Defer UI Updates Gracefully with useDeferredValue

Anton Ioffe - November 20th 2023 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern web development, maintaining fluid interactivity often hinges on the subtle art of prioritizing which updates demand the spotlight and which can afford a brief intermission. Our journey through these pages will demystify the nuanced choreography of UI updates employed by the seasoned maestro of React's hooks, useDeferredValue. We're not just delving into the "how" but mastering the "when" and "why" behind its strategic implementation. Brace for an enlightening dive into balancing the scales of performance and responsiveness, navigating through pragmatic code odysseys, averting the snares of common pitfalls, and unfolding advanced tactics tailored for the sprawling realms of complex interfaces. Prepare to grandstand your UI's performance with a mastery that only the adept knowledge of useDeferredValue can confer.

Understanding useDeferredValue: The Bridge Between State and Render

In the React ecosystem, useDeferredValue plays a pivotal role in optimizing user interaction by strategically deferring non-critical updates. By doing so, it helps prevent expensive operations from bogging down the main thread, which, in turn, can hinder the responsiveness of the user interface. This hook is designed to take an input value and return a new deferred version of that value. The deferred value upholds the previous state during ongoing background rendering, ensuring that users interact with a UI that feels responsive and smooth, as it doesn't get locked up by intensive rendering tasks.

To comprehend how useDeferredValue functions, it's crucial to understand its simple and focused signature. It accepts just one argument: a value that you want to defer. The hook then manages this value, returning the previous state if React is currently rendering more critical updates, or the new deferred state once React has resources to process the update. This ensures that high-priority operations, such as user inputs or animations, aren't impeded, while lower-priority updates, like heavy background computations, queue up appropriately.

A common scenario for useDeferredValue usage involves handling user input that triggers computation-intensive operations, such as filtering a large dataset based on a search query. As the user types, the input value updates rapidly. Without useDeferredValue, each keystroke could trigger an expensive recomputation, degrading the typing experience. By employing useDeferredValue, the UI remains fluid, with immediate updates for critical real-time interactions (keystrokes) while heavy computations (filter results) are executed in the background as resources allow.

The balance struck by using useDeferredValue is delicate, and it's not a panacea for all performance problems. While it excellently defers less urgent updates without noticeable delays, developers must be mindful that the deferred state is kept up-to-date to prevent the UI from staling. Timing, user expectations, and the frequency of updates play key roles in deciding when to apply useDeferredValue.

Consider this improved code example that correctly demonstrates useDeferredValue in action:

import React, { useState, useDeferredValue } from 'react';

function ExpensiveListComponent({ filterValue }) {
    // Simulate a heavy computation (e.g., filtering a large list based on input value)
    const filteredItems = expensiveFilteringComputation(filterValue);

    return (
            { => <div key={}>{}</div>)}

function App() {
    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
    const deferredFilterValue = useDeferredValue(inputValue);

    function handleChange(event) {

    return (
            <input type="text" value={inputValue} onChange={handleChange} />
            <ExpensiveListComponent filterValue={deferredFilterValue} />

In this corrected example, useDeferredValue defers updates to ExpensiveListComponent based on the filter value derived from user input, enabling the input field to remain responsive. Developers should continually assess the impact of useDeferredValue within their particular contexts, as it intimately relates to computation complexity and the desired user experience.

Balancing Performance and Responsiveness: When to Use useDeferredValue

Determining when to utilize useDeferredValue is crucial for enhancing the responsiveness of an application with performance-intensive operations. For instance, a classic use case is a search input that filters a large list of items. In a naive implementation, typing in the search field may cause sluggishness because the filtering process would run synchronously and block the main thread with every keystroke. By deferring the state update that triggers re-rendering of the filtered list, useDeferredValue maintains the fluidity of the user input. It provides a means to keep the UI interactive while compute-heavy tasks execute in the background.

const [filterText, setFilterText] = useState('');
const deferredFilterText = useDeferredValue(filterText);

function handleChange(event) {

return (
        <input type="text" value={filterText} onChange={handleChange} />
        <ExpensiveListView filter={deferredFilterText}/>

In this code, typing in the input field results in an immediate state change for filterText, preserving the responsive feel of typing. However, the expensive ExpensiveListView component consumes the deferredFilterText, processing the filter criteria only when the browser is idle. Consequently, the perceived performance is improved as the app remains snappy, engaging the user without distracting lags or freezes.

