Creating reactive data structures with Proxies

Anton Ioffe - October 1st 2023 - 18 minutes read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, JavaScript has emerged as an undeniable force, powering a multitude of web applications with its robust and flexible capabilities. Consequently, proficient use of its various tools and constructs has become integral for developers aspiring to create engaging, responsive web solutions. One such powerful tool is JavaScript's Proxies, a topic we delve into in this article.

As we navigate through the complex yet intriguing labyrinth of JavaScript's Proxies, we will unravel its unique significance in constructing reactive data structures and building dynamic and efficient web applications. This comprehensive guide will explore the core functionalities, interaction with Reflect API, and different categories of Proxy traps.

From real-world use-cases to common pitfalls and best practices, this article serves as an immersive resource suitable for any developer looking to enhance their JavaScript expertise. Finally, we will take a speculative leap into the future, contemplating the potential impact of JavaScript Proxies on the broader scope of web development. Are you ready to embrace the future of reactive web development? if so, let's dive in.

Unveiling JavaScript Proxies

JavaScript Proxies are an advanced feature introduced in ES6 that allow you to manipulate an object's behavior without changing its underlying structure. Leveraging built-in handler methods, developers can refine access patterns and object operations, making it a perfect tool for creating reactive data structures.

Components of a JavaScript Proxy

A JavaScript Proxy consists of two main parts: the target object and the handler object.

The target is the original object that you want to proxy. It could be anything: an object, an array, a function or even another proxy.

The handler is an object that defines a set of trap methods dictated by the Proxy specification. These traps are essentially hooks for intercepting fundamental operations on the target object. They allow us to react and adjust the behavior of operations like get, set, deleteProperty, apply, and more.

Here is a simple get trap example:

let target = {
    message: 'Hello, Proxy!'

let handler = {
    get: function(target, prop, receiver) {
        console.log(`Getting ${prop}`);
        return Reflect.get(...arguments);

let proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
console.log(proxy.message); // Output: Getting message
                            //         Hello Proxy!

In the above example, a handler with a 'get' trap is created. This trap logs the accessed property and then returns it using the Reflect.get. This reflects from the original object.

Core Purpose: Creating Reactive Data Structures

The concept of reactive programming is centered around data flows within your application and the propagation of changes. When a data property changes, all parts of the application that depend on this property automatically update. This is the core idea behind libraries like Vue.js and MobX.

JavaScript Proxy's 'get' and 'set' traps are the elemental part of creating such reactive data flows.

Consider this example with a set trap:

let handler = {
    set: function(target, prop, value, receiver) {
        console.log(`Setting ${prop}`);
        return Reflect.set(...arguments);

let proxy = new Proxy({}, handler);

proxy.message = 'Hello, Proxy!';
// Output: Setting message

In this example, whenever you set a property, a corresponding message is logged. If extended further, this set trap could, for example, track changes and trigger specific functions or update the DOM, thereby creating a reactive data flow within your application.

Through this usage, JavaScript Proxies can enhance program predictability, improve debugging, and allow for more elegant code composition. However, it's crucial to note that correctly applying Proxies needs a good understanding of JavaScript's fundamentals and takes practice.

To wrap up the section, here are some thought-provoking questions for you:

  • How can proxies impact the performance of your application?
  • What could be potential pitfalls when working with JavaScript Proxies in a large scale application?
  • Could JavaScript Proxies completely replace traditional property setters and getters in the future of JavaScript? Why or why not?

By diving deep into JavaScript Proxies, you can take full advantage of this powerful ES6 feature and create robust reactive structures effectively.

Building Reactive Data Structures with Proxies

The process of structuring reactive data with Proxies plays a pivotal role in modern JavaScript-based development. It employs the Proxy object, which empowers you to create a custom object with specific behaviours such that you can manage the interactions going through that object.

Understanding the Role of Proxies in Building Reactive Data Structures

Introduced in EcmaScript 6 (ES6), the Proxy object allows a higher level of control over an object's default behaviour. In the scope of building reactive data structures, Proxies act as an intermediary layer that stands between the target object and the operations we perform on the object. Consequently, any operation on the target object must go through the Proxy, enabling us to customize the behaviour for these operations.

The beauty of JavaScript Proxies lies in their flexibility and powerful control over objects. Proxies allow us to intercept and redefine fundamental operations pertaining to an object, including property lookup, assignment, deletion, and more. They serve as an exceptional tool for building reactive data structures.

