Customizing React TanStack Table with React Full Width and Resizable Features

Anton Ioffe - March 12th 2024 - 10 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern web development, crafting intricate and responsive tables in React applications calls for a blend of art and expertise. This article embarks on a deep dive into customizing React TanStack Table, spotlighting the journey from leveraging its headless UI for full-width, fluid designs to the finesse of implementing resizable columns that enhance user experience. Through practical examples and advanced customization techniques, we'll navigate the subtleties of transforming standard tables into dynamic data presentation powerhouses. Alongside, we'll tackle common pitfalls, offering pro tips to refine your approach and unlock the full potential of TanStack Table in your projects. Whether you're aiming to streamline development workflows or elevate data interaction, this guide promises insights that will fortify your React development arsenal.

Foundation of TanStack Table in React

TanStack Table represents a fundamental advancement in the development of complex, performance-oriented tables in modern React applications. At the heart of its widespread adoption and effectiveness is its headless UI architecture. This innovative approach grants developers complete control over the table's appearance and functionality without dictating the UI or markup. This means that while TanStack Table supplies the logic needed for actions like sorting, pagination, and filtering, the rendering and styling responsibilities lie entirely with the developer. This flexibility encourages creativity and enables the creation of tables that seamlessly integrate with the design system of any application.

The customizable hooks provided by TanStack Table further illustrate its adaptability and developer-friendly nature. These hooks, including useTable, useSortBy, and usePagination, among others, allow developers to compose and extend table functionalities to meet specific requirements of their applications. This modular approach not only promotes code reusability but also simplifies the debugging process. Each hook is designed to manage a distinct aspect of table behavior, making it easier to build complex data grids with minimal code.

Another cornerstone of TanStack Table's appeal is its comprehensive documentation and community support. New and experienced developers alike can enjoy an extensive library of examples, tutorials, and guides that illuminate the path toward mastering table creation with TanStack. This wealth of resources significantly reduces the learning curve and fosters an engaging community of practice around the library, encouraging the sharing of best practices and innovative uses of the tool.

The modular design principles of TanStack Table resonate through its implementation, offering a testament to the library's scalability and maintainability. Developers can easily plug in or swap out components as application requirements evolve, ensuring that the table functionality grows in tandem with the application. Whether it’s introducing new data operations or enhancing user interactivity, TanStack Table’s architecture supports evolutionary development processes without necessitating complete overhauls, thus safeguarding the investment in the initial setup.

In the context of creating responsive table designs, the role of React Full Width is particularly noteworthy. By leveraging React's ecosystem alongside TanStack Table, developers can achieve fluid and adaptive table layouts that respond elegantly across device sizes. This capability is essential in today's web, where user access spans a myriad of devices with varying screen dimensions. Together, the robust foundation of TanStack Table and the responsive adaptability provided through React techniques culminate in a potent solution for developing intricate, performant, and user-friendly tables in contemporary web applications.

Implementing Full Width and Responsive Design

Creating a full-width TanStack Table in React requires a harmonious blend of CSS techniques and React's responsive design principles. To implement a fluid table that stretches across the full width of its container, you must first ensure that your table's CSS is set to width: 100%. This ensures that no matter the size of the viewport, the table will always utilize the maximum available space. However, making the table full-width is only the first step; ensuring it remains usable and readable across all devices is where the real challenge lies.

To maintain content readability and prevent the table from becoming cluttered on smaller screens, it's necessary to adopt a mobile-first design approach. This can be achieved by using media queries to adjust table layouts, font sizes, and column visibility based on the viewport width. For instance, less critical columns can be hidden on smaller screens to focus on the most important data. This approach not only improves readability but also enhances the user experience by presenting data in a digestible format regardless of the device used.

Another aspect of responsive design is handling the potential overflow of content. For tables, this can often mean horizontal scrolling on smaller devices. While horizontal scrolling can sometimes be unavoidable, it's essential to ensure that it's implemented in a user-friendly manner. Custom scrollbars and clear visual indicators can help make horizontal scrolling more intuitive. Additionally, setting minimum width constraints on certain pivotal columns ensures that key information remains visible without being truncated.

Implementing expandable rows is another technique that enhances the responsiveness of TanStack Tables. By allowing users to tap on a row to see more detailed information in an expanded section, you can keep the table layout clean and simple on the surface, reserving additional space for detailed data only when needed. This dynamic aspect of content visibility helps in maintaining a balance between information density and usability.

