Building Single-Page Applications with Vue.js 3 and Routing

Anton Ioffe - December 21st 2023 - 9 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the imperative for crafting efficient, scalable, and engaging single-page applications (SPAs) has never been more substantial. Vue.js 3 emerges as a frontrunner in this realm, offering a reactive and component-based framework that promises to streamline the development process. This article delves into the intricacies of architecting Vue 3 SPAs with a laser focus on robust component architecture, advanced routing techniques, performance optimization, and meticulous state management to ensure your applications are both powerful and secure. We'll explore cutting-edge strategies and patterns that define modern SPAs, providing seasoned developers with insights and best practices to elevate their applications to the next level. Prepare to embark on a journey through the bastions of Vue 3, as we navigate the transformative techniques that lie at the heart of today's most dynamic web experiences.

Component Architecture & Composability in Vue 3

Vue 3 encourages a component-based architecture, which is instrumental in creating scalable and maintainable single-page applications (SPAs). Each component is a self-contained entity, encapsulating its own structure, style, and behavior. This encapsulation is key to component reusability, allowing developers to build complex interfaces by composing smaller, manageable pieces in a predictable manner.

The Composition API, introduced in Vue 3, takes the principles of component architecture further by providing a flexible way to organize logic within components. Unlike the Options API, which prescribes a set of property-based options such as data, methods, and life cycle hooks, the Composition API allows developers to group related logic into composable functions. This is particularly useful for sharing stateful logic across multiple components, enhancing modularity, and reducing code duplication.

In a Vue 3 SPA, components use the Composition API to define reactive state, computed properties, and functions, often leveraging ref and reactive primitives for building responsive interfaces. Logic that pertains to a particular feature can be extracted into a compositional function, which can then be imported and used within any component that requires it. This modularity not only increases code readability but also facilitates unit testing and overall maintenance.

Moreover, the Composition API embraces a more declarative approach, allowing developers to better control the scope and lifecycle of reactive state and side effects through the use of watchEffect, watch, and life cycle hooks like onMounted. This provides fine-grained control over the reactivity system, which in turn leads to a clearer understanding of the data flow within the component and less unexpected behavior within an SPA's complex architecture.

When it comes to building Vue 3 components for SPAs, common missteps include over-reliance on global state and neglecting proper encapsulation of concerns, leading to tightly coupled components that are difficult to test and refactor. By thoughtfully leveraging the Composition API, we can create components that are both lightweight and highly reusable, with well-defined interfaces. Consider this, how might your SPA's architecture change if components, empowered by the Composition API, encapsulated most of your logic?

Vue 3 Routing Mechanics & Configuration

Routing in Vue 3 leverages the power of Vue Router, providing a seamless method for managing views within a single-page application. Thanks to the configuration being encapsulated within JavaScript modules, setting up Vue Router begins with importing the necessary components and defining routes as an array of objects, each representing a mapping between a path and a component. The configuration progresses as follows:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router';
import HomeComponent from './components/HomeComponent.vue';
import AboutComponent from './components/AboutComponent.vue';

const routes = [
  { path: '/', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: '/about', component: AboutComponent },

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),

Here, dynamic route matching is possible by specifying path params, where the route's path includes a colon followed by a parameter name (e.g., /user/:userId). These parameters are reactively bound to component instances, enabling dynamic content rendering based on URL changes.

Vue Router allows for the use of named routes and views, simplifying the reference of paths within a Vue application and reducing the likelihood of typos and errors that commonly occur with string literals. When defining routes, an optional name can be associated with each route object. This feature can be particularly advantageous when performing programmatic navigation as it allows for a more descriptive and maintainable routing scheme:

const routes = [
  { path: '/home', name: 'Home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: '/about', name: 'About', component: AboutComponent },

// Programmatic navigation using named routes
router.push({ name: 'About' });

Moreover, advanced routing patterns like nested routes are delineated in the route configurations by supplying a children array within a route definition. Sub-routes can inherit and extend the layout of their parent routes, providing a streamlined method for orchestrating complex user interfaces:

const UserComponent = { /*...*/ };
const UserProfileComponent = { /*...*/ };
const UserPostsComponent = { /*...*/ };

const routes = [
  { path: '/user/:userId', component: UserComponent,
    children: [
      { path: 'profile', component: UserProfileComponent },
      { path: 'posts', component: UserPostsComponent },