Pseudo-Code Representation

Here's a pseudo-code representation of how a Proxy should work in creating reactive data structures:

function reactive(target) {
    return new Proxy(target, {
        set(obj, key, val){
            // custom logic
        get(obj, key){
            // custom logic

With reactive(), any object passed as a parameter becomes a reactive object. The set method, triggered when you assign a property on the object, and the get method, triggered when you access a property, are intercepted by the Proxy to provide the reactivity.

Reactive Data with Proxies: A Real-World Example

To understand the application of Proxies in building reactive data structures, let's imagine you are working on a web application where you need to respond to data changes in real time. The task is to perform DOM updates whenever the data changes, sometimes referred to as data reactivity.

function reactive(target) {
    const domRender = function() {
        // Invoke the DOM update function

    return new Proxy(target, {
        set(obj, key, val) {
            obj[key] = val; // Assign the new value
            domRender(); // Update the DOM
            return true;
        get(obj, key) {
            return obj[key]; // Return the requested value

const state = reactive({ text: '' }); // Initialize a reactive state object

state.text = 'Updated text'; // When the value changes, the DOM will also be updated.

In this code sample, we defined a reactive() function, similar to the pseudo-code example. It returns a Proxy instance that envelops the target object. Inside the Proxy, we have a set and get method.

The set method is triggered whenever we set a new value to any property. Once a new value is assigned, the domRender() function is invoked which could perform any action like updating the DOM to achieve data reactivity.

The get method retrieves the original value from the target object, ensuring that we're not affecting the basic object operation.

Pros and Cons of Building Reactive Data Structures with Proxies


  1. Flexibility: Proxies provide unmatched flexibility, enabling developers to define custom behaviour for every operation on an object.

  2. Debugging: They facilitate better debugging experience by tracing property reading/writing, useful in large-scale development where code complexity is higher.

  3. Reactivity: They allow developers to create reactive data structures that reflect changes immediately, making it ideal for modern web application development.


  1. Performance: Proxies can slow down your application due to the overhead of their operations.

  2. Memory: They can increase memory usage as every reactive object requires a unique Proxy.

  3. Complexity: It increases code complexity for beginners as Proxies are an advanced JavaScript feature.

In conclusion, JavaScript's Proxy-based reactive data structures provide a robust and flexible solution for real-time data manipulation, but they come with their share of challenges too, some of which arise from their inherent complexity and additional resource necessities. As developers, knowing when and where to implement them is crucial in optimizing your web applications.

The Interplay of Proxies and Reflect API in JavaScript

In JavaScript, one powerful tool that developers can utilize to manage and control the behavior of an object is the Proxy API. The Reflect API serves as an integral part of utilizing Proxies, as it provides methods for interceptable JavaScript operations. The interplay between these APIs enables developers to effectively handle operations and prevent potential side effects.

Let's take a deep dive into the interplay between Proxies and Reflect API and how they complement each other.

Enhancing Proxies with Reflect

Consider the case in which you are using Proxy to trap get operations. Without the Reflect API, the trap function would require three arguments - target, property, and the receiver. The boilerplate code had to include several checks, and a direct return of the property value, which can lead to potential mistakes.

let proxyObject = new Proxy(targetObject, {
   get: function(target, property, receiver) {
       if(typeof target[property] === 'function'){
           return target[property].bind(target);
       return target[property];

An idea to ameliorate this cumbersome code is to bring Reflect API into play. It can effectively enhance the proxy structure and bring more convenience and efficiency. All the boilerplate could be avoided by returning Reflect.get(target, property, receiver).

let proxyObject = new Proxy(targetObject, {
   get: function(target, property, receiver) {
       return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);

By using the Reflect API, the Proxy get trap can focus more on the interception task and dodge a potential TypeError while trying to access an undefined property. Thus, Proxies and Reflect API can be used together to more effectively manipulate data.

Avoiding Side Effects with Reflect

As developers, we don't want unexpected side effects arising from our code. Fortunately, such concerns can be mitigated through the use of the Reflect API.

