Handling Animations with Hooks in React 18

Anton Ioffe - November 18th 2023 - 10 minutes read

In the pixel-perfect world of modern web development, animations serve as the cornerstone of engaging user experiences, seamlessly guiding interactions and mesmerizing users with fluid motion. This demand for slick, non-disruptive animations necessitates mastery of the tools provided by React 18, tools built to effortlessly weave animation into the fabric of your applications. In this article, we decode the sophisticated dance of animation hooks—delving into the choreography of useTransition, orchestrating complex states with useReducer and useSpring, refining movement with useEffect, and crafting our custom hooks with such finesse that your components will pirouette across devices. Whether you're looking to iron out the kinks in your animation logic or create a reusable library of animation magic, join us as we explore the advanced techniques and common missteps that even skilled developers face in the quest for animation excellence.

Making the Most of useTransition for Smooth Animations

The useTransition hook in React 18 is fundamentally geared towards creating smooth, non-blocking UI experiences by managing state updates and animations in a concurrent manner. Grasping the underlying mechanics of this hook is crucial. It delivers a startTransition function and an isPending state, where the former wraps the state updates linked to animations. By doing so, useTransition allows these updates to be interrupted by urgent tasks, thus sustaining the user interface's reactiveness.

When implementing animations, concurrency plays a vital role in maintaining fluidity. High-performing animations are key to user experience but they can be resource-intense. useTransition mitigates potential jank by delegating non-urgent renders to the browser's idle time. This ensures urgent updates, like those based on user interactions, take precedence, allowing animations to progress unimpeded, showing the users a more responsive interface even when the application is heavy on computations.

Real-world usage of useTransition for animations often involves transitioning the visual state. For instance, consider a dynamic list where items enter and exit. Wrapping the state changes for item visibility within startTransition ensures that the updates will be smooth and the animations won’t stutter even if a new item is quickly added or removed.

const [isToggled, setToggle] = useState(false);
const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();

const toggleContent = () => {
    startTransition(() => {
        setToggle(t => !t);

return (
        {isPending && <span>Loading...</span>}
        <button onClick={toggleContent}>Toggle Content</button>
        {isToggled && <Content />}

In this example, Content would be the component representing the animated items, where CSS or JavaScript animations could smoothly show or hide them. The isPending state could be used to render a fallback UI, indicating progress, further enhancing the user experience during heavy updates.

To really make the most of useTransition, it’s important to understand its use cases and potential performance implications. It's not a silver bullet for all rendering issues but aligns perfectly with scenarios where non-blocking animations are crucial. The key to leveraging useTransition effectively is in thoughtful implementation—anticipating when and where to prioritize user interactions and opting for concurrency to manage those less essential state updates that trigger animations. By incorporating useTransition thoughtfully, developers can create a compelling user experience characterized by smooth transitions and high responsiveness.

Simplifying Animation Logic with useReducer and useSpring

Managing complex animation states in React can become unwieldy when using useState alone, particularly as the number of states multiplies. In comparison, useReducer offers a scalable alternative that simplifies state logic, enhancing maintainability and readability. When paired with react-spring, a spring-physics based animation library, useReducer sets the stage for articulate and performance-optimized animation control.

Consider the case where an animation involves multiple states, such as toggling between a sequence of components, each with its own entrance and exit animation. Using useState, you would have to manage several individual state setters, which escalates in complexity as new animations are added. However, useReducer consolidates this logic into a single dispatch function, promoting clear structured state transitions. This not only improves readability but also centralizes animation logic, paving the way for consistency and easier debugging.

import { useReducer } from 'react';
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring';

const initialState = { opacity: 0, color: 'green' };

function reducer(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'fadeIn':
            return { ...state, opacity: 1 };
        case 'changeColor':
            return { ...state, color: 'red' };
        case 'reset':
            return initialState;
            throw new Error();

function AnimatedComponent() {
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
    const props = useSpring(state);

    return (
        <animated.div style={props}>
            // Content...

In the above snippet, we define an initialState and a reducer function to handle the different animation states. useSpring then maps the state to a spring animation, which is inherently optimized for performance due to its physics-based calculations that avoid unnecessary re-rendering.

Moreover, from a performance perspective, useReducer in combination with react-spring allows for batching of updates. Instead of triggering multiple re-renders for each state change, useReducer queues them, and react-spring takes it from there—animating the queued changes in one efficient transition, ensuring minimal performance impact.

In conclusion, the amalgamation of useReducer and react-spring brings forth a declarative approach to handling complex animation states. It lowers the overhead of managing numerous stateful variables and induces a structured narrative into your animation logic. The result is neat, performant, and a more manageable codebase, which is especially noticeable in large-scale applications where animations play a key role.

