Implementing Scroll Restoration in JavaScript SPAs with TanStack Router

Anton Ioffe - March 19th 2024 - 10 minutes read

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of mastering scroll restoration in Single Page Applications (SPAs) using TanStack Router, where we delve into the art and science of preserving user scroll positions to elevate the user experience. Through a structured journey from understanding the unique challenges SPAs present in scroll management, to implementing advanced scroll restoration techniques, and navigating common pitfalls with precision, this article aims to arm you with the knowledge and tools required to seamlessly integrate efficient scroll behavior. Prepare to explore practical examples, sophisticated solutions, and insightful strategies designed to not only solve scroll restoration concerns but also to enhance your application's interactivity and user satisfaction. Whether you're looking to refine your current SPA or planning a new project, these insights into using TanStack Router for scroll management will undoubtedly be a valuable asset in your developer toolkit.

Understanding Scroll Behavior in Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Understanding scroll behavior within Single Page Applications (SPAs) necessitates a reevaluation of how web navigation traditionally interacts with user expectations. In the conventional server-rendered web architecture, the browser automatically handles scroll positions, allowing users to seamlessly return to their previous location on the page upon navigating backward. This browser-managed behavior supports the natural user experience of continuity and context retention as one navigates through different pages.

However, SPAs disrupt this traditional flow by dynamically rendering content in the client without full page reloads. While this approach significantly enhances web application responsiveness and user experience, it inadvertently forfeits the browser's default scroll position management. As a result, users navigating back after scrolling down a lengthy SPA page may find themselves reset to the top of the page rather than where they left off. This disjunction not only interrupts the user experience but can also impair navigational efficiency and overall satisfaction.

The shift towards SPAs has thus imposed a new challenge: explicitly managing scroll positions to mimic the natural browser behavior lost in the transition to dynamic content rendering. Despite the advantages of SPAs in modern web development, ensuring a coherent user experience requires developers to programmatically restore scroll positions as users navigate through an application.

TanStack Router emerges in this context as a sophisticated routing solution tailored for JavaScript applications, with a special focus on SPA architectures. It recognizes the unique challenges SPAs face, including scroll position management, and provides developers with hooks and utilities specifically designed to address these issues. Its thoughtful design caters not only to routing efficiency and state management but also to enhancing the user experience by offering developers the tools needed to manage scroll behavior effectively.

Incorporating TanStack Router into an SPA unlocks the potential to fine-tune the application's scroll behavior, enabling developers to recreate a browsing experience that users expect from traditional web navigation. This includes restoring users to their previous scroll position upon navigation, a critical aspect of seamless web experiences. TanStack Router's relevance to modern web development lies not only in its routing capabilities but also in its specialized support for scroll behavior management, offering a solution that aligns with the evolved needs of SPAs and their users.

Implementing Scroll Restoration with TanStack Router

To begin implementing scroll restoration with TanStack Router, a foundational understanding of storing and retrieving scroll positions is paramount. Utilizing session storage facilitates saving the scroll position state before a navigation event occurs and retrieving it for restoration. Implementing this manually involves listening to window events. Before the page unloads, due to navigation, the current scroll position is stored:

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    sessionStorage.setItem('scrollPosition', window.scrollY);

And upon loading a new route, the stored scroll position is retrieved and applied, ensuring that the user returns to the same point on the page:

window.onload = function() {
    if (sessionStorage.getItem('scrollPosition')) {
        window.scrollTo(0, sessionStorage.getItem('scrollPosition'));

This method, while straightforward, allows developers to integrate custom logic as necessary, tailoring the scroll restoration process to the specific needs of the application.

Moving to a more automated and seamless integration, TanStack Router’s built-in functionality for managing application state during navigation events can be harnessed. By leveraging this capability, developers can significantly simplify the process, avoiding manual event handling. Here is an example of how to set up TanStack Router with session storage for automatic scroll position saving and restoration:

// Example setup in TanStack Router configuration for scroll restoration
// This is a conceptual demonstration for illustration purposes
router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
  sessionStorage.setItem('previousScrollPosition', window.scrollY);
router.afterEach((to, from) => {
  const savedPosition = sessionStorage.getItem('previousScrollPosition');
  if (savedPosition) {
    window.scrollTo(0, savedPosition);

This approach enhances modularity and encapsulates the scroll restoration logic within the routing lifecycle, promoting cleaner code and reducing side effects.

