Dependency Injection in JS

Anton Ioffe - November 3rd 2023 - 8 minutes read

Welcome to our deep dive into the often misunderstood, yet essential concept in the world of JavaScript - Dependency Injection (DI). This article is aimed at empowering you to leverage DI to construct more reliable, maintainable, and testable code. Not only will we demystify the basics and delve into DI's hands-on implementation patterns, but we'll also explore the advanced techniques, common pitfalls alongside their solutions, and even illustrate the role DI plays in modern JavaScript frameworks. Whether you're a seasoned developer or someone perfecting your craft, we promise a comprehensive exploration punctuated with real code examples that will redefine how you see DI in JavaScript.

The Basics of Dependency Injection in JavaScript

Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that has a solid place in JavaScript programming aimed to increase code modularity and make it easier to manage dependencies. It removes hard-coded dependencies and allows for them to be interchangeable – injecting dependencies directly into an object or function. This pattern is linked to the concept of Inversion of Control (IoC) – which provides a way to deviate from the traditional flow of control in software design and put control in the hands of the objects themselves. Essentially, instead of an object calling its dependencies, these are supplied (injected) into the object.

DI affords considerable performance and memory benefits. Object instances are created, initialized, and linked to other instances only when they're needed. By postponing initialization to the last possible moment, start-up time reduces. Over time, memory usage minimizes as instances are garbage-collected when no longer used. This late binding also enables changing an implementation without changing the client code.

Despite the clear advantages, DI isn't without complexity. Injecting dependencies adds layers of abstraction to the codebase which can complicate readability, especially for developers unfamiliar with the pattern. Additionally, dealing with cyclic dependencies can cause complexity. However, on the flip side, DI increases code modularity and makes it easier to isolate units of code for testing and reuse. Dependencies are made explicit and are no longer hidden inside the code.

Following the DI pattern is synonymous with good JavaScript programming practices. It enhances reusability and makes it easier to switch dependencies as needs change. However, large-scale applications may require use of DI container libraries like TypeDI or InversifyJS to manage complexity. On the whole, DI isn't as prevalent in the Javascript community as in others (e.g. .NET, Java), but employing DI certainly helps handle the intricacies of managing dependencies in JS in larger projects. Can DI become an indispensable part of your toolset in handling the complexities of modern web development?

JavaScript Dependency Injection Patterns: Classes vs Higher-Order Functions

Firstly, let's explore the Class-based approach for dependency injection in JavaScript. Assume we are developing an application with a 'Course' entity, and each 'Course' has multiple 'Lessons'. The 'Course' is stored in AWS DynamoDB and the 'Lessons' are stored as JSON objects in an S3 bucket. Here's how we might define a 'Course' class encapsulating methods for fetching a course by its ID and adding a lesson to a course:

class Course {
    constructor(docClient, S3) {
        this.docClient = docClient;
        this.S3 = S3;

    courseById(id) {
        // gets the course from DynamoDB

    addLesson(lesson) {
        // adds a given lesson to S3

In this example, we've injected docClient and S3 dependencies via the constructor. The behavior of a system, in this case fetching a course or adding a lesson, is localized within this class, increasing encapsulation but also coupling. To use this class in our application, we would typically create an instance using a factory function or class.

Considering performance and memory, class-based dependency injection involves creating and discarding class instances which can be resource-intensive, especially when dealing with a large number of dependencies or heavily-trafficked applications. The complexity of managing dependencies scales with the size of the codebase and the number of developers.

Alternatively, let's look at the Higher-Order Function (HOF) approach. It advocates for injecting dependencies not on the class level, but on the function level, granting finer control over what dependencies get passed where and making unit testing more straightforward:

const getCourseById = (docClient) => (id) => {
    // gets the course from DynamoDB

const addLesson = (S3) => (lesson) => {
    // adds a given lesson to S3

In this case, docClient and S3 are injected directly into the respective functions they're needed for. This approach lessens the coupling between components and encourages reusability and modularity. However, unlike class-based DI, managing dependencies becomes a manual task left to the developer.

Comparatively, higher-order functions present a simpler, more flexible solution. They afford direct control to developers over the lifecycles of dependencies and promote clearer, more modular code. Nonetheless, they require more thorough planning and have a steeper learning curve. It's crucial to choose an approach attuned to your application's specific needs, whether it be the organized, encapsulated comfort of classes, or the granular control and simplicity offered by higher-order functions.

Advanced Dependency Injection Practices in JavaScript: Implementing DI Containers

When dealing with more complex use cases, particularly in bigger projects, manually maintaining the dependencies can introduce a whole new level of complexity and become quite unmanageable. As such, developers can leverage the power of Dependency Injection containers to simplify their tasks. These containers, also known as injectors, are essentially registries where dependencies are stored, along with the logic to instantiate them. When a service needs to be instantiated, these containers take the responsibility of resolving the dependencies, initiating the object, and handing it back to the calling scope.

For JavaScript, there is a wide range of libraries that provide solutions for Dependency Injection containers. Some examples that have gained the community's respect include TypeDI and InversifyJS. Let's explore how we can use TypeDI in a real-world JavaScript project.

