Handling Fonts Efficiently in Next.js 14

Anton Ioffe - November 14th 2023 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, mastering the art of font handling can dramatically uplift user experience while carving out significant performance gains for your Next.js 14 projects. As we dive into the @next/font package, we're peeling back the layers of standard font practices to reveal a treasure trove of optimization techniques that elevate your typography game to new heights. Through this article, you're about to embark on a journey that fluctuates between the precision of font selection and the mastery of efficient loading strategies. Get ready to dissect high-octane code examples, sidestep common typographic missteps, and reshape the way you engage with fonts in your Next.js applications – all with an eye firmly fixed on performance and user-centric design.

Embracing the @next/font Magic in Next.js 14

Font optimization in the realm of modern web development is akin to procuring a fine balance between aesthetics and performance. A well-optimized font strategy improves load times, mitigates layout shifts, and contributes positively to the user experience. Enter Next.js 14's @next/font package: a crafted solution that automatic optimizes and self-hosts fonts, making them a seamless part of your Next.js project. With this advancement, developers are empowered to harness efficiency without sacrificing the design quality that fonts bring to the user interface.

With @next/font, the commonly faced challenge of external font requests—and the associated privacy concerns—are things of the past. By downloading CSS and font files at build time and hosting them alongside other static assets, @next/font essentially removes the need for additional browser requests to external services like Google Fonts. This not only streamlines the process and enhances privacy by eliminating data sharing with third-party font providers but also significantly shaves off precious load time that could impact overall performance.

Another cornerstone feature of @next/font is the automatic use of the CSS size-adjust property. This property adeptly prevents layout shifts during font loading, typically caused by fonts rendering at different sizes before settling into their final form. By addressing this aspect, @next/font contributes to a stable visual experience as users navigate the web application, a critical factor for both retention and SEO rankings.

The package's self-hosting capabilities are not just limited to Google Fonts. @next/font extends its magic to custom fonts as well, lending developers the flexibility to use a vast array of typographic styles while still benefiting from optimized performance. The automation baked into this feature saves developers from the minutiae of manual setup and configuration, making font integration less error-prone and more intuitive.

In the grand scheme of web development, @next/font positions itself as a necessary tool in the ever-evolving landscape where performance battles for priority alongside user privacy. By solving multiple pain points with a unified solution, Next.js fortifies its standing as a forward-thinking framework, and @next/font, as a module, exemplifies how modern web applications can deliver rich, expressive typography without the typical compromise on speed and user trust. Through the lens of @next/font, one can appreciate how Next.js 14 continues to pave avenues for developers to craft experiences that are visually rich yet functionally robust.

Selecting and Implementing Performance-centric Fonts

Selecting the right fonts for your Next.js application is a critical step in aligning brand identity with website performance. Compressed font formats such as WOFF2 must be preferred for their small file sizes and compatibility. Minimalism in font choices—sticking to Regular, Italic, and Bold—avoids bloat from excess font files and reduces the application’s load time.

With @next/font, the integration of Google Fonts respects both performance and user privacy. This module allows you to incorporate Google Fonts and have them automatically self-hosted, with zero external calls during runtime, ensuring faster load times. A performance-centric example with @next/font is as follows:

import { Inter } from 'next/font/google';

export const inter = Inter({
  display: 'swap',
  subsets: ['latin'],
  weights: ['400', '400i', '700'],

When handling custom fonts, @next/font provides an efficient way to load them. Here's an example that demonstrates self-hosting custom fonts and serving them with optimal loading behavior:

import { createFont } from 'next/font';

export const myCustomFont = createFont({
  name: 'MyCustomFont',
  assetPrefix: 'https://my-cdn.com',
/* Your global stylesheet */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyCustomFont';
  src: url('https://my-cdn.com/fonts/my-custom-font.woff2') format('woff2');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

For further performance tuning, subsetting is a valuable method. It involves including only the necessary characters in the font files. To achieve this, @next/font provides tools for optimizing fonts with subsets:

import { Roboto } from 'next/font/google';

export const robotoSubsets = Roboto({
  subsets: ['greek', 'latin'],

Focus on incorporating unicode ranges that are essential for your content. For instance, if your audience primarily reads content in English, exclude characters from other scripts. Remember, every additional character included could add to a file’s size. Testing font rendering across scenarios is essential, as it ensures that typeface selection enhances the experience without compromising performance.

