Building an E-Commerce Application with React and TanStack Store: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Anton Ioffe - April 5th 2024 - 10 minutes read

In the modern era of web development, creating an e-commerce platform that stands out not only requires intuitive design but also robust, scalable backend architecture. This comprehensive guide embarks on a detailed journey to craft a sophisticated e-commerce platform using React coupled with the efficient state management capabilities of TanStack Store. From setting up a dynamic development environment and designing an interactive product catalog to implementing seamless shopping cart functionality, and ironclad user authentication — each step is meticulously covered. We will conclude with invaluable insights for optimizing and deploying your application, ensuring it is ready to excel in the competitive digital marketplace. Whether you're aiming to elevate your existing skills or integrate modern solutions into your e-commerce projects, this tutorial promises to be an indispensable resource for contemporary web development.

Setting Up the Environment and Dependencies

Embarking on the creation of an e-commerce application demands a thorough setup of the development environment. This foundational step begins with the installation of React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces with a component-based architecture. For those venturing into this project, utilize the command npx create-react-app my-ecommerce-app to quickly scaffold a new React project. This command expertly sets up the React architecture, equipping developers with a suite of configurations that streamline development efforts from inception.

With the React application scaffolded, the next critical step is establishing the project’s state management solution: TanStack Store. The choice of TanStack Store, formerly known as React Query, marks a strategic decision for managing application state and server synchronization. This selection is pivotal for building scalable and maintainable e-commerce platforms. Installation is straightforward but crucial; execute npm install @tanstack/react-query within the project directory. This command adds TanStack Store to the project, bridging the gap between the client state and remote data sources effectively.

Setting up a development environment that is both efficient and aligned with best practices requires attention to detail. For instance, configuring eslint and prettier can significantly enhance code quality and developer collaboration. Remember, proper setup of development tools not only aids in writing clean code but also in identifying potential issues early in the development cycle. Although not specific commands are provided here, acknowledging the necessity of these tools underscores the commitment to a professional and high-quality development environment.

Real-world application development extends beyond mere installation of dependencies. Integrating TanStack Store into your React application involves wrapping your application’s root component with the QueryClientProvider, providing the necessary context for using TanStack Store throughout your app. Here’s a snippet demonstrating this integration:

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query';
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function App() {
  return (
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
      // Your application components here

This code showcases how to envelop the application within QueryClientProvider, setting the stage for utilizing TanStack Store for state management and server data fetching in the e-commerce platform.

The importance of a properly established development environment cannot be overstated. It lays the groundwork for building scalable, maintainable applications. Through careful selection and configuration of tools like React and TanStack Store, developers are better positioned to tackle the complexities of e-commerce application development. This setup not only enhances performance and modularity but also ensures a streamlined workflow conducive to e-commerce platform success. As you proceed, bear in mind the critical nature of this foundation, as it significantly influences the application's future scalability and maintainability.

Designing the Product Catalog: Data Modeling and Store Integration

Designing an efficient product catalog for an e-commerce platform involves a meticulous process of data modeling, which is pivotal in defining how product information is structured, managed, and stored. Within this context, it is essential to create detailed product entities that reflect the nature of items being sold. This includes defining attributes like id, title, description, price, quantity, and image, as well as relational attributes such as categoryId to establish a connection with the product category. Utilizing Prisma as our data modeling tool, we leverage its ability to handle relations seamlessly, ensuring our product catalog is both robust and scalable.

model Product {
  id          String   @id @default(cuid())
  title       String   @unique
  description String
  price       String
  quantity    Int
  image       String
  createdAt   DateTime @default(now())
  category    Category? @relation(fields: [categoryId], references: [id])
  categoryId  String?

