Exploring the New Patterns in React 18 for Concurrency

Anton Ioffe - November 20th 2023 - 10 minutes read

Welcome to the cutting-edge realm of concurrency in React 18, where the traditional boundaries of rendering and user experience are being redefined. As we dive into the latest patterns and practices that have crystallized with the release of React 18, you'll gain a holistic understanding of how these enhancements can revolutionize the way you build interactive interfaces. From the seamless synchronization of state updates to mastering the art of suspense in data fetching, and the nuanced use of useTransition for state priorities, this article will navigate you through the transformative concurrency features shaping modern web development. Prepare to embark on a journey that not only elucidates the capabilities of React 18’s concurrent features but also equips you with the foresight to avoid common pitfalls and harness the full potential of your applications.

Concurrent Mode Unveiled: Rendering, Reconciliation, and User Experience

Concurrent Mode in React 18 introduces a novel approach to rendering and reconciliation in the framework's core algorithm. With this mode enabled, React initiates what is essentially a 'work in progress' version of the application's UI, allowing it to pause and resume the rendering as needed based on the priority of tasks. This means that high-priority updates, such as user interactions, are processed immediately while lower-priority updates, like data fetching or heavy computations, can be deferred until the main thread is less busy. As a result, React apps behave more responsively, providing a user experience that feels fluid and uninterrupted despite the complexity of tasks running behind the scenes.

Fundamentally, concurrency alters the internal reconciliation process, which is the mechanism React uses to compare new element trees with the current DOM to decide which changes to apply. With Concurrent Mode, reconciliation can start on a set of changes, pause halfway through, and then resume or even restart based on the latest state and props. Through this multitasking, React avoids blocking the main thread with long-running tasks, effectively preventing UI freezes and ensuring that user inputs and animations stay smooth and reactive.

The practical upshot of this alteration is a significantly improved user experience. Smoothness in application responsiveness is essential in modern web development, as users have come to expect immediate feedback from their interactions. Before Concurrent Mode, developers had to be very careful in managing state updates and component rendering to avoid jankiness; now, React itself can take care of prioritizing tasks to maintain a responsive interface. This relief from micro-managing rendering tasks allows developers to focus more on feature development rather than performance tweaking.

However, it's important to recognize that Concurrent Mode doesn't automate away all performance issues. Developers must still be mindful of how their code can leverage the benefits of this feature. For instance, it's necessary to understand how certain state updates may affect the user interface's interactivity, and code accordingly to ensure that these updates do not disrupt the user's experience. As components mount, update, and unmount, each phase's associated tasks must be considered in the context of how they impact overall application responsiveness.

React 18's Concurrent Mode reimagines React's rendering and reconciliation processes with a strong emphasis on user experience. It facilitates the multitasking of UI updates without main-thread blocking, ensuring a consistently responsive application. This presents developers with an opportunity to build complex, data-driven applications that remain fluid and responsive to user inputs, while also managing resources efficiently for improved overall application performance.

Atomic Batching and the Synchronization of State Updates

React 18's automatic batching represents a paradigm shift in synchronizing state updates across applications, aimed squarely at maximizing efficiency and reducing performance costs of re-rendering. Where React 17 processed state updates from asynchronous events—such as promises or setTimeout—in separate render cycles, React 18 consolidates these into a singular re-render, drastically mitigating the overhead of distinct render operations.

Consider a scenario in which a complex form requires updates to multiple fields and validation states concurrently upon submission. In React 17, each setState during this process provoked a separate re-render, resulting in a fragmented update cycle. React 18, however, queues all state updates occurring in the same event loop tick and executes them in one fell swoop, facilitating a smoother submission and more consistent user experience.

The impact of automatic batching is extensive: performance is bolstered by minimizing the number of DOM updates, while coding is simplified, ridding developers of the need to use methods like ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates. Predictability in state updates during the lifecycle of components is also greatly improved, leading to more maintainable code and fewer bugs.

However, effectively utilizing automatic batching demands a thoughtful approach to state management. For instance, in an application using async functions for data fetching and state updates, placing these updates within the right lifecycle methods or effect hooks can prevent superfluous re-renders. With automatic batching, updates in asynchronous code are now grouped together, so instead of multiple rendering passes, you will see just one—optimizing performance.