/* Example using unicode-range in @font-face */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyCustomFont';
  src: url('https://my-cdn.com/fonts/my-custom-font.woff2') format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF; /* Only include Latin characters */

Performance tuning is a multidimensional effort that includes not just technical settings, but also strategic design decisions that resonate with your user base.

Best Practices for Efficient Font Loading

To ensure fast and visually stable font loading in your Next.js application, consider preloading key fonts. Preloading is a critical optimization technique, signaling to the browser that a font file is important and should be loaded early in the page life cycle. Implement this by including a link element with rel="preload" and as="font" attributes in the head of your document. This approach can prevent invisible text during the initial load and helps to improve the Core Web Vitals.

For instance:

import Head from 'next/head';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
    return (
            <Component {...pageProps} />

Asynchronous font loading is another practice that enhances performance. Employ the font-display CSS property and set its value to swap. This tells the browser to use a fallback font until the custom font has fully loaded, thus preventing layout shifts and improving perceived performance. When using inline styles or CSS modules, specify the font-display property in your @font-face rule, as shown here:

/* In your CSS or styled-jsx */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'YourFont';
    src: url('/fonts/your-font.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: swap;

While preloading can aid in faster font display, it's important to manage the number of preloaded resources. Excessive preloading can backfire, as it may consume bandwidth and prioritize less critical resources. Carefully evaluate which fonts are essential and preload those that are used above the fold or within critical areas of your page.

Using modern font formats such as WOFF2, which offer compression benefits, can further improve loading times compared to older formats like TTF or OTF. When defining your @font-face, you can start with WOFF2, and provide fallbacks for browsers that may not support it:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'YourFont';
    src: url('/fonts/your-font.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('/fonts/your-font.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: swap;

Lastly, it's also worth considering the font subsets loaded. If your audience is global, deliver subsets appropriate for the user's language, removing unnecessary characters from your fonts. By reducing font size and limiting the character set, you shorten the load times significantly without impacting the user's language needs.

In conclusion, efficient font loading in Next.js benefits from preloading critical fonts, asynchronous loading with font-display: swap, prudent use of preload resources, selecting modern compressed font formats, and optimizing font subsets. By applying these best practices, you provide a robust foundation for both performance and visual appeal in your application. Have you analyzed your font loading strategy lately? Could integrating any of the aforementioned tips produce a noticeable improvement in your Core Web Vitals?

Handling Multiple Fonts with Grace and Performance

Incorporating multiple fonts into a Next.js 14 web application can enhance its aesthetic appeal but it also introduces complexity regarding performance. When each additional font is akin to a new volume in the library, it is crucial to be judicious in font selection. Too many font files can lead to increased HTTP requests and heavier page loads, potentially deteriorating user experience. Developers must scrutinize the cost/benefit ratio for each font choice, considering that the visual diversity gained must justify the potential drop in performance.

To handle this elegantly, developer discretion is key. Use fonts that serve distinct purposes and avoid redundancy. For example, a display font for headings can be paired with a readable body font, providing visual hierarchy without overloading the application. Utilize font loading strategies wisely, opting for a single font-face declaration imported in a shared file to prevent duplication across components. This approach minimizes the number of font file requests, as shown in this code sample:

import { MyCustomFont } from './fonts';

export default function MyApp() {
    return <style jsx global>{`
        @font-face {
            font-family: 'MyCustomFont';
            src: url(${MyCustomFont});
            font-weight: normal;
            font-style: normal;

Next.js 14 offers an improved font loading strategy by automatically preloading key fonts which are crucial to render the above-the-fold content. This capability should be used sparingly—limit to priority fonts essential for initial content rendering to avoid straining the network. Memory consumption also plays a crucial role when managing fonts, as each font adds to the application's memory footprint. Apply performance testing to ensure that the inclusion of multiple fonts does not lead to excessive memory usage which could hamper the application's responsiveness.

