Integrating Custom Elements with Vue.js 3

Anton Ioffe - December 29th 2023 - 11 minutes read

Welcome to the convergent realm of Vue.js 3 and Custom Elements, where the power of modern web development meets component-based architecture at its best. In this comprehensive guide, seasoned developers will voyage through the intricacies of integrating Custom Elements into the reactive ecosystem of Vue.js 3—bridging technologies to create interoperable, efficient, and aesthetically versatile web interfaces. From the technical finesse required for registration and reactivity, to the art of data-flow management and theming, we’ll dissect advanced concepts and unveil best practices that promise to elevate your development workflow. Prepare to harness the full potential of Vue.js 3 Custom Elements, crafting reusable, maintainable components that stand at the forefront of web innovation.

Registering and Utilizing Custom Elements in Vue.js 3

In Vue.js 3, the integration of Custom Elements is facilitated through the defineCustomElement method, which allows us to encapsulate a Vue component's configuration object into a recognizable HTML element. The returned constructor from this method can then be registered as a custom element using customElements.define. To ensure these elements are reusable and modular, consideration must be given to their registration context. Globally registering common elements can enhance reusability across an application, while locally registering specialized components can enhance modularity within specific contexts.

import { defineCustomElement } from 'vue';

const MyVueElement = defineCustomElement({
    // Vue component options here
    template: `<div>My Vue Element Content</div>`,
    // Additional custom element options (e.g., styles)

After declaring a Custom Element with Vue, it’s important to consider the scope and timing of its registration. The temptation to register elements globally could lead to namespace pollution, which is why it’s crucial to identify the elements that are truly generic and widely applicable. On the other hand, delayed or scoped registration reduces global impact but may introduce hurdles when elements need to be available immediately. Developers should weigh the simplicity and speed of global registration against the encapsulation and specificity of local registration to find a balance that best suits the application’s needs.

// Global registration
customElements.define('my-vue-element', MyVueElement);

Concerning performance and memory optimization, careful attention must be paid when integrating Custom Elements within Vue or other Web Components. Duplication of libraries, particularly when Vue is included in a host application's bundle, can lead to unnecessary memory usage. Where possible, avoid bundling Vue within your Custom Elements by externalizing it, ensuring that the hosting application can share a single Vue instance without inflating the bundle's size and memory footprint.

With the aim of ensuring interoperability and reusability of Custom Elements, it is essential to keep the core principles of Web Components in mind while working within the Vue.js framework. This focus entails keeping a clear and concise boundary between the component definitions that are specific to Vue and the standards prescribed by Custom Elements. Carefully designed and registered Custom Elements can thus exhibit a high degree of integration and flexibility across different web platforms.

Vue.js 3’s Reactivity in Custom Elements

In the realm of web development, Vue.js 3's reactivity system plays a pivotal role when integrated with Custom Elements. The framework's intrinsic reactivity affords seamless synchronization between element properties and the corresponding DOM updates. To achieve this responsive behavior, developers must employ reactive data patterns wisely. For instance, declaring a reactive property in a Custom Element using Vue's reactive function allows changes to the property to be immediately reflected in the rendered element:

import { reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';

const myElementState = reactive({
  count: 0

customElements.define('my-counter', class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.state = toRefs(myElementState);
    this.innerHTML = `<button>${this.state.count.value}</button>`;
    this.addEventListener('click', this.increment);

  increment() {

This pattern ensures that UI elements remain up-to-date with the underlying data state, providing a real-time user experience. However, care must be taken to avoid common mistakes such as immutable state handling or direct property mutation, which can break the reactivity.

Computed properties within Custom Elements maintain their calculated values updated without further programming redundancy. Leveraging computed in Custom Elements, developers can define properties that reactively change when their dependencies update:

import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';

const myElementData = reactive({
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'

const fullName = computed(() => `${myElementData.firstName} ${myElementData.lastName}`);

customElements.define('my-greeting', class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    // Bind computed property for automatic updates
    this.innerHTML = `Hello, ${fullName.value}!`;

  connectedCallback() {
    // Watch for changes and update DOM accordingly
    watchEffect(() => {
      this.innerHTML = `Hello, ${fullName.value}!`;

When coupled with Custom Elements, such computations retain their lazy nature, ensuring performance optimization by recalculating only when necessary. Nonetheless, a developer should be mindful of the dependencies' scope to prevent unanticipated behavior within the reactive context. A meticulous selection of dependencies is essential for both memory and performance optimization.

Methods within Custom Elements can also be reactive; by using Vue’s reactivity system, methods can respond dynamically to changes in reactive data. A typical example involves the inclusion of a method within the element's prototype that depends on reactive data. Such methods must be bound appropriately to the Custom Element's context, often within the connectedCallback or the constructor:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

const myElementData = reactive({
  number: 0

customElements.define('my-incrementer', class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.increment = this.increment.bind(this);

  increment() {

  render() {
    this.textContent = `Count is ${myElementData.number}`;

In this example, the increment method remains reactive while preventing common mistakes such as losing the this context or not responding to reactive changes.

