Angular's NgModules vs. Standalone Components: Pros and Cons

Anton Ioffe - November 24th 2023 - 10 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of Angular, developers stand at the cusp of an architectural paradigm shift, where the traditional reliance on NgModules loosens to make way for the sleeker, more encapsulated paradigm of standalone components. As you advance through the five detailed sections of "Angular Evolution: Embracing Standalone Components over NgModules," we will unravel the practical implications of this shift, diving into its nuances with real-world code examples. Prepare to discover how this metamorphosis can spell a significant transformation in your approach to modularity, performance, and maintainability, while vigilantly navigating the challenging waters of complexity and dependency management. With a nuanced look at patterns and anti-patterns, our discourse is aimed to enhance your toolkit as a senior developer, amplifying your project's architecture and your mastery of modern web development with Angular.

Deconstructing Angular Standalone Components

Standalone components in Angular introduce a paradigm shift by enabling components to be self-sufficient, distancing themselves from the reliance on NgModules. With the standalone: true property in the @Component decorator, standalone components encapsulate their requirements, easing their integration across the application. These components are recognized by Angular as independent, negating the need for NgModules' associated boilerplate code.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-standalone',
    template: '<p>Hello, Standalone Component!</p>',
    standalone: true
export class StandaloneComponent {}

Architecturally, this innovation carries significant implications. Standalone components provide flexibility beyond the previously rigid boundaries set by NgModules which grouped components and their dependencies within modules. In the old paradigm, managing dependencies involved wrapping components, directives, and pipes with imports and exports in a single module. The new model suggests a streamlined process where components include only the dependencies they require, manifesting a modular and independent configuration.

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-standalone',
    template: '<p>{{text}}</p>',
    imports: [CommonModule],
    standalone: true
export class StandaloneComponent {
    text = 'This component now independently imports CommonModule.';

Each component in this pattern directly imports the requisite pieces—such as directives, other standalone components, or pipes—within its imports metadata property. The dependency trail previously routed through an NgModule now becomes a direct part of the component's declaration, signifying a shift towards a more granular approach in crafting components.

Standalone components can still harmonize within existing NgModules. For instance, an established NgModule can include a standalone component amongst its declarations, thus allowing existing legacy modules to utilize new standalone components within their template without restructuring the whole application.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { StandaloneComponent } from './standalone.component';

    declarations: [StandaloneComponent],
    exports: [StandaloneComponent]
export class SharedModule {}

This coexistence demonstrates that standalone components are not merely isolated entities; they represent a new facet integrable with Angular's existing structures. As developers leverage standalone components, a transformation towards a leaner and more modular development practice occurs, embodying a principled move towards efficiency and maintainability in Angular applications.

Advantages of Transitioning to Standalone Components

Transitioning to standalone components in Angular ushers in a new era of modularity, offering developers the ability to create more self-reliant and cohesive building blocks for web applications. These components function independently, reducing the need for cumbersome NgModules that may contain unnecessary imports and unused dependencies. Standalone components amplify the principle of single responsibility by exclusively including the dependencies they require. This approach not only promotes cleaner and more organized code but also streamlines the development workflow, making it easier to manage codebase at scale.

Enhanced tree-shaking is another significant benefit of adopting standalone components. By importing only the required dependencies, standalone components operate as highly treeshakeable units within a project, allowing for the elimination of dead code and consequently yield a reduced bundle size. This leaner, more efficient bundle improves application performance, particularly in the context of loading times—a critical factor in user experience and retention.

In the modular landscape of Angular, embracing standalone components aids maintenance and testing efforts. As components encapsulate their functionality discreetly, developers can more easily reason about, refactor, and test individual pieces without the intricacies of a monolithic module system. The following concise code exemplifies the streamlined nature of a standalone component in Angular:

import { userDataService } from './services/user-data.service';

    selector: 'app-user-profile',
    providers: [userDataService],
    templateUrl: './user-profile.component.html',
    standalone: true
export class UserProfileComponent {
    constructor(private userData: userDataService) {}
    // UserProfileComponent logic here

This discrete encapsulation stands in stark contrast to the complexity of NgModule, where userProfile necessitates its inclusion in a module's declarations and potentially entangles with other components through shared services and directives.

Moreover, standalone components offer a tactical advantage in the realm of performance optimization. By facilitating lazy-loading at a component level, they contribute to a more granular control of resource loading. This precision allows for the runtime to fetch only the components necessary for the current user interaction, as opposed to bulk-loading an entire module, thereby enhancing application responsiveness and reducing network payload.