Common coding mistakes involve importing fonts into multiple components separately, which leads to unnecessary bloat and repetition in the compiled code. Instead, centralize the font imports, as previously exemplified. Moreover, when choosing variable fonts, developers often overlook the fact that unnecessary axes of variation can be stripped to reduce file sizes significantly. Employing the following adjusted strategy exemplifies the correct use:

import { createFont } from 'next/font';

export const myVariableFont = createFont({
    family: 'MyVariableFont',
    axes: {
        weight: [400, 700], // Only include the essential weights

export default myVariableFont;

Lastly, maintain a sense of proportion with the use of font sizes, styles, and weights. Reducing the number of font variations to the minimum can drastically cut down on the volume of font data needed, without significantly impoverishing the design. It's a challenging balance to strike, and asking oneself whether a font adds meaningful visual information or merely contributes to aesthetic noise can guide more efficient font usage decisions.

Pitfalls, Missteps, and Overcoming Common Font-related Errors

One common misstep in handling fonts in Next.js applications is improper font formatting in CSS. Developers might forget that the font-family declaration must match the custom font's name exactly as it is defined within the @font-face rule. Misnaming a font can cause the browser to fall back to a default font, which will likely disrupt the intended design. Here's an incorrect example:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'CustomFont';
    src: url('/fonts/CustomFont-Regular.woff2') format('woff2');

body {
    font-family: CustomFont, sans-serif; // Incorrect: missing quotes

To resolve this issue, ensure the font name is wrapped in quotes to avoid any conflicts, like so:

body {
    font-family: 'CustomFont', sans-serif; // Correct: with quotes

Inefficient font loading is another trap that developers may fall into. While eager-loading all fonts might seem like a solution, it can substantially add to the page load time. Developers should leverage the font-display descriptor to ensure text remains visible during font loading, avoiding the dreaded Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT). An inefficient approach:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'CustomFont';
    src: url('/fonts/CustomFont-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-display: block; // Causes FOIT

Instead, use font-display: swap; or similar to improve content visibility and user experience:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'CustomFont';
    src: url('/fonts/CustomFont-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-display: swap; // Better user experience

Suboptimal usage of cascading style sheets can also lead to performance bottlenecks. A frequent coding mistake is declaring font faces within component-level style sheets. This can cause redundant code and hinder performance. The incorrect method would be like declaring @font-face rules in multiple components.

To streamline performance, consolidate font declarations in a global stylesheet. This promotes reusability and reduces unnecessary code duplication:

// In a global styles.css file:
@font-face {
    font-family: 'CustomFont';
    src: url('/fonts/CustomFont-Regular.woff2') format('woff2');

Are your font-loading strategies keeping your initial render times in check? Have you audited your codebase for unnecessary font declarations that could be consolidated for efficiency? Reflect on your current font management approach in Next.js and explore how optimized your font handling truly is.


Summary: The article "Handling Fonts Efficiently in Next.js 14" explores the benefits of using the @next/font package in Next.js 14 for efficient font handling. It discusses how @next/font optimizes and self-hosts fonts, eliminating the need for external font requests and improving performance. The article includes best practices for font selection and implementation, such as using compressed font formats, subsetting fonts, and preloading key fonts. It also highlights the importance of handling multiple fonts with care to avoid performance issues. The article challenges readers to evaluate their font loading strategy, manage font imports, and consider the impact of font choices on performance and user experience.

Task: Evaluate your current font loading strategy in your web application and consider implementing preloading techniques, asynchronous font loading with font-display: swap, and consolidating font imports in a global stylesheet. Assess the impact of your font choices on performance and user experience, and make adjustments accordingly.

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