Implementing Micro-Frontends with Angular and Module Federation

Anton Ioffe - November 23rd 2023 - 11 minutes read

As we usher in an era of increased complexity in web development, the traditional monoliths give way to more dynamic and agile approaches tailor-fitted for modern enterprises. In this exploration, we dive deep into the cutting-edge union of Angular and Module Federation—a symbiosis empowering developers to craft scalable micro-frontend architectures poised to revolutionize the granularity with which we build, deploy, and maintain our web applications. From strategizing domain-driven design to mastering inter-component communication and state management, this article is your compass in navigating the intricate maze of efficient micro-frontend implementations. Join us as we unravel the nuanced blueprint; whether you're seeking to fortify your existing Angular skills or pioneer next-generation digital platforms, you'll emerge with an invaluable toolkit polished for today's and tomorrow's web battleground.

Architecting Scalable Micro-Frontends with Angular and Module Federation

Micro-frontends fundamentally alter the landscape of web application development by decomposing monolithic applications into smaller, autonomously developed pieces that can be assembled into a cohesive experience. Angular, widely respected for its structure and scalability, serves as a vital ecosystem for deploying micro-frontends effectively. The concept of Module Federation comes to the forefront in this context, offering a robust framework for integrating discrete Angular applications, allowing them to operate as unified yet independent units. With this architecture, it becomes feasible to scale specific parts of an application, cater to distinct business domains, and empower teams to develop and deploy with greater speed and isolation.

By structuring codebases into smaller, compartmentalized units, Module Federation enables development workloads to be scaled according to the demands of individual features or services, without the overhead that typically accompanies large, interconnected codebases. This framework supports growth by enabling different teams to work on different segments of the ecosystem independently, thus facilitating a modular and more maintainable code architecture.

Team autonomy is significantly enhanced through module federation, which allows independent teams to oversee the full lifecycle of their domains, from development to deployment. This autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and can accelerate development cycles, as teams can update or fix their code without excessive cross-team coordination or waiting for a monolithic application release cycle.

Despite these advantages, Module Federation introduces complexity concerning integration and consistent user interface design. While it simplifies sharing libraries and components among federated units, crafting a unified user experience across micro-frontends is a challenge that requires deliberate design and governance. Clear APIs and shared design standards must be established, complemented by robust integration testing strategies to ensure seamless functionality of independently developed components in production.

Micro-frontends with Module Federation in Angular projects are geared towards enterprises needing to segment large applications into manageable sections, allowing for quicker development cycles, specialized teams, and an adaptable architecture. The strategic implementation of this model necessitates a diligent approach to design, communication, and testing, and it must be carefully considered to ensure alignment with overarching business objectives and the competences of the development teams.

Devising an Angular Micro-Frontend Strategy with Module Federation

When embarking on a journey with Angular micro-frontends, careful consideration must be given to the delineation of domain boundaries. This involves a deep understanding of the business logic and separating concerns in such a way that each micro-frontend encapsulates a distinct domain of functionality. Identifying these boundaries isn't merely a technical exercise but also revolves around organizational structures—consider the Conway's Law which posits that systems mirror the communication structure of the organizations that create them. Deciding the scope of individual micro-frontends projects should align with teams’ expertise and their responsibility areas, enabling more focused development efforts and simplified maintenance.

Module Federation plays a pivotal role in the realization of such a strategy by providing the necessary infrastructure for coupling and decoupling Angular applications dynamically. Unlike traditional monolithic single-page applications that often require a full build and deployment cycle for updates, Module Federation enables teams to deploy updates to their micro-frontends independently. This independence offers a significant advantage for continuous delivery practices as it allows for more rapid iterations and deployment of features, fixes, and updates. Consequently, the system's resilience is bolstered, as the scope of change is limited to a single, isolated micro-frontend rather than the entire application.

Implementing this approach has a profound impact on project structure and team workflows. Micro-frontends require a shift toward a more modular codebase, where shared utilities are carefully managed, and the potential for duplication is closely monitored. Interfaces between micro-frontends should be designed with an emphasis on backward compatibility and robustness to prevent disruptions in areas of the application that depend on them. This drives the need for well-defined public APIs and disciplined versioning practices to ensure smooth integration between the micro-frontends.

Continuous delivery is greatly enhanced by adopting Module Federation with micro-frontends, as it minimizes bottlenecks associated with monolithic release processes. However, this does not come without its challenges. The increase in autonomous deployments requires a robust continuous integration (CI) system that can handle multiple, possibly concurrent, deployment pipelines. This CI system should include a comprehensive suite of tests that cover both isolated micro-frontends and their interactions within the larger ecosystem to maintain the integrity of the application.

Having articulated the benefits, it's paramount to engage in a conversation about the implications of switching to micro-frontends. How will this approach affect the existing continuous integration and deployment strategies? Are new roles needed within teams to manage the life cycle of these more granular deployments? Will the increased independence of teams accelerate feature development in alignment with business goals? Offering room to contemplate these questions helps solidify the understanding of the strategic shift that adopting micro-frontends represents.

