issues by ensuring that only a fraction of the data is rendered and managed in the DOM at any given time. This approach not only enhances performance but also makes efficient use of memory, making it possible to handle massive datasets effortlessly.

One of the primary benefits of using TanStack Virtual in React applications is its direct impact on performance. By virtualizing the data, applications become significantly more responsive. Users experience quicker load times and smoother interactions, even when dealing with large amounts of data. This performance boost is crucial for maintaining an optimal User Experience (UX), especially in data-intensive applications like analytics dashboards, e-commerce product listings, or any platform that requires rendering large lists or tables.

Besides performance enhancements, TanStack Virtual also promotes better development practices. It encourages modularity and scalability in applications by abstracting the complexity involved in virtualization. Developers can focus on defining their data and customizing the look and feel of their lists or tables, while TanStack takes care of the heavy lifting under the hood. This separation of concerns makes code more maintainable and easier to reason about, facilitating a smoother development process.

In summary, TanStack Virtual provides a robust solution for efficiently managing long lists and tables in React applications. Its ability to ensure performance enhancements, efficient memory usage, and ease of scalability without compromising on user experience, makes it an indispensable tool in the modern web developer's toolkit. Through virtualization, developers can now render thousands of items with minimal performance impact, setting the stage for building high-performance, data-rich applications.

Implementing Your First Virtual List with TanStack Virtual

To kick off your journey with TanStack Virtual in React, start by ensuring you have the necessary package installed in your application. Run npm i @tanstack/react-virtual@beta in your terminal. Given that TanStack's ecosystem is rapidly evolving, double-check the specific version requirements to avoid any unwanted surprises in the future. The installation process is quite straightforward, similar to integrating any other third-party library in your React project.

Once you have the package installed, setting up a basic virtual list involves a few critical steps. Initially, you need to import the useVirtual hook from @tanstack/react-virtual. This hook is the cornerstone of creating a virtual list as it manages the items that are rendered based on the scroll position. Let’s start with a basic configuration:

import { useVirtual } from '@tanstack/react-virtual';
import React, { useRef } from 'react';

function MyVirtualList({ items }) {
  const parentRef = useRef();

  const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
    size: items.length,

  return (
        height: `150px`,
        overflow: 'auto'
          height: `${rowVirtualizer.totalSize}px`,
          width: '100%',
          position: 'relative',
        { => (
              position: 'absolute',
              top: 0,
              left: 0,
              width: '100%',
              transform: `translateY(${virtualRow.start}px)`

In this fragment, useVirtual is invoked with necessary configurations like the size of the list and a reference to the scrollable parent container. virtualItems, an array derived from useVirtual, contains the items that are currently within the viewport or close to it, which are rendered within a div that represents the scrollable area.

While this setup efficiently renders a sizable list, it's critical to note the performance implications of virtualization. You are trading off a bit of initial setup complexity for a massive gain in performance, especially with large datasets. However, default settings might not offer the best experience out of the box for every scenario. Observing how items are rendered and adjusting properties like overscan, which controls how many items are rendered outside of the visible area, can yield better user experience and performance.

Understanding and implementing your first virtual list with TanStack Virtual marks the beginning of optimizing your React applications for handling vast amounts of data. It’s a crucial step towards building more efficient, performant, and user-friendly web applications. As you get more comfortable with the basic setup, experimenting with further customizations and optimizations will become a straightforward task, allowing you to tailor the virtualization behavior to fit the needs of your unique datasets and UI designs.

Advanced Usage and Customizations

Exploring the realm of advanced usage and customizations in TanStack Virtual, developers have the opportunity to enhance user experiences by implementing horizontal scrolling. This feature is beneficial for presenting extensive datasets in a reader-friendly format, particularly useful in analytics dashboards or financial statement displays. Horizontal scrolling can be achieved by adjusting the horizontal property of the TanStack Virtual instance. However, it introduces complexity in managing CSS and handling user input devices that are typically optimized for vertical scrolling. Despite the added complexity, the improved data presentation for specific use cases often justifies the effort.

Variable item heights present another advanced customization, allowing for a dynamic, content-driven user interface. Unlike uniform item sizes, variable heights require calculating each item's size either upfront or dynamically, increasing the setup complexity. Implementing variable heights efficiently involves leveraging the measureRef function provided by TanStack Virtual to measure each item's height dynamically. The primary challenge here is ensuring smooth performance, as frequent size recalculations can lead to layout shifts and performance bottlenecks. Properly managed, variable item heights significantly enhance the UX by accommodating content of diverse sizes within the same list or grid.

Windowing techniques advance further by optimizing rendering strategies based on the user's current viewport, drastically improving performance for massive datasets. Developers can implement custom windowing by adjusting the overscan count to render items slightly outside of the viewport, reducing the frequency of rendering as the user scrolls. However, this requires a fine balance; too high an overscan count negates performance gains, while too low an overscan count can cause noticeable rendering delays. Tailoring windowing behavior to specific use cases requires careful consideration of dataset size, item complexity, and user interaction patterns.