Developers must remain vigilant regarding component behavior when updates are batched. As multiple updates are grouped, tracing the source and sequence of state changes for debugging can become more complex. Ensuring that logic dependent on the most recent state is not executed directly after setState is pivotal; such logic should be housed within useEffect or callback functions that operate after the batch update completes:

function ExampleComponent() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

    useEffect(() => {
        // Fetch data and update state, this will be batched
        fetchData().then(data => {
    }, [])

    return (
            {/* Directly rendered with the latest state after batched updates */}

In this code block, fetchData is an asynchronous call that retrieves data and updates state. Thanks to React 18's automatic batching, even though fetchData is asynchronous, the multiple setCount calls resulting from different promises will be batched into a single re-render cycle for enhanced performance. This optimizes rendering and ensures consistent state throughout the lifecycle of the component, contributing to a more seamless user experience.

Suspense and Data Fetching: A Robust Pattern for Async Workflows

React 18's improved Suspense API has revolutionized the way asynchronous data fetching is handled. With Suspense, developers can delegate rendering control to React itself. This approach ensures that when a component awaits data, React can render a fallback UI, keeping the application interactive elsewhere.

Instead of a waterfall loading pattern, Suspense embraces the "Render-as-You-Fetch" paradigm, beginning data fetching before the component's render phase. Below is a demonstration of this approach with a custom fetcher designed for Suspense:

import { Suspense, useState } from 'react';
import { createFetcher } from './createFetcher'; // A custom fetcher compatible with Suspense
const UserDataFetcher = createFetcher((userId) => fetchData(userId));

// UserData component that consumes UserDataFetcher
const UserData = ({ userId }) => {
    const userData = UserDataFetcher.read(userId);
    // Render user data using userData

function MyComponent() {
    const [userId, setUserId] = useState(null);

    // Simulate user action triggering ID change
    const handleUserAction = (newUserId) => {

    return (
            <button onClick={() => handleUserAction(123)}>Load User 123</button>
            <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
                {userId ? <UserData userId={userId} /> : null}

function App() {
    return <MyComponent />;

A robust pattern with Suspense also involves strategically considering error boundaries alongside loading states. Though a loading spinner might be a suitable fallback, we can employ custom error boundaries for tailored user experiences during data fetching:

import { Suspense } from 'react';
import ErrorBoundary from './ErrorBoundary'; // Custom ErrorBoundary
import UserData from './UserData';

function UserProfile({ userId }) {
    return (
        <ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>Error loading user profile</div>}>
            <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading user profile...</div>}>
                <UserData userId={userId} />

By incorporating Suspense, modularity and reusability of components are enhanced. Suspense boundaries can be inserted at any position in the component tree, enveloping only the parts awaiting data. This modularity permits meticulous rendering control and a more coherent separation of concerns.

As you adapt to Suspense in React 18, consider how you might refactor your application to adopt these patterns for improved asynchronous workflows. Question which components could gain from delayed rendering, and where Suspense could be strategically placed to augment the user experience during data fetching. Embrace the opportunity to review your application's responsiveness and unlock potential improvements through Suspense for heightened user interaction and perception.

Transitioning Between States: The useTransition Hook Paradigm

In modern web applications, user experience often hinges on how swiftly and smoothly the interface reacts to user actions. React's useTransition hook is a step forward in achieving this seamless experience by allowing developers to differentiate between urgent and non-urgent state updates. Urgent updates are those that should be processed and rendered immediately to respond to user interactions, such as typing in an input field. On the other hand, non-urgent updates, or transitions, are those that can wait, such as filtering a large list based on the input.

const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
    startTransition(() => {

In the example above, wrapping the state update of setInputValue in startTransition informs React that it can defer this update if there are other tasks that are more pressing, like keeping the text input responsive. The isPending state lets us display a loading indicator or another form of feedback, enhancing the perception of performance. By using this pattern, we avoid expensive operations that block the main thread, therefore maintaining the UI's responsiveness even during complex updates.

A common mistake made when working with this hook is forgetting that isPending should be used to inform the user of the delayed state updates. This could leave users wondering why parts of the UI haven't updated yet. Instead of ignoring isPending, we should leverage it to improve the user experience during longer state transitions.

    isPending && <Spinner />;

This snippet provides a visual cue through a spinner when a non-urgent update is in progress, giving users confidence that their action is being processed.