Performance gains are substantial, yet one must be heedful of potential drawbacks. Deferring state updates can lead to discrepancies between the application's current state and what the UI represents. For time-sensitive operations, such as form submissions or real-time status indicators, the deferred updates might not be appropriate. The usability can be compromised if the UI does not promptly reflect the application's latest state. Therefore, developers should carefully consider the nature of the state being deferred and the user expectations around the immediacy of feedback.

Moreover, opting for useDeferredValue can introduce additional complexity in state management. Developers must account for the implication of deferring state updates and ensure that the UI is consistent with both the immediate and deferred states. Tailoring feedback mechanisms, such as loading spinners or placeholders, provides users with cues that an operation is in progress, maintaining transparency and trust in the application's functionality.

const isStale = filterText !== deferredFilterText;

return (
        <input type="text" value={filterText} onChange={handleChange} />
        {isStale ? <Spinner /> : <ExpensiveListView filter={deferredFilterText}/>}

In the enhanced example, a spinner is shown when the deferred value does not match the immediate input value, isStale being true in this case. The spinner acts as a visual feedback to the user that the data they are viewing is being updated - a small but vital detail that preempts user frustration in case of a perceivable delay. It is these meticulous distinctions, informed by understanding user experience and application flow, that help decide when and how to employ useDeferredValue effectively. The goal is to strike a harmonious balance between a rich user experience and optimal performance by elegantly managing concurrent operations behind the scenes.

Code Implementation: Effective Patterns with useDeferredValue

To properly wield useDeferredValue, it's essential to comprehend its impact on component rendering behavior. Visualize a scenario where a search component must handle input rapidly, yet invoking a filtering operation on each keystroke would be computationally intensive. Here's a practical approach to applying useDeferredValue to mitigate these concerns:

import React, { useState, useDeferredValue } from 'react';

function SearchComponent() {
    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
    const deferredInputValue = useDeferredValue(inputValue);

    function handleChange(event) {

    return (
            <label htmlFor="search">Search:</label>
            <HeavySearchResults query={deferredInputValue} />

function HeavySearchResults({ query }) {
    const filteredResults = expensiveFilteringOperation(query);

    return (
        { => (
            <li key={}>{}</li>

In the code above, useState provides instant input tracking while useDeferredValue leverages a deferred state to initiate heavy computations. This ensures the fluidity of the user interface while deferring non-critical updates.

Careful attention to dependencies is paramount when side effects are tied to the deferred state. Utilize useEffect with the deferred value as a dependency to trigger actions like data fetching, thus avoiding running operations with out-of-date data.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
        // Operations depending on the deferred value go here

}, [deferredInputValue]); // Ensuring freshness with the current deferred state

Avoid tight integrations of real-time state changes with the deferred value in components that require immediate updates, like user feedback indications or input validators that need to react swiftly to user input.

    <span>{`Character count: ${inputValue.length}`}</span>
    <ValidationMessage input={inputValue} />

In order to maintain user trust during operations that are being processed, it’s necessary to provide feedback regarding the deferral. This ensures that the user recognizes the application is working, even if the updates take time to reflect.

import { useMemo } from 'react';

const isLoading = useMemo(() => inputValue !== deferredInputValue, [inputValue, deferredInputValue]);

// Include in your component's output
{isLoading && <div>Loading new results...</div>}

The judicious application of useDeferredValue can lead to improved performance without compromising the user experience. Striking the right balance between instant and deferred operations is a critical aspect of reactive UI development.

Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions with useDeferredValue

One common pitfall with useDeferredValue is misunderstanding the timing of updates, leading to the incorrect assumption that immediate feedback for user actions should also be deferred. For example, developers might write:

// Incorrect: Tying the input directly to the deferred value
const deferredSearch = useDeferredValue(search);

  onChange={(e) => setSearch(}

<ExpensiveComponent data={deferredSearch} />

This snippet incorrectly binds the input value to the deferred search state, creating a lag in user input. Instead, maintain an instantaneous input value and use useDeferredValue only for the computationally expensive updates:

// Correct: Defer only the computationally expensive operation
const deferredSearch = useDeferredValue(search);

  onChange={(e) => setSearch(}

<ExpensiveComponent data={deferredSearch} />

Developers sometimes neglect to provide visual feedback for the deferred state, a crucial UX component that signals ongoing background activity. For example:

