Data fetching in Next.js with getServerSideProps and getStaticProps

Anton Ioffe - September 24th 2023 - 17 minutes read

As the realm of modern web development continues to evolve, JavaScript has stayed consistently at the forefront, carving unique pathways for developers to construct fluid and responsive user experiences. Amidst this innovation, Next.js, a progressive JavaScript library, has proved to be instrumental, particularly through its paradigmatic data fetching methods - getServerSideProps and getStaticProps.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dissect the functionality and application of these two data fetching techniques in Next.js, offering a deep dive into their relevance in contemporary web development. We'll explore how getServerSideProps enriches server-side rendering, while getStaticProps holds the key to static site generation. You'll uncover the ideal scenarios for their implementation, the nuances that set them apart, and how to leverage them for optimal performance.

We’ll also delve into the complexities of dynamic routing, illustrate how to utilize these functions to create dynamic routes, and illuminate the journey of data fetching as it's evolved in Next.js. If you're a seasoned developer or a curious enthusiast eager to empower your Next.js proficiency, this insightful exploration holds invaluable insights for you. Prepare to uncover fresh perspectives and cutting-edge knowledge about getServerSideProps and getStaticProps in Next.js.

Understanding the Modern Data Fetching Techniques in Next.js

The advent of Next.js has revolutionized data fetching with methods like getServerSideProps and getStaticProps. However, to unleash their power, a deep understanding of their roles, practical implications, and contributions to web development is indispensable.

Practical Insight into getServerSideProps

Introduced in Next.js 9.3, getServerSideProps is an efficient model for server-side rendering (SSR). Unlike getInitialProps, its predecessor, it only springs to action on the server side during the initiation of a page request. This reduces data redundancy and boosts performance while ensuring far better predictability. Take this typical function for getServerSideProps as an example:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    const res = await fetch(``);
    const data = await res.json();

    if (!data) {
        return {
            notFound: true,

    return {
        props: { data }, // Will be passed to the page component as props

As seen above, this method aids in supplying the required data directly to the page component as props, thereby ensuring neatly organized and efficient data fetching.

Demystifying getStaticProps

Next.js also introduces getStaticProps as a data fetching strategy, designed specifically for static pages. By adopting this method, you inform Next.js to obtain the necessary data at build time, enhancing performance and reducing server load. Here, every page request returns the same HTML, suitable for SEO and improved page load speed. Behold a typical getStaticProps function:

export async function getStaticProps() {
    const res = await fetch(``);
    const data = await res.json();

    return {
        props: {
        revalidate: 1, // In seconds

getStaticProps allows for pre-rendering of the webpage and, when paired with Incremental Static Regeneration, it can generate runtime updates when needed.

In the holistic view of web development, where do you see these two methods fitting in most beneficially? Can you contemplate scenarios where the choice between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps could make a substantial difference in a web application's performance and user experience?

In essence, understanding the practical applications and peculiarities of both getServerSideProps and getStaticProps can offer invaluable insights for optimal web development routines. By engaging these methods, you can revolutionize webpage rendering efficiency, propelling your Next.js applications headlong into the fast evolving sphere of modern web technology. What areas in your current projects could benefit from the introduction of these data fetching strategies?

Delving into getServerSideProps

Delving into getServerSideProps

Let's begin by immersing ourselves in the nitty-gritty of the getServerSideProps function.

getServerSideProps is a robust function designed for server-side rendering. Introduced in Next.js version 9.3, it excels at handling data that needs to be fetched at the time of request. This could be due to the unique characteristics of the data or properties of the request, such as authorization headers or geographical location.

Here's a simplistic yet comprehensive example to demonstrate its typical usage:

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const response = await fetch('');
  const data = await response.json();

  return { props: { data } };

In this code snippet, getServerSideProps fetches data from an external API and then injects it into the page component as props. This pre-renders the page on the server with the fetched data and sends it as a complete HTML page to the client.

In contrast to getInitialProps, getServerSideProps executes only on the server-side during the initial page request, not on subsequent client-side navigations. This reduces any potential overhead from duplicate data fetching, leading to improved performance and a heightened level of predictability for server-side data fetching.

The lifecycle of getServerSideProps is straightforward yet powerful. It begins when a user requests a page that uses getServerSideProps. The server-side script runs first, invoking the getServerSideProps function, which performs the data fetch. Once the data is fetched, it's passed as props to the page component.

Crucial Pointers while coding with getServerSideProps

It's crucial to remember that the getServerSideProps function takes in a context object that contains the page data. This could include parameters like queries, responses, and requests.

It's also worth bearing in mind, getServerSideProps only works in a page component. You cannot export it from non-page files. Also, because it's intended for server-side rendering, it cannot be used with static HTML exports.