After defining our data model, the next step involves the integration of these models with TanStack Store for efficient state management across the React application. TanStack Store excels in synchronizing application state with external data sources, such as our backend API, which delivers our product catalog data. For instance, to fetch a list of products or a specific product's details, we set up queries using TanStack Store's hooks, ensuring our UI components receive up-to-date data.

const { data: products } = useQuery(['products'], fetchProducts);
const { data: product } = useQuery(['product', productId], () => fetchProductById(productId));

Performing CRUD operations within this architecture involves interfacing with Prisma on the backend while employing TanStack Store's mutation hooks on the frontend to create, update, or delete product data. This setup not only facilitates a clear separation of concerns but also enhances the modularity and reusability of code across our application, ensuring operations on the product catalog are streamlined and efficient.

const mutation = useMutation(newProduct => createProduct(newProduct), {
  onSuccess: () => {
    // Invalidate and refetch

Lastly, managing the application state with TanStack Store allows for an optimized user experience by caching fetched data and reducing unnecessary server requests. Implementing these practices ensures our product catalog is not only highly performant but also scalable, accommodating the evolving needs of an e-commerce platform. This foundation is crucial for building a responsive, data-driven product catalog that meets modern web development standards.

Implementing Shopping Cart Functionality with TanStack Store

In modern e-commerce development with React, leveraging TanStack Store for implementing shopping cart functionality is paramount to achieving a responsive and user-friendly cart experience. By managing cart state effectively, developers can ensure that users have a seamless shopping journey, from adding products to proceeding to checkout. One of the critical aspects of using TanStack Store in this context is its efficiency in handling state updates and synchronizing them across components, which is crucial for features such as updating product quantities or removing items from the cart.

To handle add-to-cart actions, a custom hook that uses TanStack Store can be created to encapsulate the logic required for adding items to the cart. This not only improves modularity but also simplifies testing and maintenance. For instance, the useAddToCart hook can manage the addition of items, including checks for existing items in the cart and updating quantities if needed. The ability of TanStack Store to batch updates ensures that performance remains optimal, even with frequent state changes.

const useAddToCart = () => {
    const queryClient = useQueryClient();

    const addToCart = async (product) => {
        await queryClient.setQueryData('cart', (oldCart) => {
            const isProductInCart = oldCart.find(item => ===;
            if (isProductInCart) {
                return => 
           === ? { ...item, quantity: item.quantity + 1 } : item
            return [...oldCart, { ...product, quantity: 1 }];

    return { addToCart };

Additionally, managing cart updates, such as quantity changes, requires careful consideration to ensure a positive user experience. Implementing optimistically updated UIs where the interface reflects changes immediately while the actual update happens in the background can enhance perceived performance. TanStack Store's features for optimistic updates can be leveraged to achieve this delicate balance between responsiveness and accuracy in the shopping cart functionality.

const useUpdateQuantity = () => {
    const queryClient = useQueryClient();

    const updateQuantity = async (productId, newQuantity) => {
        await queryClient.setQueryData('cart', (oldCart) => {
            return => 
       === productId ? { ...item, quantity: newQuantity } : item

    return { updateQuantity };

Beyond managing state, the flexibility of TanStack Store facilitates modular code structure, which is instrumental in e-commerce applications where features such as the cart are integral yet need to be easily adaptable or replaced as business requirements evolve. This approach not only aids in developing a robust shopping cart but also underscores the importance of modularity and reusability in e-commerce web development, fostering a development environment where components can be shared and reused across projects with minimal adjustments.

Deploying TanStack Store for cart functionality exemplifies the confluence of performance, modularity, and an enhanced user experience in modern e-commerce applications. The discussed strategies and code examples underscore the effectiveness of TanStack Store in creating a shopping cart that not only meets the dynamic needs of users but also aligns with best practices in web development. Through careful state management and thoughtful implementation, developers can harness the full potential of TanStack Store to deliver responsive, user-friendly shopping cart experiences that drive conversions and customer satisfaction.

Building User Authentication and Authorization

In building a secure e-commerce application, user authentication and authorization form the backbone for protecting user data and ensuring a trusted shopping environment. Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization determines what resources a user can access. A common authentication flow involves the user signing up or logging in through a form, which then communicates with the server to verify the user's credentials. Upon successful authentication, the server issues a token (often JWT - JSON Web Tokens) that gets stored in the client's session or local storage for maintaining the user's authenticated state throughout the application.