In practice, the useTransition hook adds a layer of sophistication that developers must maneuver with care. Transitions should not be applied to every state update. Overuse can lead to a UI that feels sluggish, as updates take longer than necessary to appear. The challenge lies in striking the right balance: prioritize interactivity without compromising the timeliness of visual feedback.

Reflect upon the current projects you're managing: Could introducing non-urgent state updates through useTransition enhance the user experience? Is there a clear boundary in your application's UI between what constitutes an urgent update and what can be deferred? And more critically, how might you measure the impact of using this pattern on the perceived performance of your application? These questions invite developers to not just adopt new features, but to thoughtfully integrate them into the complex tapestry of user interaction and performance optimization.

Pitfalls and Proactive Measures: React 18's Concurrency in Action

In the world of React 18, a common pitfall is the mistaken use of Suspense for every type of data fetching scenario. While Suspense enables a smoother user experience by deferring the rendering of a component tree until certain conditions are met, it is not a silver bullet for all state updates. Consider the error where developers wrap too many individual items in Suspense boundaries, leading to a waterfall of fallback states:

// Anti-pattern: Overwrapping individual components with Suspense
const UserProfile = () => {
    return (
            <Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
                <UserDetails />
            <Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
                <UserPosts />

A better approach is to strategically place a single Suspense boundary higher up in your component tree to cover all necessary data fetching operations:

// Corrected pattern: Using a single Suspense boundary effectively
const UserProfile = () => {
    return (
        <Suspense fallback={<Spinner />} >
            <UserDetails />
            <UserPosts />

Incorrectly managing automatic batching can lead to performance issues and unexpected UI states. Developers may inadvertently cause unnecessary re-renders or misalign state updates. For instance, if state updates are placed randomly and interleaved with heavy computations without understanding their impact on batching, the app's performance may suffer:

// Anti-pattern: Incorrect placement of state updates and heavy computations
function myComponent() {
    const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

    heavyComputation(); // This should not be here
    setState(newState); // Mistakenly relying on React to batch this sensibly

It's essential to cluster your state updates and be mindful of their placement relative to computational logic:

// Best practice: Clustering state updates correctly
function myComponent() {
    const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

    useEffect(() => {
        let result;
        if (shouldCompute) {
            result = heavyComputation();
        // Now newState is clearly derived from the "result" of heavyComputation
    }, [shouldCompute]); // Included "shouldCompute" in the dependencies array to avoid stale closure issues

Overzealous usage of transitions in user interactions can lead to a cognitive dissonance where the app seems unresponsive or the feedback is inconsistent. This is showcased when developers mark all updates with a transition, causing confusion when users expect immediate feedback:

// Anti-pattern: Use of transitions for updates requiring immediate feedback
function myInputComponent() {
    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
    const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();

    const handleChange = (e) => {
        startTransition(() => { // Unnecessary use of transition

    return <input type="text" value={inputValue} onChange={handleChange} />;

Instead, reserve transitions for updates that can afford to be deferred without sacrificing immediate feedback, such as filtering a large list of items, ensuring snappy responsiveness for high-priority updates like text inputs:

// Correct application of transitions
function myInputComponent() {
    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
    // Use transitions selectively for non-immediate feedback actions
    return <input type="text" value={inputValue} onChange={e => setInputValue(e.target.value)} />;

React 18's concurrent features promise to boost the user experience, but only when applied judiciously. Here's a thought-provoking question for you: In what ways could the breadth of concurrency features push developers towards a deeper understanding of user interaction patterns? Secondly, how might the challenges introduced by these features spur a new era in web performance optimization strategies?


The article "Exploring the New Patterns in React 18 for Concurrency" dives into the transformative concurrency features of React 18 and how they enhance the development of interactive interfaces. It highlights the introduction of Concurrent Mode, which allows for smoother rendering and improved user experience, and explains how automatic batching synchronizes state updates to minimize re-rendering. The article also explores the benefits of Suspense for data fetching and introduces the useTransition hook for transitioning between states. It concludes by discussing common pitfalls and proactive measures in utilizing React 18's concurrency features. The challenging technical task for the reader is to reflect on their current projects and consider how introducing non-urgent state updates through useTransition could enhance the user experience and measure the impact on application performance.

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