Creating Dynamic and Responsive Tables with React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap

Anton Ioffe - March 11th 2024 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern web development, creating dynamic and responsive tables has become an art as much as it is a science. This article embarks on a deep dive into leveraging the power of React TanStack Table combined with the stylistic flexibility of React Bootstrap to craft tables that not only meet the aesthetic and functional demands of today's sophisticated web applications but also push the boundaries of what developers thought possible. From setting up a robust environment, designing responsive tables, to implementing interactive features like sorting, filtering, and pagination with performance optimization in mind—every section is carefully crafted to equip senior-level developers with the knowledge and skills to avoid common pitfalls and embrace best practices. Prepare to unlock new potentials in your web development projects as we journey through the comprehensive guide to making your tables truly dynamic and responsive.

Section 1: Introducing React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap for Dynamic Tables

The evolution of React TanStack Table (formerly known as React Table) marks a significant leap in the development of dynamic and responsive tables within modern web applications. As a headless table library, it has been reengineered with a TypeScript rewrite for better support of server-side operations, alongside a vastly expanded and improved API. Its design caters to developers who require a robust tool for creating complex, interactive table UIs without being boxed into specific markup or styling decisions. This flexibility is crucial for integrating with various styling frameworks, notably React Bootstrap, which brings a suite of ready-to-use components styled with a popular CSS framework.

React Bootstrap plays a pivotal role in this integration, offering a set of React components that mirror Bootstrap's components. This harmony between React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap allows developers to seamlessly craft tables that are not only functional but also adhere to modern design standards. The stylistic ease that React Bootstrap brings, combined with the functional prowess of React TanStack Table, paves the way for developing tables that are both dynamic in functionality and responsive in design.

One of the compelling features of the newly introduced TanStack Table v8 is its performance enhancement over its predecessor, React Table v7. The library's upgrade caters to a broader range of JavaScript frameworks, including Vue, Solid, and Svelte, extending its utility beyond the React ecosystem. This cross-framework support, coupled with improved performance and feature set, makes React TanStack Table a preferred choice for developers looking to implement sophisticated data grids and tables across multiple platforms.

The integration of React TanStack Table with React Bootstrap simplifies the process of creating tables with advanced features like sorting, filtering, and pagination, without compromising on aesthetics. Developers can utilize React Bootstrap to manage the visual aspects and responsiveness of the table, while leveraging React TanStack Table for the underlying functionality. This combination ensures that the tables are not only high-performing and feature-rich but also align with the latest design trends.

In summary, the synergy between React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap offers a powerful solution for developers aiming to create responsive and dynamic tables in modern web applications. Through leveraging the improved features and performance of React TanStack Table v8, in concert with the stylistic ease provided by React Bootstrap, developers are equipped to build advanced table UIs that meet the demands of contemporary web design standards. This evolution signifies a notable advancement in the toolkit available for React developers, enabling the creation of more engaging and user-friendly table interfaces.

Section 2: Setting Up the Environment for Dynamic Tables

To start building dynamic and responsive tables with React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap, the initial step involves setting up a robust React environment. This setup is crucial as it lays the groundwork for seamlessly integrating the functionalities of React TanStack Table with the stylistic elements of React Bootstrap. Begin by creating a new React application if you haven't yet, using Create React App (CRA) for a quick and straightforward setup. This tool scaffolds a React project with sensible defaults, allowing you to hit the ground running.

Once your React environment is ready, the next critical step is to install the necessary packages. For React TanStack Table, running yarn add @tanstack/react-table or npm install @tanstack/react-table will add the latest version of the table library to your project. Similarly, to incorporate React Bootstrap, execute yarn add react-bootstrap bootstrap or npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap. These commands fetch the React Bootstrap components and the Bootstrap CSS framework, enabling you to use them throughout your project effortlessly.