Designing and Configuring the Module Federation Architecture

When integrating Module Federation with Angular, the primary step involves configuring the Webpack Module Federation Plugin comprehensively. For the shell application, the plugin serves as a host configuration, determining which remotes it will consume. Whereas, for each micro-frontend, the plugin defines the exposed modules that can be loaded by a host. Let's examine the shell's webpack.config.js and how to incorporate Module Federation specifics. It's crucial to declare the name of the host, an exposes block to share modules, the remotes block to specify micro-frontends, and shared libraries to avoid duplication. Critically, this configuration dictates the robustness of the host-remote communication and impacts application performance due to duplicate dependencies or version mismatches.

The micro-frontends, or remotes, follow a similar configuration pattern with their webpack.config.js files. Distinct from the host, the remote config defines the application as a name that the host will recognize and a list of exposes modules, which are essentially the contract this micro-frontend is offering to the ecosystem. For optimal performance, it's advisable to expose only necessary modules and carefully manage shared dependencies to prevent bloating.

Configuring dynamic remotes offers the flexibility to have deployment environments with unique URLs without rebuilding the application. By merely updating an endpoint configuration, the hosting shell can point to different remote versions—staging or production—for example. Conversely, static remotes demand recompilation upon changes, limiting rapid deployment benefits. The pros of dynamic imports include controlled deployment and ease of updates, while the cons involve additional complexity, as you must ensure runtime stability and handle asynchronous loading within the Angular shell’s routing mechanism.

Furthermore, integrating Module Federation with Angular's infrastructure demands a bespoke approach, especially when intertwining with the Angular CLI and Router. Adjusting the auto-generated CLI webpack configurations necessitates additional overrides to enable Module Federation. Angular's lazy loading capabilities paired with the dynamic remote loading produce a seamless experience, mimicking the standard lazy loading of Angular modules, but fetching these modules from remote locations. Thus, developers can enjoy Angular’s development benefits while architecting a micro-frontend strategy.

As developers journey through configuring Module Federation for Angular, common missteps include underestimating the decision between static and dynamic remotes, neglecting optimal chunking of shared bundles, and overlooking mismatched version management among shared libraries. Address these by scrutinizing the use case for static versus dynamic remote choice, meticulously defining shared bundles to facilitate caching and update strategies, and employing a deliberate version alignment for shared dependencies. Reflect on how these configuration choices align with your overarching architectural goals—are you optimising for maximum independence between teams, or is your primary aim to ensure high consistency across deployments?

Development Best Practices for Angular Micro-Frontends

When adopting micro-frontends in Angular, it's crucial to apply best practices that streamline development and maintenance. One significant consideration is the sharing of code among various micro-frontends. Using shared modules or singleton services does enhance consistency and reduce code duplication; however, this must be balanced against the complexity it introduces, particularly in version management. A singleton approach means that updating a shared module requires close synchronization across all consuming micro-frontends to prevent runtime issues. Conversely, versioned shared modules offer more autonomy but may lead to increased bundle sizes due to multiple versions shipped to the client.

Careful dependency management is paramount to avoid conflicts that may arise from differing versions of libraries used by micro-frontends. The Module Federation Plugin facilitates this by enabling specification of singleton or shared scopes for libraries. Although it is tempting to share as much as possible to minimize the codebase size, often it is advisable to keep each micro-frontend's dependencies isolated. This aids in autonomous deployment and minimizes the risk of breaking changes impacting multiple parts of the application.

Implementing Angular's dependency injection system thoughtfully is essential in a micro-frontend architecture. While Angular's hierarchical injector system provides a robust means for the reuse of service instances, when working with distributed micro-frontends, one must ensure that services vital for cross-app communication are adequately scoped. For instance, a singleton user authentication service could be orchestrated to work across micro-frontends, ensuring that user state is consistent, while also allowing individual micro-frontends to possess their own instance of more localized services.

To harness the full benefits of Module Federation, developers need to construct a precise sharing strategy aligning with application needs. Sharing Angular core and common libraries as singletons is beneficial but additional libraries should be assessed critically. For those libraries, semver (Semantic Versioning) range syntax can be beneficial, allowing micro-frontends to leverage minor updates and patches without requiring simultaneous updates across the federation.

Lastly, always include integration tests that cover all shared behavior amongst the micro-frontends. With runtime integration, moved dependencies can result in unexpected behaviors where comprehensive testing will be your safeguard. Building a robust automation suite ensures that shared components work perfectly when consumed in different contexts. Automated testing must simulate a real-world scenario where different versions of micro-frontends coexist, to guarantee that new deployments do not disrupt the existing ecosystem.

These practices collectively promote a healthy, maintainable, and scalable micro-frontend architecture, driving the effectiveness of distributed front-end development teams and systems.

Achieving Performant Communication and State Management

In micro-frontend architectures, efficient communication between various micro-frontends is essential for performance. One way to implement cross-micro-frontend messaging is through event-driven interactions. For instance, Angular developers can make use of a shared EventEmitter service that allows different parts of the application to subscribe and listen for events. This strategy decouples the micro-frontends, enhancing modularity and easing event management.