Addressing Animation Side Effects with useEffect

Leveraging the useEffect hook for animation side effects starts with understanding its ability to mirror the lifecycle events of class-based components. In animations, cleanup is imperative; an animation might start upon a component mount, but ensuring it does not continue executing after the component has unmounted is essential to prevent performance hits. Animations that do not clean up properly can cause memory leaks, which eventually lead to sluggish application performance and an unsatisfactory user experience. Here's how you might handle such a scenario:

import { useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
    useEffect(() => {
        const animation = startSomeAnimation();

        return () => {
            // Cleanup the animation
    }, []); // Empty dependency array indicates this effect runs once on mount and cleanup runs on unmount.

In this example, startSomeAnimation is a fictional function that starts an animation, and animation.cancel is its corresponding cleanup method that should be called to stop the animation if the component unmounts.

Managing asynchronous tasks within useEffect demands a meticulous approach. If an effect acts on a state variable or performs a computation that takes significant time, it should be coupled with a cleanup function to avoid memory leaks. For instance, consider using timeouts to delay state changes that trigger animations:

function DelayedAnimationComponent() {
    const [isAnimated, setIsAnimated] = useState(false);

    useEffect(() => {
        let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
        }, 5000);

        return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId); // Cleaning up the timeout
    }, []);

    // ... perform animation when isAnimated becomes true

Optimizing component renders involves ensuring that animations are not unnecessarily restarted or interfered with during rerenders. There must be a consistent state between renders to avoid flickering or interrupted animations. If the animation state needs to depend on changing props or state, one must carefully manage these dependencies in the useEffect dependency array to avoid extraneous invocations of the effect. A change in state should trigger an animation only when it is needed:

useEffect(() => {
    if (conditionForAnimation) {
}, [conditionForAnimation]); // Only run the effect if the condition changes

Remember, effects should act as a bridge to external systems; by offloading as much logic as possible to dedicated animation libraries or CSS, useEffect can remain lean and focused largely on synchronization. Here is how you might coordinate with an external CSS class to handle animations more efficiently:

useEffect(() => {
    const element = document.getElementById('animating-div');

    return () => {
}, []);

Always test for and consider the circumstances under which re-renders occur. This preemptive planning helps avoid common mistakes such as non-idempotent effects, which could cause erratic or unexpected animations. Are the animations consistently behaving across renders, and do they gracefully exit upon unmounting? Posing questions like these guides the creation of resilient and performant animation experiences.

Building Custom Animation Hooks for Reusability

Custom hooks in React provide a scalable means to encapsulate and reuse animation logic across different components. Creating a custom hook for animation starts with a clear goal - be it for handling entrance and exit animations, orchestrating complex sequences, or responding to user actions. The useFadeIn hook, for example, employs CSS opacity transitions to enable a fading in effect:

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function useFadeIn(duration = 500) {
    const elementRef = useRef();

    useEffect(() => {
        const element = elementRef.current;
        if (element) {
            element.style.transition = `opacity ${duration}ms`;
            element.style.opacity = 1;
    }, [duration]);

    return elementRef;

In striving for dynamism and applicability, a hook like useSpringAnimation should encapsulate a realistic implementation of spring physics animation, complete with necessary variables such as mass and velocity, and include the definition for frameDuration to simulate the passage of time:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function useSpringAnimation({ tension = 170, friction = 26, mass = 1, initialVelocity = 0 }) {
    const frameDuration = 16; // Approximation of 16ms for 60fps
    const [position, setPosition] = useState(0);
    const [velocity, setVelocity] = useState(initialVelocity);

    useEffect(() => {
        let animationFrameId;

        function animate() {
            const force = -tension * position;
            const damping = -friction * velocity;
            const acceleration = (force + damping) / mass;
            const newVelocity = velocity + acceleration * frameDuration;
            const newPosition = position + newVelocity * frameDuration;

            animationFrameId = [requestAnimationFrame](https://borstch.com/blog/requestanimationframe-in-javascript)(animate);

        animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(animate);

        return () => cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrameId);
    }, [tension, friction, mass, velocity, frameDuration]);

    return { transform: `translateX(${position}px)` };

The useParallax hook is another performance-oriented example that leverages browser optimizations and proves particularly effective for animating parallax backgrounds in response to scroll events, while maintaining smooth and continuous movement:

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function useParallax(speed) {
    const elementRef = useRef();
    let translation = 0; // Keep track of the cumulative translation

    useEffect(() => {
        const element = elementRef.current;
        let lastScrollY = window.pageYOffset;
        let animationFrameId;

        const updatePosition = () => {
            const scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
            translation += (scrollY - lastScrollY) * speed; // Increment cumulative translation
            lastScrollY = scrollY;

            if (element) {
                element.style.transform = `translateY(${translation}px)`;
            animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(updatePosition);

        animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(updatePosition);

        return () => cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrameId);
    }, [speed]);

    return elementRef;

For enhanced readability, it is critical to include detailed comments within the custom hook. Additionally, each hook should be designed to operate autonomously to facilitate simpler integration and testing. This contributes to their stability and ensures seamless animation within applications.