After installing these packages, it's important to import the Bootstrap CSS in the main entry file of your React application, typically index.js or App.js, by adding import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';. This import statement ensures that Bootstrap's styles are available globally, allowing React Bootstrap components to render correctly with the desired styling.

Best practices suggest organizing your project files in a way that enhances maintainability and scalability. Consider segregating your table components, data schemas, and utility functions into separate directories within your project. For instance, you could have a components/ directory for storing your table component files, a types/ directory for your data schema definitions (like those for your table data), and a utils/ directory for any utility functions that assist with data manipulation or API calls.

Finally, managing dependencies effectively is crucial for keeping your project lightweight and up to date. Regularly auditing your project's dependencies with yarn audit or npm audit helps identify and resolve security vulnerabilities. Additionally, staying informed about updates to React TanStack Table, React Bootstrap, and other dependencies ensures that you can leverage new features and performance improvements as they become available. This foundational setup paves the way for the next steps in creating sophisticated and interactive tables in your React applications.

Section 3: Designing a Responsive Table with React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap

To construct a responsive table using React TanStack Table combined with React Bootstrap, start by defining your table columns. Columns in TanStack Table are defined using JavaScript objects, where each object represents a column and its configuration. Here's an example:

const columns = [
        Header: 'ID',
        accessor: 'id' // accessor is the "key" in the data
        Header: 'Name',
        accessor: 'name'
        Header: 'Age',
        accessor: 'age'
    // Add more columns as needed

After specifying your columns, you must connect your data source to the table. Data in React TanStack Table is usually an array of objects, where each object is a row in the table. You can fetch this data from an external API or use static data.

In conjunction with React Bootstrap, apply responsive classes and components to ensure that your table elegantly addresses various viewport sizes. React Bootstrap’s responsive table class .table-responsive can be wrapped around the table to make it horizontally scrollable on small devices. Use this by wrapping your <Table> component with a <div> having the responsive class as shown:

<div className='table-responsive'>
    <Table {...getTableProps()}>
            {/* Table head */}
        <tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
            {/* Table body */}

To further enhance the table's responsiveness and user experience, integrate React Bootstrap components like <Button>, <Alert>, or <Modal> within your table cells for actions such as editing or deleting records. For instance, you could include an Edit button within a cell that opens a modal for editing the row's data. This not only adds functionality but also keeps the design consistent and modern across all device sizes.

    Header: 'Actions',
    id: 'actions',
    Cell: ({ row }) => (
            <Button onClick={() => editRecord(row.original)}>Edit</Button>
            <Button variant="danger" onClick={() => deleteRecord(}>Delete</Button>

Utilize custom styling options available through React Bootstrap to further tailor the appearance of your table to match your application's theme. By leveraging the power of both libraries, you can create a table that is not only functionally robust but also aesthetically pleasing and adaptable to varying screen sizes. Remember, while React TanStack Table handles the functionality and React Bootstrap handles the styling, you are responsible for integrating these aspects effectively to design an optimal user experience on all devices.

Section 4: Enhancing Table Interactivity: Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination

Enhancing the interactivity of tables in modern web applications involves implementing features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination. Utilizing the React TanStack Table library, developers can leverage powerful hooks like useSortBy and useFilters for sorting and filtering operations. The addition of these features greatly improves user experience by allowing users to navigate large datasets with ease. For example, sorting can be enabled with minimal configuration:

const columns = React.useMemo(
  () => [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      // Enable sorting
      disableSortBy: false,
    // More columns...