Understanding when and how to use getServerSideProps correctly can be pivotal for improving the performance, modularity, and reusability of your Next.js applications. This function plays a vital role in enhancing server-side data fetching capabilities, which is integral for a continuously evolving JavaScript-based web development landscape.

After all, isn't the essence of modern web development hinged upon creating performant and scalable web applications? So take a moment to ponder: How does getServerSideProps fit into your Next.js workflow, and how can you leverage its superior data fetching capabilities to enhance your web applications?

The Mechanics of getStaticProps

The Mechanics of getStaticProps

The getStaticProps function is a new addition from Next.js 9.3. Capable of fetching data during build time, this function only runs once at this stage. Subsequently, it uses the fetched data to generate a static HTML file for the page, which gets stored onto the disk in the build directory.

Having established that, let's delve into the inner workings of the getStaticProps function. The structure of this method is getStaticProps(context) => data and it needs to return an object that encompasses the props key. Here's a minimal example:

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // This is akin to your data fetching function
  const data = await fetchData();

  return {
    props: {  

In the example above, fetchData() signifies your data fetching function. Whether this function draws data from a database, a RESTful API, a GraphQL API, or any other data source, it then returns the fetched data as a prop enclosed by the object returned from getStaticProps.

Note: The getStaticProps function is executed solely on the server-side. It does not operate on the client-side, thus it won't receive data from client-side JavaScript, client-side environment variables, or carry out other client-side operations due to the inherent performance and security limitations of client-side scripting.

The build-time data fetching with getStaticProps may imply static pages. However, Next.js has made it possible to create dynamic pages using two properties: revalidate and fallback.

Take a look at this sample where revalidate property is used:

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // This is representative of your data fetching function
  const data = await fetchData();

  return {
    props: {  
    revalidate: 1

By setting revalidate: 1, it prompts Next.js to regenerate the page when a request comes in 1 second after the last generated page. This acts to automatically update the data displayed on your page.

Consider this further example that utilizes the fallback property:

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  return {
    paths: [...],
    fallback: true

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  const data = await fetchData(;

  return {
    props: {

With fallback set as true, paths not generated at build time will not trigger a 404 page. Instead, Next.js will serve a fallback page at the first request and proceeds to run getStaticProps in the background to generate the actual page. This process allows for a seamless user experience and efficient loading for dynamically rendered paths.

Note: When leveraging the getStaticProps function, it's wise to ensure the fetched data is not unduly large. Obtaining a large amount of data can negatively affect your build times, rendering more slowly and possibly leading to timeouts in extreme cases.

Thoughtfully consider this: If your data updates frequently, how might you approach this situation? What mechanisms can you put in place to ensure your site's data is always up to date while maintaining the benefits of static generation? For example, you could decide to utilize incremental static regeneration by using the revalidate property as we have seen earlier.

Becoming adept with getStaticProps has inherent benefits. It not only aids in generating highly efficient, smoothly running Next.js applications, but also warrants less server load and faster response times.

To conclude, understanding and utilizing the getStaticProps function is a key aspect of modern web application development with Next.js. This function, despite its seemingly technical intricacies, has immense practical benefits. It enhances your application's efficiency and performance, and paves the way for handling complex data fetch requirements in a simplified manner. Harness this function's potential to bring out the best from Next.js.

Distinction between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps

Comparing getServerSideProps and getStaticProps often boils down examining these approaches in terms of performance, memory usage, and complexity. Understanding the key differences between these methods can guide web developers in selecting the most suitable data fetching method in Next.js for their specific requirements.

From the performance perspective, getServerSideProps could prove to be slightly more resource-intensive than getStaticProps. This is due to the fact that getServerSideProps fetches data during each request whereas getStaticProps fetches data only at build time. The performance difference can be significant if your data updates frequently or if your pages receive a substantial amount of traffic - in such scenarios, performing server-side rendering for each request with getServerSideProps can add up to higher computational cost than statically generating and reusing the same HTML with getStaticProps.

In terms of memory usage, again getStaticProps holds a slight advantage. As getServerSideProps fetches data upon every user request, it requires a persistent storage (usually server memory) to store data temporarily. On the contrary, getStaticProps fetches data at build time and does not require such temporary storage, resulting in lower memory usage.

When considering complexity, getServerSideProps may introduce additional logistical challenges because data is fetched during every request. For instance, to have most recent real-time data or user-specific data, you need to manage these unique data sets. In contrast, getStaticProps is less complex in this respect as it does not necessitate responsive, real-time data management.