Here's a simplified code snippet demonstrating how to implement a responsive, full-width TanStack Table:

<table style={{ width: '100%' }}>
    {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
      <tr key={}>
        { => (
            style={{ minWidth: header.minWidth ? `${header.minWidth}px` : 'auto' }}
    {table.getRowModel() => (
      <tr key={}>
        {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell) => (
          <td key={} style={{ padding: '10px' }}>

This example demonstrates the essential CSS for making the table full-width while incorporating responsive design features like minimum column widths. Employing these techniques ensures that your TanStack Table not only takes full advantage of the available horizontal space but also adjusts gracefully to different screen sizes, maintaining readability and user engagement.

Enabling and Customizing Column Resizing

Integrating resizable columns in a TanStack Table enhances user interaction by allowing users to adjust the table according to their specific needs. To enable this feature, you must set the enableColumnResizing property to true when configuring your table setup. This simple yet powerful setting triggers the activation of draggable handles at the edges of each column, providing a visual cue and interactive element for users to resize columns. It's crucial to understand that the resizing functionality is seamlessly supported by underlying hooks and state management systems, ensuring that column sizes are dynamically controlled and can be adjusted in real-time without impacting the table's performance or user experience.

const table = useTable({
  enableColumnResizing: true,

For columns where resizing may not be appropriate or necessary, you have the option to disable this feature on a per-column basis by setting the enableResizing option to false within the column's definition. This level of customization ensures that the table's functionality aligns closely with user requirements and the context in which the table is used. Tailoring which columns are resizable allows for a more focused user interaction, directing attention and resources only to the content that benefits most from dynamic resizing.

const columns = [
    Header: 'Name',
    accessor: 'name',
    enableResizing: false, // Disables resizing for this specific column
  // Other column definitions...

Addressing performance considerations is pivotal when implementing resizable columns, especially in tables with a significant amount of data or complex cell renderings. The default columnResizeMode is set to onChange, meaning the column width updates as the user drags the resize handle. For some use cases, adjusting this to onEnd might enhance performance by only resizing the column after the user completes the drag action. This deferment ensures that the browser renders the resizing changes less frequently, potentially improving the interface's responsiveness in data-dense tables.

const table = useTable({
  enableColumnResizing: true,
  columnResizeMode: 'onEnd', // Changes resize mode for performance optimization

Implementing persistent resizable columns enriches the user experience by remembering and applying a user's preferred column sizes between sessions or page reloads. Achieving this requires leveraging the table state management to store the current column sizes and retrieving them when initializing the table. By persisting state, such as through localStorage or a backend storage solution, and then applying these sizes as default values when constructing the table, users are greeted with a familiar and customized table view, reducing the need for repeated adjustments and enhancing the overall use experience.

const persistedState = getFromStorage('tableState') || {};
const table = useTable({
  initialState: {
    columnSizing: persistedState.columnSizing || {},
  enableColumnResizing: true,

Customizing the resizing behavior further to fit different use cases involves adjusting properties such as minSize and maxSize for columns, providing boundaries within which users can resize columns. This ensures that table content remains legible and accessible, regardless of how much a user adjusts a column's width, safeguarding against excessively narrow or wide columns that could detract from the table's usability and readability.

const columns = [
    Header: 'Name',
    accessor: 'name',
    minSize: 50, // Minimum size of the column
    maxSize: 300, // Maximum size of the column
  // Other column definitions...

Advanced Customization Techniques

To achieve more sophisticated table behaviors and appearances, TanStack Table can be extended through custom hooks and the use of render prop patterns. These advanced techniques allow for greater flexibility and can be pivotal in tailoring the table to specific use cases. For instance, employing custom hooks can facilitate the integration of third-party libraries easily, enhancing the table's capabilities without compromising on performance. As an example, integrating a drag-and-drop library for column reordering can significantly improve user interaction, making data exploration more intuitive.

import { useTable } from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { DndProvider, useDrag, useDrop } from 'react-dnd';
import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';

const Table = ({ columns, data }) => {
    const {
    } = useTable({

    // Custom Hook to handle drag-n-drop
    const [reorderedRows, setReorderedRows] = useRowOrder(rows);

    return (
        <DndProvider backend={HTML5Backend}>
            {/* Table structure */}

In the above example, useRowOrder is a custom hook designed to manage the state of row order after drag-and-drop actions. This demonstrates how developers can leverage the composability of hooks to add complex interactive features to tables.