The following snippet illustrates a useAnimationOnMount hook, detailing its animation process upon component mounting while emphasizing proper cleanup to avoid common mistakes:

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

// Hook to handle animation on component mount
function useAnimationOnMount(animationLogic) {
    const animationRef = useRef();

    useEffect(() => {
        const element = animationRef.current;

        if (element) {

        // Cleanup animation when the component unmounts
        return () => {
            if (element) {
                // Logic to reverse or stop the animation
    }, [animationLogic]); // Include values that influence re-animation in this array

    return animationRef;

By diligently managing dependencies and cleanup functions within useEffect, developers can prevent undesired side effects and memory leaks when components unmount. Adhering to these principles of modularity and reusability, custom animation hooks pave the way for an efficient and visually pleasing user experience, while keeping the codebase clean and manageable. Moreover, developers must ensure their animation hooks accommodate component updates, maintaining consistency in animation state to avoid any interruption in the user experience.

Identifying and Rectifying Common Animation Hook Mistakes

Misusing animation hooks can have a detrimental effect on your application's performance and user experience. A common error involves incorrect dependency array usage within useEffect. This can lead to animation logic that is executed more often than necessary, causing unnecessary renders and potentially janky animations. Correcting this mistake requires carefully considering which values truly need to trigger re-execution. For example:

// Incorrect: Unnecessary re-renders due to overly broad dependency array
useEffect(() => {
}, [value1, value2, value3]); // value2 and value3 changes do not affect animations

// Corrected: Dependency array includes only what affects the animations
useEffect(() => {
}, [value1]); // Only rerun the effect if value1 changes

Forgetting to include a cleanup function can lead to memory leaks, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations. It's imperative to clear timeouts, intervals, and cancelable promises when the component unmounts or before a new effect runs. Here's how you'd fix such an oversight:

// Incorrect: No cleanup for the asynchronous operation
useEffect(() => {
  const timer = setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);
  // Missing cleanup logic
}, []);

// Corrected: Cleanup function clears the timeout
useEffect(() => {
  const timer = setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);
  return () => clearTimeout(timer); // Cleanup the timeout
}, []);

Another programming faux pas pertains to misunderstanding hook trigger behaviors. One might incorrectly assume that updating a state always requires animations to rerun. Instead, use the startTransition for state updates that do not need immediate feedback, reserving animations for user interactions that benefit from instantaneous feedback.

// Incorrect: Triggering animations for all state updates
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
setValue(newValue); // Assuming this always necessitates an animation

// Corrected: Distinguish between urgent and non-urgent updates
const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
startTransition(() => {
  setValue(newValue); // This state update can be delayed and doesn't demand an immediate animation

It's also frequented that developers wrap every state update with a transition, causing performance issues. Reserve startTransition for truly non-urgent updates:

// Incorrect: Wrapping every update in startTransition indiscriminately
startTransition(() => {
  setImmediateState(newValue); // Even immediate state updates are delayed

// Corrected: Use startTransition selectively
setImmediateState(newValue); // Immediate state updates occur without delay
startTransition(() => {
  setDeferredState(newValue); // Non-urgent updates can wait

When handling animations that depend on asynchronous data, prematurely triggering them can lead to inconsistent states. Here's how you can rectify this common issue:

// Incorrect: Triggering animation before asynchronous data is ready
useEffect(() => {
  animateOnDataLoad(); // Animation is initiated without data being ready
}, []);

// Corrected: Animation is initiated after data has been fetched
useEffect(() => {
  fetchData().then(data => {
    animateOnDataLoad(); // Animation begins once data is available
}, []);

Reviewing and refining the use of animation hooks based on these practices ensure a smooth and responsive user experience, characterized by memory efficiency and intentional rendering. Consider how your animation logic coexists with the lifecycle of your components and state updates to strike the right balance between form and function.


The article "Handling Animations with Hooks in React 18" explores the advanced techniques and best practices for incorporating animations into React applications. It covers the uses of the useTransition hook for smooth animations, the benefits of using useReducer and useSpring for managing complex animation states, the importance of cleaning up animation side effects with useEffect, and the creation of custom animation hooks for reusability. The article also highlights common mistakes and provides solutions to optimize animation performance. As a challenging task, readers can try creating their own custom animation hook for a specific animation effect, leveraging the principles and hooks discussed in the article.

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