To mitigate potential performance issues, especially with rapid or frequent scrolling, debounced scroll events can be implemented. This technique minimizes the number of times scroll positions are saved during such actions, reducing the load on the browser's rendering process:

// Debouncing scroll event
let timeout;
window.onscroll = function() {
  timeout = setTimeout(function() {
    sessionStorage.setItem('scrollPosition', window.scrollY);
  }, 100); // Adjust debounce time as needed

The debounced approach ensures that scroll position is stored efficiently, maintaining the application’s performance and responsiveness.

Lastly, adding smooth scroll effects when restoring the scroll position enhances the user experience, making navigation feel more natural and less jarring. Modifying the scroll restoration to include a smooth behavior is a simple but effective way to elevate the navigational feel of an SPA:

function restoreSmoothScroll(savedPosition) {
        top: savedPosition,
        behavior: 'smooth'

This implementation showcases the flexibility of TanStack Router in incorporating enhanced UX features, allowing developers to deliver a polished and intuitive navigational experience.

Advanced Techniques for Custom Scroll Restoration

Catering to complex SPA structures requires a nuanced approach to custom scroll restoration, particularly when managing dynamic content loading or intricate multi-level navigation schemes. Leveraging TanStack Router's API for manual scroll position management offers a rich playground for developers to customize and optimize user experience. A pivotal advanced technique involves interacting directly with the Router's lifecycle events, capturing scroll positions just before navigation away from a page and restoring them once the page is re-visited.

// Example of manual scroll position capture and restoration
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  if (sessionStorage.getItem('savedPosition')) {
    window.scrollTo(0, parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('savedPosition'), 10));

  window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
    sessionStorage.setItem('savedPosition', window.scrollY.toString());

In scenarios involving dynamic content, where the content length might change after initial load, ensuring accurate scroll restoration becomes more complex. Here, the ability to defer scroll restoration until after dynamic content has fully loaded is invaluable. This can be achieved by integrating TanStack Router's navigation events with asynchronous loading indicators, providing a holistic method to manage scroll position accurately, irrespective of content dynamism.

async function handleNavigationEnd() {
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); // Simulate dynamic content loading
  const savedPosition = sessionStorage.getItem('savedPosition');
  if (savedPosition) {
    window.scrollTo(0, parseInt(savedPosition, 10));

Multi-level navigation presents another layer of complexity, as scroll positions need to be maintained across different hierarchies of content. Using TanStack Router, developers can construct a layered scroll position storage mechanism, where each navigation state is treated distinctly, allowing for granular control over scroll restoration across varied navigation paths. This involves keeping a stack or tree structure in session storage, keyed by route paths, to manage scroll positions efficiently.

Incorporating smooth scroll effects into the restoration process not only addresses functional requirements but also enhances the aesthetic and user experience. Implementing smooth scrolling with custom restoration logic requires intercepting the default scroll behavior and smoothly transitioning to the saved position. This can be done by utilizing the window.scrollTo method with the {behavior: 'smooth'} option, a simple yet powerful way to visually enhance navigation.

function restoreSmoothScroll(savedPosition) {
    top: savedPosition,
    behavior: 'smooth'

Ultimately, advanced scroll restoration techniques in SPAs using TanStack Router demand a deliberate blend of strategic logic implementation and a deep understanding of the navigation lifecycle. By tailoring solutions to the specific challenges of dynamic content and multi-level navigation while maintaining performance and user experience, developers can craft seamless and intuitive navigational structures, affirming the power and flexibility of TanStack Router in sophisticated SPA development scenarios.

Overcoming Common Pitfalls in Scroll Restoration

One common pitfall in the implementation of scroll restoration in SPAs is incorrect restoration timing, particularly in applications where content is dynamically loaded. Developers often attempt to restore the scroll position immediately after navigation, which doesn't account for the time needed to load content. This can lead to a scenario where the scroll position is restored to a state that doesn't yet exist, giving an unsettling experience to the user. The correct approach involves waiting for all relevant data and content to load before attempting to restore the scroll. This can be achieved by leveraging promises or async/await for fetching data and then restoring the scroll position.

async function handleNavigationChange() {
    await fetchData(); // Fetch necessary data for the new view
    // After data is fetched and view is updated,
    // restore the scroll position.
    const savedPosition = sessionStorage.getItem('scrollPosition');
    if (savedPosition) {
        window.scrollTo(0, parseInt(savedPosition, 10));