Consider the apply trap. It enables you to intercept and define custom behavior for function calls. However, neglecting to return a function within the apply handler, inadvertently returning a non-callable data type, or choosing not to return anything at all can inadvertently introduce side effects.

let proxyFunction = new Proxy(targetFunction, {
   apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
       let result = target(...argumentsList);
       console.log(`Function is called with arguments ${argumentsList}`);
       return result;

By leveraging Reflect, the application of intercepted functions can be effortlessly controlled.

let proxyFunction = new Proxy(targetFunction, {
   apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
       console.log(`Function is called with arguments ${argumentsList}`);
       return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList);

Reflect API takes care of all operation handling, lowering error rates, and creating code that’s easier to maintain and understand.

In conclusion, the beautiful coupling of Proxies and Reflect API in JavaScript offers developers a robust toolkit for managing and controlling objects and functions. The Reflect API integrates perfectly with Proxy to handle common operations, providing a firm foundation to avoid potential side effects and create code that is easier to maintain and comprehend. Using these two in harmony can certainly help to elevate your JavaScript coding skills.

Would the convenience of the interplay between Proxies and Reflect in JavaScript cause you to use these more often in your code?

Understanding the Inner Workings of JavaScript Proxy Traps

Proxies in JavaScript are powerful objects that let you streamline and create more flexible interfaces for object operations. They essentially serve as middlemen for these operations via what's known as 'traps'. Traps are the key to understanding the functionality and inner workings of Proxies.

JavaScript Proxy Traps

A trap in a Proxy is essentially just like a trap in the physical world - it catches a certain event or action and enables you to take action when those events occur. In the context of Proxy objects, traps are methods that intercept fundamental JavaScript operations. These operations could be reading a property, writing into a property, enumerating properties, and so on.

Let's take a look at the three most common Proxy trap types: get, set, and apply, along with their specific functionalities.

The get Trap

The get trap intercepts attempts to read a property value. In essence, it's a way to modify the behavior of property access operation:

let obj = {
    message: 'Hello, developer!'

let proxyObj = new Proxy(obj, {
    get(target, property) {
        console.log(`Reading property: ${property}`);
        return target[property];


In this code, we've declared contrived get trap in our Proxy to log the name of the property when someone tries to access it. Then, our console.log(proxyObj.message); line invokes this trap and logs "Reading property: message". Note that it still returns the original 'Hello, developer!' message, too.

The set Trap

Much like the get trap, set trap intercepts attempts to write a new value into a property:

let obj = {
    message: 'Hello, developer!'

let proxyObj = new Proxy(obj, {
    set(target, property, value) {
        console.log(`Writing into property: ${property}`);
        target[property] = value; 
        return true;

proxyObj.message = 'Howdy, programmer!'; 

In the above code, we've expanded our Proxy to add a set trap. When the proxyObj.message = 'Howdy, programmer!'; line executes, it logs "Writing into property: message" before changing the message text.

The apply Trap

The apply trap allows you to define custom behavior for function calls:

let developer = {
    greet() { return 'Hello, Developer!'; }

let proxyDeveloper = new Proxy(developer, {
    apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        console.log('Function called');
        return target.greet.apply(thisArg, argumentsList);


Here, we've implemented the apply trap in our Proxy, logging "Function called" each time the greet function is executed and still returning the original greeting afterwards.

Evaluating Proxy Traps

Proxy traps offer an immense level of control over the operations performed on objects. However, it's critical to understand that this fine-grained control comes with certain trade-offs.


  • Greater control over property access and modification.
  • Offers clean, streamlined directives for object operations.
  • Ideal for certain use cases, e.g., for providing transparent access to remote data, or for tracing/debugging purposes.


  • Potential performance overhead, as traps add another layer of abstraction.
  • Mistakes in trap implementation could lead to unexpected bugs.

While Proxy traps provide a powerful toolset, it's important to consider these ramifications before deciding to use them in your own code.

Just like any other tool in web development, the key to effectively using proxies is understanding their complexities and leveraging their capabilities wisely. Having a clear comprehension of Proxy traps will make your JavaScript coding experience more flexible and powerful. Don't forget to experiment with Proxy traps in your own code to get a better feel for them!

Comparing Proxy Usage in Different Scenarios

Enforcing Data Validation with Proxies

JavaScript proxies can be an effective tool for enforcing data validation. This sort of implementation can be beneficial, as you're able to perform data validation checks before the data is even assigned. Proxies give you the ability to prevent invalid data from being assigned to your object.