For session management, handling the authentication token securely is paramount. Upon login, the authentication token should be stored securely in the browser's local storage or session storage. This token is then sent with each subsequent request to the server to access protected routes, allowing the server to verify the token's validity. It's crucial to implement mechanisms to detect when the token is no longer valid or has been tampered with, which would require the user to re-authenticate. Periodic token refresh mechanisms can also enhance security by minimizing the window of opportunity for token misuse.

Integrating authorization within the e-commerce application involves setting up protected routes that require a valid authentication token to access. This can be implemented in React by creating higher-order components or custom hooks that wrap around sensitive components to check for the presence of an authentication token. If the token is missing or invalid, the user can be redirected to a login page or be denied access to the component. This ensures that sensitive operations, like viewing order history or accessing user profile data, are guarded against unauthorized access.

import React from 'react';
import { useAuth } from '../hooks/useAuth';
import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';

function withAuthorization(WrappedComponent) {
    return function ProtectedRoute(props) {
        const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth();

        if (!isAuthenticated) {
            // Redirect to login if the user is not authenticated
            return <Navigate to="/login" />;

        return <WrappedComponent {...props} />;

The above code example demonstrates a higher-order component in React that wraps around components requiring user authorization. It leverages a custom useAuth hook that checks if the user is authenticated. If not authenticated, it redirects the user to the login page, thereby protecting the component from unauthorized access.

Common mistakes in implementing authentication and authorization include storing tokens in an insecure manner, failing to protect against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks, and neglecting to implement adequate measures to handle token expiration or revocation. A secure approach should always include HTTPS for all communications, use HttpOnly and Secure flags for cookies (if used), and ensure that CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings are correctly configured to prevent unauthorized domain access.

By carefully designing the authentication and authorization flows, developers can create a secure and seamless user experience. However, it's important to continuously monitor and update these systems in response to emerging security threats. Ensuring the secure handling of user sessions and protecting sensitive routes and operations through robust authorization checks are key practices that not only safeguard user data but also foster trust in your e-commerce platform.

Optimizing and Deploying the E-Commerce Application

Optimizing the performance and scalability of an e-commerce application before deployment is crucial for ensuring a smooth, fast user experience and reducing server costs. One effective strategy is code splitting, which involves breaking down your application into smaller chunks that are loaded on demand. For instance, React.lazy and Suspense can be used for dynamic imports of components that aren't immediately needed on the initial page load, significantly reducing the size of the initial JavaScript bundle that needs to be downloaded.

const ProductPage = React.lazy(() => import('./ProductPage'));

function App() {
  return (
    <React.Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <ProductPage />

Further performance gains can be achieved through lazy loading images and other resource-intensive assets. By only loading these assets as they're about to come into the viewport, you can significantly decrease initial load times and reduce data usage for users. The Intersection Observer API in combination with state management can be used to track the visibility of components and load content dynamically.

For state management, using tools like TanStack Store efficiently reduces unnecessary renders and API calls by caching data and synchronizing state across components. Organizing your state in a way that reflects the needs of the UI and minimizing the number of state updates are both practices that conserve memory and CPU cycles.

Minimizing bundle sizes is another critical optimization strategy. Tools like Webpack’s Bundle Analyzer can help identify large dependencies. Switching to lighter alternatives or dynamically importing modules only when needed can have a profound impact on performance. For example, if a dependency like Lodash is being used, consider importing only the methods needed instead of the whole library.

import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';

When deploying, selecting a hosting service like Vercel that offers automated deployments, instant rollbacks, and serverless functions can vastly simplify the process. Configuring continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) workflows through GitHub Actions or similar services can ensure that your application is always up to date and running smoothly. Implementing these optimizations and following a thorough deployment workflow not only results in a high-performing e-commerce application but also enhances scalability and maintainability as your application grows.


This article explores the process of building an e-commerce application with React and TanStack Store. It covers topics such as setting up the development environment, designing the product catalog, implementing shopping cart functionality, and building user authentication and authorization. The key takeaways include the importance of proper setup and configuration, the benefits of using TanStack Store for state management, and the significance of optimizing and deploying the application. A challenging technical task for readers could be to enhance the authentication and authorization flow by implementing additional security measures, such as CSRF protection and handling token expiration or revocation.

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