The shift towards standalone components represents a thoughtful evolution in Angular's design, fostering improved modularity, more manageable maintenance, and a lighter application footprint. The transition enables developers to construct applications that are not only performant and scalable but are also more aligned with modern web development practices focused on efficiency and modularity.

Potential Pitfalls and Complexity Management

Migrating to standalone components can introduce new challenges, particularly in large-scale Angular projects where the complexity of the system can increase significantly. One common pitfall is the mismanagement of dependencies when dealing with a multitude of components that previously relied on shared modules for their dependencies. This can lead to repetitive imports and can obscure the clear structure that modules once provided.

// Pitfall: Repetitive dependency imports in multiple components
import { SharedService } from '...';
import { AnotherService } from '...';

export class ComponentA {
    constructor(private sharedService: SharedService, private anotherService: AnotherService) {...}

// Similar dependency imports in another component
export class ComponentB {
    constructor(private sharedService: SharedService, private anotherService: AnotherService) {...}

To mitigate this, developers must exercise careful planning when migrating, ensuring that dependencies are abstracted wherever possible. One strategy is to group commonly used services or directives into Core or Shared services, which can be easily imported where needed, without bloating components with redundant code. This way, you maintain clarity in your service dependencies while leveraging the modularity of standalone components.

// Strategy: Extract common dependencies into CoreService
import { CoreService } from '...';

export class ComponentA {
    constructor(private coreService: CoreService) {...}

export class ComponentB {
    constructor(private coreService: CoreService) {...}

Another pitfall to be wary of is the temptation to rigidly stick to the principle of one component per file, which can lead to an overwhelming number of files in your project. While modularity is key, managing a sprawling structure with an excessive number of discrete files can be detrimental. Striking the right balance can be challenging; however, utilizing pattern such as the barrelfile pattern for grouping and exporting a collection of components can help keep this under control. It simplifies imports and keeps related components together without sacrificing the benefits of modularity.

// Implementing barrel file to manage exports
// file: feature-group.ts
export * from './componentA';
export * from './componentB';
// ... other components

Additionally, migrating all components to standalone without a strategic plan and staggered implementation can cause major regressions. A best practice is to incrementally migrate pieces of the application during regular code refactoring. This involves a consistent review and testing process to ensure stability and smooth integration of standalone components.

Lastly, attention must be given to potential performance issues. For instance, if each component individually imports utility libraries that are heavy, it could lead to performance bottlenecks. To avoid such pitfalls, it's important to monitor and preemptively address any potential performance concerns during the migration. Using tools to analyze bundle sizes and import trees can guide decisions on which external libraries or resources should be refactored for more efficient use across components.

Navigating these common pitfalls requires not only technical know-how but also a keen eye for the nuances in managing complexity within a large-scale Angular application. By adopting these strategies and maintaining a pragmatic approach, developers can effectively leverage the standalone component paradigm without sacrificing the manageability of their codebases.

Best Practices for Implementing Standalone Components

When architecting an Angular application with standalone components, consider the size of your project and code. Large-scale applications can greatly benefit from a standalone component approach due to its modular nature, but even smaller projects can take advantage of this for future scalability. Here's a practical example that demonstrates the encapsulated nature of a standalone component:

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
// Import individual service required by this component
import { DataService } from './data.service';

  selector: 'app-article-search-result',
  templateUrl: './article-search-result.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./article-search-result.component.css'],
  providers: [DataService], // Service scoped to the component
export class ArticleSearchResultComponent {
  // Component logic here
  @Input() articleData: Article;

  constructor(private dataService: DataService) {}

  // Additional methods using dataService would go here

This ArticleSearchResultComponent is a standalone entity, selectively importing and encapsulating its dependencies, ensuring that only the necessary code is bundled with it.

For applications that are meticulously optimized for performance, leveraging standalone components encourages code reusability and maintainability. This significantly simplifies modifying and updating code as the project evolves. To ensure this, reusability practices such as creating generic, well-documented services and utility functions are paramount. These can be effortlessly imported and utilized by multiple components:

[import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';](

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class UtilService {
  // A generic utility function
  formatArticlePreview(content: string): string {
    return content.slice(0, 150) + '...'; // Truncate articles for preview

Inject the service into components that require this specific functionality, maintaining a dry (Don't Repeat Yourself) codebase.