Let's take a look at some example code:

let validator = {
  set: function(target, key, value){
    if(typeof value !== 'number'){
        throw new Error('Value must be a number');
    target[key] = value;
    return true;

let data = new Proxy({}, validator);

data.count = 12; // this is fine
data.count = 'twelve'; // this will throw an error

In the above snippet, the set trap checks the type of input against a specific condition, throwing an error if the condition is not met. This ensures the data being set matches your desired data type.

However, this method also has its drawbacks. One of them is the repetitive nature of the checks, which adds a lot of overhead to your code. Additionally, such exact control over the nature of the data may limit the flexibility of your code in certain scenarios.

Data Binding with Proxies

Proxies can also be used for data binding. This can be a powerful tool when working with a front-end framework that uses a virtual DOM, such as React. Changes made to your JavaScript object will be reflected in your UI.

Consider this code example:

let handler = {
  set: function(target, key, value){
    target[key] = value;
    return true;

let data = new Proxy({}, handler);

Here, whenever a set operation is performed on the data object, the UI is rerendered, reflecting the changes in your object. It greatly simplifies the task of maintaining data consistency between the UI and backend data.

However, this approach could lead to unnecessary re-rendering, affecting the performance of your application. The inefficiency of this method can be magnified in a larger application with complex dependencies.

Creating Computational Properties with Proxies

A final use case for proxies is the creation of computational properties. Proxies can be set up in such a way where they return a 'virtual' property that is a result of a computation on the target object's properties. This property isn't actually stored anywhere but created whenever it's accessed.

For example:

let handler = {
  get: function(target, key) {
    if(key === 'area') {
      return target.width * target.height;

    return target[key];

let rectangle = new Proxy({height: 10, width: 20}, handler);

console.log(rectangle.area); // Prints 200

In this scenario, the get operation checks if the accessed property is area and then performs a calculation on the width and height properties of the target object. One good thing about such an implementation is that it prevents unnecessary memory usage.

However, this approach could lead to additional CPU consumption as the size and complexity of computations increase.

In conclusion, JavaScript Proxies offer a variety of use-cases, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. It's essential to deeply understand them to strike a balance between performance, readability, and functionality. Now, what other scenarios can you envision that can make use of Proxies?

Common Mistakes in Proxy Implementation and Best Practices

JavaScript Proxies are incredibly powerful tools for implementing reactive data structures, but they often steer developers into intricate pitfalls when ineffectively harnessed. This section will shed light on common mistakes and best practices in Proxy implementation, empowering you to keep your code agile and efficient.

Ignoring Nonexistent Properties

A recurrent pitfall is attempting to access properties that do not exist in the object. Neglecting safeguards against this, your code might stumble upon unexpected behaviors or crashes. In these scenarios, it is advisable to use the get trap to verify whether the property exists before attempting to access its value.

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    get: function(target, prop) {
        if (prop in target) {
            return target[prop];
        } else {
            return 'Property does not exist';

Using this method, attempting to access an absent property will simply return a friendly message instead of triggering an error.

Overlooking Return Values

Another common faux pas is forgetting to return a value in the get and set traps. Not returning anything from these traps equates to returning undefined, which is probably not the intended outcome.

In a get trap, always return the fetched value. In a set trap, return true on successful assignment, elsewhere return false. This ensures that the set trap adheres to the standard behavior and be consistent with strict mode assignment.

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    get: function(target, prop) {
        return target[prop]; // Always return the fetched value
    set: function(target, prop, value) {
        if (prop in target) {
            target[prop] = value;
            return true; // Return true after successful operation
        } else {
            return false;

Misusing the deleteProperty Trap

One cousu error when using the deleteProperty trap is not actually deleting the property inside the trap. This might stem from intricate logic obscuring the essential operation, but best practice is to always ensure the property gets deleted.

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    deleteProperty: function(target, prop) {
        if (prop in target) {
            delete target[prop];
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

Treating Proxies as Target Objects

Proxies are not the target object. They are an interface providing custom behavior over the target object. Equating them to the target object can sow confusion and breed bugs. A recommended best practice is to ensure that the target object remains unaltered during proxy operations, as demonstrated in the example below:

let target = { count: 5 };
let proxy = new Proxy(target, {
    get: function(target, prop) {
        return target[prop] + 1; // Add logic here, but don't alter the target

console.log(target.count); // Output: 5
console.log(proxy.count); // Output: 6

In this example, the get trap in the Proxy adds one to the count property, but the original target object remains unaltered.