However, integrating Vue.js 3's reactivity within Custom Elements is not without its pitfalls. Developers commonly err by neglecting to manage the cleanup of reactive effects or watchers in the disconnectedCallback, leading to memory leaks. It is crucial to employ Vue's watchEffect function, which provides out-of-the-box cleanup capabilities to prevent such issues. Utilizing the cleanup function provided in the watchEffect callback can greatly simplify this requisite cleanup process:

import { reactive, watchEffect } from 'vue';

const myElementData = reactive({
  isActive: true

customElements.define('my-toggler', class extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.cleanup = watchEffect(() => { = myElementData.isActive ? 'block' : 'none';

  disconnectedCallback() {
    // Clean up to avoid memory leaks

By following this best practice solution, developers can maintain a performant and memory-efficient application while fully capitalizing on Vue.js 3's reactivity system. The contrast between the proactive cleanup of side effects and the oversight that leads to memory leaks serves as a crucial reminder of the level of attention required in managing the lifecycle of reactive Custom Elements.

Data Flow and Event Handling with Props and Emits

In Vue.js 3, the data flow between components and custom elements can be meticulously controlled through props. For non-stringifiable data, such as objects and arrays, it's best practice to use the .prop modifier. This ensures that Vue sets the complex data as a DOM property, vital for maintaining the integrity of the data structure. For example:

  <my-element v-bind:some-object.prop="myObject"></my-element>

Here, myObject is set as a property rather than an attribute, preserving its original form. The common misstep is to overlook this need for .prop, leading to incorrect data type handling and subsequent errors. Remember, attributes are always strings, which can be a source of bugs when complex data types are needed.

Event handling is another critical aspect where Vue's architecture shines. Custom events facilitate reverse data flow from custom elements to the parent Vue component. Utilizing Vue's this.$emit or emit from the setup function, events can be captured in the parent Vue instance as:

  <my-element @my-event="handleEvent"></my-element>

In this pattern, Vue packages any additional arguments into the CustomEvent object's detail property. However, it is not uncommon for developers to access the event payload directly on the event object, leading to confusion when they find the data enclosed within a detail array. Proper access to the event payload should be through the event.detail reference.

Another crucial point to remember is the naming convention of the events. Vue declaratively listens to events in lowercase or kebab-case. Event names containing uppercase letters will require adding event listeners imperatively in the mounted hook or setup function. This adherence to case sensitivity in event naming can be a tripping point, which can be circumvented by consistently utilizing lowercase event names.

Consider the following pattern to handle custom event emission in a custom element:

<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
const myObject = ref({ /* some object */ });

// Handling the event imperatively due to capital letters in event name
onMounted(() => {
  const myElement = document.querySelector('my-element');
  myElement.addEventListener('MyEvent', event => {

The above illustrates an imperative approach to event handling, necessary when dealing with unconventional event naming patterns. This diverges from the more straightforward declarative pattern, which improves readability and is easier to maintain.

Thought-provoking Question: If you had to design an event strategy for complex data communication between a Vue.js parent and a custom element child, how would you structure your event emission to ensure consistency and ease of maintainability within your team?

Advanced Theming and Styling Strategies for Vue.js Custom Elements

When approaching the styling of Vue.js Custom Elements, a prime technique is to harness the encapsulation capabilities of the Shadow DOM. This is particularly advantageous when your goal is to create truly isolated components. Shadow DOM encapsulation can be leveraged by employing scoped styles within your components, ensuring styles internal to the component do not bleed out, nor external styles intrude. However, this also introduces challenges in theming. For instance, suppose you wish to dynamically change the theme of encapsulated Custom Elements. In that case, the use of CSS custom properties provides a powerful solution as they can penetrate the Shadow DOM barrier.

// Vue single file component with scoped styles
  <button class="my-button">Click me</button>

export default {
  name: 'MyButton',

<style scoped>
.my-button {
  background-color: var(--button-bg-color, #ddd);
  /* ... other styles ... */

However, the adoption of CSS-in-JS libraries in Vue.js 3 can also prove to be a robust approach, offering a high degree of modularity and dynamic styling capabilities. While adding a layer of JavaScript overhead, CSS-in-JS solutions facilitate the authoring of logic-driven styles, easily responding to component state changes. This can make your components highly adaptable but may lead to increased complexity and a slight performance cost due to the style injection at runtime.