Use cases provide another point of contrast. getServerSideProps is most suitable for situations where data changes frequently or is user-specific. This makes it ideal for applications such as e-commerce websites where inventory levels or user-specific recommendations frequently update. On the other hand, getStaticProps shines in cases where data changes infrequently and is not user-specific, like blog posts - where content is written once and seldom updated.

// getServerSideProps in action
export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const res = await fetch('')
  const posts = await res.json()

  return {
    props: {
// getStaticProps in action
export async function getStaticProps() {
  const res = await fetch('')
  const posts = await res.json()

  return {
    props: {
    revalidate: 1,

So, which one should you choose? The answer entirely depends on your application needs. If you need real-time data or user-specific data, getServerSideProps should be your go-to technique. If your application deals with static content that doesn't change often, getStaticProps could be a better choice.

Finally, remember these two methods are not mutually exclusive. You can use both getServerSideProps and getStaticProps in a single Next.js application, picking the method that best suits the data-fetching requirements of each individual page.

Understanding Data Fetching during Dynamic Routing in Next.js

Utilizing getStaticPaths in Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing in Next.js entails the use of pages with dynamic segments. These are denoted by [] in the file path, for example pages/post/[slug].js, granting access to the slug parameter via props inside your page.

The getStaticPaths function aptly supports handling dynamic routes intended for pre-rendering during build time in sync with getStaticProps. For pages with such dynamic routes, getStaticPaths helps in producing an array of paths to be rendered.

Pore over the subsequent code to visualize how getStaticPaths executes in a practical scenario:

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const definedPaths = generateDefinedPaths();
  const paths = => ({ params: { id:} }));
  return { paths, fallback: false };

In this sample, generateDefinedPaths stands as a placeholder function that could represent any logic of your application that identifies the paths meant for rendering. The generated paths correspond with all the defined paths in your application. Setting fallback: false specifies that a user attempting to navigate to a route not present in the paths will be directed to a '404 page not found' error page.

Take this hypothetical situation: Your application is a blog that necessitates dynamic paths for each post. In this case, getStaticPaths can be wieldy to create all these dynamic paths based on the existing posts data.

Remember, the understanding and implementation of getStaticPaths and its synergy with getStaticProps can significantly aid in creating feature-rich dynamic web applications on Next.js. However, these insights are just technical tools, and the actual utilization in your application resonates with its specific needs. In any case, the judicious selection of methods depends on various parameters, such as the frequency and reliability of data updates, the performance goals, and more. These will invariably vary across application contexts.

Leveraging getServerSideProps and getStaticProps for Optimal Performance

First, let's focus on the intricacies of getServerSideProps and how to leverage its features to optimize your Next.js application for performance.

getServerSideProps is a data-fetching method that only executes on the server side during the initial page request. This behavior differs significantly from the older getInitialProps, which fetched data on both the server and the client side. The introduction of this lifecycle method has improved application performance considerably by eliminating unnecessary data fetching on subsequent client-side navigations.

However, you should be aware of some potential pitfalls. One of which is that while getServerSideProps runs on every request, extensive data fetching or computations can potentially slow down your application.

There are a few strategies to prevent this slowdown:

  • First, ensure that heavy computations are done outside of getServerSideProps. This practice can improve server response time and, ultimately, the performance of your Next.js application.

  • Second, try to make fewer data-fetching requests. Each request takes time, and it's not uncommon for apps to make multiple requests for data that could have been fetched in one go. Consolidating these into fewer requests can noticeably boost performance.

  • Lastly, cache data wherever possible. If your application fetches data that doesn't change often, it might be worthwhile to implement caching. This way, getServerSideProps can fetch the data from the cache instead of making a server request, thereby speeding up the process.

Now, let's shift our focus to getStaticProps. When used correctly, this method significantly improves the performance of your Next.js application by fetching data at build time only.

However, just like getServerSideProps, it has some quirks you need to be aware of:

  • Avoid re-fetching data that doesn’t change often. Fetching static data with every build when it hardly ever changes can lead to unnecessary increase in build times. Use smarter data-fetching strategies to determine when the fetching needs to occur. This might include setting up webhooks to trigger a rebuild only when the data changes.

  • Consider the size of the data being fetched. Large quantities of data might increase build times and make navigating the site feel slow once it's live. Best practices include paginating results or sanitizing the data to only contain what's necessary at build time.

  • Finally, consider the use of Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). ISR allows you to make updates to static content without needing a full rebuild of your Next.js site, thereby leading to a performance boost.

Your top priority when using these methods should always be to keep the data fetching as optimal as possible and avoid unnecessary operations. The better the strategy you employ while using these methods, the more performance gains you will observe in your Next.js applications.

