Component lifecycle methods across frameworks

Anton Ioffe - October 26th 2023 - 9 minutes read

Dive into the vibrant universe of JavaScript and its frameworks as we unravel the mystery and magic of component lifecycle methods — the heart and soul of modern web development. In the comprehensive guide that follows, we will journey from component creation to unmounting, exploring the varying practices in frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Equipped with real-world code samples, insights into error management, and tips to avoid common pitfalls, our collective voyage promises to enrich your understanding, refine your coding strategies, and enhance your applications' performance. So gear up, as we dissect, discuss and deliver the essence of component lifecycle methods across frameworks. Prepare to delve deep and emerge expertly skilled.

Understanding Component Lifecycle Methods

A fundamental part of developing proficient front end applications is understanding the lifecycle methods of components. These constituents of the user interface are defined by specific code and navigate through a set lifecycle from initiation to decommission. Visualize it as a company's journey from a fledgling startup to major corporation, undergoing various changes and phases. Being conversant with these stages significantly refines one's approach to development.

Frameworks such as React, Vue.js, and Angular view component lifecycle methods as pivotal tools. They facilitate efficient data handling between initial component rendering and later updates, while providing the means to implement reactive code based on property or state transitions. Illustratively, in React:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
        // Code to fetch data goes here
        if( !=={
            // Code to handle data updates goes here

In this example, componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate lifecycle methods are used to fetch and update data respectively, providing granular control over data handling.

Modern front-end frameworks prioritize state management to move components from one state to another, typically fuelled by data transitions. This evolution is tracked and managed via lifecycle hooks — implementation-depended callbacks that allow developers to tie specific actions to certain stages of a component's lifecycle. These hooks are a pillar of change detection, offering predictable and manageable code execution.

To maximize efficiency, incorporating component lifecycle methods into UI design is instrumental. This allows developers to strategize on where and when certain logic should run, enhancing adaptability across various frameworks. For example, checking for a logged-in user via componentDidMount before displaying user-specific information. The potential applications are immense, as understanding and masterfully using component lifecycle methods is the first step towards creating superior front end applications.

Component Creation and Mounting

The first step in the lifecycle of a component across JavaScript frameworks, such as React, Vue, and Angular is its creation and mounting. Even when a component is referred to in the code, it might not exist yet physically on the screen. During this lifecycle stage, called mounting, a component gets instantiated and attached to the Document Object Model (DOM). This process includes any setup phase tasks, such as initializing local state or creating refs, and is our first available milestone for running the code.

Consider a simple login page component in React:

class LoginPage extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {currentUser: null};
    componentDidMount() {
        checkUserLogin().then(currentUser => 
    render() {
        return (
                {/* content here */}

In this example, we utilize the constructor to initialize our state and componentDidMount to perform async call, basically checking if our user is currently logged in before attempting to display login form. The constructor and componentDidMount represent the instantiation and mounting stage of our component respectively.

In contrary, Vue utilizes beforeCreate and created hooks, which serve the same purpose. Let's take a look at equivalent of previous example in Vue:

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: function() {
        return {currentUser: null};
    created: function() {
        checkUserLogin().then(currentUser =>
            this.currentUser = currentUser

Lastly, Angular selectively utilizes OnInit, OnChanges, and DoCheck lifecycle hooks for the creation stage, while AfterContentInit, AfterContentChecked, AfterViewInit, and AfterViewChecked hooks are related to the mounting stage.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-login',
    templateUrl: './login.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./login.component.css']
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit {
    currentUser: User;

    constructor() { }

    ngOnInit(): void {
        checkUserLogin().then(currentUser =>
            this.currentUser = currentUser

Understanding the mechanics of the mounting stage is vital when it comes to managing dynamic data and real-time applications. Correctly utilizing component lifecycle stages and their respective hooks can result in well-structured, manageable, and efficient code. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, and success lies in identifying when and where to implement these lifecycle hooks. It's not only about having the knowledge but also about applying it where it makes sense. As always, consider the complexity, readability, and the reliability of your solution. Happy coding!

Updates and Rerendering Components

During the lifespan of a front-end component, there are numerous stages where the component undergoes changes and updates. Essentially, these stages are what we define as updates and re-rendering of the component. For example, in React, after the initial render, when the state or props of a component change, the component may update and re-render. Other frameworks follow similar patterns with their component update and re-rendering cycles.

In one of these phases, the component has already been rendered, and changes are being made to adjust to users' interactions and data. This point in the life cycle often entails the use of async API calls that populate the component with data and wait for their results. When API calls resolve, and data has loaded successfully, it can trigger re-renders in the component, updating the UI to display the new data. One example can be found in React's life cycle method componentDidUpdate(), which is called every time a component's state or props update.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    if( !== || this.state.stateValue !== prevState.stateValue) {
        // Perform updates in response to prop or state changes here

This method serves a dual purpose – it can both respond to changes in props to update component state and trigger rerenders when state changes.

Angular provides developers with the ngOnChanges lifecycle hook, which is triggered every time data-bound input properties change. It benefits scenarios where you need to reload the state of the component based on these changes in addition to updates caused by state changes. The method receives an object that contains the current and previous property values, ideal for comparing changes and efficiently deciding when render updates are necessary.