// Incorrect: No indication of processing
<ExpensiveComponent data={deferredSearch} />

The absence of a cue can mislead users into thinking the application is unresponsive. Integrating a loading indicator significantly enhances UX, informing users that their input is being processed:

// Correct: Providing visual feedback during deferment
{isPending ? <LoadingIndicator /> : null}
<ExpensiveComponent data={deferredSearch} />

Another misunderstanding is the belief that useDeferredValue will inherently make component updates non-blocking. However, deferring an update does not reduce the rendering cost:

// Incorrect: Assumption that deferral alone alleviates rendering cost
const deferredData = useDeferredValue(expensiveData);

<ExpensiveComponent data={deferredData} /> // Rendering is still costly!

To mitigate this, one should improve the ExpensiveComponent itself or utilize [React.memo]( to avoid redundant rendering:

// Correct: Optimizing the component to avoid costly renders
const OptimizedComponent = React.memo(ExpensiveComponent);

const deferredData = useDeferredValue(expensiveData);

<OptimizedComponent data={deferredData} />

Lastly, useDeferredValue should not be applied to data that requires real-time updates. Using it for such purposes can lead to stale representations:

// Incorrect: Deferment of time-sensitive updates
const deferredRealTimeData = useDeferredValue(realTimeData);

<RealTimeDisplay data={deferredRealTimeData} /> // Risks showing outdated information

In scenarios demanding immediate data reflection, traditional state updates ensure the data is current and accurate:

// Correct: Immediate state updates for timely data
<RealTimeDisplay data={realTimeData} />

By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, developers can adeptly utilize useDeferredValue to improve performance and user experience without detracting from the application's responsiveness.

Advanced Strategies for Scaling Deferred UI Updates

When leveraging useDeferredValue within complex applications, a thoughtful approach towards state architecture is quintessential. Given the asynchronous nature of deferred updates, you should analyze components' dependencies to ensure coherent state management. This involves establishing clear boundaries between immediate state updates required for input-like interactivity and those computations intensive enough to benefit from deferral. While adopting this strategy, you should segment your state to differentiate between values that influence immediate rendering and those that can accommodate deferral without disorienting the user experience.

In a scenario where deferred computation may also trigger side effects, careful orchestration with useEffect is critical. Since useEffect runs after DOM commits, it becomes essential to manage side effects tied to both the current and deferred state. This dual-tracking guarantees that side effects are coherent with the latest user interactions while maintaining a non-blocking UI. For instance, consider using one effect hook to handle real-time interactions and another, conditionally fired based on the deferred value, to manage heavy-lifting operations that do not hamper user interactions directly.

Combining useDeferredValue with concurrent features like useTransition allows you to create more nuanced interaction models. Here, useTransition can be utilized for initiating heavier updates, providing immediate feedback through state setters conveyed in the transition, whereas useDeferredValue carefully manages the deferred evaluation of these updates. A sophisticated implementation would involve a setup that uses the pending state from useTransition as a signal to provide user feedback, such as load indicators, while postponing the computationally expensive updates using useDeferredValue.

State colocation further exemplifies an advanced method of managing deferred updates in a scalable fashion. By collocating state as close as possible to where it's required, you eliminate unnecessary renders and avoid propagating deferred values throughout the component tree unnecessarily. Consider the usage of context providers or local state within components to encapsulate deferred values, preventing unintended side effects on sibling components that do not rely on the deferred value, thus maintaining isolated and efficient component re-renders.

As your application scales, modularity becomes the cornerstone of maintainable code. Encapsulate the logic related to deferred values within custom hooks or higher-order components where applicable. This encapsulation not only promotes reusability but also abstracts complexity, allowing other components to leverage deferred values without internalizing the logic behind them. In creating such abstractions, be mindful to expose clear interfaces that signal the difference between immediate and deferred values, thus maintaining developer-friendly code while harnessing the full potential of concurrent features in React.


This article explores the use of useDeferredValue in JavaScript to optimize UI updates in modern web development. The article explains how useDeferredValue can help prioritize critical updates and defer non-critical updates to prevent the user interface from becoming unresponsive. It provides code examples and best practices for implementing useDeferredValue effectively. The key takeaway is that developers should carefully balance the use of useDeferredValue and consider factors such as timing, user expectations, and the frequency of updates. The challenging technical task for the reader is to implement useDeferredValue in their own code and explore ways to optimize performance and responsiveness in their application.

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