Finally, the navigation process is safeguarded by route guards such as beforeEach, beforeResolve, and afterEach, which are powerful mechanisms for controlling access to routes. They act as middleware, permitting developers to check authentication, log analytics, or even cancel navigation if specific criteria aren't met, thus ensuring a secure and controlled routing environment:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if ( !== 'Login' && !isAuthenticated) next({ name: 'Login' });
  else next();

Considering such concepts will undoubtedly strengthen an application's routing system, amplifying maintainability, modularity, and the overall user experience.

Optimizing Vue 3 SPA Performance with Routing Strategies

To optimize performance in Vue 3 Single-Page Applications (SPAs), route-based lazy loading stands out as a cornerstone technique. This approach postpones the loading of component code until the route requiring it is navigated to, markedly reducing the initial payload and accelerating load times. In Vue 3, using the Vue Router, developers can split the build into chunks that are dynamically loaded upon route access. However, be on guard against inadvertently duplicating shared dependencies across chunks and steer clear of issues caused by asynchronous component loading.

const routes = [
        path: '/dashboard', 
        name: 'dashboard', 
        component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "dashboard" */ './components/Dashboard.vue') 
    // ... other routes

In Vue 3, developers often leverage HTML5 History Mode for its clean URLs and user-friendly page transitions that forego full page reloads. Yet, implementing this mode requires careful consideration; server-side configuration must be adapted to ensure that all requests are directed back to the index.html file, avoiding 404 errors upon direct URL access. This caveat is crucial because, without a proper server fallback, users risk a poor experience with broken routes. Alternatively, those wishing to avoid such server configurations may opt for createWebHashHistory, which uses URL hashes for routing without the need for server-side intervention.

const router = createRouter({
    history: createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),

Customizing scroll behavior in Vue Router significantly augments user experience. This feature allows the maintenance of scroll positions, emulating the navigational flow of traditional multi-page sites. Developers need to address accessibility, particularly ensuring that focus management is intact for users with assistive technologies.

const router = createRouter({
    // ...
    scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
        if (savedPosition) {
            return savedPosition;
        } else {
            return { top: 0 };

Implementing routing strategies such as lazy loading and scroll behavior customization can have mixed effects. While lazy loading sharpens initial load performance, it may introduce load delays during navigation, which could be reduced by preemptive loading strategies such as prefetching. Transitioning to History Mode smoothens the browsing experience but adds a layer of complexity in terms of server setup.

Developers should judiciously apply these enhancements to unequivocally improve both performance and user experience. Ongoing profiling and observing user interactions play a pivotal role in harmonizing performance gains with usability and inclusivity. The successful deployment of an SPA depends on a balanced adoption of such performance strategies.

State Management & Data Flow in Large-scale SPAs

In large-scale Single Page Applications (SPAs), managing application state efficiently is essential for maintaining a predictable and clean state architecture. Vuex serves as the centralized hub for shared state operations, effectively avoiding common issues such as prop drilling, where components are overburdened with props passed through multiple layers, and state duplication, where the same data is replicated across multiple components.

Addressing these challenges head on, Vuex streamlines state manipulation and ensures consistent data access across the board. A practical application of Vuex's capabilities is seen in its modularity; Vuex modules can encapsulate related parts of the state, thus promoting better organization and more maintainable codebases.

On the other hand, Vue 3's Composition API offers an alternative approach—localized state management within components. This method provides a finer control over state, enabling developers to build isolated logic that responds to a component's immediate needs without touching the global state. Leveraging the Composition API within components leads to better composition and modularity, avoiding the pitfalls of excessive reliance on a global store.