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    for (let propName in changes) {
        // Perform updates here

One of the tangible benefits of understanding and properly using these component lifecycle methods is the ability to distribute workload between initial load and component updates cycle. It allows developers to break the component load into several cycles and strategically place complex business logic or additional REST calls at different points of the lifecycle.

However, it's important to keep in mind that not all interactions or changes will result in a component re-rendering. Being aware of this can prevent unnecessary re-renders leading to better performance and optimal resource usage. Therefore, as a developer, understanding and effectively leveraging these lifecycle methods can empower you to create more efficient, interactive, and responsive web applications.

Component Unmounting and Error Handling

Let's explore the final stages of a component's lifecycle, focusing particularly on unmounting and error handling. When unmounting, it's most common to use it as an opportunity to perform clean-up actions and enhance system performance.

One of the canonical examples for unmounting is unsubscribing from network requests or data streams. Consider the following real-world scenario. We have a component which subscribes to some server-side event on mount:

function MyDataStreamComponent() {
    useEffect(() => {
        const subscription = MyDataApi.subscribe();

        return function unmount() {
            // this is called when our component is about to unmount
    }, []);


In the above example, we use useEffect hook for both mounting and unmounting the component. Inside our useEffect, we subscribe to a data stream and return a function to unsubscribe - this function will be invoked when the component is about to be unmounted.

Error handling systematically allows reducing an unexpected behavior of the component when an error will be raised during its lifecycle. Imagine a scenario wherein a component depends on external data, and our API request fails. JavaScript frameworks provide lifecycle methods for such situations. For instance, the componentDidCatch lifecycle method in React handles errors that occur during rendering, in a lifecycle method, or in any child component. Here’s a typical usage:

class MyApiComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { hasError: false };

    componentDidCatch(error, info) {
        // We've caught an error, now we're logging it and rendering fallback UI.
        logErrorToMyService(error, info);
        this.setState({ hasError: true });

    render() {
        if (this.state.hasError) {
            // You can render any custom fallback UI
            return <h1>Error occurred while fetching data.</h1>;
        return this.props.children;

In the above example, we catch any error that occurs in the component's rendering or lifecycles and transition to an error state. We then render a fallback UI instead of the normal children components.

In conclusion, understanding and properly handling component unmounting and error stages, will not only give developers a much-needed control over loose ends and potential leaks, it will also provide a seamless and error-free experience to end users. The examples we highlighted reflects how lifecycle methods can lead to better maintenance, performance and user experience of our applications.

Common Mistakes and Best Practices With Component Lifecycle Methods

Let's dive into the common blunders and optimal practices you should be aware of when working with component lifecycle methods across various frameworks.

Mistake One: Poorly Ordered Async calls

A common mistake most developers make is attempting to initiate asynchronous operations, such as data fetching, within the constructor lifecycle method in React. This is incorrect because the constructor method is executed before the component is painted onto the DOM, meaning the asynchronous operation would block the painting of the component.

class AppComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { data: null };

            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => this.setState({ data }));
    // ...

The correct counterpart should be initializing async operations within the componentDidMount lifecycle method. It would allow the data fetch to happen after the initial render, preventing a block on the painting of the component and providing an improved user experience.

class AppComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { data: null };

    componentDidMount() {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => this.setState({ data }));
    // ...

Mistake Two: Overlooking Component State

The omission of checking the difference in state or props of a component before a re-render in the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method is another common mistake. This could lead to unnecessary re-rendering of components, memory leaks, and decreased performance.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => this.setState({ data }));

The correct application should include a conditional statement to compare the current state/props to the previous state/props, rendering only when a difference is perceived.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if ( !== {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => this.setState({ data }));

Best Practices and Guidelines

  1. Specify Side Effects: When using hooks in frameworks like React, it's vital to specify side effects in a useEffect function. Keeping side effects out of the main body of your function components helps separate concerns and makes your code cleaner and more readable. Also, avoid placing side effects in render methods or constructors.
  2. Timing is Key: Loading data is best done in an asynchronous way after the initial render to ensure a smooth user experience. In React, for example, componentDidMount is the best place to load data from a server.
  3. Unsubscribe and Cleanup: It's crucial, especially when using hooks, to unsubscribe from any subscriptions to avoid memory leaks. useEffect allows specification of a cleanup function to handle such cases.

Question to Ponder

Are there instances in your codebase where the mishandling of component lifecycle has led to memory leaks, redundant rendering, or code repetition? How can these missteps be resolved?


In this article, the author explores component lifecycle methods across popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. The article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding these methods and their importance in modern web development. The key takeaways include the significance of incorporating lifecycle methods into UI design, the various stages of the component lifecycle, and best practices to avoid common pitfalls. The author challenges readers to reflect on their own codebase and identify instances where mishandling of component lifecycle methods may have led to issues such as memory leaks or redundant rendering. The task is to analyze and resolve these missteps to improve the performance and reliability of their applications.

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