How to implement WhatsApp Integration with Haptik

Anton Ioffe - October 31st 2023 - 7 minutes read

In the evolving landscape of modern web development, WhatsApp Business API integration has become a cornerstone for enhancing business communication. This resourceful article illuminates how Haptik, a conversational AI platform, leverages WhatsApp's robust functionalities to maximize efficient business communication, CRM integration, and seamless payment solutions. We also dive deep into the power of knowledge management systems when combined with chatbots, and how live agent platforms can upgrade your business communication. Buckle up and prepare for a deep dive into redefining the paradigms of user interaction and customer engagement through the lens of javascript and Haptik integration.

Understanding the Essence of WhatsApp Business API Integration

The WhatsApp Business API, initiated by Facebook in 2018, is a powerful tool designed to revolutionize automated, large-scale interactions between businesses and their customers. Infused with integrations to various third-party applications and analytics, an interactive user interface (UI), and multi-agent administration capabilities, it offers an expansion of the features provided by traditional WhatsApp accounts.

A universally used programming language, JavaScript plays a pivotal role in successfully managing these API interactions to thereby enhance overall customer experience. At the juncture of JavaScript and the WhatsApp Business API, we find the power of Haptik's platform, which leverages the API to its full potential.

const axios = require('axios');

const sendMessage = async (message, recipient) => {
    const config = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer your-token-goes-here'

    const body = {
        recipient: {
            id: recipient
        message: {
            text: message

    try {
        const response = await'', body, config);
        console.log(`Message sent: ${}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Error sending message: ${error}`);

sendMessage('Hello, Business API!', 'recipientId');

To illustrate a practical use of the WhatsApp Business API, consider a scenario where a business wishes to notify a customer of a shipping update via WhatsApp. The above code example showcases how such a scenario would be implemented using JavaScript, with axios sending HTTP POST requests to WhatsApp's API endpoint.

While we will be continuing our exploration with JavaScript, the code example below utilizes Node.js - a runtime environment that executes JavaScript outside of a web browser. It demonstrates how Haptik's library, HaptikLib, interacts with the WhatsApp API directly, making it easy to send messages once initiated with the appropriate client credentials.

const HaptikLib = require('haptik-lib');

let haptik = new HaptikLib({
    client_id: 'your-client-id',
    client_secret: 'your-client-secret'

haptik.init().then(() => {
    // Send a message using the library
    haptik.sendMessage('recipient', 'message-text').then(response => {
    }).catch(error => {
}).catch(error => {

By leveraging Haptik's extensive features and efficient JavaScript techniques, businesses can establish an enhanced communication channel with their clients. This results in a refined and interactive customer engagement experience on the trusted chat platform, WhatsApp. The combination of JavaScript, WhatsApp Business API, and Haptik ensures fruitful and reliable communication with customers, further bridging the gap between businesses and their clientele.

WhatsApp CRM Integration: A Seamless Connection with Haptik

Integrating WhatsApp chatbots with CRM systems has proven advantageous for businesses as it enhances customer experience while streamlining communication and bolstering sales. By coupling CRM platforms like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Freshdesk with the power of Haptik's WhatsApp CRM integration, businesses can leverage customer-centric strategies to improve their overall performance.

CRM integration with WhatsApp offers a plethora of benefits. From nurturing leads through the sales funnel with personalized content to automating order tracking and follow-ups. Other benefits include improved internal communications, gathering customer feedback, and keyword-based actions automation. Businesses can also achieve audience segmentation for tailored messaging, while simultaneously initiating conversations and developing workflow-based drip marketing campaigns that lead to greater efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Before embarking on the integration journey, it's essential to note some prerequisites. Successful integration with Haptik requires a registered account on the chosen CRM platform and a Haptik bot to facilitate the process. It's also crucial to ensure that the CRM platform is compatible with Haptik's integration capabilities, and that API credentials or keys from both Haptik and the CRM platform are available. Proper objectives and desired outcomes should be defined before initiating the integration.

The integration process itself is straightforward. Begin by signing in to your Haptik account and selecting the bot you wish to connect with your CRM system. Navigate to the Conversation Studio, choose your preferred CRM platform, and enter the required information into the fields. After double-checking the data, activate the integration with a simple toggle of the "Active" button. Haptik's team of experts handles all technical aspects of the process, ensuring a seamless and successful integration between your WhatsApp and CRM platforms. This way, Haptik acts as a bridge that multiple leading CRM platforms can use for improved customer interactions via WhatsApp.

Power Boosting your Chatbot with WhatsApp and Knowledge Management Systems

Integrating WhatsApp chatbots with Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) brings a host of innovative advantages to user interactions. The integration enables the chatbot to effectively address simple user queries by drawing from a centralized knowledge reservoir, delivering relevant and efficient responses. Unlike basic search tools with limited capabilities, chatbots with integrated KMS can interpret a diverse range of queries to deliver accurate results. This caters to an enhanced user experience, providing around-the-clock support through diverse channels, and marking major strides towards reducing call escalations.