// Shared EventEmitter service
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class EventService {
    private eventEmitter = new EventEmitter<any>();

    emitEvent(data: any) {

    get events$() {
        return this.eventEmitter.asObservable();

Micro-frontends can subscribe to this service to react to shared events, contributing to a reactive and performant application.

// In a micro-frontend$.subscribe(data => {
    // Handle the event

When considering state management, Angular developers can choose from several libraries. NgRx is one option, offering robust patterns and tooling with some cost to complexity. It leverages an Observable store and effects for handling side effects, which may prove beneficial for larger applications demanding refined state management.

// Simple NgRx action and selector
export const loadItems = createAction('[Items] Load Items');
export const selectItems = createSelector(state => state.items);

On the other side, solutions like NGXS or Akita provide a more straightforward approach, potentially improving readability but leaving developers with fewer patterns and less tooling compared to NgRx. These libraries often come with a simpler API surface and can improve the developer experience at the expense of lesser out-of-the-box tools for complex asynchronous flows.

Performance in micro-frontends also depends on memory and resource utilization. Implementing lazy loading for state management modules ensures these resources are only consumed when required. Within Angular, using the providedIn feature to scope services to lazy-loaded modules can significantly optimize memory use.

    providedIn: 'any' // Indicates the injector is the NgModule injector for a lazy-loaded module
export class StateManagementService {
    // ...

However, developers must be cautious about duplication in event and state services across micro-frontends. While these abstractions simplify communication, they can lead to memory leaks if subscribers do not properly unsubscribe when components are destroyed. It is critical to implement lifecycle hooks to unsubscribe and clean up resources, ensuring performant and memory-efficient applications.

// Correct unsubscribing pattern
 ngOnDestroy() {

Have you evaluated performance bottlenecks in your application caused by improper state or event management? What strategies have you found most effective in maintaining optimal performance within your micro-frontends?

Resolving Common Pitfalls in Angular Micro-Frontend Implementation

One common pitfall in Angular micro-frontends is improper route configuration when integrating the main application with remote applications. A mistake could be defining overly generic routes in the shell application, which can lead to unexpected behavior or conflicts.

Erroneous Approach:

// In shell app's routing module
const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '**', loadChildren: () => import('mfe1/Module').then(m => m.FooModule) }

Correct Counterpart:

// In shell app's routing module
const routes: Routes = [
    { path: 'foo', loadChildren: () => import('mfe1/Module').then(m => m.FooModule) },
    { path: 'bar', loadChildren: () => import('mfe2/Module').then(m => m.BarModule) }

Another issue is inefficient lazy loading of modules, which can negatively influence the performance of the application.

Erroneous Approach:

// Eagerly loading a remote module
import { FooModule } from 'mfe1/Module';

  imports: [FooModule],
export class AppModule { }

Correct Counterpart:

// Correct lazy loading within routes
const routes: Routes = [
    { path: 'foo', loadChildren: () => import('mfe1/Module').then(m => m.FooModule) }

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
export class AppModule { }

Namespace collisions can occur when multiple micro-frontends define components or services with the same name, leading to unpredictable runtime errors or component overrides.

Erroneous Approach:

// In Micro-Frontend 1
  selector: 'app-shared-component',
  template: `...`,
export class SharedComponent { }

// In Micro-Frontend 2 (Collision)
  selector: 'app-shared-component',
  template: `...`,
export class SharedComponent { }

Correct Counterpart:

// In Micro-Frontend 1
  selector: 'mfe1-shared-component',
  template: `...`,
export class MFE1SharedComponent { }

// In Micro-Frontend 2
  selector: 'mfe2-shared-component',
  template: `...`,
export class MFE2SharedComponent { }

Lastly, component reuse blunders can undermine the independence of micro-frontends, resulting in tight coupling where changes in a shared component could necessitate modifications across multiple micro-frontends.

Erroneous Approach:

// Shared component directly imported and used in multiple micro-frontends
import { SharedComponent } from 'commons/SharedComponent';

  declarations: [SharedComponent],
export class FooModule { }

Correct Counterpart:

// Shared component exposed through Module Federation's exposes array and lazily loaded.
// In webpack.config.js of the commons package
module.exports = {
    // ...
    exposes: {
        './SharedComponent': './src/app/components/shared/shared.component.ts',
    // ...

Are developers effectively balancing component granularity and reusability, ensuring they avoid tight coupling while capitalizing on the benefits of a distributed architecture? Could evolving business logic necessitate a shift in how modules interact with each other, and are systems in place to keep this evolution maintainable and scalable? These are the kind of questions developers ought to consider to future-proof their micro-frontend architectures.


In this article, we explore the implementation of micro-frontends using Angular and Module Federation. This approach allows developers to decompose monolithic applications into smaller, independently developed pieces that can be seamlessly integrated into a unified user experience. The article covers topics such as domain-driven design, inter-component communication, state management, and best practices for scalable micro-frontend architectures. A challenging task for the reader is to evaluate the performance bottlenecks in their own application caused by improper state or event management and implement strategies to optimize performance within their micro-frontends.

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