To specifically address reducing redundant code and improving overall structure, implement smart bundling practices. Standalone components allow finer control over bundling, so create individual components that encapsulate not just functionality but also styles. For instance, keep shared styles within a self-contained component to avoid polluting other components’ styles:

  // ...
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, // Use ViewEncapsulation as needed
  styleUrls: ['./article-component.styles.css']
export class ArticleComponent {
  // Component-specific styles are encapsulated here

Isolation of standalone components is another key factor for simplifying unit testing and debugging. Write components that harbor their own state and services to ensure the independence of each unit. By doing so, we can test a single component in isolation without the need for an overarching module context, which aligns with modern testing best practices:

import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { ArticleComponent } from './article.component';
import { UtilService } from './util.service';

describe('ArticleComponent', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
      declarations: [ArticleComponent], // No need to declare in a module
      providers: [UtilService]

  it('should create', () => {
    const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ArticleComponent);
    const component = fixture.componentInstance;

  // Additional isolated unit tests would follow

Lastly, promote smarter dependency management by having standalone components consume shared services or common dependencies. This strategy aids in preventing duplicate code and enhances application performance. Design services that are agnostic of the component that injects them, focusing instead on delivering a specific functionality that can be used by multiple components across the application:

  providedIn: 'root' // This service can be used across many components
export class NotificationService {
  // Contains logic relevant to user notifications
  notifyUser(message: string): void {
    // Notify logic here

Embed this service within standalone components to access the notifyUser functionality, thereby ensuring that any component can leverage the same logic without code repetition.

Standalone Component Patterns and Common Anti-Patterns

One effective pattern in using standalone components is employing the Single Component Angular Module (SCAM) approach, albeit without the NgModule wrapper. A standalone component, in this context, becomes a self-sufficient entity with well-defined inputs and outputs, fostering reusability and encapsulation. For instance, a UserProfileComponent can encapsulate functionality for viewing and editing a user's profile, importing only the necessary services and components such as UserService or UserAvatarComponent. This contrasts with an NgModule anti-pattern where a monolithic module imports an array of unrelated components and services, leading to a bloated bundle and a lack of clarity on individual component dependencies.

  selector: 'app-user-profile',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, UserAvatarComponent],
  templateUrl: './user-profile.component.html',
export class UserProfileComponent {
  // Component logic

Conversely, a common anti-pattern with NgModules is the indiscriminate use of shared modules. Developers often create a SharedModule that exports a wide array of components and directives used across different features. However, this can lead to unintended side effects and increased bundle sizes as components get bundled with unnecessary dependencies. Standalone components circumvent this by explicitly importing only what they need, ensuring leaner bundles and more straightforward dependency management.

Modularity can be further enhanced through the use of dynamic imports with standalone components, enabling lazy loading at the component level. This was once a verbose and cumbersome process within NgModules, often leading developers to mistakenly load entire modules rather than the specific components needed, impacting performance negatively. With standalone components, developers can specify precisely which component to lazy load, achieving more efficient code-splitting and lighter initial loads.

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'profile',
    loadComponent: () => 
      import('./user-profile/user-profile.component').then(m => m.UserProfileComponent)

Another advanced pattern is leveraging the concept of presentational and container components within a standalone context. A presentational component focuses purely on the UI, taking data through inputs, and emitting events through outputs. The container component, meanwhile, handles data retrieval and state management. In an NgModule-based architecture, such separation can become obscured if the module serves as an indiscriminate container for components with varying responsibilities, hence muddying the clarity of each component's role.

Lastly, an anti-pattern to watch for is over-isolation. While standalone components aim for modularity, over-segmenting can lead to excessive boilerplate and inefficiency, as developers might replicate similar import statements across multiple components. It's vital to strike a balance between the granularity of standalone components and the DRY principle; sometimes, grouping related standalone components and their common imports through higher-order components or shared services could lead to more maintainable and legible codebases. Would the granularity of your standalone components withstand the scaling of your application, or is a refactoring towards a more balanced structure required?


In the article "Angular's NgModules vs. Standalone Components: Pros and Cons," the author explores the shift from NgModules to standalone components in Angular development. The article emphasizes the advantages of transitioning to standalone components, such as improved modularity, tree-shaking for reduced bundle size, and enhanced maintenance and testing efforts. The author also warns of potential pitfalls and complexity management issues that can arise when migrating to standalone components, providing strategies to mitigate these challenges. The article concludes with best practices for implementing standalone components, including considerations for project size, code reusability, structure, isolation, and dependency management. The challenging technical task for the reader is to strike a balance between the granularity of standalone components and the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, and to determine whether a refactoring towards a more balanced structure is required based on the scaling of the application.

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