Lack of Error Handling

Unhandled errors in Proxies can percolate and induce severe issues in your application. Wrap your traps in try/catch blocs to manage exceptions gracefully.

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    get: function(target, prop) {
        try {
            return target[prop];
        } catch (error) {
            return false;

Ignoring these unhandled exceptions could result in erratic application behavior, making it convoluted to trace the root of the issue. Typical errors could include type mismatches, trying to access undefined properties, or violating invariants when using the set trap. Quick rectification of these errors is crucial to prevent silent failures and maintain the stability of your application.

To encapsulate, the best practices for engaging with JavaScript Proxies include treating Proxies and target objects as separate entities, inspecting for nonexistent properties, ensuring all traps return a value, using a deleteProperty trap that actualizes the property's deletion, and incorporating robust error handling. These practices will yield dependable and sustainable code.

Reflecting on the Future of Proxies in Web Development

With the increasing trend towards a more interactive digital landscape, JavaScript Proxies are steadily climbing the ladder of importance. They provide groundbreaking utilities that cater to web scraping, server-side rendering, dynamic script creation, and much more, while paving the way for possible future applications that are highly responsive and user-friendly.

The Proxies' Impact

One cannot undervalue the role of Proxies in the ever-evolving sphere of web development. Their impact in areas like web scraping is profound. They allow the creation of custom behavior during object interactions, fine-tuning access control, and delivering an impressive capability to intercept and manipulate operations, making them instrumental in gathering and analyzing data more securely and efficiently.

Server-side rendering (SSR) also harnesses the potential of Proxies astutely. This concept improves the initial render of your single-page applications (SPAs) and provides a more efficient crawler indexing. It's here that Proxies shine, as they enable SSR by optimizing the performance and reducing the rendering time of web pages.

In the world of ever-evolving web development dynamics, Proxies also come into play in the creation of dynamic scripts. They can be deployed to generate scripts that can adapt to the user’s decisions in real-time, making the user experience more interactive and personalized.

The Future Potential

Looking at the current utilisations of Proxies, it’s also essential to delve into the possible future applications. As the need for data integrity and security rises in the digital age, Proxies could be leveraged to further strengthen security layers and refine access control. They have the potential to make objects immutable, monitor object changes, and create undo/redo system components among many other uses.

Furthermore, Proxies can essentially lead to the evolution of more scalable and robust web applications. Their ability to intercept operations including get, set, and deleteProperty, can greatly advance the customization levels of future applications.

Having said that, it's crucial to mention that while Proxies present abundant potentials for the future, it is necessary to properly understand and handle this tool. Incorrect implementations can lead to performance overhead and unwanted side effects. However, with careful handling and best practices, the futuristic possibilities seem endless.

Pondering Questions

Is it possible to use Proxies for efficiently managing the state of large-scale applications? How much more can we optimize web scraping, SSR, and the creation of dynamic scripts using Proxies? With the ongoing advancements in JavaScript, in what other ways can Proxies revolutionize web development?

In conclusion, JavaScript Proxies seem to be pervading the sphere of modern web development with their power to intercept and manipulate object operations. While they currently contribute significantly in the areas of web scraping, server-side rendering and dynamic script creation, they project a substantial potential for future growth and development. With the necessity for more responsive and interactive software, Proxies are undoubtedly a powerful tool that could shape the future of Web Development.


The article "Creating Reactive Data Structures with Proxies" explores the use of JavaScript Proxies in modern web development. It discusses the components of a Proxy and their role in constructing reactive data structures. The article also covers the core purpose of Proxies in creating reactive data flows and highlights their potential impact on the future of web development.

Key takeaways from the article include the importance of understanding Proxy traps and their use in implementing custom behavior for object operations. The article also emphasizes the need to handle common mistakes in Proxy implementation, such as ignoring nonexistent properties and not returning values in trap methods. Additionally, the article reflects on the future potential of Proxies in various areas of web development, such as web scraping, server-side rendering, and dynamic script creation.

To challenge the reader, the article poses thought-provoking questions related to the performance impact of Proxies, potential pitfalls in working with Proxies in large-scale applications, and the future possibility of Proxies replacing traditional property setters and getters in JavaScript. The reader is encouraged to think critically about these questions and consider the implications and challenges of using Proxies in their own development work.

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