When considering efficient data flow across routes in a Vue 3 SPA, one must consider strategy in data distribution. Route meta fields in the Vue Router can facilitate context about required data for a route, helping to determine the necessary data before component rendering. Meanwhile, route guards are paramount in preemptively ensuring that the required data is available before a route is fully resolved. This preemptive fetching prevents unnecessary fetch operations and streamlines the data flow, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Here's an illustration of how Vuex and the Composition API can be integrated for a cohesive state management strategy in a Vue 3 SPA:

// store/modules/user.js - Vuex User Module
export const userModule = {
  namespaced: true,
  state: () => ({
    profile: null
  mutations: {
    setProfile(state, userProfile) {
      state.profile = userProfile;
  actions: {
    async loadProfile({ commit }, userId) {
      const profile = await fetchUserProfile(userId); // Async API call
      commit('setProfile', profile);

// useUser.js - a composable for user-specific state management
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';

export function useUser(userId) {
  const store = useStore();

  const profile = computed(() => store.state.user.profile);

  const loadProfile = async () => {
    // Avoid re-fetching if profile already exists
    if (!store.state.user.profile) {
      await store.dispatch('user/loadProfile', userId);

  return {

In this nuanced case, the Vuex module encapsulates user-related state, while the corresponding composable useUser interacts with the user state. The composable checks if the user profile is already in the state before dispatching an action, thereby averting unnecessary API calls and preventing duplication of state.

For developers working on Vue 3 SPAs, it's crucial to maintain a clean separation between global and component-specific state. This approach not only avoids common pitfalls but also enhances reusability and testability. Vuex modules should be leveraged for overall application state that needs to be shared between multiple components, while the Composition API should be reserved for state that is only relevant to specific components or features. By maintaining a disciplined separation between global and local state management and focusing on well-defined data fetching and distribution mechanisms, developers can ensure the creation of sophisticated SPAs that are both maintainable and performant.

SPA Security and Navigation Control

In Vue.js 3 SPAs, securing the front end is just as imperative as securing the back end. Vue Router navigation guards act as a crucial line of defense, regulating access to routes based on authentication and authorization criteria. The beforeEach navigation guard is used to redirect unauthenticated users away from restricted routes, ensuring robust security. Consider the following refined code snippet which demonstrates the setup and utilization of a navigation guard along with route meta fields for access control:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router';

const routes = [
    path: '/protected',
    component: () => import('./components/ProtectedComponent.vue'),
    meta: { requiresAuth: true }
  // ... other routes

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !isUserAuthenticated()) {
    next({ name: 'login' });
  } else {

function isUserAuthenticated() {
  // Perform authentication check logic
  return sessionStorage.getItem('isAuthenticated') === 'true';

Bear in mind that a frequent blunder is failing to apply security checks consistently across all protected routes. Meticulously define the requiresAuth meta property to signal which routes demand authentication, thereby avoiding unintended leaks of sensitive content.

Navigation failures demand prudent handling to ensure the user experience does not suffer while preserving security. In the augmented beforeEach guard example below, we examine a practical strategy for responding to navigation errors:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  try {
    if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !isUserAuthenticated()) {
      throw new Error('Authentication failed. Access to the requested page is restricted.');
  } catch (error) {
    next({ name: 'error', params: { message: error.message } }); // Redirect to an error page with an error message

Balancing security and user convenience is fundamental, particularly after user authentication. The use of router.replace() is beneficial when preventing users from returning to the login page post-authentication, whereas router.push() gracefully guides users to their target destination. Implementing these techniques with care results in secure and user-friendly SPA navigation:

function handleAuthentication(userCredentials) {
  if (authenticateUser(userCredentials)) {
    router.replace({ name: 'dashboard' }); // Use replace to prevent navigation back to login
  } else {
    // Implement suitable error handling

To conclude, developers must skillfully juxtapose rigorous security with smooth user interactions to mitigate friction and sustain user engagement within the SPA. This delicate equilibrium will shape a positive user experience without compromising application integrity.


In this article, we explore the world of building Single-Page Applications (SPAs) with Vue.js 3 and Routing. We delve into the importance of component architecture and composability in creating scalable and maintainable SPAs. We also discuss the mechanics and configuration of routing in Vue 3, including advanced routing patterns and route guards for secure and controlled navigation. Additionally, we cover performance optimization techniques such as lazy loading and scroll behavior customization. Finally, we examine state management strategies using Vuex and the Composition API, showcasing how to maintain a clean separation between global and component-specific state. The article concludes with an emphasis on SPA security and navigation control through the use of navigation guards and route meta fields. A challenging task for the reader is to implement route-based lazy loading using Vue Router and improve performance in their own Vue.js 3 SPA.

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