Mismanaged state is another significant pitfall. Some developers store the scroll positions directly in the component state or in contexts without considering the lifecycle of these components during SPA navigation, leading to either loss of the scroll state or incorrect restorations. A more robust solution uses sessionStorage or localStorage for persisting scroll positions across page navigations, ensuring that the scroll position is maintained no matter the component lifecycle states.

window.onbeforeunload = () => {
    sessionStorage.setItem('scrollPosition', window.scrollY);

Additionally, many developers overlook user-initiated scroll actions, such as manual scrolling after navigation. Restoring scroll position without considering whether the user has manually scrolled can result in frustrating experiences where the page suddenly jumps to a pre-stored scroll position long after the user thought they had control. To mitigate this, you might add a brief timeout after navigation to restore the scroll position, and if user-initiated scrolling is detected within this period, you can cancel the restoration.

let userHasScrolled = false;
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
    userHasScrolled = true;

setTimeout(() => {
    if (!userHasScrolled) {
        window.scrollTo(0, sessionStorage.getItem('scrollPosition'));
}, 1000); // Adjust timeout based on your application's needs

Finally, a challenging aspect that often gets missed is handling scroll restoration across different devices with varying screen sizes and orientations. This requires not only saving the scroll position but perhaps also factors like the screen size or even the specific element in view. Solving this might involve creating a more complex state object to save, including these additional parameters, and making decisions on scroll restoration based on this data.

window.onbeforeunload = () => {
    const state = {
        scrollPosition: window.scrollY,
        screenSize: {
            width: window.innerWidth,
            height: window.innerHeight
    sessionStorage.setItem('scrollState', JSON.stringify(state));

By addressing these common pitfalls with the suggested approaches, developers can significantly improve the user experience in their SPAs, making navigation feel both seamless and intuitive.

Enhancing User Experience with Optimized Scroll Restoration

Optimized scroll restoration transcends mere functionality by significantly enhancing the user experience in single page applications (SPAs). A critical aspect of this optimization involves minimizing layout shifts and ensuring that the performance remains high during the restoration process. Developers can achieve this by preemptively managing the Document Object Model (DOM) updates and avoiding synchronous layout queries, which are notorious for causing reflows and repaints. By restoring the scroll position before making any changes to the visibility of off-screen content, developers can facilitate a smoother transition for the user, avoiding jarring jumps and maintaining a seamless flow as users navigate through the application.

Another sophisticated strategy involves integrating scroll restoration with page transition animations. This approach not only restores the user's position but does so in a way that feels intentional and part of a cohesive user journey. Employing CSS transitions or JavaScript animation libraries can make scroll restoration appear as a natural part of the page's lifecycle, rather than a disruptive action. For instance, a developer might choose to restore the scroll position with a slight delay as an element fades into view, creating a more engaging and less disorienting experience.

In discussing best practices, it's paramount that developers consider the overall impact of scroll restoration techniques on the application's accessibility. Innovations that enhance visual transitions and improve performance should not impede the experience for users relying on keyboard navigation or screen readers. As such, ensuring that custom scroll behaviors are predictable and do not interfere with the standard navigation aids provided by browsers is essential. This includes testing with various assistive technologies and adhering to web standards that promote inclusivity.

A thought-provoking idea for developers might be to explore how scroll restoration can be dynamically tailored to each user’s interaction pattern. For example, analyzing the speed of the scroll or the duration of the visit on a specific section before navigating away could offer invaluable insights. This data could then be used to adjust the smooth scrolling effect's speed during restoration, creating a customized user experience that intuitively aligns with the user’s browsing habits.

Lastly, while enhancing the user experience through optimized scroll restoration, it's critical to continuously measure and refine based on real-world usage. This involves not only monitoring performance metrics but also gathering user feedback to understand how these optimizations impact their interaction with the SPA. Iterating based on this feedback ensures that scroll restoration contributes positively to the user journey, making the navigation within the SPA feel natural, intuitive, and user-centric.


This article explores the implementation of scroll restoration in JavaScript Single Page Applications (SPAs) using TanStack Router. It discusses the unique challenges faced by SPAs in managing scroll positions and provides insights into implementing advanced techniques with TanStack Router. Key takeaways include understanding the shift in scroll behavior with SPAs, leveraging TanStack Router's built-in functionality for scroll restoration, and overcoming common pitfalls. The article also suggests an advanced technique involving manual scroll position management and offers tips for enhancing the user experience through optimized scroll restoration. As a task, the reader is encouraged to experiment with dynamic content loading and multi-level navigation to optimize scroll restoration in their own SPA.

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