How to Create Images With ChatGPT’s New Dall-E 3 Integration

Anton Ioffe - October 29th 2023 - 6 minutes read

In this revealing look into the realm of AI-driven image generation, brace yourself to dive deep into a major technical breakthrough – the newly integrated Dall-E 3 within OpenAI's famous language model, ChatGPT. This article not only unravels the advancements brought about by the implementation of Dall-E 3, but also guides you through effectively operating this powerhouse within the ChatGPT Plus interface. As we prioritize safe and ethical AI use, we also discuss the meticulous safety measures in place and grapple with questions about artist rights. Beyond practical applications, we dare to envision what this blending of technology might signify for the future of digital creativity and content creation. So sit tight as we take this road to revolutionizing digital art, one AI-generated image at a time.

Understanding Dall-E 3: A Breakthrough in AI Image Generation

DALL·E 3, the latest version of OpenAI's AI-powered image generation software, significantly advances the text-to-image conversion landscape. Building on the capabilities of its predecessor DALL·E 2, this state-of-the-art technology excels in generating visually vibrant and detailed images with particular proficiency in depicting intricate elements like text, hands, and faces. This detailed image creation is backed by a sophisticated image captioner providing superior textual descriptions during the model's training phase, enabling DALL·E 3 to pay significantly more attention to user-supplied prompts.

The distinguishing feature of DALL·E 3 is its enhanced capacity to comprehend and respond to extensive, detailed prompts. Unlike DALL·E 2, which might overlook certain aspects of a prompt, DALL·E 3 meticulously incorporates all facets of given instructions. This improved interpretation of prompts enables creation of images true to user's intentions and accurately captures intricate features within any requested landscape or portrait aspect ratio.

Moving beyond just intricate reproduction, the release of DALL·E 3 brings along promise for broader and more practical applications. Due to its intricate understanding, there is potential for advanced use-cases extending far beyond routine content creation, opening up avenues for innovatively leveraging AI in fields that require high levels of detail and precision across a variety of contextual interpretations.

User Approach: Exploring the Interface of Dall-E 3 with ChatGPT

Accessing and using Dall-E 3 within ChatGPT Plus is straightforward and enriches the creative landscape with the power of generated images. To turn on Dall-E 3 features, you will first log in to OpenAI’s website or the ChatGPT mobile app. Upon opening ChatGPT, click on the GPT-4 tab present at the top of the screen. In the dropdown menu that unveils, select Dall-E 3 (Beta). Once this is done, you are primed to leverage the integrative benefits of Dall-E 3 and ChatGPT.

One of the new features introduced with Dall-E 3 is enhanced communication with ChatGPT. ChatGPT Plus subscribers can use “Browse with Bing” to access the internet and formulate detailed prompts for Dall-E 3. This integration allows the user to feed intricate textual prompts into Dall-E 3 via ChatGPT, offering more depth and personalization to the images produced. Feeding more expressive and longer descriptions to Dall-E 3 adds increased precision and nuance to the output.

In using Dall-E 3 for image generation, it’s also essential to discuss waiting times and the capability limitations of the new model. Dall-E 3 allows 50 requests every three hours, a wide berth for personal and professional projects alike. Depending on the complexity of the requests, the rendering time can vary. However, the waiting time for image generation is typically manageable and doesn't excessively hamper productivity. The interface works to provide a top-quality experience for users, pushing the boundaries of AI image generation while remaining user-friendly.

Emphasizing Safety Measures: Protecting Against Harmful Imagery and Artist Rights

OpenAI has incorporated multi-tiered safety measures to limit DALL·E 3’s ability to create potentially harmful or inappropriate images, such as violent, adult or hateful content. One way these safety guardrails work is by running checks over user prompts and the resulting imagery before it is surfaced to users. This system was developed in collaboration with early users and expert red-teamers, whose inputs have been invaluable in identifying and addressing gaps in coverage for these safety measures. For instance, such feedback has helped identify edge cases for graphic content generation.

Furthermore, another level of safety is embedded in the way DALL·E 3 handles requests associated with the styles of living artists. DALL·E 3 is specifically trained to deny prompts that specifically request the recreation of images in the artistic styles of living artists. This strategic step has been taken to possibly navigate potential legal challenges and to respect artist rights, providing them with the option of opting their art out of future iterations of text-to-image AI models.

OpenAI has also made strides in improving demographic representation in its generated images. This adds another layer of protection against potentially harmful or biased outputs. In this regard, user feedback plays a critical role in shaping continual improvements, with OpenAI urging users to flag unsafe outputs or images that don’t accurately reflect their prompt. To bolster transparency, OpenAI has launched a website that highlights the research and technology underlying DALL·E 3, including an image classifier tool that can determine with high accuracy whether an image was produced by their AI-driven tools. With these precautions, OpenAI seeks to ensure respectful and appropriate use of its innovation in AI image generation.

Imagining the Future: What Dall-E 3 Holds for Content Creation

The transformative possibilities inherent in AI image generation technology such as Dall-E 3 are set to reshape the landscape of digital content creation. Visual artists, graphic designers, brand creators, marketers, product developers and more can leverage this technology to rapidly prototype and ideate, freeing up valuable time and resources. Imagine a future wherein your vision for a new marketing campaign, logo design, or any visual element can be brought to life in vivid detail, in a matter of seconds. From executing detail-intensive tasks to generating grand, richly-imagined scenes, the technology offered by Dall-E 3 will have profound implications on creativity, productivity, and the very nature of artistic endeavor in the digital age.

However, it would be remiss not to take into account the current limitations that cloud this otherwise bright horizon. While Dall-E 3 has made significant strides in generating nuanced, detailed images, it is still a work in progress. Even though it’s getting better at recognizing and executing complex prompts, there are instances where the generated images might not perfectly align with the intent of the prompt. And while Dall-E 3 is adept at reproducing existing concepts, it is the novel, the unprecedented and the wholly original that test the boundaries of its capabilities. Can AI image generators like Dall-E 3 truly evolve to the point where they can create, and not just replicate? Will they ever be able to imbibe and incite the spark of original creativity that is the cornerstone of art?

And what does this journey towards perfecting AI-driven image generation mean for the human artists and creators? Will they be rendered obsolete, or will they find a new role as guides, architects, or quality controllers of these AI technologies? Can they play a part in making these tools even more intuitive and creative? And how do we ensure the just use of such powerful technology, respecting the rights of artists and balancing fidelity with freedom? As AI steadily encroaches upon the creative domain, these are the questions that remain to be addressed, and their answers will shape a remarkable new phase in the realm of digital art and content creation.


OpenAI's integration of Dall-E 3 within ChatGPT presents a major breakthrough in AI-driven image generation. This article explores the advancements brought about by Dall-E 3, guides users through its interface with ChatGPT Plus, emphasizes safety measures, and discusses the potential implications for the future of digital creativity. Key takeaways include the enhanced capacity of Dall-E 3 to comprehend and respond to detailed prompts, the user-friendly interface of ChatGPT Plus, safety measures implemented to protect against harmful imagery and artist rights, and the transformative possibilities of AI image generation for content creation. However, it also highlights the current limitations of the technology and raises questions about the role of human artists and the ethical use of AI in the creative domain.

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