Filtering adds another layer of interactivity, letting users narrow down the results based on specific criteria. Implementing custom filter logic can cater to complex requirements beyond simple text matches. By using the useFilters hook, developers can create a highly customized table UI that responds to varied user inputs, enhancing the overall usability of the table:

const defaultColumn = React.useMemo(
  () => ({
    // Let's set up a default Filter UI
    Filter: DefaultColumnFilter,

Pagination is crucial for handling large datasets efficiently, preventing the render bottleneck associated with loading thousands of rows at once. React TanStack Table provides hooks for both client-side and server-side pagination, allowing for flexibility depending on the application's data handling approach. For server-side pagination, integration with APIs can be managed efficiently to load data as needed, preserving performance and enhancing user interaction:

const {
  page, // Instead of using 'rows', we use page,
  // Fetch the necessary pagination state variables
  // Other state variables here
} = useTable(
    initialState: { pageIndex: 0 }, // Set page index to 0

React Bootstrap components enrich the user interface by providing predefined styles for pagination controls, filter inputs, and sort indicators. This harmonious integration ensures that the table not only functions well but also looks modern and aligns with the overall design of the web application. For instance, customizing the appearance of pagination controls with React Bootstrap is straightforward and maintains consistency with the rest of the UI:

  <Pagination.First onClick={() => gotoPage(0)} disabled={!canPreviousPage} />
  <Pagination.Prev onClick={() => previousPage()} disabled={!canPreviousPage} />
  // Pagination items here
  <Pagination.Next onClick={() => nextPage()} disabled={!canNextPage} />
  <Pagination.Last onClick={() => gotoPage(pageCount - 1)} disabled={!canNextPage} />

Implementing these interactive features effectively requires careful planning and consideration of the user's needs. Developers must strike the right balance between functionality and performance, ensuring that the table remains responsive and easy to use even as complexity grows. By adopting best practices in sorting, filtering, and pagination, and utilizing the rich set of features offered by React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap, developers can create dynamic and responsive tables that enhance the end-user experience.

Section 5: Common Pitfalls and Performance Optimization

When integrating React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap, developers often encounter common coding mistakes that can severely impact the performance and usability of their applications. One of the most significant pitfalls is the handling of large datasets. Without proper optimization, rendering a substantial amount of data can lead to sluggish responsiveness and a poor user experience. Another prevalent issue is the misuse of hooks, particularly in scenarios where data or state changes frequently. This can cause unnecessary re-renders, further degrading performance.

To mitigate these issues, employing memoization techniques can provide substantial benefits. Utilizing useMemo for storing computed data, such as sorted and filtered lists, helps to avoid costly recalculations on every render. This becomes crucial as the size of the dataset increases. Additionally, React.memo can wrap components to prevent re-renders unless prop changes occur. However, it's essential to apply these techniques judiciously to avoid the overhead that can come with premature optimization.

Leveraging lazy loading is another effective strategy, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. This approach involves rendering only the currently visible rows and loading additional data on demand, significantly improving initial load times and overall performance. While React TanStack Table does not handle infinite loading out of the box, integrating a lazy loading mechanism or virtualization library can provide a seamless experience for end-users as they navigate through vast datasets.

A common oversight is failing to optimize state updates, particularly in dynamic tables where data changes frequently. Techniques such as debouncing, throttling, or batching state updates can reduce the number of re-renders, enhancing performance. It's also vital to consider server-side operations for tasks like sorting and filtering large datasets. Offloading these operations to the server not only decreases the amount of data transmitted over the network but also leverages the server's processing power, offering a more scalable solution.

Reflect on your current practices: Are you inadvertently causing unnecessary re-renders through mismanagement of state or props? Have you fully considered the benefits of server-side processing in your table implementation? Carefully evaluating these aspects and adopting best practices for memoization, lazy loading, and state management can significantly elevate the scalability, maintainability, and performance of your dynamic tables.


In this article, we explored the powerful combination of React TanStack Table and React Bootstrap for creating dynamic and responsive tables in modern web development. We discussed the benefits of using these libraries, including improved performance, cross-framework support, and enhanced design options. The article provided a step-by-step guide on setting up the environment, designing responsive tables, and implementing interactive features like sorting, filtering, and pagination. It also highlighted common pitfalls and offered tips for performance optimization. For a challenging task, readers can try implementing a virtualization library for lazy loading in large datasets, enhancing the user experience and overall performance of their dynamic tables.

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