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { createUseStyles } from 'vue-jss'

const useStyles = createUseStyles({
  myButton: {
    background: ({ theme }) => theme.color,
    /* ... other styles ... */

export default {
  setup(props) {
    const theme = ref({ color: '#ddd' });
    const classes = useStyles(theme)

    return { classes };

  <button :class="classes.myButton">Click me</button>

Developers must be wary of typical styling redundancies and inefficiencies, such as overreliance on deeply nested selectors or the overuse of !important which can lead to a "specificity war", making the CSS harder to maintain and override. This may be exacerbated with Shadow DOM as the need for specificity increases to pierce through encapsulation, hence advocating for a flatter CSS structure and reliance on well-named classes or attributes, thus prioritizing readability and ease of override.

The cornerstone of scalable and modular theming within Vue.js Custom Elements is the strategic use of CSS variables and well-defined theming hooks. For instance, using a standardized set of CSS variables to control your theming layer can greatly enhance the maintainability and scalability of your component library, allowing changes to propagate through your components with minimal code duplication.

:root {
  --primary-color: #42b983;
  --font-stack: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

/* Use within your Vue.js component's scoped CSS */
.my-component {
  color: var(--primary-color);
  font-family: var(--font-stack);

Reflect on your current theming strategies—do they ensure a good balance between encapsulation and global design consistency? How would your team adapt to the use of CSS variables within Shadow DOM encapsulated styles, and what steps would you take to manage and test theme propagation across a suite of Vue.js Custom Elements? The answers to these questions are vital for maintaining modern web components that are both modular and easy to theme.

Best Practices and Design Patterns for Building Reusable Vue.js Custom Elements

As senior developers, curating the toolkit for crafting durable and versatile Vue.js Custom Elements involves embracing patterns that optimize for transparency and maintainability. Encapsulation is not just a practical concept for styling but is critical for functionality as well. To achieve this, one should design components like an SDK—each element should be self-contained and provide a simple, well-documented API. When a component follows the Single Responsibility Principle, its purpose and functionality remain clear, and its potential for reuse increases exponentially.

A vital aspect of creating reusable Vue.js Custom Elements is to structure them so that they are loosely coupled and organized. This ensures that components are not dependent on a specific application's state or tightly integrated into a unique system. By adhering to clear input/output interfaces, like using dedicated props for data reception and custom events for communication upwards, components maintain a degree of separation that makes them transplantable across different projects with minimal adjustments.

Here's an illustrative code example demonstrating these practices, now utilizing modern JavaScript syntax:

import { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue';

// Representation of a reusable Vue.js Custom Element
const MyReusableElement = {
    props: {
        // Provide a clear API for the element's data inputs
        initialData: {
            type: Object,
            required: true
    template: `
        <div class="custom-element">
            <!-- Your custom element HTML here -->
    setup(props, { emit }) {
        // Use Vue's composition API for organizing logic
        const data = ref(props.initialData);
        const computedValue = computed(() => someTransformation(data.value));

        onMounted(() => {
            // Component lifecycle hooks should be leveraged for setup and teardown

        // Export variables and methods that are used in the template
        return { data, computedValue };

In this code snippet, MyReusableElement is a genuine Vue.js Custom Element that is fully encapsulated and can be used in various contexts.

To avoid the pitfalls of overly complex components, always question whether a single element is taking on too many responsibilities. A component that addresses authentication, renders a user profile, and handles user input is too multifaceted, leading to a rigid and hard-to-maintain element. Instead, strive to segment features into individual, composable units which can be orchestrated together in higher-level components.

Lastly, ponder over the broader landscape where your custom elements will reside. How do you foresee their role in other applications or within larger systems? Is the API intuitive not only for your immediate use cases but also for developers who may leverage your components in unexpected ways? As you build, consider constructing a style guide or component library that reflects the standalone nature of each element, ensuring they can be easily picked up and utilized without the need for intensive integration effort. The challenge lies in offering components that are robust in isolation yet can thrive in diverse environments.


In this article on integrating Custom Elements with Vue.js 3, developers are guided through the process of registering and utilizing Custom Elements within the Vue framework. The article emphasizes the importance of careful consideration when registering elements globally or locally and provides best practices for managing performance and memory optimization. It also explores the reactivity system in Vue.js 3 and how it can be leveraged in Custom Elements, including the use of reactive data, computed properties, and reactive methods. The article discusses data flow and event handling with props and emits, highlighting the proper usage of .prop for non-stringifiable data and the conventions for event naming. Additionally, it delves into advanced theming and styling strategies, such as utilizing the Shadow DOM, CSS custom properties, and CSS-in-JS libraries. The article concludes with best practices for building reusable Custom Elements, emphasizing encapsulation, the single responsibility principle, loose coupling, and organized input/output interfaces. The challenging task posed to the reader is to design an event strategy for complex data communication between a Vue.js parent and a custom element child, ensuring consistency and ease of maintainability within a team.

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