Common Mistakes to Avoid while Using getServerSideProps and getStaticProps

A common mistake developers make is trying to use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps inside non-page components. Remember, these data-fetching functions can only be exported from a page.

Additionally, avoid blocking the rendering of your page by waiting for an unnecessary amount of data fetching requests to complete in getServerSideProps.

Closing Thoughts

The biggest takeaway from our discussion is that you must be strategic when leveraging getServerSideProps and getStaticProps for performance optimization.

Efficient communication with the server, smarter data fetching, and strategic computation can give your application significant performance benefits. Misuse can lead to slower performance and a sub-optimal user experience – so be wary!

Remember to keep track of your performance metrics as you experiment with these methods. These insights will help you make informed decisions on how to best optimize your Next.js application. Are there areas you can improve? Are you making the best use of Next.js's features to cater to your users' needs?

The best developers always seek improvement. Don't stop here - keep optimizing for the best performance possible!

Data Fetching and Pre-rendering: An Evolutionary Perspective

Next.js, recognized for its innovative approach to JavaScript development, has significantly advanced its data fetching and rendering strategies over time. This evolution crystalizes in the transition from getInitialProps to getServerSideProps and getStaticProps.

The getInitialProps method, originally the mainstay for fetching data in earlier Next.js iterations, brought important functionality to the table. However, there were challenges. Here's an example:

static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
    // Fetch data on both server and client side 
    const res = await fetch('');
    const json = await res.json();
    return { data: json };

Developers would call getInitialProps in their page components, and Next.js would execute it on both the server and client-side navigation. While effective, this approach resulted in redundant data fetching. It was also unpredictable in terms of when and where data was fetched, leading to inconsistent performance and increased complexity.

Transitioning to getServerSideProps and getStaticProps in Next.js 9.3 was a watershed moment in optimizing data handling. These enhancements aimed to boost both predictability and performance and pare down the complexity getInitialProps left in its wake.

A hallmark of getServerSideProps lies in server-side rendering (SSR). Contrary to getInitialProps, getServerSideProps only runs on the server when the page is initially requested, and not on the client side for subsequent navigations.

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    // Fetch data only on the server side
    const res = await fetch('');
    const json = await res.json();
    return { props: { data: json } };

This feature eliminates redundant data fetches and improves predictability by explicitly dictating when and where data is retrieved.

Next, we have getStaticProps. This function merely fetches data during the build process, which enhances efficiency. Optimal for pages that can be entirely pre-rendered at build time, getStaticProps fetches data only once at the build time and can update content between navigations.

export async function getStaticProps(context) {
    // Fetch data at build time
    const res = await fetch('');
    const json = await res.json();
    return { props: { data: json } };

The unveiling of getServerSideProps and getStaticProps ushered in a new chapter for developers, offering greater versatility in data handling. Based on individual needs, developers can now employ either of these two methods.

However, a point worthy of contemplation remains – What about applications that chalk up irregular data updates? How can these methods adapt to those scenarios? This question sets the stage for further exploration into advanced strategies and potential updates to these functions.

The progression from getInitialProps to getServerSideProps and getStaticProps accentuates Next.js's commitment to refining data handling. This transition champions substantial improvements in performance and developers' tasks simplicity, and this commitment extends far beyond data fetching into every facet of the framework.

While initially, this shift may seem intimidating, understanding its origin and accompanying benefits quickly reveals its transformative power. This evolution isn't about simple replacement but enhancing features and effectively leveraging the new methods' potential. In sum, it's about continually moving forward and advancing our data handling capabilities in JavaScript development. Hence, we're not merely 'transitioning'; we're evolving.


The article "Data fetching in Next.js with getServerSideProps and getStaticProps" explores the functionality and application of these two data fetching techniques in Next.js. It provides practical insights into getServerSideProps and getStaticProps, explaining how they enrich server-side rendering and static site generation respectively. The article discusses the nuances that set these methods apart and highlights the importance of understanding when and how to use them effectively. It also delves into dynamic routing and how to utilize these functions to create dynamic routes.

Key takeaways from the article include the benefits of using getServerSideProps and getStaticProps for efficient data fetching in Next.js applications. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right method based on the specific needs of the application, such as frequency of data updates and user-specific data requirements. The article also highlights best practices for optimizing performance, such as reducing data redundancy, managing heavy computations outside of data fetching functions, and caching data where possible.

The challenging technical task for the reader is to think about scenarios in their own projects where the choice of getServerSideProps or getStaticProps could make a substantial difference in performance and user experience. They are encouraged to consider the practical applications and peculiarities of these methods and how they can revolutionize webpage rendering efficiency. By reflecting on these concepts, readers can improve their understanding of data fetching in Next.js and enhance their web development routines.

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