How to create a landing page that sells

Anton Ioffe - September 7th 2022 - 4 minutes read

How to create a landing page that sells

48% of marketers create landing pages for all their campaigns. This is a great marketing tool for your business. It helps to achieve a definite aim: expand the email list, increase sales, etc. Focusing on it, it fuels all efforts to attain the goal more effectively.

However, there can be a different problem with your landing page – it doesn’t sell.  Though many people come to the resource, you may notice that nothing changes, and your marketing efforts fail. Without its efficient work, you resemble an angler, who tries to catch fish with a fishing rod that doesn’t have a hook. Consequently, there is no result.  So, how to change the situation and create a landing page that sells? The tips below will help you to cope with a challenge.

Know your customer.

You should know your target audience to improve the efficacy of the landing page. It will help you to use the right means to attract users and achieve the goal faster. For instance, targeting B2C clients, the marketers build user profiles based on emotional component. The brand should elicit certain feelings in them. Therefore, the seller focuses on the daily activities and hobbies of consumers.

The approach is different when you develop a landing page for B2B customers who make decisions based on logic and benefits of use. It’s better to know about the needs, challenges, and motivation of people who make final decisions.

This is a time-consuming task, but it helps to acquire the right focus and make your work smarter. It will also be useful if you want to differentiate your brand from your business rivals and make the right decision when you select the segment to target.

Create a clear call to action.

  • Tell your visitors clearly what you want them to do. It should be short to help your consumers to focus on the action: subscribe, buy now, try it for free, etc. There should not be many requests on the page that only distract them.
  • A call to action (CTA) button should be visually distinct and centralized. Visitors should understand that they click a button.
  • Visual cues can help the customers to see the button. It should draw the eye. You can do it with an arrow, for instance, or add some characters that look at it or point to it.
  • There can be several CTAs on the page. In this case, select the primary call to action and de-emphasize the other ones. However, it’s still better to use only one of them not to confuse the consumer. When it happens, customers refuse to take action.
  • The design of the landing page should not be sophisticated. Otherwise, it will distract the attention of users from CTA. The same refers to visuals employed by the designer. Simplify the landing page to make it work!

Add visuals to showcase the product.

It’s better to show the way your product works instead of telling about it. The description and a bulleted list of features do not work with such efficiency as visuals. The marketing experts say that 40% of customers respond better when they see visual information. It helps to form a positive user experience. For instance, a video of GIFs can attract more attention. Hand-crafted illustrations often work great. Visitors are more inclined to watch them than read a text. A study from EyeViewDigital revealed that embedded videos increase conversions to 80%.

The addition of video to the landing page contributes to the retention of users. In other words, they stay longer on the site, thus increasing the possibility of grasping your message. It also increases trust in your product. Taking into account the fact that people prefer watching a short 5-minute video instead of reading, why should we neglect their preferences, if it improves conversion?

Make key information visible.

Some people say that long landing pages don’t convert. But it refers to the resources with content that is not engaging. First of all, there should be interesting texts, graphics, and videos to make people scroll. The experts recommend using a sticky navigation bar that always remains on top during scrolling. It means that customers can quickly jump to the required section (reviews, prices, etc.). There should always be call-to-action at hand.

Think about the proper layout.

The layout should be perfect for a creative landing page. It should grab the attention of your users, making them complete a conversion. The design should be simple. It’s worth remembering the anatomy of any landing page.

The page should include a headline, a sub-headline, bullet points, and call-to-action. It should have a catchy headline, irresistible CTA, inviting the user to take action, and a powerful message. Create the situation when the customer fears missing out on a unique offer (30-days trial, a big discount, etc.).

There is much dispute on the subject whether the landing page should contain a long copy or not. It depends upon the type of content. With low commitment, a short copy is preferable, as it increases conversion by 10%. However, when the risk is higher, a customer tries to learn more about the product. Therefore, a promotion page with detailed texts achieves a better result. The experts calculated that long pages, in this case, increase the conversion by 68%.

Add social proof to increase conversion.

When Bright Local conducted a consumer survey in 2018, it turned out that 91% of consumers trust online reviews, perceiving them with the same level of trust as personal recommendations. As you see, the words your customers say about your product can become a marketing tool for the sale of your product. Their assessments influence potential buyers and urge them to acquire the commodity even when the users mention some drawbacks. Such details also work as they add authenticity. You can use different kinds of social proof:

  • Customer rating
  • Testimonial
  • Certifications
  • Brand/Client logos
  • Test results

Make A/B testing and analyze the results.

Make A/B testing to learn what pages gather most visitors and how they behave. You should know the points where the customers are converting, what they love, and do not. These analytics can help to fine-tune campaigns to save money and time in the future.

The efficient landing page solves the problem of business owners. Only this criterion determines its quality and nothing else. Just learn to use this popular marketing tool correctly.

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