Haptik, known for its seamless and hassle-free support solutions, offers a robust platform for such integration mechanisms. Packed with dynamic capabilities, it forms a deep integration with KMS providers like Freshdesk, intuitively suggesting the most relevant content to users from the knowledge base. This ability to learn and adapt, coupled with an interactive and ubiquitous presence, makes Haptik’s WhatsApp chatbot a highly sustainable tool in modern customer support systems.

Technical requirements for implementing such a system mainly consist of a registered KMS account and a pre-setup Haptik bot. Post fulfilling these prerequisites, one can initiate the integration from within the Haptik account, choosing the preferred KMS from the ‘Platform Deployments’ tab. To finalize the setup, validate the details before activating the integration setup. Through this, you effectively power boost your chatbot by integrating it with KMS, enhancing user interactions and customer satisfaction.

Interfacing Chatbots with Live Agent Platforms for Enhanced Business Communication

One of the significant advantages of integrating live agents with WhatsApp using chatbots lies in the effortless handling of customer inquiries and information delivery. A WhatsApp chatbot, like the one built by Haptik, functions as the first line of customer service, fielding questions and guiding users interactively. When queries escalate or require a more personalized touch, the chatbot efficiently hands over the conversation to a live agent.

A key feature of Haptik's system is the seamless transition between chatbot support and live agent intervention. The robust handoff procedure ensures that customers don't experience any disruption in the service. The bot keeps a record of the interaction history which the live agent can access. This approach alleviates the issue that can arise during a time interval between the bot's response and agent's intervention. A continuity in interaction is managed, upholding a high level of customer experience.

Haptik's WhatsApp Chatbot Integration with live agents not only streamlines the customer support process but also empowers agents with relevant information. This proactive reveal of customer interaction data helps agents address inquiries more effectively and efficiently. The platform embodies a synergy of human empathy and AI efficiency, producing an enhanced customer satisfaction level.

Implementing this system begins with creating a Haptik bot and having a registered account on the live agent platform of your choice. With these requirements met, you can initiate the integration process on the Live Agent Console. This approach notably echoes the principles of modularity and reusability, as the Haptik bot is a highly versatile element and the integration process can adapt to any live agent platform. Thus, Haptik's WhatsApp chatbot integration exemplifies an optimal utilization of technology for superior business communication.

Realizing the Potential of Payment Gateway Integrations with WhatsApp Chatbots

Today, digitalization is rapidly changing the landscape of business transactions. Surprisingly, the revolution is not just confined to eCommerce platforms or banking apps but extends to popular messaging apps like WhatsApp. Integrating payment gateways with these platforms opens a new frontier in customer convenience, and it's something that Haptik has managed to successfully tap into. The adoption of this solution enables effortlessly smooth transactions, enhancing customer experience while reaping associated benefits such as reduced drop-offs and increased conversion rates.

Haptik's blend of chatbots with payment integrations ensures an uninterrupted shopping expedition, right from product exploration to final purchase. This seamless integration is accomplished with the help of smart skills, technologically advanced features that facilitate transactions within the chat itself. Customers can opt for their preferred payment technique and even receive proactive reminders for recurring payments. This innovative approach fosters loyalty while providing ample room for cross-selling and upselling.

But, what drives Haptik's success in this arena? Undoubtedly, it's the compatibility with major payment gateways like PayU, Razorpay, Stripe, and others. These alliances provide a comprehensive shopping experience, highlighting Haptik's commitment to creating customer convenience. However, to settle this flawless solution into play, certain prerequisites must be satisfied. These include having a pre-existing merchant account with a payment gateway and having a bot set up on Haptik to smooth the payment process.

Indeed, the potential of payment gateway integration with WhatsApp chatbots is quite promising. This blend of superior technology with customer comfort provides an unmatched online shopping experience, leading to enhanced conversion rates and, ultimately, business success. As per Haptik's association with this integration, the journey remains smooth with skilled developers handling the technical aspects of these smart skills and offering expert assistance throughout. This assistance saves time while ascertaining a seamless integration process, implying the journey of approaching this potential remains a cakewalk.


This article explores how WhatsApp integration with Haptik, a conversational AI platform, can revolutionize business communication and enhance customer experience. It discusses the power of JavaScript in managing API interactions and provides code examples for implementing WhatsApp Business API functionalities. The article also highlights the benefits of integrating WhatsApp with CRM systems, knowledge management systems, live agent platforms, and payment gateways. A challenging technical task for readers would be to implement a chatbot with WhatsApp integration and explore its potential applications in their own business.

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