Assume we have a class ExampleClass with a method print. Using TypeDI, we can streamline the creation of instances and dependency management.

import { Container } from 'typedi';

class ExampleClass {
  print() {
    console.log('I am alive!');

// Request an instance of ExampleClass from TypeDI
const classInstance = Container.get(ExampleClass);
// Ready to work with the received instance of ExampleClass 

Here, Container.get(ExampleClass) requests the instance of ExampleClass which is then provided by the TypeDI container. As such, the container encapsulates the creation process, including any dependencies required, thereby ensuring the principles of dependency injection.

InversifyJS offers similar functionality. Using InversifyJS, a typical example demonstrating basic usage would look something like this:

import { container, TYPES } from './config.mjs';

// Resolve dependencies
const myConsole = container.get(TYPES.NSSConsole);;
myConsole.playAnotherTitle('Some other game');

Here, the container.get(TYPES.NSSConsole) fetches an instance of NSSConsole from the container, encapsulating all creation and dependency management processes within config.mjs.

Utilizing Dependency Injection containers brings forth improved scalability and management in the project. They provide convenience, promote best practices, and keep your code DRY (don't repeat yourself). However, they might introduce some overhead, slightly more complexity, and additional learning for developers new to this concept. Yet, considering the benefits they offer, it is quite a trade-off worth considering. Can you remember an instance where such an approach could have beneficial in your projects? Or perhaps a situation where it might complicate things instead? Reflecting on these scenarios can provide valuable insight into when and how to properly use Dependency Injection containers in your JavaScript projects.

Common Mistakes and Solutions in JavaScript Dependency Injection

One common mistake when implementing Dependency Injection (DI) in JavaScript is mishandling nested dependencies. Writers often overlook the need to manage dependencies within dependencies. To illustrate, let's take an example where a 'ServiceA' requires 'ServiceB', and 'ServiceB', in turn, requires 'ServiceC'.

function ServiceC(){


function ServiceB(serviceC){
    this.serviceC= serviceC;

function ServiceA(serviceB){
    this.serviceB= serviceB;

A frequent error here is in creating instances without effectively taking care of internal dependencies, like so:

let serviceC = new ServiceC();
let serviceB = new ServiceB();
let serviceA = new ServiceA(serviceB);

In the above code, an instance of ServiceB is created without passing ServiceC as a parameter, which leaves 'ServiceB' incomplete, leading to product faults. The correct way to manage these dependencies is by following this syntax:

let serviceC = new ServiceC();
let serviceB = new ServiceB(serviceC);
let serviceA = new ServiceA(serviceB);

Another frequent mistake is handling multiple dependencies. Let's assume 'ServiceA' depends on both 'ServiceB' and 'ServiceC'. A common error is to not manage these multiple dependencies appropriately. For example, the following code presents this mistake:

let serviceB = new ServiceB();
let serviceA = new ServiceA(serviceB);

In the code snippet above, 'ServiceA' requires 'ServiceB' and 'ServiceC', but we have only injected 'ServiceB', causing potential software issues. The correct way to handle multiple dependencies would thus be:

let serviceB = new ServiceB();
let serviceC = new ServiceC();
let serviceA = new ServiceA(serviceB, serviceC);

In conclusion, the correct management of dependencies is crucial to maintain efficient, bug-free, and maintainable code. The examples provided above underline the importance of effectively resolving nested dependencies and appropriately handling multiple dependencies, ensuring a robust implementation of Dependency Injection in JavaScript.

Applying Dependency Injection in Modern JavaScript Frameworks

Angular, an impressive client-side web development framework, has dependency injection built into its framework, which eliminates the need for standalone configuration. Using Angular promotes code usage, especially in large scale projects, via setting up a DI provider. Here's how it typically works:

// logger.service.ts
export class LoggerService {
    log(message: string) {

Notably in NestJS and Angular, dependencies are generally regarded as singletons. This means once a dependency has been located, its value is cached and reused for the remaining application lifecycle. Adjusting this behaviour in NestJS would require configuring the scope property found in the @Injectable decorator options.

In Vue.js, a declarative and component-based framework, dependency injection can be set using provide and inject options when creating a component, as shown below:

export default {
    provide: {
        logger: new LoggerService()

For large scale projects, manually implementing dependency injections can rapidly escalate in complexity. To alleviate such challenges, JavaScript dependency injection container libraries, like TypeDI and InversifyJS, are available. They conveniently store these dependencies along with the related logic for creating them. Here's an example demonstrating basic usage of TypeDI in JavaScript:

import { Container } from 'typedi';
class ExampleClass {
    log(message) {
const classInstance = Container.get(ExampleClass);
classInstance.log('Hello from TypeDI!');

Having explored the various facets of dependency injection in JavaScript frameworks, it's clear that DI libraries offer an efficient solution for managing dependencies, promoting reusable and maintainable code. Choosing the best approach between manual implementation or using a DI container library hinges on the specific needs of the project at hand.


In this article, we explored the concept of Dependency Injection in JavaScript, its benefits, and implementation patterns. We discussed two approaches to implementing DI - using classes and higher-order functions - each with its own advantages and considerations. We also touched on advanced practices such as using DI containers like TypeDI and InversifyJS to manage dependencies in larger projects. Additionally, we highlighted common mistakes and solutions in implementing DI and discussed how DI is applied in popular JavaScript frameworks like Angular and Vue.js. The challenge for the reader is to think about a scenario in their own projects where implementing DI could benefit their codebase and consider whether using a DI container library is a suitable approach.

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