Render prop patterns offer another avenue for customization, which is particularly useful for conditional rendering logic in cells, columns, or even entire rows. This pattern allows developers to pass a function as a prop that returns React elements. Here’s a scenario where cell content needs specific styling based on its value:

const cellRender = ({ cell }) => (
    <div style={{
        backgroundColor: cell.value > 100 ? 'lightgreen' : 'salmon'

This renders the cell's background color green if its value is greater than 100, and salmon otherwise. Such fine-grained control over rendering lays the groundwork for highly customized, data-driven table UIs.

Integrating third-party drag-and-drop libraries for column reordering not only enhances usability but also elevates the overall user experience. For optimal integration, developers should ensure that the chosen libraries are compatible with React's functional component model and Hooks API. Libraries like react-dnd provide a set of hooks that make it straightforward to add drag-and-drop functionalities to your tables. However, it’s crucial to manage the state related to drag operations efficiently to prevent unnecessary renders or performance degradation.

When implementing these advanced techniques, it’s paramount to keep performance in mind. Custom hooks and render prop patterns, if not used judiciously, can lead to unnecessary re-renders or complex component hierarchies. Developers should leverage React’s memoization utilities (React.memo, useMemo) and avoid passing new inline functions or objects as props within render methods. Mindful use of these advanced features can transform functional tables into interactive, performant, and engaging components.

Common Pitfalls and Pro Tips

One common pitfall when implementing full-width and resizable features within TanStack Table is the inefficient handling of window resize events. Developers often subscribe to these events without debouncing, leading to performance issues as the table frantically redraws itself with every minor change in window size. The best practice is to debounce window resize events, ensuring that the redraw happens only after a certain period of inactivity, thus minimizing unnecessary renders and improving user experience. Consider if your implementation allows for smooth resizing without compromising the responsiveness of your application.

Another frequent mistake is neglecting the optimization of re-renders. In the context of customizing TanStack Table, it's crucial to leverage React’s memoization techniques, such as React.memo for components and useMemo for expensive calculations, to prevent excessive rendering. Incorrect use of these techniques, or the omission thereof, can lead to sluggish table performance, particularly when handling large datasets or complex cell renderers. Are your table components optimized to render only when truly necessary?

Ensuring accessibility compliance when implementing resizable columns is often an afterthought, which can alienate users who rely on assistive technologies. The mistake here is not providing adequate keyboard support for resizing operations, or not including proper ARIA attributes to convey the dynamic nature of the table’s UI to screen readers. A best-practice approach involves implementing keyboard controls for column resizing and providing descriptive ARIA labels, thereby making the table functionality accessible to all users. How accessible is your table implementation to users with disabilities?

In the pursuit of customizing tables, developers sometimes create tightly coupled component logic that hinders reusability across the application. For instance, hardcoding specific behaviors or styles directly into the table components makes it challenging to adapt the table for different contexts or data types. Instead, leveraging context providers or creating higher-order components that encapsulate common behavior can offer a more modular and reusable approach. This not only enhances the maintainability of your application but also promotes a clean separation of concerns. Does your table customization encourage modularity and reusability within your codebase?

Lastly, overlooking the testing of custom table features like full-width and resizable columns can lead to unforeseen issues in production, especially across different browsers and devices. The common mistake is not writing comprehensive tests that cover user interactions, such as resizing columns or changing window sizes, which can reveal hidden bugs or inconsistencies in the UI. Employing automated testing frameworks to simulate these interactions and validate the table’s behavior under various conditions is a best-practice approach. Are you confident that your table implementation will perform consistently across all expected use cases?


In this article, we explore the customization possibilities of React TanStack Table, focusing on creating full-width and resizable tables in modern web applications. We delve into the foundation of TanStack Table in React, highlighting its headless UI architecture and customizable hooks. We discuss the implementation of full-width and responsive design techniques, as well as enabling and customizing column resizing. We also touch on advanced customization techniques, such as using custom hooks and render prop patterns. We provide pro tips to avoid common pitfalls and challenges, such as efficiently handling window resize events and optimizing re-renders. The key takeaway is that with React TanStack Table, developers have the power to create intricate, performant, and user-friendly tables in their projects. A challenging task for the reader is to implement keyboard support and accessibility compliance for the resizable columns feature in their own custom table implementation.

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