Creating virtual grids extends the capability of TanStack Virtual, facilitating the display of data in a multi-dimensional layout. This approach is ideally suited for galleries, product listings, or any scenario where a grid layout enhances data consumption. Implementing a virtual grid involves configuring TanStack Virtual for both vertical and horizontal virtualization, a complex endeavor that requires managing two axes of scrolling simultaneously. The primary consideration is ensuring that the grid remains performant and user-friendly across various devices and screen sizes, a challenge that often involves bespoke solutions for grid item sizing and scroll synchronization.

Each of these advanced topics, from horizontal scrolling and variable item heights to custom windowing techniques and virtual grids, offers a set of trade-offs between performance, complexity, and usability. By understanding and applying these advanced techniques, developers can tailor TanStack Virtual to meet the specific needs of their applications, ensuring an optimal balance between performance and user experience. The key is to assess the cost-benefit ratio of each customization, keeping in mind the overarching goal of providing a seamless and efficient user interface.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

One common pitfall when using TanStack Virtual in React projects is incorrect key assignment within virtualized lists. Incorrect or missing keys can lead to erratic UI behavior and performance issues. For instance, developers might use the index as a key without considering the dynamic nature of virtualized lists:

{, index) => (
  <div key={index} style={}>...</div>

The correct approach involves using a stable identifier from your data as the key, ensuring React can accurately track and update each item:

{ => (
  <div key={} style={}>...</div>

Another mistake often seen is misunderstanding how to manage variable item sizes. Developers might either forget to update an item's size when its content changes or use static sizes for dynamically sized items:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
  size: items.length,
  estimateSize: useCallback(() => 50, []), // Assuming all items are 50px high

This can be addressed by using a size measuring method that accounts for content changes, ensuring the virtual list accurately reflects each item's size:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
  size: items.length,
  estimateSize: useCallback(index => getItemSize(index), [getItemSize]),

Issues related to over-rendering can significantly degrade performance, such as rendering unnecessary items outside the viewport. This is typically caused by a misunderstanding of how to effectively use the overscan property. Developers might set a high overscan count, thinking it will improve user experience by pre-rendering items, but it can lead to excessive DOM updates:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
  size: items.length,
  overscan: 20, // Excessively high overscan count

A balanced approach requires setting a reasonable overscan count, which reduces the amount of over-rendering while still keeping the user experience smooth:

const virtualRow = useVirtual({
  size: items.length,
  overscan: 5, // Reasonably set overscan count

By understanding these common pitfalls and applying the corrected practices, developers can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of React applications using TanStack Virtual. This not only ensures a smoother user experience but also aids in maintaining clean, efficient codebases.

Optimizing Performance and User Experience

Optimizing the performance of virtual lists in React using TanStack Virtual goes hand in hand with ensuring an excellent user experience. One critical approach to achieving peak performance is through memoization. React's React.memo or custom hooks like useMemo can prevent unnecessary re-renders of list items by memoizing them based on their props. This is particularly useful when dealing with large lists where rendering overhead can significantly impact scroll smoothness and responsiveness. Memoization, when applied correctly, ensures that only items that have changed or are newly visible are re-rendered, effectively minimizing the workload on the browser's rendering engine.

Managing complex state changes efficiently in virtual lists can be streamlined with the useReducer hook. This hook is preferable when the state logic becomes too complex for useState. It offers a more structured approach to state updates, making the code easier to understand and maintain. For instance, in scenarios involving asynchronous data fetching, useReducer can simplify the handling of loading states, error states, and data population. This structured state management contributes to a more predictable and stable user experience by ensuring that the UI accurately represents the application's state at all times.

Dynamic loading indicators play a pivotal role in user experience when fetching asynchronous data. They inform users that data is being loaded, which is crucial for avoiding confusion during data fetch delays. Implementing these indicators involves setting a loading state before initiating the fetch operation and then rendering a loading component based on this state. This could range from a simple spinner to a skeleton of the content itself. The key is to make these indicators seamless within the UI, ensuring users remain engaged and informed about the ongoing data processing.

In terms of code readability, modularity, and reusability, structuring your codebase effectively is essential. Creating separate components for list items, loading indicators, and error messages not only enhances readability but also fosters reusability across different parts of your application. Each component should have a single responsibility, following the SOLID principles of software engineering. This modular approach not only eases maintenance but also allows for more effortless testing and debugging, as each piece can be independently verified for functionality.

Finally, it's vital to critically evaluate the impact of your implementation on overall user experience. Ask thought-provoking questions like: Does the inclusion of virtualization negatively impact accessibility or SEO? Could the user experience benefit from different loading indicators for different data types? How does the virtualized list behave on various devices and network conditions? By continuously assessing and iterating on your solution, you can ensure that your virtual list implementation not only offers peak performance but also delivers a seamless and accessible user experience across all touchpoints.


The article "Mastering Variable Lists in React with TanStack Virtual: Tips and Tricks" explores how TanStack Virtual is a groundbreaking tool that revolutionizes the management and rendering of large datasets in React applications, improving performance and user experience. The article provides an introduction to TanStack Virtual and explains how to implement a virtual list. It also covers advanced usage and customizations, common pitfalls to avoid, and tips for optimizing performance and user experience. The article challenges readers to think about how they can further customize and optimize TanStack Virtual for their specific use cases, pushing the boundaries of virtualization in React applications.

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